Batman (DC vs Vampires) (2024)

Bruce Wayne, better known as Batman is major protagonists of DC vs Vampires' He is the titular main protagonist of the first half .


Batman return his Batcave when Alfred telling Bruce mystery badge man came this message the war of vampire's war is coming and have Lex Luthor blood for kill the vampire's . Batman calls them into the summon, where the rest of the Batman Family - Alfred Pennyworth, Red Hood, Red Robin, Robin, and Orphan - are already waiting. Batman informs the Family that last week, he was visited by Andrew Bennett, who warned that the vampires plan to wage war against humans. Andrew has since gone missing, and Batman's detective work indicates he was being followed before his trail went cold. Batman assures her that he is not by telling the Family of the Mad Monk, a bloodthirsty vampire who was one of his earliest foes. Batman also mentions the Mad Monk's female counterpart Dala, who Nightwing will remember since he encountered her during his time as Robin. Batman is unsure if the Mad Monk is the vampire who overthrew Mary, Queen of Blood, but does note that his insatiable hunger did pose a genuine threat to humans.

Batman investigator in sewer when he know Jayna following him and ask her why follow him she tell him her brother down here he tell her to go home but she can't what to know. Batman explain that when Andrew Bennet arrive here until he mystery vanished whiteout track right before Zan is missing. Jayna think her brother went somewhere with Bennet Batman answer no he found two trace Hall infirmary and someone clean them up one vampire and other is alien put them in sink goes with pipes down into sewer Jayna still sense down in water somewhere she want help Batman finish search with Batman. They searching the down the sewer until Jayna sense him right there Batman goes drive unfortunately he find his remind of one finger Jayna break down in tears then later in angry that demanding that who killed her brother Batman know answer that he didn't can't by Metal it was the light.

Batman is working on a blood sample. If one of his allies is a vampire, then he hears someone in Bat-Cave, and he shuts down the light used as a shadow. Green Arrow shot "Batman." He apologized and couldn't risk toe to toe. He found out it was a decoy, and Bruce was behind him. Two of them fight for life just about it could mess them out if either of them are not vampires. Bruce asks him how he knows about vampire Oliver now because Clock King is a vampire trying to eat him Bruce responds they don't know people he captured and had to chat about the villains as first targets which later led to Gotham. Bruce shared in Tell that it was Hal Jordan who killed Barry Allen, and thus, he was not on top of the list

When League arrived in Batcave believed that he killed Barry Allen but told League it was Hal killed Barry and showed the proof on file on Bat's computer asking Cyborg to check when he did it user protocol enacted black out Batcave and Gotham. Hal looks for Batman and Green Arrow tells them they can't hide forever. Batman uses silica power to neutralize his green ring arrow and uses his arrow nearly through Hal's heart he tries again until Martian gets in the way and Batman sends him into teleport. Others are about to flee using the explosion Wayne Manor buys time to escape.

Nightwing finds others in Gotham Harbor and questions where Batgirl arrives, yet when Green Lantern and Wonder Woman just want to talk, ask them to join humankind and vampire-kind shape the world Batman refuses all fights break lose. Wonder Woman gains the upper hand when Jason uses light to burn her alive for a moment and tire her Lasso of truth. They go after Hal, catch him and tell him that is the legendary Batman and that was his plan Batman tells him that only slowing him down Alfred chops his hand to remove Green Lantern's ring and defeat him.

Batgirl to reach of Batman warn him that king of Vampire is one of Bat-family when she of The Joker found dead is all set up think it was him Bruce tell Bat-family Batgirl coming who true King of Vampire. Dick first though his chest revealed he the King of Vampire everyone is shocked and jumped to actions Tim Darke how could you do this Nightwing and even possible that he surpass the test he ask him that he speeding much time with Bat-family they forgot other family other he got already got hands of Starfire while not to turn her but her blood give them a ability give them a day -walker after explain to him he Killing Tim by Crunching his head. Robin is blind in rage to Kill Dick for killing his father rushing him and everything he got but not quick enough dick Grayson bite Damian neck only reason he didn't turning into vampires because his temper. Oilver Queen and Jason Todd Cassie load broken arm and Alfred to escape Jason goes back to get Damian and face his Grasyon when he gain upper hand Wonder Woman came up biting his neck about truing him vampires she give him her blood in his mouth. As he slower to change telling him he would beating you and Ask Oliver shoot him in arrow though his chest and dies. Green Arrow, Cassie, and Alfred make tough escape they no threat anymore and his plan already begin the war already before everyone know it when sky turn black for blocking the sun where the heroes know it too late and world belong to vampire.

Batman (DC vs Vampires) (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.