7 Simple Steps To Realise Your Project Benefits » BestOutcome (2024)

In today’s dynamic and competitive business landscape, delivering successful projects that generate tangible value and desired outcomes has become paramount for organizations.

Effective project management goes beyond completing tasks and adhering to schedules; it involves actively managing and realizing the benefits associated with each project.

The Project Management Institute (PMI) defines project benefits as the positive impacts and value derived from successfully completing a project.

These benefits can be both quantitative and qualitative, ranging from financial gains and cost reductions to improved customer satisfaction and strategic positioning.

Understanding and effectively managing these benefits throughout the project lifecycle is essential for maximizing the project’s overall success and its contribution to organizational objectives.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the critical aspects of project benefits management, providing you with practical insights, tools, and methodologies to ensure successful benefits realization.

We will delve into topics such as project initiation, identifying and quantifying benefits, managing dis-benefits, cost reductions, and delivering benefits.

We will discuss the role of the Project Management Office (PMO) in benefits management and explore how to align project objectives with the strategic goals of the organization.

Whether you are involved in managing large-scale projects, launching a new product, or implementing organizational change, understanding and implementing robust project benefits management practices will significantly enhance your ability to deliver successful projects.

  • What is a project benefit?
  • Benefits management in project management
  • Who is responsible for benefits management?
  • Advantages of benefits management
  • Easy-to-follow steps for successful benefits realisation

This video shows how PM3, our PPM tool, helps you manage benefits

What is are project benefits?

In the realm of project management, a project benefit refers to the positive outcomes, advantages, or value that is expected to be gained by completing a project successfully.

Benefits are the driving force behind initiating and executing projects, as they provide a compelling reason for organizations to invest time, resources, and effort into undertaking specific endeavors.

Benefits can be classified into two broad categories: tangible and intangible.

Tangible benefits are those that can be measured in monetary terms or quantifiable units.

These include cost savings, revenue growth, increased market share, improved operational efficiency, reduced cycle times, and enhanced productivity.

Tangible benefits are often easier to evaluate and communicate to stakeholders due to their concrete nature.

On the other hand, intangible benefits are more difficult to measure and express in monetary terms.

These benefits may include improved customer satisfaction, enhanced brand reputation, strengthened stakeholder relationships, increased employee morale, or the ability to meet regulatory requirements.

While intangible benefits may be challenging to quantify, they are nonetheless critical for the long-term success and sustainability of an organization.

It is essential for project management professionals to identify, define, and prioritize the expected benefits at the outset of a project.

This process requires a deep understanding of the organization’s strategic objectives, as well as the needs and expectations of stakeholders.

By clearly articulating the anticipated benefits, project managers can align the project’s objectives and deliverables with the desired outcomes.

Moreover, project benefits should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) to ensure that they are realistic, trackable, and aligned with the project’s scope and timeline.

Each benefit should have well-defined success criteria and indicators that enable the evaluation of progress and impact throughout the project’s lifecycle.

Effectively managing project benefits requires collaboration among project managers, stakeholders, and subject matter experts.

By involving key stakeholders in the identification and prioritization of benefits, project management professionals can create a shared understanding and commitment to the project’s objectives.

This collaborative approach fosters engagement, buy-in, and support throughout the project’s execution.

In summary, project benefits represent the positive outcomes and value that organizations aim to achieve through the successful completion of projects.

By understanding the distinction between tangible and intangible benefits and employing a systematic approach to benefits management, project management professionals can ensure that projects are strategically aligned, value-driven, and ultimately contribute to the overall success of the organization.

Benefits management in project management

Benefits management is a structured approach to identify, plan, track, and realize the anticipated benefits of a project.

It involves integrating benefits management practices into the project management lifecycle, from initiation to closure.

Benefits management ensures that project objectives are clearly defined, benefits are identified and prioritized, and appropriate strategies and actions are implemented to realize those benefits.

By effectively managing benefits, project management professionals can drive value creation, support decision-making processes, and ensure that projects deliver the intended outcomes and benefits.

1. Benefits Identification

The first step in benefits management is identifying and documenting the potential benefits that the project aims to achieve.

This involves conducting a thorough analysis of the organization’s strategic objectives, current challenges, and stakeholder expectations.

It is essential to engage stakeholders and subject matter experts to gain a comprehensive understanding of the benefits that are most relevant and valuable to the organization.

2. Benefits Planning

Once the benefits are identified, a benefits management plan is developed.

This plan outlines the actions required to deliver and measure the benefits.

