Why stars like Kim Kardashian and Andrew Garfield look so young for 40 (2024)

Celebrities in their forties look younger than ever thanks to modern skincare, healthy diets and 'tweakments', it has been revealed.

While many people feel the pressure of hitting the milestone birthday, modern celebrities in their early forties or late thirties are at the peak of their careers.

At 41, Beyonce is currently headlining a sell-out world tour, while Chris Hemsworth and Andrew Garfield, both 39, are among the highest-paid actors in the world.

Elsewhere, Kate Middleton, now 41, is said to have 'found her style' at 40, while Kim Kardashian, 42, said reaching her forth decade saw her 'give zero f****' and 'have the best sex of her life'.

But one huge difference between the celebrities of today and those of the past is how young they look.

This is mostly down to better knowledge of skincare, healthier diets and the rise of quick non-invasive treatments and injectables - known as 'tweakments'.

Speaking to FEMAIL, aesthetics experts revealed how stars of today have such a youthful glow, looking years younger than those the same ages as them in decades past.

Dr Sophie Shotter,an award-winning aesthetic doctor, with over a decade of medical experience, said that how we age has changed in 'every capacity'.

'If I think of how my grandmother was in her mid 50s, she was an old lady. And celebrities would seem to disappear from the public eye after a certain age, as people didn't seem to cast many females over a certain age,' she explained.

Stars like Kim Kardashian (pictured left on her 40th birthday) look decades younger than celebrities who were 40 in the 1990s and 2000s did. Right: Jennifer Coolidge, then aged 40, in 2001

Paris Hilton (right on her 40th birthday) now 42, looks decades younger than Dolly Parton (left) did in 1987 when she was 40

'Yet now, many of the celebrities we perceive as most successful and most attractive are older women.

'I think this is for several reasons, but primarily because we have knowledge and treatments available to us now which were not available 20 years ago.

'This includes knowledge about how we age, and the impact that lifestyle, nutrition and exercise have on the ageing process.

'It also includes the availability of treatments, both aesthetic and within the biohacking field, which help us to age better on the inside and out.

'I think all of this together is what is helping celebrities to look younger now - it's not just on the surface, they're living lifestyles aimed at promoting health span in addition to looking after their appearance.'

It's certainly true that celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, who looks much younger than her 50 years, and Kourtney Kardashian, 44, have built empires around wellness by selling the secrets of looking young.

Older stars like Jennifer Lopez, 53, Jennifer Aniston, 54, and Reese Witherspoon, 47, all attribute their youthful beauty to healthy diets and exercise - with both Jennifers known for their love of cardio.

Meanwhile stars like Angela Bassett, 64, who is often praised for her youthful glows says a 'good aesthetician' and 'plenty of good fats' are a key reason for her youth.

The focus on wellness among celebrities, as opposed to partying in the past, is a part of the reason many stay looking young, as well as modern fashion and beauty trends making stars less limited on how they style themselves.

Access to information

Alice Henshaw, Skincare Expert and Founder of Skincyclesm told FEMAIL: 'Research has aided skincare to be developed and therefore experts have become more knowledgeable of ingredients and effects these can have on the skin.

'As well as this, customers also have a wide access to research and information through social media and the internet (which we can only expect to become available in upcoming years) which has enabled customers to have a better understanding of what to use and buy.

'The application of fillers. They have been used for several years and have undergone advancements to improve their safety, effectiveness, and longevity. Here are some ways in which dermal fillers have changed and improved:

'Treatments and injectables have become more common, research and information has become more accessible for the everyday person as well practitioners and therefore the quality and overall outcomes are to a higher standard, making it easier to look youthful naturally.

'As a society we are more aware of the factors and impacts everyday life can have on our skin. For example, as little as wearing SPF daily to protect from sun damage and ensuring we are getting enough sleep will make anyone look more youthful without the need for injectables. Being educated correctly around everyday factors is the utmost important contributor to looking younger.'

