The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane (2024)


1,021 reviews96 followers

October 14, 2020

Oct. 14th 2020 - Another reread with my 7-year-old. I fell in love with this story all over again!

I picked up The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane after a high recommendation from a friend on Goodreads. We’d just finished reading and reviewing Because of Winn-Dixie which we loved. I took a chance on it and purchased it from Barnes and Noble to read with my kids.

The story begins with Edward Tulane, a China rabbit who belongs to a girl named Abilene. The family is wealthy and not only does Edward have fancy clothes to wear, but he has the love of Abilene as well. She absolutely adores him and spends all of her time caring for him.

In all, Edward Tulane felt himself to be an exceptional specimen. Only his whiskers gave him pause. They were long and elegant (as they should be), but they were of uncertain origin. Edward felt quite strongly that they were not the whiskers of a rabbit. Whom the whiskers had belonged to initially–what unsavory animal–was a question Edward cold not bear to consider for too long.

Edward is really quite vain and wishes that the adults in the household would treat him differently, but at the same time he simply doesn’t realize what he has. He can’t talk or move, but he is very aware of the world around him. He listens to the humans as they talk, but he rarely wants to. Eventually Abilene’s grandmother shares a story with Abilene and Edward about a princess who refused to love anyone and was turned into a warthog by a witch. Edward isn’t sure why, but the story seems to be directed toward him. The grandmother then stares into his eyes and simply tells him, “You disappoint me.”

It isn’t long after that Abilene’s father shares the announcement of a family trip to London. Abilene decides to take Edward of course, but after an incident with some boys on the ship, Edward is stripped of his fancy clothing, thrown overboard, and sinks to the bottom of the dark ocean. Naked and alone, he becomes scared. Feeling a true emotion for the first time, he then begins to question his future. What will happen to poor Edward now?

From the very first pages I was pulled into the story. As an adult, I felt many emotions and even had to walk away at one point because I became over emotional in tears. We even laughed at times too. It’s one of those books that you simply can’t put down and my kids kept telling me, “We have to keep going!” It’s written well and the characters are truly unforgettable. Every character has their own story, but often the reader is left to draw their own conclusion which opens up plenty of discussion. When we finally got to the end, we didn’t want it to be over. With that said, I felt weird about the last few chapters at first, but as we finished it all came together. This is a book I could read over and over again–it’s one to keep!

What an amazing author to write a book like this. Kate DiCamillo literally captured my heart again and I can’t wait to read all of her other books. She’s become a favorite author and we want to read everything she writes. I honestly question how this book didn’t win awards and wish they’d do a film adaptation.

The book is obviously great for any age, but I personally felt like some of the vocabulary seemed a bit advanced for 1st and 2nd graders as the recommended age listed for this book on Amazon is 6-9. There were a few vocabulary words my 4th graders didn’t know. It might be best to brush over the more difficult words before reading. There is a free teaching guide on the author’s website.

I’m choosing this book for my October read for the Ultimate Reading Challenge. One of my favorite tropes is when a character learns about the power of love and I feel this book is a great example.

I’d recommend this book to anyone. Over the top 5-stars!

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17 reviews6 followers

November 2, 2007

I looked forward to reading this book because, as the review on goodreads of Edward Tulane says, Kate DiCamillo is an incomparable children's author, and I have loved and cried over The Tale of Despereaux and The Tiger Rising in the middle of the Borders Cafe before. Edward's journey is miraculous in that the little china rabbit from which the book gets its name learns to love out of his many losses, which starts with losing his straw hat and ends with losing his hardened heart. Take the velveteen rabbit, make him more fragile by making him the China rabbit, put in Kate DiCamillo's voice behind every word, and you have a new classic for children.

"I'm done with being loved," Edward told her. "I'm done with loving. It's too painful." . . .

"Open your heart," she said gently. "Someone will come. Someone will come for you. But first you must open your heart."
The door closed. The sunlight disappeared.

Someone will come.
Edward's heart stirred. He thought, for the first time in a long time, of the house on Egypt Street and of Abilene winding his watch and then bending toward him and placing it on his left leg, saying, "I will come home to you."
No, no, he told himself. Don't believe it. Don't let yourself believe it.
But it was too late.
Someone will come for you.
The China rabbit's heart had begun, again, to open.

