Leverage Ratio: What It Is, What It Tells You, How To Calculate (2024)

What Is a Leverage Ratio?

A leverage ratio is any one of several financial measurements that look at how much capital comes in the form of debt (loans) or assesses the ability of a company to meet its financial obligations. The leverage ratio category is important because companies rely on a mixture of equity and debt to finance their operations, and knowing the amount of debt held by a company is useful in evaluating whether it can pay off its debts as they come due.Several common leverage ratios are discussed below.

Key Takeaways

  • A leverage ratio is any one of several financial measurements that assesses the ability of a company to meet its financial obligations.
  • A leverage ratio may also be used to measure a company's mix of operating expenses to get an idea of how changes in output will affect operating income.
  • Common leverage ratios include the debt-equity ratio, equity multiplier, degree of financial leverage, and consumer leverage ratio.
  • Banks have regulatory oversight on the level of leverage they can hold.

Leverage Ratio: What It Is, What It Tells You, How To Calculate (1)

What Does a Leverage Ratio Tell You?

In most cases, leverage ratios assess the ability of a company to meet its financial obligations. Too much debt can be dangerous for a company and its investors. However, if a company's operations can generate a higher rate of return than the interest rate on its loans, then the debt may help to fuel growth.

Uncontrolled debt levels can lead to credit downgrades or worse.On the other hand, too few debts can also raise questions. A reluctance or inability to borrow may indicate that operating margins are tight.

There are several different ratios that may be categorized as leverage ratios. The main factors considered are debt, equity, assets, and interest expenses.

A leverage ratio may also be used to measure a company's mix of operating expenses to get an idea of how changes in output will affect operating income. Fixed and variable costs are the two types of operating costs; depending on the company and the industry, the mix will differ.

Another leverage ratio is the consumer leverage ratio. This ratio looks at the level of consumer debt compared to disposable income and is used in economic analysis and by policymakers.

Understanding how debt amplifies returns is the key to understanding leverage. Debt is not necessarily a bad thing, particularly if the debt is taken on to invest in projects that will generate positive returns. Leverage can thus multiply returns, although it can also magnify losses if returns turn out to be negative.

Banks and Leverage Ratios

Banks are among the mostleveragedinstitutions in the United States. The combination offractional-reserve bankingandFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC) protection has produced a banking environment with limited lending risks.

To compensate for this, three separate regulatory bodies, the FDIC, theFederal Reserve,and theComptroller of the Currency, review and restrict the leverage ratiosfor American banks. These bodies restrict how much money a bank can lend relative to how much capital the bank devotes to its own assets. The level of capital is important because banks can "write down" the capital portion of their assets if total asset values drop. Assets financed by debt cannot be written down because the bank's bondholders and depositors are owed those funds.

Bankingregulations for leverage ratios are complicated. The Federal Reserve created guidelines forbank holding companies, although these restrictions vary depending on the rating assigned to the bank. In general, banks that experience rapid growth or face operational or financial difficulties are required to maintain higher leverage ratios.

There are several forms ofcapital requirementsand minimumreserve placed on American banks through the FDIC and the Comptroller of the Currency that indirectly impact leverage ratios.

The level of scrutiny paid to leverage ratios has increased since the Great Recession of 2007 to 2009 when banks that were "too big to fail" were a calling card to make banks more solvent. And these pressures haven't gone away. Restrictions keep getting tighter.

In 2023, following the collapse of several lenders, regulators proposed banks with $100 billion or more in assets dramatically add to their capital cushions. These restrictions naturally limit the number of loans made because it is more difficult and more expensive for a bank to raise capital than it is to borrow funds. Higher capital requirements can reduce dividends or dilute share value if moresharesare issued.

For banks, the tier 1 leverage ratio is most commonly used by regulators.

Leverage Ratios

There are many different leverage ratios. Below we look at some of the more common ones.

The Debt-to-Equity (D/E) Ratio

Perhaps the most well-known financial leverage ratio is the debt-to-equity ratio. This is expressed as:

Debt-to-EquityRatio=TotalLiabilitiesTotalShareholders’Equity\text{Debt-to-Equity Ratio} = \frac{\text{Total Liabilities}}{\text{Total Shareholders' Equity}}Debt-to-EquityRatio=TotalShareholders’EquityTotalLiabilities

For example, in the quarter ending June 30, 2023, United Parcel Service'slong-term debt was$19.35 billion and its total stockholders' equity was$20.0 billion. The company's D/E for thequarter was 0.97.

