Michael's Awakening (Awakening, #1) (2024)

3,134 reviews708 followers

April 6, 2018

I picked up this book because so many of my friends liked Jaclyn Osborn's Axios: A Spartan Tale. Maybe the author's writing has matured since she published this book in 2014, because the prose here was so overwrought, it made me groan and laugh simultaneously.

A small sample:

The inner fire had scorched my soul.

His light had already begun seeping into me and altered a piece of my wretched darkness.

Don't cry for me, Angel ... I don't deserve your tears. I'm hideous, both inside and out ... a beast.

And it wasn't just the writing; the characters' actions and reactions didn't feel true to life. Gabriel and his brother bickered and called each other names like young children even though they're both grown men.

The love was so instant, it made my head spin, and I'm never a fan of the super possessive shtick.

I admit the way Michael cherished Gabriel (don't get me started on the angel names) was romantic, but Michael's "inner beast" was tamed too easily, and his job as prosecutor was symbolic more than anything else.

I also could have done without the "tragedy" at the end; there was enough here without throwing yet another log on the fire.

The ending was sweet but dated (same-sex marriage wasn't legal when the book was written).

I'm curious enough about Gabe's brother Zack that I'm going to read his story anyway.

    age-gap best-hea comfort-healing

Katrina Passick Lumsden

1,781 reviews12.9k followers

July 4, 2015

My gods. This is one of the corniest, most melodramatic books I believe I've ever read. The kickoff sentence is, "Who could ever love a beast like me?"

Seriously. Eyeroll-o-rama. And it never improves. Just more wangsty, dark soul, "I'll brood 'till I die and like it" bullsh*t. Michael's poetry slam antics are one thing, but then on the flipside, you have to read about Mr. Perfect, Gabriel, who's all feisty and fabulous and ridiculous. Gabriel is that insulting gay stereotype your liberal arts professor warned you about. He wears makeup and girl's clothes and loves Sex and the City to an alarming degree. He's just so f*cking obnoxious. He's constantly sticking his tongue out at people like a f*cking child, and at one point he proudly tells the reader it's his "signature move". Gag.

Oh, and let's not forget my absolute favorite line from Gabriel: "And not to be a total girl, but I had shed a few grateful tears..."

f*ck you, Gabriel. Starving infants cry less than you, let's not bring gender into it, 'kay?

I can't anymore.


2,125 reviews257 followers

July 30, 2015

DNF at 46%

Read to that point then skimmed the rest. Did not work for me at all.

I've read hundreds of m/m books and this is one of the few I could not finish. I read to the 46% mark and then skimmed through the rest. This book didn't work for me at all even though it promised two of my favorite types of characters, a tortured, scarred man and an out and proud effeminate man. The prologue initially grabbed me, but it soon read like a m/f fan fiction with a male character thrown in to replace a female character.

There is lots of growling and mine from Michael who believes himself to be ugly and unworthy. The "androgynous" Gabriel was written like a woman rather than a flamboyant gay man who sometimes wears women's clothes. We were constantly reminded that he was "fabulous" and to me he became a caricature. Michael's serious issues relating to his past miraculously disappeared after he got together with and instantly fell in love with Gabriel. I would have loved to see more about how Michael overcame his issues with Gabriel's help rather than just a throw away line that they were better after one conversation and some sex.

In addition, a lot was thrown into the last half of the story for no apparent reason and with very quick resolutions, including a sudden gay bashing with a few POV paragraphs from the basher, and a brother who realizes he is gay or bi but afraid that his father won't accept it (even though he completely accepts the flamboyant Gabriel).

I can only assume the author is quite young, but Gabriel's father is in his late 40s not his late 70s. It shouldn't be a surprise that he still has a full head of hair but some wrinkles and he probably doesn't need to be "looked after" unless he is suffering from a debilitating injury or illness.

    abused-mc age-gap did-not-finish


1,622 reviews422 followers

April 15, 2018

Michael thinks he's a beast. He's been told that all his life. He has experienced some of the most horrific abuse as a child. And because he took his mother's words to heart, thinks he will never find love, for he is not worthy of it.