That's not the end of the story, but it is such an important passage for so many people to read. I needed to read it the other day when I sat there in Borders once again, tearing up. I'll need to read it again someday, maybe soon. And I think it's worth it for most anyone to take 30 minutes at the most, sit down, and read about how a China rabbit learns to love. And then learns to love again.


Em Lost In Books

955 reviews2,080 followers

March 17, 2021

Adorable. The extra star is for the journey part and the characters Edward Tulane met. I found myself trying very hard to connect with Edward Tulane but failed miserably.

    2000-09 2021 3-star


889 reviews4,537 followers

February 24, 2013

I was just trapped underground on a backed up metro train for an hour. Never have I minded, or noticed, a terrible commute less.

    21st-century fiction


331 reviews72 followers

October 25, 2014

What a beautiful story. I read it with my 8 year old daughter and more than once it brought a tear to my eye. It is the story of Edward Tulane, the china rabbit, who while passing from owner to owner (companions really, as he comes to love them) endures great love and great tragedy. He learns that no matter what happens in life it is most important to open your heart....let yourself love and be loved.

    children fantasy female-author

Julie G

932 reviews3,344 followers

March 6, 2023

I have a friend who believes that there are two types of pet owners: the ones who must immediately find another pet companion, after their beloved pet dies, and the ones who can never have another pet again, after they must bury their best friend.

I think she has a point. I can come up with several examples of each scenario from my own life. Come to think of it, I could probably replace the words “pet owners” with “people” and replace “pet companion” with a myriad of other words: spouse, lover, friend, child.

But, we all know there's a third type of person, too. The "pet owners" who “have no intention of loving or being loved,” but who, over time, wonder if they should change their mind.

Edward Tulane is the third type.

The heart breaks and breaks
and lives by breaking.
It is necessary to go
through dark and deeper dark
and not to turn
--Stanley Kunitz

    in-the-middle year-of-the-rabbit you-ll-need-a-hankie

Elyse Walters

4,010 reviews11.3k followers

January 1, 2023

Audiobook….read by Judith Ivey
…..1 hour and 55 minutes

🐇 🐾 👗 🛳️ 🥧 🎤 💕 …..
….[catching up on classic treasures I had missed]

…..a priceless children’s gem about learning to love ….
…. a porcelain rabbit, a well loved toy is thrown overboard…. and wished he could cry.

This ocean journey teaches valuable lessons about love, loss, losing oneself and finding one’s way.


694 reviews24 followers

March 1, 2009

Well-written, beautiful, and somber. This is the story of a china rabbit who learns the true meaning of love. I read this book out loud to my class and truly enjoyed the masterful way that Kate DiCamillo crafts a story. Her word choice and sentence fluency found its way into my writing lesson plans to illustrate some of the possibilities waiting to be found in words.

Would I read it aloud again? Perhaps with older students. My class LOVED this story but it was sad, extremely sad in places. I fought back tears while reading and had to let it sit for awhile before reviewing it because it dealt with some tough material. (Losing people you love.) Initially, I thought I would not recommend it nor read it again because it was just too strong. However, the more I considered this, the more I realized that to not recommend this book would be to make the same mistake that Edward made, and that is to refuse to experience something wonderful just because it can also be hard. So I do recommend it - I do! The lessons learned by Edward apply to us all. Just consider keeping a box of tissues close by.



1,895 reviews757 followers

April 29, 2020

I don’t question much of what Kate DiCamillo chooses to write about. Going with the flow has its rewards. I had my doubts whether our “five going on six” year old would have the same attitude, but she did.

She stuck with the story, day after day, as this haughty and aloof china and cloth rabbit went through his reversals of fortune. Edward begins by caring for no one...not even the little girl who loves and cares for him.

In DiCamillo’s world, dolls can think and feel and talk. We humans just can’t hear them.

Edward is very self-involved. He likes the fancy clothes in which the little girl dresses him. He likes the attention that he is paid by the family. Only the little girl’s grandmother seems to notice how little he gives back for what he is given.