It includes a detailed roadmap that defines the activities, resources, and timelines needed to achieve the desired outcomes.

The benefits management plan also establishes roles and responsibilities, success criteria, and measurement methods to ensure clarity and accountability.

3. Benefits realization strategy

A benefits realization strategy defines the approach and activities needed to ensure that the identified benefits are actually realized.

It involves developing strategies to maximize the probability of success, such as implementing process improvements, organizational change, or technology adoption.

The strategy may also include risk management measures to mitigate potential obstacles and ensure smooth benefits realization.

4. Benefits tracking and measurement

Throughout the project lifecycle, progress toward achieving the benefits is monitored and measured.

This involves establishing metrics, collecting data, and analyzing the results to assess the effectiveness of the project in delivering the anticipated benefits.

Regular monitoring allows project management professionals to identify deviations from the expected outcomes and take corrective actions as necessary.

5. Benefits review and evaluation

Periodic reviews and evaluations are conducted to assess the actual outcomes and benefits achieved against the expected ones.

This step involves analyzing the data collected, comparing it with the baseline or target metrics, and documenting the results.

The review process helps identify gaps, lessons learned, and areas for improvement.

It also provides valuable insights for future projects and enhances the organization’s overall benefits management capabilities.

6. Benefits communication

Effective communication is crucial throughout the benefits management process.

Project management professionals need to proactively communicate with stakeholders, providing updates on progress, sharing successes, and addressing any concerns or challenges.

Transparent and timely communication fosters stakeholder engagement, trust, and support, ensuring a shared understanding of the benefits and their impact on the organization.

7. Benefits governance

Benefits governance refers to the establishment of a governance structure to oversee and guide the benefits management process.

This structure includes assigning responsibilities to individuals or teams who are accountable for benefits realization, setting up regular review meetings, and ensuring alignment between project management and organizational goals.

Effective benefits governance provides a framework for decision-making, issue resolution, and continuous improvement.

By integrating benefits management practices into project management, professionals can ensure that projects are not solely focused on delivering outputs but are also designed to maximize the value and benefits for the organization.

Benefits management facilitates strategic alignment, stakeholder engagement, data-driven decision-making, and continuous improvement, ultimately enhancing the success and impact of projects.

Advantages of benefits management

Benefits management offers several advantages for project management professionals and organizations. Let’s explore some of these advantages in detail:

Strategic alignment

One of the primary advantages of benefits management is its ability to align projects with the strategic objectives of the organization.

By explicitly identifying and prioritizing benefits, project management professionals ensure that projects are directly contributing to the overall goals and vision of the organization.

This alignment enhances the organization’s ability to achieve strategic objectives and increases the project’s relevance and value.

Value-driven approach

Benefits management emphasizes a value-driven approach to project management.

It shifts the focus from merely completing tasks and delivering outputs to achieving specific benefits and outcomes.

This approach ensures that projects are purposeful and contribute to the organization’s success.

By emphasizing the delivery of tangible and intangible benefits, project management professionals can demonstrate the value and impact of their projects to stakeholders and sponsors.

Stakeholder engagement

Benefits management requires active engagement with stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle.

Stakeholders play a crucial role in identifying benefits, defining success criteria, and monitoring progress.

By involving stakeholders, project management professionals foster collaboration, improve communication, and gain a deeper understanding of stakeholder expectations.

Engaging stakeholders in the benefits management process promotes ownership, support, and commitment, leading to greater project success.

Decision-making support

Benefits management provides valuable insights for decision-making throughout the project.

By clearly defining benefits and establishing success criteria, project management professionals gain a framework for prioritizing activities, allocating resources effectively, and making informed choices.

The ability to measure and track progress towards benefits enables data-driven decision-making, ensuring that project efforts are focused on achieving the most valuable outcomes.

Continuous improvement

A key advantage of benefits management is its focus on continuous improvement.

Regular reviews and evaluations of benefits realization enable project management professionals to identify areas for improvement and capture lessons learned.

The knowledge gained from one project can be applied to future initiatives, enhancing the organization’s project management maturity and increasing the success rates of subsequent projects.

This iterative approach drives organizational learning and contributes to ongoing improvement and innovation.

Risk management

Benefits management integrates risk management into the project lifecycle.

By identifying and prioritizing benefits, project management professionals can identify potential risks that may impact their achievement.

This proactive approach allows for the development of mitigation strategies and contingency plans to minimize the negative impact of risks on benefits realization.

By integrating risk management with benefits management, project management professionals can enhance project resilience and ensure a higher probability of success.