"I was unworthy of love because I had never been shown it. If my own mother never loved me, who else ever could? My wretched soul yearned for salvation, but who could ever see past my scars and accept me for who I was?"~Michael

But when he sees pretty Gabriel, something deep down is sparked.
"His beauty and grace had first caught my eye, but now his inner fire had scorched my soul."~Michael

But Michael isn't the only one who needs someone special. Gabriel is looking for someone who will love him for who he is. Someone to see past what others see as flaws.
“You accept me for being me and you’ve never once tried changing anything about me. You’ve taken every flaw other people have seen in me and turned it into something beautiful. Where other people see oddness, you see beauty.”~Gabriel to Michael

These two were truly perfect for each other. As different as they were, like night and day, they were each what the other needed.
"The beast had finally found the one beautiful soul that could pull him from the depths of despair and teach him to love. Gabriel was my redemption… my great awakening. And I was going to spend forever with him by my side."

**Be warned: There is descriptive child abuse told through recollection and dreams and gay bashing.

    age-gap alpha book-boyfriend


1,493 reviews146 followers

September 13, 2018

When I read Axios: A Spartan Tale by the same author I was wowed and it was one of the best books I have ever read, and I expected something similar from this one. First I want to say that when I finished it I felt like I didn't know anything about MCs - Michael and Gabriel. The whole story was skimming the surface so to speak.

Gabriel is very immature, naive and vain young man. You know how they say if you don't praise yourself nobody will, well here I really started to hate the word fabulous! I decided not to be petty and didn't count the times it was used after it reached 10. I did not like Gabriel because he was so shallow, all about his looks and even his more serious conversations and declarations sounded infantile. There was no personal growth of any kind, by the time the book was over I only knew how he liked to dress, apply make up and do his hair, nothing else.

Michael could have been a very complex character but it was really hard to like him when he concentrated on his appearance. Some sort of PTSD issues were mentioned but briefly and for some reason his meetings with his psychiatrist left me dumbfounded - there was no depth, no struggle, it all felt very superficial. I really couldn't connect to either of them.

The fact that the author tried to entwine Beauty and the Beast story with Angels ( they both are name inconspicuously after Angels) left a sour taste in my mouth because it sounded really silly to me. The almost insta-love was off putting too. I mean Michael just sees Gabriel from afar and he is a perfect angel, a princess ( that is so not my thing). Michael, why do you judge by appearance? What if Gabriel leaves dishes in the sink and f*rts in bed, and you hate that! There was no relationship development. I felt cheated.

The worst part was when the book was over my only thought was: "Finally!". One immature character + one lacking depth = not my cup of tea! I don't think I will continue with this series. The author's style is very good but here execution left me wanting.

    contemporary crime first-book

~Mindy Lynn~

1,399 reviews655 followers

September 4, 2017


    2017-challenge alpha-s-bb boys-who-love-boys

Saimi Vasquez

1,591 reviews86 followers

March 13, 2022

Michael siempre se ha creido un mounstro, ni siquiera su madre lo soportada y el odio que ella sentia por el lo descargaba en fuertes golpizas que llenaron de cicatrices su cuerpo. Despues de la muerte de su madre, su unico objetivo fue convertirse en abogado para poder llevar a la carcel a todos aquellos que abusan de la gente. Pero su pasado lo lleva a un nivel de oscuridad tan grande que no se siente ahogado, solo necesita a alguien que lleve luz a su vida, pero ¿quien querria a un mounstro como el?
Gabriel ha sido diferente desde que tiene memoria, no le gusta aplicarse ningun tipo de etiqueta ademas de la de "Fabuloso", pero el mundo es cruel con la gente como el, gracias a su familia y a los pocos amigos que tiene ha podido llegar a ser lo que siempre ha querido, aunque ahora solo le falta conocer a su "Mr. Big", para llevar la vida perfecta.
Michael y Gabriel se encuentran cuando menos lo esperan y resultan ser todo lo que el otro necesita para sobrevivir y no sabia. Solo juntos podran superar sus pasados y enfrentar el futuro.