The story is about Edward’s journey of misfortune through many different “owners” and his experiences with how others survive or don’t in his world.

DiCamillo’s magical realism worked for both of us as we waited each day for what would happen next. I hope you find it as engaging as we did.

I should add that the illustrations are a fine match for the prose.

Whitney Atkinson

985 reviews12.8k followers

January 16, 2024

this book made me look at my stuffed animals and wonder if they've been feeling loved enough.

the emotional depth of this kids' book was impressive, i can totally see why it's taught in classrooms. kate dicamillo is one of my favorite childrens authors, so i'm not surprised that this was so sweet and a vivid story with gorgeous illustrations!

    childrens read-in-2024


599 reviews1,504 followers

March 20, 2020

I absolutely adored this lovely little story.

    5-stars almost-favorites childrens


192 reviews380 followers

October 7, 2015

You'd think I wouldn't cry after the third read, but all I can say is that I'm glad I skipped the eye makeup today...

    favourite quite-good


4,507 reviews31.3k followers

June 5, 2020

Typically, I adore everything Kate does. I thought this was a good story, but not one of her great stories. I didn't feel for Edward the way I normally do for her characters.

Edward is a porcelain toy rabbit. He doesn't appreciate being so well loved by his little girl until one day he's thrown overboard on a sea voyage and his miraculous journey begins. It's the type of book that he does get back to where he started after all hope seems lost.

The tone of the book felt melancholy to me. I never really cared about Edward for some reason. I guess I'm getting jaded in my older age. I knew when starting that he would make it back to his owner somehow and there were no stakes for me. I'm usually willing to go on the journey. I still thought it was a cute story, well done.

This is a great story for children and I still recommend it. I guess, I simply expected too much from it.

    2006 award-various bage-middle-grade


Author3 books1,061 followers

November 24, 2020

This book got a boost by a write-up of books to read in dark times (read: coronavirus times) in The New York Times (the times, they are a changin'). It's one of those intermediate little kids book that works just fine for adults with a heart, too (or without a heart, if you're feeling like Ebeneezer Scrooge on the verge of the Ghost of Christmas Future).

Literally, it's about a china rabbit, 3 feet tall, with all manner of uppity airs about himself. The grandmother of his owner, a little girl who lavishes attention on him, tells a grim, Grimm-like fairy tale of a witch who turns a beautiful (but heartless) princess into a warthog. Then Granny eyes the rabbit and says, quite simply, "You disappoint me." What "A" (fairy tale) has to do with "B" (Granny's disappointment with Edward) is for DiCamillo to know and the reader to find out.

The rest of the book traces unlikely links between figurative warthogs and literal rabbits. Edward's "journey" provides narrative momentum as he goes from good owner to bad, ocean depths to landfill mountains, female attires (rabbits are a tough call) to sporty red duds. Yes, all that burning up the 200 pages, but there's a much bigger journey happening in his heart. The reader just doesn't know it yet.

An allegory about love written with an economy of words is worthy of not only little-kid praise, but big-kid "I-need-a-break: kicking back" praise. Thanks, Edward, for reminding me it only looks like the end of the world out there. The journey isn't over.


Debbie W.

830 reviews701 followers

January 4, 2019

This is one of my favorite read-aloud books for my students (Grade 3)! They are always so wrapped up in the storyline that teaches kindness.

    broke-my-heart favorites juvenile-fiction

Dannii Elle

2,119 reviews1,705 followers

November 29, 2018

This is one of those eternally relevant children's stories, that can be read by all ages throughout all of time. In fact, it should be read by all. I'm only now discovering this tale at the age of 28 and just know that if my younger self had managed to get her hands on it, it would have become a firm, forever favourite.

The reader travels with a china rabbit named Edward Tulane through, as the synopsis states, "the depths of the ocean to the net of a fisherman, from the bedside of an ailing child to the bustling streets of Memphis". Edward, over the course of his adventures, learns what love is about, and as he fell in love with all his many owners, I fell in love with him and his story.