Dr. Sabina Sinead Hanoman-Singh,Aesthetic Doctor at CREO Clinic, added: 'Now more than ever, men and women are looking for more non-invasive treatments to create a more refreshing version of themselves, alongside a healthy diet and lifestyle changes.

'People are becoming more clued-up on their options when it comes to aesthetic treatments and are now looking for treatments that enhances their unique beauty and celebrate their features.

'Traditionally, non-surgical cosmetic treatments like micro-needling, laser hair removal and skin boosters are becoming more popular. They also have next to no downtime, are more affordable and can be done within 60 minutes.

'Many also achieve younger-looking skin through a healthy, balanced diet to help maintain the structure and barrier-strength of the skin.

'With celebrities like Jennifer Garner who are now steering away from dermal fillers and facelifts, it will be interested to see if more women follow the same route.'

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Tania Z. Rashid of the Aesthetics Lab added that there has been a 'tremendous increase in cosmeceutical skincare and technological advances in the field of aesthetic medicine since early noughties' referring to topical skincare that is as high quality as medical, meaning the average person looks younger too.

'Beauty salons have been pushed aside and brand new aesthetic clinics have moved off Harley Street and onto the high street,' she explained.

'Add to that more consumer awareness about sun damage, use of SPF, damaging effects of meat and dairy and suddenly it looks like we have a magic formula for delaying ageing process on our hands,' she added.

'Skincare technology has developed vastly over the last decades.

'Gone are the days of '"cleanse, tone, moisturise", and the era of "no pain no gain".

'We now have skincare which works to promote healthier skin from the inside out - this can be targeted to focus on cellular changes of ageing·


Advancements in skincare is the number one factor in de-ageing celebrities, many experts claim.

Dr Ross Perry, the Founder & Medical Director of Cosmedics told FEMAIL: 'Skincare and non-invasive anti-ageing treatments are so much more advanced and readily available to all of us not just celebrities.

'Celebrities are much more in-tune with lifestyle choices than ever before which all helps with looking significantly younger. Carefully applied make-up is also now much more advanced which can also make us appear much younger in the flesh.

Andrew Garfield, who turns 40 in August, often plays characters a decade younger than him. He looks years younger than Jeremy Clarkson did in 2000, then aged 40 (left)

'Skincare has never been better and this comes with science developed over many years, but skincare alone can't make you look younger, small but frequent 'tweakments' including facials, peels and laser light therapy are now so advanced alongside a balanced healthy diet, the importance of drinking plenty of water and keeping our skin hydrated, sleep, exercise.

'Little alcohol, smoking and being more aware of environmental factors such as UV rays and wearing SPF year round also help with looking young.

'We're aware now of the benefits of ingredients such as Retinol, Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid which are incorporated into everyday skin care products, which we knew very little about in the 60's and 70's' he added.

Dr Rachel Aarons, Aesthetic Doctor and Founder of The Curated Clinic argues that advances in healthcare and medical technology have resulted in better access to healthcare services, more effective treatments, and increased awareness of healthy lifestyles.

'This has led to improved overall health and well-being, which can contribute to a more youthful appearance,' she explained.

The downside however is 'paralysis of choice' meaning that people have too many options to choose from.

Bianca Lawson (right) played teenage roles for more than 20 years, the 44-year-old is renowned for her youthful looks. Meanwhile, Jane Lynch (left) is pictured in 2000, then aged 40

'Life-saving' vitamin A helps skin looking young

Amish Patel, Award-Winning Aesthetics Practitioner, Skincare Expert at Intrigue Cosmetic Clinic told FEMAIL: 'Skincare is always advancing, and we are learning more and more about what damages our skin and what ingredients can help turn back the clock.

'For example, vitamin A helps to speed up healing, prevents blemish breakouts and supports the skin's immune system, promoting natural moisturising.

'Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from irritation, inflammation and environmental pollution attacks.