Yo diria que para ser un romance dulce le falta algo que realmente nos haga enamorarnos de los protas. Quizas Gabriel fue el que estuvo mas cerca de gustarme, pero los dialogos (algunas veces demasiado pesados) no me resultaron totalmente acorde con su personaje, al igual que Michael, me parece que pudo haber otra forma de manejar mejor su pasado de manera que el lector se hubiera identificado mas con el dolor y la traiccion siendo tan niño.
En fin, los personajes me parecieron muy planos, llenos de cliches y la historia no bien delineada. Y si bien, hubo momentos que tenian ese toque, fueron pocos y muy separados, lo que ocasiono que el libro llegara a aburrirme ya a la mitad y solo lo llegara a terminar por lo corto que es.
Asi que he leido varios libros de este autor, y algunos valen la pena y otros no tanto, quizas mas adelante siga con esta serie a ver si vale la pena, o quizas lea otros libros de este autor para ver si resultan mejores que este.



870 reviews82 followers

April 12, 2018

4.5 Stars!!

    a-real-man broody-hero favorite-heroes


1,866 reviews

November 29, 2017

~~~ Proceed with caution as there are and/or may be spoilers ahead!! ~~~

I really like this part [@ 33%]::

“But, I finally came to the conclusion that I’d let him make the decision for himself of whether he wanted to be with me or not.
I craved him like no other. Since first laying eyes on him, he hadn’t left my mind and occupied my every thought. I was a strong man, I had to be. However, I knew I wasn’t strong enough to stay away from Gabriel, no matter how hard I tried.
Until the moment he turned me away, I would do everything in my power to keep him. To see where this could go.”

Another passage [@ 43%] I HAD to paste ... so powerful, so incredibly sad!! I cannot possibly express just how enraged I am at Michael’s “mother”:

Mama, no! Please!” I put my arms up in front of my face to shield the blows that she was inflicting.
“You little bastard!” The belt came down and smacked across the back of my head. “You’re worthless, just like your father!”
Pain spread through my skull as the belt came down on me again, this time at the back of my neck.
“I’m sorry, Mama!” I screamed between large gasps, my eight-year-old body quivered as the pain deepened. “I don’t know what I did, but I’m sorry!”
The blows stopped and my mother bent down, roughly grabbing my face. “You exist. That’s what you did.” She spat at me and then her eyes clouded with a sense of calm. The calm before the storm.
“Go to the basem*nt.”
My eyes widened with fear. “No! I don’t wanna go down there, please.” Sobs overtook me as I stared up into the cruel eyes of the woman who was supposed to protect me.
Why didn’t she love me? I always tried to be a good boy.
“Are you disobeying me, boy?” She clutched the belt in her hands again and reared back her arm.
I scrambled to my feet and took off toward the basem*nt. Opening the basem*nt door, I slowly made my way down the creaky, wooden steps. As I descended the stairs, my eyes gradually began to adjust to the darkness. The air was musky and I heard the faint sound of water dripping. My stomach went through spasms as I reached the bottom step and approached the area that had become my worst nightmare.
Along the wall, there hung a chain that was connected to a pair of hand restraints, and I solemnly walked toward it.
Any moment now, my mother would be down there.
I sat down with my back against the wall and put my head in my hands, taking deep breaths. Thinking of the impending pain I was about to suffer, my stomach lurched and I threw up the little food I had eaten for lunch. Fear gripped my chest as I saw the mess I had made, it would only make my punishment worse. My breaths quickened and gasps began to fall from my lips as panic filled every cell in my body.
Tears pooled in my eyes and I bowed my head and said a silent prayer.
Please just let me die this time. Take me away from here. Please send me an angel to take me to the light. The sound of the door creaking open caused my heart to stop and my breath to hitch in my throat. As the footsteps drew closer, I tried to brace myself for what was about to happen. My mother came into view… and she was holding a small whip.

~ 😢😢😢💔💔💔😢😢😢!!

Quote @ 53% ... so incredibly heartbreaking!! Only a part of what Michael endured at the hands of the EVIL that was his “mother” [I use quotation makes because no true mother could ever do what she has done]:

“She chained me to the wall down there and hit me with whatever she could find. The more I screamed, the better it made her feel. I think, in her f*cked up head, she felt like with every drop of blood she caused me to shed, a piece of her troubles disappeared. As if I was some sort of vessel to purge her sins on.” Michael’s voice grew cold. “The burn marks came from her cigarettes, occasional cigars, and lighters held directly on my skin. The other scars came from knives, razor blades, sharp tools, whips, and anything she could get her hands on. She was careful not to cut too deep, but deep enough to leave a permanent reminder of how worthless I am. A reminder of how everything was my fault.”

~ 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢!!

I adore this part @ 54% ...

“You’re everything I want,” I confessed with tears in my eyes and scooted away from him. “This kills me knowing what happened to you. It breaks my f*cking heart.” More tears streamed down my face and I brought my hand up to hastily wipe them away. “I would never leave you because of this. You told me once before that I was changing you for the better, that I helped you when you were in a dark place. Well, dammit, you have done the same for me!” I admitted with a sob. “You accept me for being me and you’ve never once tried changing anything about me. You’ve taken every flaw other people have seen in me and turned it into something beautiful. Where other people see oddness, you see beauty.” My throat tightened and my heart pounded. “I love you. I know it’s a little soon, but I can’t hold it in anymore. I f*cking love you, Michael.”

~ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!!

Another favorite moment @ 68% ...

“Michael, I can see the love in my son’s eyes when he looks at you. He stares at you the same way my Elizabeth stared at me. I have also seen that same look in your eyes when you watch him. I know you two haven’t been together long, but don’t let what is considered reasonable get in the way. And definitely don’t let bigoted people come between you two. Love is too precious a gift to be thrown away.”
I was unable to speak for a moment as his words registered inside my head. He was giving Gabriel and me his blessing to be together.
“Thank you, David,” I finally uttered. “I love Gabriel more than I could ever express with words. He is everything to me.”
“Then you keep him safe.” He eyed me.
“I will,” I promised, and I meant it.
I would do everything in my power to keep my word.”

~ 😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️😍❤️!!

Borrowed from Kindle Unlimited.

I will always state when I borrowed something from Kindle Unlimited and whether I purchased it afterward or not! Why? Well, if I've borrowed something from KU, it - by default - means I am very unsure of either the author (if that author is new to me) or that specific book (in general)! I ADORE purchasing and owning my books, BUT for books or authors I'm unsure of, KU is a phenomenal way to try before committing!
Regardless, it means I'm very much on the fence, for whatever reason!
I'll highlight the outcome either way ... I'll either be glad it was on KU so I could give it back, or I'll have ADORED it and will decided to purchase right after borrowing :-)!!
I think it's a nice way to keep track; it might help someone else who's on the fence!


1,184 reviews50 followers

May 28, 2016

I've been having luck with new authors. This is a new author to me and I loved this book. Gabriel and Michael were perfect for each other. Truly each other's , other halves. The horrors that happened to Michael when he was young(It was hard to read but I did, but I didn't linger). I loved how Michael treated Gabriel, he treated him so special and I loved how he didn't care who saw them or how Gabriel was, he just loved him. Gabriel was all in for Michael too. I love finding a new author to read. Now I'm about to read the sequel ;-)

Ericka Walden

1,148 reviews48 followers

July 19, 2015

Every book is not for everyone. Some stories touch the masses...some only touch deeply one or two. Everyone has their own "thing" ..I have to be in a certain mood to read certain favorite authors of mine because I know they have a formula. I'm sure alot of us read or skim through the reviews left here on GR'S especially when a new author comes on the scene. .I do. The reviews left for Michael's Wakening were pretty mixed, but I have to say something nagged at me to read this book. I. Loved. . It! I loved the redemption and self worth and LOVE that Michael found and I most certainly loved the Fabulousness of Gabriel! ! Will others love this book? ? Maybe. ..possibly. .. who knows? ? Will others NOT? Yup. We read, or we should read, for the enjoyment of self. There have been a few books that I just could not get into. .. that were poorly written. .. or the editing was NOT present. I moved on to the next. Told what didn't work for me, hopefully without sounding too bitter or pissy or totally crushing a PERSON who believed they'd put out a masterpiece that the masses would cling to and give 5 plus stars all over the place. Alllll that being said, I was in the right mood for a little angst with a lotta love and Fabulously attired main character with a heart of gold. I found that with this book ...that I highly recommend! I'll be stalking the author awaiting her next work. Hopefully it'll be a sequel to this! !