The ending is unbearably poignant and I was openly weeping with a mixture of many emotions, when I finished this. Don't let the age range for this wonderful story put you off reading it, it has as much to give any reader as any other children's classic.

    magical-realism-mastery middle-grade-books-read

Diane Barnes

1,392 reviews449 followers

November 25, 2022

I read most of this on Thanksgiving night, reclining in bed. Bits of it broke my heart, brought tears to my eyes, and I dreamed about it as well. The story of a haughty china rabbit who learns what it means to love and lose on a series of adventures after he's tossed over the rail of an ocean liner.

If I had a child in my life right now, they would receive this book, but truthfully it can be appreciated by anyone of any age. Recommended by Ann Patchett by way of Antoinette. My recommendation is to read it and pass it on.



1,201 reviews9,504 followers

July 27, 2023

If you want to softly sob while reading to a child then do I have good news for you!
Seriously though this book is beautiful and full of heart (even though yours might break a few times along the journey) and important messages. Equally lovely for kids and adults alike.



79 reviews

July 14, 2011

When a friend told me she was reading this book with her 3 and 5 year old kids, I immediately questioned whether they found it too sad. I purchased this book soon after its initial publication and had read it myself at that time. My recollection was that it brought me to tears, and as I have two quite sensitive little boys, I was hesitant to introduce this one to them. Inspired by my friends successful reading of it with her two (slightly) younger children, I bravely undertook this venture - for it was really me I was worried about being able to "handle" it. I was not able to hold back the tears as the story drew to a close, but my two beautiful boys wiped them away and assured me that there was nothing to be sad about, and I got the opportunity (one that seems to present itself quite often lately) to explain how tears can come from happiness as much as from sadness. A miraculous journey, indeed.


Cathrine ☯️

694 reviews363 followers

April 1, 2022

5 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
"If you have no intention of loving or being loved, then the whole journey is pointless."

I'm not a children's literature reader but was curious about this one after completing Ann Patchett's latest memoir where she praises Kate DiCamillo's works.
Edward's journey of personal discovery through loss, recovery, kindness, and compassion is beautifully illustrated and this is one I will purchase for the grand-kids.

    children hoopla prize-winner-or-nominee

da AL

377 reviews419 followers

February 3, 2022

Is this for kids? I don't have any, so I don't know. What I do know is that it's a great book for sensitive thoughtful adults. The kind who know that truly opening one's heart is to risk getting hurt, yet there's no better way to live. Bagram Ibatoulline's illustrations are as gorgeous and deep as Kate DiCamillo's writing.

Note for those who need to know before reading: the story includes violence.



288 reviews110 followers

November 20, 2021

For my 250th review, I was conflicted on the book I wanted to write about.

Should it be a classic? Austen, Alcott, Orwell? Or maybe the book that's been on my TBR the longest? Or read something from a genre I haven't read from before? (Horror, erotic, spirituality) Or maybe something completely different! I raked through my brain trying to decide. I knew it needed to be special more than anything because who knows how long it'll be before I reach 500 reviews?! It could be years or...never.

So I chose this book, and let me tell you why. I chose this book because when my 4th-grade teacher read it to my class for the first time, I was amazed. How could a story, a mere collection of words and sentences on a page do that to me? Make me smile, laugh, cry, utter wow, completely stunned?!

I knew my life would never be the same.
After class, I ran to the school library and found the librarian. "I need you to help me find a book!" I said to her.

"Okay, do you know what it's called?"

"Um..." I paused. Did I not know the name of this masterpiece? Seriously? I thought to myself. "...something Tall Journey maybe?"

"Let's see here." She looked and nothing matched. I tried another combination of names. Nothing gave me the book that made me feel more than anything else.

"It's about a rabbit, and he goes places," I said. Yes, that was the best I could do. She couldn't help me, and before I knew it, it was time to go home. It didn't occur to me to ask my teacher for the name of the book, or to even borrow it so I can read it at home. She was reading it to her other classes, and I suppose a part of me felt like I would be overstepping. Oh, to be nine and naive and considerate.

I never found out the name of that book. Later that year, I flew overseas and completed fifth and part of the sixth grade there. Electricity, internet, and the basics were not a guarantee, so my desire for this book quickly faltered into a small, fleeting recognition of love every short once in a while. Then I came back to the states, and the small part of my brain occupied by this book shut its doors more and more each day. What was once a crazed obsession became a momentary indifference in my life.