A high debt/equity ratio generally indicates that a company has been aggressive in financing its growth with debt. This can result in volatile earnings as a result of the additional interest expense. If the company's interest expense grows too high, it may increase the company's chances of a default or bankruptcy.

Typically, a D/E ratio greater than 2.0 indicates a risky scenario for an investor; however, this yardstick can vary by industry. Businesses that require large capital expenditures (CapEx), such as utility and manufacturing companies, may need to secure more loans than other companies.

It's a good idea to measure a firm's leverage ratios against past performance and with companies operating in the same industry to better understand the data.

The Equity Multiplier

The equity multiplier is similar, but replaces debt with assets in the numerator:

EquityMultiplier=TotalAssetsTotalEquity\text{Equity Multiplier} = \frac{\text{Total Assets}}{\text{Total Equity}}EquityMultiplier=TotalEquityTotalAssets

For example, assume that Macy's has assets valued at $19.85 billion and stockholder equity of $4.32 billion. The equity multiplier would be:

$19.85billion÷$4.32billion=4.59\$19.85 \text{ billion} \div \$4.32 \text{ billion} = 4.59$19.85billion÷$4.32billion=4.59

Although debt is not specifically referenced in the formula, it is an underlying factor given that total assets includes debt.

Remember that total assets = total debt + total shareholders' equity. The company's high ratio of 4.59 means that assets are mostly funded with debt rather than equity. From the equity multiplier calculation, Macy's assets are financed with $15.53 billion in liabilities.

The equity multiplier is a component of the DuPont analysis for calculating return on equity (ROE):

DuPontanalysis=NPM×AT×EMwhere:NPM=netprofitmarginAT=assetturnoverEM=equitymultiplier\begin{aligned} &\text{DuPont analysis} = NPM \times AT \times EM\\ &\textbf{where:}\\ &NPM=\text{net profit margin}\\ &AT=\text{asset turnover}\\ &EM=\text{equity multiplier}\\ \end{aligned}DuPontanalysis=NPM×AT×EMwhere:NPM=netprofitmarginAT=assetturnoverEM=equitymultiplier

Generally, it is better to have a low equity multiplier as this means a company is not incurring excessive debt to finance its assets.

The Debt-to-Capitalization Ratio

The debt-to-capitalization ratio measures the amount of debt in a company’s capital structure. It is calculated as:

Totaldebttocapitalization=(SD+LD)(SD+LD+SE)where:SD=short-termdebtLD=long-termdebtSE=shareholders’equity\begin{aligned} &\text{Total debt to capitalization} = \frac{(SD + LD)}{(SD + LD + SE)}\\ &\textbf{where:}\\ &SD=\text{short-term debt}\\ &LD=\text{long-term debt}\\ &SE=\text{shareholders' equity}\\ \end{aligned}Totaldebttocapitalization=(SD+LD+SE)(SD+LD)where:SD=short-termdebtLD=long-termdebtSE=shareholders’equity

In this ratio, operating leases are capitalized and equity includes both common and preferred shares. Instead of using long-term debt, an analyst may decide to use total debt to measure the debt used in a firm's capital structure. The formula, in this case, would include minority interest and preferred shares in the denominator.

Degree of Financial Leverage

Degree of financial leverage (DFL) is a ratio that measures the sensitivity of a company’s earnings per share (EPS) to fluctuations in its operating income, as a result of changes in its capital structure. It measures the percentage change in EPS for a unit change in earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) and is represented as:

DFL=%changeinEPS%changeinEBITwhere:EPS=earningspershareEBIT=earningsbeforeinterestandtaxes\begin{aligned} &DFL = \frac{\% \text{ change in }EPS}{\% \text{ change in }EBIT} \\ &\textbf{where:}\\ &EPS=\text{earnings per share}\\ &EBIT=\text{earnings before interest and taxes}\\ \end{aligned}DFL=%changeinEBIT%changeinEPSwhere:EPS=earningspershareEBIT=earningsbeforeinterestandtaxes

DFL can alternatively be represented by the equation below:

DFL=EBITEBITinterestDFL = \frac{EBIT}{EBIT - \text{interest}}DFL=EBITinterestEBIT

This ratio indicates that the higher the degree of financial leverage, the more volatile earnings will be. Since interest is usually a fixed expense, leverage magnifies returns and EPS. This is good when operating income is rising, but it can be a problem when operating income is under pressure.

The Consumer Leverage Ratio

The consumer leverage ratio is used to quantify the amount of debt the average American consumer has relative to theirdisposable income.