Wulf Godgluck

Author30 books307 followers

December 20, 2017

This, omg, did I love this! I wanted to fall in love all over again, experience that first kiss, that first sexy time... Getting to know the other person, date again, that moment when you first say "I love you" all of it, I wanted to do it all over again while reading this book. Michael and Gabe were magic together, so freaking beautifully fabulous! Yass Gwad. I usually skip over sex scenes, but not with these two, they are so hot together, there's something sexy about them, I absolutely adored and love it.


8 reviews134 followers

June 29, 2015

What an amazing and beautifully written love story. When I opened this book, the only thing I knew about it was the authors name, Jaclyn Osborn. I have never read anything by the author and wanted to change that, and I am so glad that Michael's Awakening was the story.

The characters, Gabriel and Michael, are two completely opposite characters from one another. Michael, a top prosecuting attorney, has been ripped to shreds and torn in so many ways by the darkness of his past, he doesn't believe he will ever find true happiness and love. He doesn't deserve it, or so he thinks. Gabriel, "Mr. In Your Face Sassy Pants" is a confident and carefree man who loves his job and his family. When a chance encounter places both men in the exact moment and at the perfect time, the chemistry flies off the pages.

The two men, not completely understanding why, are drawn to one another. Michael needs light in his life and Gabriel needs acceptance. I was rooting for them from that first meeting and completely enjoyed the way the author blended the characters, their quirks, their fears and the unknown elements, into an amazing and remarkable love. These two characters are on fire, so sexy and fun together, which is hard to do when there are so many underlying issues on both sides. They both bring out the best sides in each other and the love they have for one another is incredible. I brought out the pom-poms and was cheering them on from the sidelines. Go Team Love. I truly enjoyed the hell out of reading this story, watching them grow as a couple and become one.

Jaclyn Osborn did a beautiful job writing these characters. Thank you for this story.

Dee Wy

1,456 reviews

September 26, 2016

Any time you read a book that includes a character who relates being abused as a child, it makes for a difficult read. If this is a no go for you, please do not proceed. I found it hard not to turn off the audio but toughed it out and was glad I did as it was a major turning point in Michael's being able to move on to begin healing. Of course his love for Gabriel was a major part of allowing that healing as Michael began to accept that he deserved to be loved. It was rewarding to see him move forward and find happiness. I loved Gabriel, makeup, purse, heels and all, his heart as big as Texas, and his character shone throughout the story. A very worthy read!

    abuse audio m-m

Sue bowdley

1,446 reviews

October 17, 2017

This is the first book by this author for me and I loved it......Michael was an easy character to love even with his demons over his past but Gabriel...Sweet sweet Gabriel was adorable....I really loved him and the way he helped Michael and the way they fit together was just perfect......A fairly easy read with great secondary characters too x

    favourites gabriel-books male-male

Michele Mckenzie

87 reviews25 followers

June 24, 2015

I absolutely loved this book. I didn't want to put it down but I also didn't want it to finish. I love Michael but I adore Gabriel, I would be a happy woman if he was my best friend

Awesome read, loved it


262 reviews15 followers

July 27, 2015

Fabulously Sweet and light without drama just what I was looking for and needed. Looking forward to jackson and book.

Funzee Shu

932 reviews105 followers

August 31, 2017

I just wanted to feel something. Anything. Something other than the numbness that consumed me...


Being victim of child abused had leave great trauma in Michael life.

For 20 years he'd been fighting his demon and countless nightmares that haunted him from the past.

But the demon won't leave him alone. All he saw & feels was just the darkness that keep him from the light...

Michael believe that he incapable of love...or to be loved. Because no one can love the beast like him. No one...