Years later, when my youngest sister started the fourth grade, she brought home a book. She said the teacher was reading it to her class and that she was loving it. What's it called? I asked. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, she said. I'm loving it, she added, it's an amazing story.

Something about that title seemed so familiar to me. Was it perhaps that maybe I'd read it before? I downloaded the book on my phone and started reading. In an instant, I was transported. I was nine, enthralled by a story for the first time, fascinated by the power a few words hole, captivated by the feeling of change. The feeling a book can hold for you. The book that started it all.

This is that book. I found it then, and I still find it today. When I'm feeling burdened or upset, this is the story that fixes it all for me.

Kate DiCamillo, thank you. Thank you for changing my life.

What was the book that made you fall in love with reading?

ko-fi | blog

    emotional fantasy favorites


210 reviews

November 21, 2022

I loved this one! The illustrations are fantastic also!

    2022 children favorites

Linda Hart

746 reviews176 followers

April 4, 2019

I LOVED this sweet, meaningful story so much that as soon as I finished the library's audio version (which is VERY well done) I purchased the hardbound copy for my own library! Edward Tulane is quite the dapper china rabbit, and he knows it. He's loved dearly by Abilene, the little girl who owns and cares for him so carefully, but he has a heart as cold as the china he's made from and loves only himself. Then he abruptly loses his privileged life and finds himself adrift in the real world where he must adapt and survive with help from the diverse and memorable people who cross his path. Along the way, Edward is brought low by circ*mstances, but he learns humility, how to survive, and eventually how to find his way home.

Although this may have been written for younger readers I believe it will be enjoyed by people of all ages. If you don't cry at some point you're as heartless as Edward is in the beginning. However, despite the tears, you will be left with a happy ending. I have to admit that I bawled like a baby when I finished this book, a modern classic.

This is a WONDERFUL, worthy read, the story will touch your heart, and the illustrations are lovely.
Kate DiCamillo is also the author of

The Tale of Despereaux, Because of Winn Dixie and over a dozen other books.

“I have been loved, Edward told the stars. So? said the stars. What difference does that make when you are all alone now?”
. . .

"I'm done with being loved," Edward told her. "I'm done with loving. It's too painful." . . .

"Open your heart," she said gently. "Someone will come. Someone will come for you. But first you must open your heart."


859 reviews106 followers

May 20, 2023

I don’t normally read middle grade novels. I came to this book after reading Ann Patchett’s “These Precious Days”- a book of essays. One essay within is titled “ Reading Kate DiCamillo”. I knew after reading that essay that I had to read this book. I am so glad I did.
Edward Tulane is a stunning china rabbit who thinks very highly of himself. His owner, Abilene, loves him with all her heart. Edward seems oblivious to this, as he only cares for himself. One day while travelling on a ship, Edward is thrown overboard by two mean boys. And so Edward’s journey begins. Edward’s journey is fraught with peril but this opens his eyes and his heart. He finally learns what was there in front of his eyes all along- a little girl who loved him so much.
This is a worthwhile read for any adult and would be an especially terrific book to read along with a child.

Published: 2006

    a-century-of-books-challenge american-literature children-s-books

Cherisa B

571 reviews51 followers

February 4, 2022

If there is one book I wish all the world would read, it would have to be this one. It’s simple but profound. The bunny of the title is the special toy of a girl who treats him like a prince, which makes him smug. One day they are separated, and thus begins Edward’s transformation. He moves from privilege to empathy during his journey, and we can use more of it in the world. Kindness, gentleness, understanding—small things that can make such a difference in the lives of anyone and everyone.

I reread this book every once in a while, but my eyes still always moisten when the hobos whisper the names of their children into Edward’s ear.


53 reviews

August 24, 2008

This story reminded me of "The Velveteen Rabbit". A little less magical, perhaps, but I appreciated the story of a rabbit who, instead of starting out full of love, learns to love and be loved until at the end of the story, he comes full circle. Easy reading, and could be a good one for reading out loud.



Author17 books1,956 followers

February 22, 2010

My first DiCamillo read.
I was blown away.