Some economists have stated that the rapid increase in consumer debt levelshas been a contributing factor to corporate earnings growth over the past few decades. Others blamed the high level of consumer debt as a major cause of the Great Recession.

Consumerleverageratio=TotalhouseholddebtDisposablepersonalincome\text{Consumer leverage ratio} = \frac{\text{Total household debt}}{\text{Disposable personal income}}Consumerleverageratio=DisposablepersonalincomeTotalhouseholddebt

The Debt-To-Capital Ratio

Thedebt-to-capital ratiois one of the more meaningfuldebt ratiosbecause it focuses on the relationship of debt liabilities as a component of a company's total capital base. It is calculated by dividing a company’s total debt by its total capital, which is total debt plus total shareholders’ equity. Debt includes all short-term and long-term obligations.

This ratio is used to evaluate a firm'sfinancial structureand how it is financing operations. Generally, the higher the debt-to-capital ratio is, the higher the risk of default. If the ratio is very high, earnings may not be enough to cover the cost of debts and liabilities.

Again, what constitutes a reasonable debt-to-capital ratio depends on the industry, Some sectors use more leverage than others.

TheDebt-To-EBITDALeverage Ratio

Thedebt-to-EBITDAleverage ratio measures the amount of income generated and available to pay downdebtbefore a company accounts for interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization expenses. Commonly used bycredit agencies, this ratio, which is calculated by dividing short- and long-term debt by EBITDA, determines the probability of defaulting on issued debt.

This ratio is useful in determining how many years of EBITDA would be required to pay back all the debt. Typically, it can be alarming if the ratio is over 3, but this can vary depending on the industry.

The Debt-To-EBITDAXRatio

The debt-to-EBITDAXratio is similar to the debt-to-EBITDA ratio. It just measures debt against EBITDAX rather than EBITDA. EBITDAX stands for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation (or depletion), amortization, and exploration expense. It expands EBITDA by excluding exploration costs, a common expense for oil and gas companies.

This ratio is commonly used in the United States to normalize different accounting treatments for exploration expenses (the full cost method versus the successful efforts method). Exploration costs are typically found infinancial statementsas exploration, abandonment, and dry hole costs. Other noncash expenses that should be added back in are impairments, accretion ofasset retirement obligations,and deferred taxes.

The Interest Coverage Ratio

Another leverage ratio concerned with interest payments is the interest coverage ratio. One problem with only reviewing the total debt liabilities for a company is they do not tell you anything about the company's ability to service the debt. This is exactly what the interest coverage ratio aims to fix.

This ratio, which equals operating income divided by interest expenses, showcases the company's ability to make interest payments. Generally, a ratio of 3.0 or higher is desirable, although this varies from industry to industry.

The Fixed-Charge Coverage Ratio

Times interest earned (TIE), also known as a fixed-charge coverage ratio, is a variation of the interest coverage ratio. This leverage ratio attempts to highlight cash flow relative to interest owed on long-term liabilities.

To calculate this ratio, find the company'searnings before interest and taxes(EBIT), then divide by the interest expense of long-term debts. Use pre-tax earnings because interest is tax-deductible; the full amount of earnings can eventually be used to pay interest. Again, higher numbers are more favorable.

What Does Leverage Mean in Finance?

Leverage is the use of debt to make investments. The goal is to generate a higher return than the cost of borrowing. If a company fails to do that, it is not doing a good job and creating value for shareholders.

How Is Leverage Ratio Calculated?

There are various leverage ratios and each of them are calculated in different ways. In many cases, it involves dividing a company’s debt by something else, such as shareholders equity, total capital, or EBITDA.

What Is a Good Leverage Ratio?

That depends on the particular leverage ratio being used as well as the type of company. For example, capital-intensive industries rely more on debt than service-based firms, so they’d expect to have more leverage. To gauge what is an acceptable level, look at leverage ratios across a certain industry. It’s also worth remembering that little debt is not necessarily a good thing. Companies can use debt to deliver shareholders greater returns.

The Bottom Line

Leverage ratios are useful tools. They provide a simple way to see the extent to which a company relies on debt to fund its operations and expand. Debt is important. When used effectively, it can generate a higher rate of return than it costs. However, too much is dangerous and can lead to default and financial ruin.

Leverage varies by industry. Certain types of companies rely on debt more than others and banks are even told how much leverage they can hold. Leverage ratios work best when compared to the past or a peer group.