So he keep people at the distance and only spent countless night with strangers. No kissing. No touching. No feeling.

Until one night, the angel with the blue eyes come to his life...

I craved him like no other. Since first laying eyes on him, he hadn’t left my mind and occupied my every thought. I was a strong man, I had to be. However, I knew that I wasn’t strong enough to stay away from Gabriel, no matter how hard I tried.

Gabriel was bringing out a part of him that he didn’t know existed. And suddenly, there's an urge in him to claimed the angel.


What Michael didn't expected that this fabulous angel will make him broke all his rules and crave for more....


I think, Michael is kinda 'creepy' at the beginning. Well, the author had telling through Michael narrative that he is NOT those kind of creatures with fangs, as if he (Michael) 'know' where the reader mind might thinking, but he IS a 'beast'. And again it made me thinking, "Well, okaaay....maybe he's psychopath or something", but AGAIN, he's NOT!

So, what the hell he is actually???

Well, for me, he's actually an angel...

Thanks to all those #ConversationsWithKane things, because if not for those silly, crazy and funny imaginary chat with pouty Kane, I wouldn't read this book at first place and meet these adorable guys, Michael and Gabriel!

Well, I must admit that I didn't fall instantly with this Michael guy, because aside of him being a bit creepy, I also 'suspicious' with his 'motive'. But I DO falling in love with this Gabriel guy right from the beginning!

His flamboyant style and sarcasm. Gosh! I ADORE this guy. He's not only bring lights to Michael darkness life and 'tamed' the 'beast', but also lightened the whole story.

And I FLOVE it!!

    2017 abuse-trauma age-gap

Rachel Emily

4,215 reviews346 followers

November 16, 2015

I enjoyed the plot and the overall story to this, and I LOVED Gabriel and his fabulous attitude and life. For me, however, this was a bit overdramatic and just a little bit over the top. Michael just made it seem like the world was ending, that he was a complete monster who had like killed people, not that he was the victim of severe abuse. I know that what he went through takes mental and emotional healing to overcome, but it just seemed a bit..too much? However, I enjoyed this and I can't wait to read Jackson and Zack's story!

    contemporary-m-m may-december-age-gap-m-m romance-m-m


459 reviews8 followers

July 16, 2020

Audio book Review:

I really enjoyed this listen. The contrast between Michael and Gabriel really worked for me. I loved the way Michael loved Gabriel. And Gabriel was just what Michael needed to start to address his brutal childhood trauma. Gabriel's character was over the top flamboyant, light drag, with a great supportive family. And Michael was super dark, alpha, attorney, introvert with PSTD. The author made them make total sense as a couple. The narrator's performance was stellar and he really brought the story and characters to life. I look forward to the next book.

    audio-version kindle-lendable


1,125 reviews25 followers

November 17, 2015

Beauty and the Beast

Out of horrific darkness comes a beautiful light. I loved everything about this story. Michael is trying to learn how deal with his darkness when he meets Gabriel a beautiful soul who brings much light into Michaels life. A well written, emotionally charged read. I cried so hard at the injustice of what Michael had to endure. I loved that Gabriel brought laughter and joy to Michael. In the end, the man on man love makes this a perfect fairytale.

    emotional mm mm-romance

Ben Willis

32 reviews6 followers

May 19, 2017

Okay, so my reasoning for picking up this book was because of the one that just came out "Benji's awakening" My name is Benji and I don't hear it often in books, so I decided to pick it up but then realized it was part of a series. So I bought the rest and I'm glad I did. I love Gab. He's adorable and sweet and beautifully written. Michael is so wonderfully broken that you just know Gab is going to make him whole. It's a lovely story and I'm glad I picked it up.

Katie Townsend

1,226 reviews18 followers

February 16, 2018


Michael and Gabriel stole my heart in this amazing story I laughed I cried I fell in love with these two amazing men

Following Michael and Gabriel's journey I felt like I was there with them every step of the way

I was hooked from beginning to end

Michael's awakening was such a beautiful intense story

Debb Uitich

15 reviews12 followers

June 18, 2015