'Retinol is a hugely popular skincare ingredient these days, found in professional skincare and many high-street brands.

'Retinol is a fantastic anti-ageing ingredient, helping to escalate skin cell turnover, which naturally slows down as we age.

'Hyaluronic acid is another star ingredient in skincare, hydrating the skin and a key ingredient in modern dermal fillers.'

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'The skincare industry has witnessed several advances in recent years, with new technologies, ingredients, and approaches being developed to enhance the effectiveness and safety of skincare products.

'Accessing this knowledge has never been more attainable, and social media algorithms deliver age-appropriate solutions directly to us.

'Access to information is not the issue, but given the scale and variable quality of information, the real issue is navigating our paralysis of choice. Of course with increased exposure to tweakments like fillers and Botox, the stigma surrounding the introduction into our skincare routine diminishes,' Dr Aarons added.


While there have been huge improvements in high street beauty, many celebs also opt for regular 'tweakments' to keep a young, healthy glow.

'Overall treatments such as microdermabrasion, Profhilo, the use of Botox and Fillers alongside lasers to treat premature-ageing have all become so advanced and continue to do so,' Dr Perry added.

'Non-invasive face lifts are also an amazing choice with very little downtime, alongside eye-lid surgery which can take years off someone's appearance.

'Injectable have become much more advanced now, yes, better products and better results meaning that they are much more subtle and natural looking than ever before.

'As a society, looking after our skin and how we look has become very normal, not just for celebrities but also for the general consumer.

'It goes without saying that genetics play a large part in how we age alongside lifestyle factors such as a good diet, less stress, exercise, skincare, make-up and of course how we style ourselves with hair styles and fashion choices.

'We're also so much more aware of the dangers of tanning, smoking and drinking which are all contributing factors to how we age.

Dr Deepa Panch, surgical and aesthetics doctor, added that previously a surgical face lift was the 'only way' to maintain a youthful complexion.

'There have been huge advancements in the aesthetic market in the last decade which has meant that more non-surgical options are available with less downtime.

'Treatments are also far more accessible now than they have ever been. Also we have to remember years ago, it was fashionable to cover yourself in oil and lay out in the sun for hours- nowadays we are all so much more aware of how the sun has a huge role in skin ageing so I think it is a change in behaviours too.'

Priyanka Chopra, 40, looks very young for her age often opting for young trends, meaning Emma Thompson (left), pictured in 1999 often dressed more maturely when she was 40

Modern tech

Dr Fazarna Khan, Aesthetics Doctor, RegenLab told FEMAIL: 'One of the main reasons people look younger is due to modern day technology.

'People are more aware of how they look, and I think social media has a lot to do with this.

'TikTok filters and beauty trends have people striving for perfection. The 'Selfie' taken with high tech mobile phones that didn't exist years ago also has an element of self-assurance, and the need to look your best. It is the preventative measures that people are so aware of.

'They are starting to look after themselves a lot younger than they would have a few years ago.'

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While huge advances in skincare help celebrities keep a healthy glow, modern styling also helps today's 40-year-olds look younger.

'Fashion is now far more accessible across the age ranges,' Amish Patel, Award-Winning Aesthetics Practitioner, Skincare Expert at Intrigue Cosmetic Clinic told FEMAIL.

'Dressing for your age doesn't mean as soon as you hit over 30, you have to change who you are anymore.

'These days it's about showcasing that natural confidence that growing older brings.

'Many of my clients are over 35 and living their best lives.

'Having regular dermal fillers and Botox is part of what makes them feel good about themselves - they are doing it for themselves, no one else.'

Dr Paris Acharya, leading aesthetic doctor and face surgeon added that make-up trends have also helped to keep people looking young.

'While full face, heavy makeup looks used to be popular with celebrities, recent beauty trends on TikTok and Instagram are promoting natural, bare-faced beauty which means that more people in general are paying more attention to their skin'.