Leverage Ratio: What It Is, What It Tells You, How To Calculate (2024)


Leverage Ratio: What It Is, What It Tells You, How To Calculate? ›

Simple Leverage Ratio: Debt-to-Asset

What does leverage ratio tell you? ›

A leverage ratio is any one of several financial measurements that assesses the ability of a company to meet its financial obligations. A leverage ratio may also be used to measure a company's mix of operating expenses to get an idea of how changes in output will affect operating income.

What is the leverage value ratio? ›

A leverage ratio is any one of several financial measurements that look at how much capital comes in the form of debt, or that assesses the ability of a company to meet financial obligations. Total debt-to-total assets is a leverage ratio that shows the total amount of debt a company has relative to its assets.

What is a leverage ratio quizlet? ›

Leverage ratio. = profit before interest and tax / total interest charges. measure of how much profits can decline and still meet interest obligations.

What is leverage in simple words? ›

to use something that you already have in order to achieve something new or better: We can gain a market advantage by leveraging our network of partners.

What is an example of leverage? ›

Whenever you borrow money to acquire an asset or potentially grow your money, you're using leverage. You might use leverage when you do the following: Buy a home: When you purchase a house with a mortgage, you are using leverage to buy property.

What is the leverage ratio for beginners? ›

Generally, conservative leverage ratios, such as 1:10 or 1:20, are recommended for beginners. These ratios balance capital protection and the opportunity for good profit potential. With lower leverage, beginners can better manage risk exposure and gain experience without risking substantial losses.

How do banks calculate leverage ratio? ›

The tier 1 leverage ratio is the relationship between a banking organization's core capital and its total assets. It's calculated by dividing tier 1 capital by a bank's average total consolidated assets.

What is the formula for the leverage effect? ›

Leverage effect is expressed in the following formula: ROE = ROCE + (ROCE – i) ? D/E, where ROE is the Return on Equity, ROCE is the after-tax Return on Capital employed, i is the after-tax Cost of debt, D- Net debt, E – Equity. The leverage effect itself is the (ROCE-i) x D/E.

Why is leverage important? ›

It is an important tool for investors, creditors, and lenders as it helps them determine a company's financial health and creditworthiness. A high leverage ratio indicates that a company has more debt than equity, which can be risky for investors.

What is the rule of thumb for leverage ratio? ›

Gross Leverage Ratio formula

EBITDA = earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation. As a rule of thumb, the ratio should be <2.5 times (*exceptions apply).

What are the three types of leverage? ›

There are three proportions of leverage that are financial leverage, operating leverage, and combined leverage. The financial leverage assesses the impact of interest costs, while the operating leverage estimates the impact of fixed cost.

Which of the following is an example of a leverage ratio? ›

The correct option is b.

The debt-to-equity ratio is a financial leverage that compares a company's total liabilities/debt to its total equity. A higher debt-to-equity ratio shows that a corporation depends on debt funding more frequently, which might raise financial risk.

What are the commonly used leverage ratios? ›

Common types of leverage ratios

Debt to assets ratio= Total Debt / Total Assets. Debt to equity ratio = Total Debt / Total Equity. Debt to capital ratio = Today Debt / (Total Debt + Total Equity) Debt to EBITDA ratio= Total Debt / Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA)

What is leverage ratio liquidity ratio? ›

Financial leverage ratios provide an indication of the long-term solvency of the firm. Unlike liquidity ratios that are concerned with short-term assets and liabilities, financial leverage ratios measure the extent to which the firm is using long term debt.

What does a leverage ratio of 1.5 mean? ›

A financial leverage ratio of 1.5 indicates that a company is using a fair amount of debt to finance its assets. A low leverage ratio would indicate that the company is financing its assets with only equity capital and no debt.

Is a higher leverage ratio better? ›

A financial leverage ratio of less than 1 is usually considered good by industry standards. A leverage ratio higher than 1 can cause a company to be considered a risky investment by lenders and potential investors, while a financial leverage ratio higher than 2 is cause for concern.

What does a leverage ratio of 0.5 mean? ›

A D/TA ratio of 0.5 (this can also be expressed as 50%) indicates that half of a company's assets were financed with debt and half were financed with equity.

What are the benefits of a high leverage ratio? ›

The costs of increasing the leverage ratio arise from forgone economic growth: banks could pass on higher equity funding costs to borrowers, resulting in less investment. The benefits of increasing the leverage ratio include a reduction in the likelihood and adverse effects of a banking crisis.

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