I thought this was a simple story about love. I was wrong about it being simple, because it showed how complicated life and love really were. It was touching, it was classic, it was.. very heartbreaking.

The first book to get me teary-eyed one of these days.

I love it.

    fantasy-myths-fairy-tales-magic self-learning young-adult


1,121 reviews1,995 followers

July 7, 2009

While sitting in Washington Square Park reading my Moomins novel while on a mini-lunch break I wondered about the recurring use of sadness and melancholy in the book. Do American children books usually refer to the the joys of a sweet melancholy feeling at the lose of something good that will never return? How do children relate to depressed characters? Do they even notice it? Why aren't more children books filled with melancholy, and not in a humorous way? While the sun beat down on my bench, and the film crew near the fountain apparently were also on lunch from filming what looked like a 'dancing in the streets' movie, and the girl sitting the next bench over was losing in a battle of wits against a pigeon who was not going to be fooled into giving up the cracker she dropped I thought about these things.

Then I came home and read this book.

This book is to the Moomins as finding yourself laying in bed staring at the ceiling at 3am realizing that half your life is over all the good things are past and only pain and regret are ahead of you and having a slightly sad tinged memory of a something wonderful in the past that you will never be able to return to. There is something devastating about this story, and the whole format of the book, from the typesetting and font used to the color of the pages used in the book and the illustrations all work in a harmony to create this strong affect.

I'm not sure how kids would react to this, I think from a child's perspective they would only see a story that kind of follows a kind of familiar pattern they are already familiar with. They might find it kind of sad, but nothing too out of the ordinary. Or maybe it will depress them and turn them at a young age to the happy joys of reading literature filled with despair.

    books-for-kids girls-girls-girls

Bach Tran Quang

215 reviews373 followers

February 4, 2015

Những hôm nào mệt mỏi, ốm, căng thẳng tôi sẽ lôi trong tủ sách của mình ra một cuốn sách dành cho thiếu nhi để đọc. Nhân cái dịp ốm này, tôi lấy Edward Tulane ra khỏi nơi cất giấu - tôi mua chú vào một ngày tôi lượn sách cũ, trong đầu cũng nắm được một chút thông tin là cuốn này đã đi vào hồi tuyệt diệt (sau tái bản, hồi đấy hot còn vì có cái phim bỏ mẹ gì của Hàn Quốc có thằng cu đẹp giai nằm đọc trên giường cuốn này BÌA CỨNG T_T)

Nói chung tôi đã sai lầm. Sai lầm lớn nhất là bây giờ mới đọc câu chuyện kỳ diệu về chú thỏ Edward. Đó là hành trình của chú đi tìm thương yêu và cảm xúc, cũng là chuyến đi qua bao nhiêu số phận chìm nổi cay đắng của con người. Tôi không cho rằng đây là một cuốn sách dành cho thiếu nhi, không, bởi thiếu nhi nếu đọc chưa chắc đã cảm nhận hết được vẻ đẹp của cuốn sách này. Tôi nằm đọc một mạch, và khi gấp trang cuối lại, tôi mới dám "thở" - tức là cuốn sách đã lôi cuốn tôi đến mức ấy.

Một câu chuyện đẹp. Bình dị, cảm động, và rất nhiều khúc quanh. Nhưng có ai tinh ý không, phần lớn họ là những người cô độc. Những người cô độc đến với nhau, trò chuyện với nhau, rồi gắn kết với nhau. Giữa người và một con thỏ sứ vô tri, nhưng vẫn có một sự kết nối âm thầm. Đó là tình cảm, trái tim và mất mát.

Rất nhiều người nên đọc cuốn sách. tôi không có thói quen spoil nên phải tự tìm hiểu xem truyện đẹp đến thế nào thôi!

(Tôi vẫn review đều đặn, nhỏ, gọn sau mỗi cuốn sách tôi đọc. Đơn giản là vì đây là nhật ký đọc của tôi, và hơn tất cả, tôi muốn những người đọc sau, đến sau tìm được một thứ gì đó có ích. Để dẫn đường, và tìm một con đường mới. Trong những trang sách. )

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.