Chris Hemsworth, 39, is one of the most desired men in the world and known for his youthful looks. Meanwhile Hugh Laurie looked more typically 40 in 2000, left

Amish also explained how modern photos may be more flattering, making celebs appear younger and able to smooth out fine lines.

'Social media as we know it today wasn't even a thing back then, so while a celebrity might suffer the occasional bad paparazzi shot or two in their career - these days, everyone has a camera on their phone and a social media account they can upload footage and images onto for public viewing so there is not only greater awareness on not only how your competition is looking but also greater scrutiny on anyone in the public eye.'

Better diets

Melanie Wilkinson, Registered Nutritionist (RNutr) and Registered Nutritional Therapist told FEMAIL: 'The focus on wellness and anti-ageing has recently shifted from short-term solutions to holistic, personalised practices that consider an individual's genetics and metabolism.

'Celebrities, often leading wellness trends, are advocates of this approach. Personalised nutrition is gaining prominence, with intermittent fasting and plant-based diets lauded for their anti-inflammatory and detoxifying benefits.

'The Mediterranean diet, rich in beneficial micronutrients like antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, is another favourite due to its role in combating oxidative stress and inflammation, key contributors to ageing.

'The importance of gut health in overall wellness is increasingly recognised, steering focus towards nurturing gut microbiota through rich, diverse diets and fermented foods.

'This understanding also impacts skincare, with internal beauty supplements and topical probiotics and prebiotics promising healthier skin.'

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Tania also explained that people are starting skincare routines much younger, meaning they age more slowly.

'Late noughties have seen a rise in minimally invasive aesthetic procedures or tweakments as they are now called,' she explained.

'Advances in injectable techniques with fillers and Botox as well skin boosters means consumer can start the anti-ageing journey at a much younger age without the need to go for an invasive facelift at the age of 40 or 50.

'These tweakments instead of 'filling' and 'freezing' your face, like in 90s, will enhance, lift and plump.

'You no longer have to explain what you are feeling following your Botox treatment as your face will move and eyebrows will lift, however you will no longer have that frown line or wrinkles across your forehead.

'New Skinboosters such a Profhilo work on replenishing your skin with hyaluronic acid and working on skin's collagen production without filling the face and neck.

'This means younger consumers in their late 20s and 30s can start using this tweakment to delay first signs of ageing, while older users can continue to look younger than their age with the aid of this product.

'Skin boosters can also be used on body areas such as hands, elbows, knees and décolletage, meaning areas that traditionally were hard to treat and gave away your age can now also be addressed and treated.

'Add to these treatments such as micro needling, radio frequency and HIFU (high intensity focused ultrasound) as well as laser treatments that non-invasively work on improving skin texture, pigmentation, scarring and stretch marks as well as improving collagen production and we have a wholesome approach to delaying ageing.

'These treatments can be started as early as your early twenties when your collagen production is still high.

'With the aid of these treatments collagen levels get replenished, therefore delaying first signs of ageing.

'What's best is treatments such as laser resurfacing that previously had long downtime now have less downtime and are far more tolerable in terms of comfort, making it more accessible to any consumer'.

Avril Lavigne, 38, (left) and Beyonce, 41 (right), are both known for their youthful looks

360 approach to youth

Harley Street skin and aesthetics expert and independent nurse prescriber Nina Prisk, of Update Aesthetics, says: 'Both celebrities and people in general look younger now is because they are taking a more 360 approach to their looks.

'By this I mean that they are taking into account lifestyle factors such as healthy diets, hydration, sun protection, and sleep, and using more effective skincare with active ingredients, and all this is in synergy with using non-surgical aesthetics such as Botox and fillers.

'This means that they are addressing the health of their skin, their overall health which obviously impacts skin, and also using tweakments to either prevent or address the signs of ageing.'

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Dr Ashwin Soni, of THE SONI CLINIC, explained there is 'a lot more treatments' at our disposal, meaning things can be personalised to the patient.