Organizational performance

Effectively managing benefits contributes to improved organizational performance.

Projects that are aligned with strategic objectives and deliver the anticipated benefits enhance the organization’s competitiveness, market positioning, and operational efficiency.

Furthermore, the successful realization of benefits leads to enhanced customer satisfaction, increased stakeholder confidence, and improved overall performance.

Benefits management plays a crucial role in ensuring that projects deliver the desired outcomes and maximize the value generated for the organization.

In summary, benefits management provides several advantages for project management professionals and organizations.

It aligns projects with strategic objectives, fosters stakeholder engagement, supports data-driven decision-making, promotes continuous improvement, integrates risk management, and enhances organizational performance.

By adopting a benefits-centric approach, project management professionals can elevate the success and impact of their projects and drive organizational success.

Who is Responsible for Benefits Management?

Benefits management is a collaborative effort involving various stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle.

While the ultimate responsibility for benefits management lies with the project management team, several other key roles contribute to its successful implementation.

Let’s explore the different stakeholders and their responsibilities in benefits management:

Project management team

The project management team holds primary responsibility for benefits management.

They are accountable for identifying, planning, and delivering the benefits outlined in the project’s business case.

The project manager leads the team in aligning project objectives with the desired outcomes and ensures that the necessary strategies and actions are implemented to realize the benefits.

The project management team also tracks progress, monitors benefits, and takes corrective actions when needed.

Business case owners

Business case owners are responsible for articulating the expected benefits of the project and developing the business case.

They collaborate closely with the project management team to define the benefits, establish measurement criteria, and identify the dependencies required for their realization.

Business case owners provide the necessary context and insights into the organization’s strategic objectives and desired outcomes.

Change management professionals

Change management professionals play a crucial role in benefits management, particularly when projects involve significant business change.

They support the project management team by developing change management strategies and plans to facilitate the adoption of new processes, systems, or behaviors required to realize the benefits.

Change management professionals focus on engaging stakeholders, communicating the benefits, addressing resistance, and ensuring successful organizational change.

Portfolio management

Portfolio managers oversee the collection of projects and programs within an organization.

They are responsible for aligning projects with organizational objectives and ensuring that the portfolio delivers the expected benefits.

Portfolio managers provide guidance and support to the project management team by prioritizing projects, allocating resources, and monitoring overall portfolio performance.

They play a critical role in strategic alignment and the realization of benefits across multiple projects.

Programme management

In cases where projects are part of a larger program, the program management team is responsible for benefits management at the program level.

Program managers coordinate the efforts of multiple projects to deliver the desired outcomes and maximize the benefits.

They establish program-level measurement criteria, monitor progress, and facilitate coordination and collaboration among project teams.

Program management ensures that interdependencies between projects are managed effectively to achieve the overarching benefits.

Change control board

The change control board is responsible for evaluating and approving changes to the project scope, schedule, and resources.

They play a vital role in benefits management by assessing any proposed changes in terms of their potential impact on benefits realization.

The change control board ensures that changes align with the project’s objectives and that any adjustments do not compromise the delivery of anticipated benefits.

Different stakeholders by benefit type

Different types of benefits require the involvement of specific stakeholders.

For financial benefits, finance professionals or analysts play a key role in quantifying and assessing the financial impact of the project.

Subject matter experts are crucial for benefits related to operational improvements or technological advancements.

Customer relationship managers or marketing professionals are involved in benefits related to customer satisfaction or market positioning.

Depending on the nature of the benefits, stakeholders with domain expertise need to be engaged accordingly.

In summary, benefits management involves the collaboration of various stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle.

While the project management team holds primary responsibility, business case owners, change management professionals, portfolio and program managers, change control boards, and subject matter experts contribute to the successful realization of benefits.

The use of templates, methodologies, and the involvement of stakeholders with relevant expertise ensures that benefits are effectively identified, tracked, and delivered, ultimately contributing to the project’s success and the organization’s overall strategic objectives.

Steps for successful benefits realization

Successful benefits realization is a critical aspect of project management.

To ensure that projects deliver their intended outcomes and maximize value for the organization, project management professionals can follow a comprehensive approach that encompasses various steps.

While the number of steps may vary depending on the project and its complexity, the following framework provides a general guideline for successful benefits realization:

Identify and define benefits

The first step in the benefits realization process is to clearly identify and define the benefits expected from the project.

This involves consulting with stakeholders, subject matter experts, and relevant organizational units to gain a comprehensive understanding of the desired outcomes.