OUTSTANDING!!!! You will not want to put this book down once you start it. Jaclyn brings Gabriel and Michael together in the most wonderful love story, with Michael batteling a dark past Gabriel is there help him through the darkness and see he is not the beast he once thought he was.

Jessica Thorman

6 reviews

June 17, 2015

This book is absolutely AMAZING! The characters stick with you, the story was easy to follow and the story line was great. For a first time author, this was a really awesome read. Thanks Jaclyn! I can't wait to read more of your books!

Viki Evans

299 reviews

November 15, 2015

Loved it

Really liked this one, I originally seen book two first and I thought I had better read book one first and I am so glad I did love Gabriel and Michael off to read Zachs story now

Victorias' KeepinitReal

409 reviews1 follower

August 8, 2017

Loved it! What a great love story. The MCs had the perfect chemistry and belong together....FOREVER!
Michael had a childhood of abuse suffered at the hands of his crazy, sad*stic mother. Glad she's gone! Michael thinking and feeling like he was a beast inside and out laced with the ugliness and scars from his past felt he didn't deserve to love or be loved....ever....but not true, for one fateful night his world collided with Gabriel's. Oh the handsome, beautiful, androgynous and FABULOUS Gabriel!!!! I loved him too. Gabriel made Michael see just how handsome and strong he really was. That his scars, while visible, were battle scars, survivor scars and he was worthy of feeling loved and being loved. Gabriel gave him that confidence in helping Michael realize that truth and together they fell in love and built a life together. This story was well written by author, Jaclyn Osborn. This was my first story from this author and will definitely not be my last. Especially, since I'm starting Zack's Awakening. Right now! Can't wait!

HEA MM Fanatic

22 reviews

June 23, 2015

Solid first book

For being 1st person, I was surprised by how well I connected with the story. The writing is smooth, and I could relate to both characters. Normally guys who like to dress like girls aren't the type of story I enjoy, but Gabriel was spunky and lovable. There were just a couple issues I had with the story. The important one is that I thought Michael could have had more of a struggle in his healing. It felt too easy. One day he can't stand Gabe's touch on his torso, and then he's easily taking it. Michael's aversion is totally understandable, and I would have liked to see more of the process of his ability to tolerate, and then enjoy Gabe's touch. Otherwise, it just felt too sudden, like magic. It would have been good to see more of Michael's psychiatrist to help him too.

Overall, Michael's Awakening is a solid, enjoyable read. I look forward to more from this author.


2,194 reviews33 followers

September 17, 2018


Oh boy did I struggle with this one. I'm not sure if it was the narration or the story itself that gave me the most problems. A narrator has the potential to make a good story bad and a so so story good, this narration hurt this story.

In saying that I did have problems with Michael's issues and that had nothing to do with the narration. I get where the author was trying to go with it but in my opinion the execution failed. It was really sad but I never felt the heartbreaking emotion I should have felt maybe if it was a stronger part of the story I would have. Now what happened to Gabriel near the end was heartbreaking but by the time I got to that I was already disengaged from the story.

I think I'm going to put the rest of the series on the back burner for now maybe I need to be in a different frame of mind I know that can also hurt a story.

    age-difference audible didn-t-really-work-for-me

Page Crusherz

1,264 reviews2 followers

June 29, 2015

I bought this one on a whim, and I moved it to the top of my TBR pile because I wanted something different. I was so taken back by it, and I simply fell in love with it.

I loved Gabe's unabashed self expression, and coupled with Michael's self consciousness. I really believed in Michael's transformation, and I liked that Gabe was a three dimensional character, and not a parody of brashness.

I can't say that this wasn't somewhat cliched, or that it was a story that has never been done before, but I truly lost myself in it, and I couldn't wait to get back to these two and their world. It has that je ne said quoi quality that just swept me away, and it was such a huge surprise for me from an author that was new to me.

I highly recommend this one when you are looking for a good, sweep you off your feet romance.

Michael's Awakening (Awakening, #1) (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 5760

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (58 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.