'The evolution of skin boosters and polynucleotides has lead to patients looking healthier, improving skin quality, and giving that red carpet glow.

'These products are not volumisers like filler, but can really complement results well by improving the quality of the skin. The days of using too much volume of filler should be behind us now. The goal of non-surgical treatments should be to naturally refresh and rejuvenate, and improve the skin quality with a combination of skincare and injectables.

The technology behind skincare has also evolved with science-backed brands spending a lot of time and money on research. For example, the Techno neck perfecting cream by Skinbetter Science has a chemical called nitric oxide, which vasodilates the blood vessels, and therefore improves circulation and recruits more nutrients and oxygen to the skin of the neck. This is one example of many to show what skincare is really capable of now, but being guided by a provider is always advisable given that everyone has a different skin type.

How to keep looking young

To stay young, Dr Perry advises: 'Always use SPF of 30 year-round, even on cloudy cooler days. Try to avoid stress as much as possible and lead an active, healthy lifestyle. Follow a simple but good skincare regime twice a day and eat a good balanced diet.

He adds that young standards are 'absolutely attainable'.

'Of course celebrities have more disposable income than the vast majority of us as it's their job to look as good as possible.

'However, you don't need vast amounts of cash to follow a simple yet effective skin care regime, protect yourself from every-day environmental factors and lead a balanced lifestyle.

'It's a personal choice to invest in additional extras such as injectables and regular facials etc as we age but quite often less is more. It's only natural we're going to age and you can't stop that, but you can help by making small daily lifestyle changes.

Sharon Hilditch MBE Founder of Crystal Clear Skin Care added: 'My top tips for keep the skin looking younger is to exfoliate, stimulate new collagen, and hydrate the skin whilst using sophisticated clinically proven skincare products daily with high tech active skin ingredients that offer something of benefit to the skin. We have come a long way in skincare and skin health!'

DrHanson Yu. Aesthetic Doctor and founder of the Doctor Hanson clinic, added: 'Try looking for medical-grade products; that uses potent ingredients like retinoids, Hyaluronic Acid, Caffeine, Collagen or Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) that can tighten the skin and help with inflammation too.

'A specialised skincare routine under guidance of a medical specialist can also help brighten the skin and keep its youthfulness.

'Make sure you stick to your skincare regime and seek regular medical skin treatments with renowned medical professionals to ensure you are doing your best to fight any ageing issue. Sunscreen is paramount to any routine as it helps deter ageing.

'Other lifestyle tips include drinking plenty of water and eating a varied and balanced diet full of vegetables, healthy fats and protein.'

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Dr Ashwin Soni added: 'We are all focusing more on improving our stress levels, improving the wellness element of our lives, and watching what we eat and drink more.

'This in turn is leading to our skin being in better condition, and being the healthiest versions of ourselves possible.'

Dr Aarons also explained how there is a 'greater emphasis on mental health management today'.

'Managing stress levels can have positive effects on overall health and well-being, which can reflect a more youthful appearance.

Why stars like Kim Kardashian and Andrew Garfield look so young for 40 (2024)


Why stars like Kim Kardashian and Andrew Garfield look so young for 40? ›

This is mostly down to better knowledge of skincare, healthier diets and the rise of quick non-invasive treatments and injectables - known as 'tweakments'.

Why do 40 year olds look younger now? ›

Our skin, hair and teeth are benefiting from less cigarette smoke and physical toil, as well as an ever-expanding collection of cosmetic interventions designed to make us look younger.

Why are celebrities looking younger? ›

Most do because of makeup, cosmetic surgery, and youth enhancing lotions and shots. Virtually every old actor or actress has had some kind of youth enhancing treatments or surgery.

How do actors stay looking so young? ›

Non-surgical options such as BOTOX, dermal fillers, laser resurfacing and broadband light (to name a few) are often paired with robust skincare routines which can literally transform both female and male celebrities, incrementally, over time, seemingly turning back the clock right before our eyes.