It is crucial to define the benefits in specific and measurable terms, ensuring they align with the overall objectives of the organization.

Establish measurement criteria

To effectively track and evaluate benefits, it is essential to establish specific criteria for measuring each benefit.

These criteria should be measurable, time-bound, and aligned with the defined benefits.

For tangible benefits, financial metrics such as cost savings, revenue growth, or return on investment can be utilized.

Intangible benefits may require the use of surveys, qualitative assessments, or other appropriate measurement methods.

Clear measurement criteria provide a basis for assessing progress and success.

Develop a benefits realization plan

A benefits realization plan serves as a roadmap for achieving the identified benefits.

This plan outlines the actions, resources, and timelines necessary to deliver and measure the benefits.

It includes activities to be performed, responsible parties, success criteria, and milestones.

The plan should also consider potential risks and mitigation strategies to ensure that benefits realization stays on track despite challenges that may arise.

Integrate benefits into project planning

To ensure benefits are effectively realized, it is crucial to integrate them into the project planning process.

Align project activities, milestones, and deliverables with the identified benefits.

This ensures that project efforts are focused on delivering the desired outcomes.

By incorporating benefits into the project plan, project management professionals can maintain a clear connection between project activities and the expected benefits.

Monitor and track progress

Regular monitoring and tracking of progress toward benefits realization are essential.

Collect relevant data, measure key performance indicators, and compare them against the established measurement criteria.

This allows project management professionals to identify any deviations from the expected outcomes and take corrective actions in a timely manner.

Ongoing monitoring helps ensure that the project remains on track and that benefits are being realized as planned.

Take corrective actions

If progress toward benefits realization is not aligned with expectations, it is crucial to take corrective actions.

Analyze the factors contributing to the gaps and implement appropriate measures to address them.

This may involve adjusting project plans, revising strategies, reallocating resources, or resolving issues that hinder benefits realization.

Proactive intervention helps course-correct the project and ensures that efforts remain focused on achieving the desired benefits.

Review and evaluate

Regular reviews and evaluations are necessary to assess the actual outcomes and benefits achieved against the expected ones.

Analyze the data collected, compare it with the baseline or target metrics, and document the results.

This evaluation process provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of the benefits realization efforts, identifies areas for improvement, and captures lessons learned.

The findings from these reviews can guide future project planning and enhance the organization’s overall benefits management capabilities.

Communicate and celebrate success

Effective communication is vital throughout the benefits realization process.

Keep stakeholders informed about progress, share successes achieved, and address any concerns or challenges.

Celebrate milestones and successes to maintain stakeholder engagement and support.

Transparent and timely communication fosters trust, collaboration, and a shared understanding of the benefits and their impact on the organization.

By following these steps, project management professionals can enhance their ability to deliver projects that not only meet objectives but also maximize the value and benefits for the organization.

Benefits realization ensures that projects remain aligned with strategic goals, maintain focus on achieving desired outcomes, and continually deliver value throughout their lifecycle.

7 Simple Steps To Realise Your Project Benefits » BestOutcome (2024)


7 Simple Steps To Realise Your Project Benefits » BestOutcome? ›

Benefits realization is an approach to closing that gap. Managers do this by aligning portfolios, programs, and projects to the organization's strategy. Benefits realization is crucial because it helps ensure optimal value from IT-enabled initiatives. It secures a cost-efficient delivery of solutions and services.

What is the benefit realization strategy? ›

Benefits realization is an approach to closing that gap. Managers do this by aligning portfolios, programs, and projects to the organization's strategy. Benefits realization is crucial because it helps ensure optimal value from IT-enabled initiatives. It secures a cost-efficient delivery of solutions and services.

How to realize project benefits? ›

For benefits realisation to work it is crucial to identify clear benefits (early in the change life-cycle) and to assign ownership to those responsible for planning and managing their achievement.

How to identify the benefits of a project? ›

Here's a list of best practice when it comes to measuring benefits.
  1. Step one: identify your objectives and outcomes. ...
  2. Step two: identify tangible and intangible benefits. ...
  3. Step three: document your benefits. ...
  4. Step four: capture your baseline measurements. ...
  5. Step five: realise your benefits. ...
  6. Step six: monitor your benefits.
May 12, 2020

How to track project benefits? ›

The process:
  1. Identify benefits.
  2. Define in detail what each benefit will entail.
  3. Assign dates for the delivery of the benefits.
  4. Detail the necessary implementation procedures to ensure that benefits are delivered in full.
  5. Plan for change management as the processes to deliver new benefits are implemented.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.