How do celebrities keep their skin so young? ›

Celebrities with great skin just take advantage of the tools that everyone has access to. They visit their dermatologist often to see what treatments, procedures, and products will work best for them. They use Botox, fillers, sunscreen, chemical peels, and IPL/photofacial.

How do I stop looking old at 40? ›

1 You cannot prevent aging, but you might choose to slow or reverse signs of it. Anti-aging strategies include drinking plenty of water each day, moisturizing your skin, and wearing sunscreen. It's essential to focus on keeping yourself healthy as you age with a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

How can I stop my skin from aging at 40? ›

Whenever possible, wear a wide-brimmed hat, pants, and long sleeves. Gloves help to minimize common signs of aging on our hands such as age spots. Sunglasses help reduce fine lines around our eyes. Slather on the sunscreen every day before going outdoors.

Why do Millennials look younger? ›

Some have hypothesized that the slow aging of a generation is thanks to the rising popularity of "tweakments" like filler and botox, or the fact that they have a better understanding of the importance of SPF for anti ageing, while others cite the well-analyzed idea that millennials have a sheer inability to "grow up."

How do the Kardashians look so young? ›

TheKeeping Up with the Kardashians star admitted that she relies on more than just serums and lotions to keep wrinkly skin at bay. Kardashian revealed that with Ourian's help, she uses cutting-edge laser treatments and injections to keep her skin looking supple and beautiful.

How does Julia Roberts stay looking young? ›

Julia is known for maintaining her youthful looks by keeping a strict skincare routine, and minimal makeup. “Before I get on an airplane, I pile up on skincare products,” she previously shared. “You couldn't hug me because I would just slip right away from you.”

How do celebrities hide wrinkles? ›

This could be as simple as getting on a regular Botox schedule or using fillers before deep wrinkles have a chance to form, or using Retinoid-based skin creams before spots appear.

How does Jennifer Aniston keep her skin looking young? ›

The actress credited good skin care and lifestyle for this, putting it down to four simple factors. The Friends star suggested doing skin scrubs, drinking plenty of water, using moisturiser and getting enough sleep can help.

Who has the best skin in Hollywood? ›

Celebrities with the Most Beautiful Skin
  • Kim Kardashian. She has the type of creamy skin complexion that makes people jealous. ...
  • Nicole Kidman. Kidman may be one of the best role models in Hollywood for judicious use of sunscreen. ...
  • Jennifer Aniston. ...
  • Natalie Portman. ...
  • Beyonce Knowles.
Jan 19, 2024

What is the secret of celebrity glowing skin? ›

Bollywood celebrities incorporate exfoliation into their skincare routines to achieve smooth and glowing skin. Use a gentle exfoliator once or twice a week to reveal a brighter complexion. Celebrities maintain a balanced and nutritious diet to keep their skin radiant from within.

Does your face change after 40? ›

Most people begin to notice a shift in the appearance of their face around their 40's and 50's, with some also noticing a change in their 30's. But with these physical changes brought on by aging also comes a change in the appearance of our face - Luckily, there is treatment available.

How does your face change after 40 years old? ›

With age, that fat loses volume, clumps up, and shifts downward, so features that were formerly round may sink, and skin that was smooth and tight gets loose and sags. Meanwhile other parts of the face gain fat, particularly the lower half, so we tend to get baggy around the chin and jowly in the neck.

Why does body change at 40? ›

The number on the scale might start creeping up

That's because our resting metabolic rate, or the rate at which our body burns calories, slows. In addition, as we age, we might not be as physically active, and because muscle burns more calories than fat, losing muscle may mean gaining weight.

Does your body change at 40? ›

Your body shape changes naturally as you age. You cannot avoid some of these changes, but your lifestyle choices may slow or speed the process. The human body is made up of fat tissue, lean tissue (muscles and organs), bones, and water. After age 30, people tend to lose lean tissue.

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