User Activity Log (2024)

User Activity Log (1)

User Activity Log (2)

User Activity Log

To view a history of user activity in the OPERA database, select Miscellaneous > User Activity Log to access the User Activity Log screen. The User Activity Log will display user activities based on your filter criteria and Activity Group (whether it be Reservation, Posting, Housekeeping, Commission, Configuration, Employee, Profile, Blocks, or Potential, among others).

Note: User activity related specifically to the Blocks Activity Group can be viewed directly from the Business Block Search screen or from this screen through the Options > Changes menu. The screen that appears with block-specific information is the Block Changes Screen. For more information, see the topic Block Changes Screen.

- In S&C and SFA, to view the Block Changes screen, select Business Management > Business Block. On the Business Block Search screen, select Options > Changes. Or, select Business Management > Business Block and on the Business Block Search screen, select Edit. On the Business Block screen, select Options > Changes.

- In PMS and ORS/OCIS this feature is available by selecting Reservations > Blocks > Business Block. On the Business Block Search screen, select Options > Changes. Or, on the Business Block Search screen, select Edit > Options > Changes.

- Changes made to leads attached to a Business Block in SFA can be viewed here on the User Activity Log and also on the Block Changes Screen. See the Business Block Options menu in SFA.


  • To view the User Activity Log for additions and changes made to a particular profile only, access the User Activity Log for profiles within PMS from the Profile screen by selecting Reservations > Profiles > Profile Search and within ORS from the Profile screen by selecting Profiles > Profiles > Profile Search. From the Profile screen, select Options > Changes. Profile promotions (both added or deleted) can also be viewed here.
  • Change activity related to a particular reservation can be viewed by selecting the Changes button from the Reservation Options menu. (The Reservation Options menu is accessible from the Reservation screen or from the Reservation Search screen.)
  • Change activity related to a particular rate code can be viewed by selecting the Changes button from the Rate Detail tab. This can be accessed by selecting Setup > Configuration > Rate Management > Rate Classifications > Rate Codes. Select the New or Edit buttons to open the Rate Setup - New or Edit screen. Select the Rate Detail tab.

    Note: Changes and updates to the daily rates are not recorded in the User Activity Log. (Daily Rates functionality is available when the Rates > Daily Rates application function is set to Y. See Daily Rates Configuration Process for details.)

  • User changes made to Housekeeping Room Discrepancies are recorded in the activity log. For example, when Discrepant Room 1004 Housekeeping Status is changed from Occupied to Vacant. This allows the user to see the new value for the room and the old value that was assigned to the room prior to the change. Also, if a Housekeeping Discrepancy happens for Persons, then this will also be displayed in the User Activity Log. For Example, if a discrepant 'housekeeping persons' is changed from 0 to 1 then this is displayed. See Room Discrepancies for details.
  • User statements made at the OPERA SQL utility (Utilities > Tools > OPERA SQL) can be viewed at the User Activity Log by selecting the System Activity Group. To view these records, the user must have the permission GENERAL > SHOW SYSTEM LOG. Displayed records of the statements will identify the User ID, Time, Date, Action type, Description, and Workstation ID.

Search Criteria

Search options are available when the User Activity Log is accessed by selecting Miscellaneous > User Activity Log. Use these options to filter the User Activity Log information for display. Depending on the application used to access the User Activity Log, either PMS, ORS, or OCIS, different filter options will be available. Enter your search options and select the Search button. If you want to begin a new search, you can remove all of the manually entered values at once by selecting the Clear button. Only the default search criteria is restored.

Property. When the OPP MHT2license or the OPR_ORS license codes are active, you can access a User Activity Log for any property in your cluster. When selecting a specific property, OPERA displays information for the property chosen.

Activity From Date/To Date. When called from the Miscellaneous menu, by default, the User Activity Log shows entries for the current date. To display records for a date other than the default date or for a range of dates, enter the dates in these fields or use the Calendar tool. (When called from a Business Block, the Activity From Date defaults to the business block creation date and the To Date defaults to the current system date.)

Text. Type a partial or whole string to search for in the log’s Descriptions. Use the percent sign wildcard (%) to stand for any character or characters in the search string. For example, if you are not sure whether transaction code should be spelled out, or whether transaction is abbreviated as trn. with or without a period, you could enter t%code. (Text searches are not case sensitive.) This field is automatically cleared each time you select a different activity group option button.

Note: You must use the % sign to represent quotes (') in your search. For example, to search for John's you would enter John%s.

Activity Group. Select the down arrow to choose the Activity Group to report. For example, if you are interested in reservation changes, select Reservation; if you are interested in transaction postings, select Posting. All options described below may not be available to you, depending on the OPERA modules that are licensed at your property and/or the active application functions, parameters, and settings.

For more details on exact items logged, see User Activity Log Core Items Logged spreadsheet.

  • Reservation - View user activity log data related to reservations creation and reservations management.


    When you select Reservation you are required to choose an action type in the Activity Type field.

    Upon creating a reservation (Action Type = New) if a discount was applied, the Discount Amount, Discount %, and Discount Code are logged.

    When you generate a Pro Forma invoice for any reservation, a Pro Forma Folio action record is created in the user activity log and populated with reservation balance for reference.

    Payment method information for new and changed reservations is handled as follows in the user activity log:
    •New Reservation Activity Type: When creating a new reservation, the user activity log record does not explicitly identify the Billing screen window for the payment method which is applied to window 1 (and which is displayed in the Reservation screen Payment field). For example,
    would be shown in the log and it is assumed that it applies to window 1. If the RESERVATIONS > PAYMENT TYPES PER WINDOW application function is set to Y), payment methods applied to other windows while creating the new reservation will be shown in the user activity log with their window number. For example, specifying a payment method for window 2 would result in this log entry:
    •Update Reservation Activity Type: When updating a reservation and changing the payment method, either for Billing screen window 1 or for another window (if the RESERVATIONS > PAYMENT TYPES PER WINDOW application function is set to Y), the Billing screen window to which the payment method change applies will be included in the record. For example, changing the payment method for window 1 would result in this log entry:

  • Posting - View user activity log data related to posting charges. End of Day posting activity as well as staff posting activities are covered. When a posting was made in a negative amount using a Cash, Check, or Other transaction code, the description of the transaction code will begin the action description.
For Example
The following is how the transaction codes are configured with their description:
Trx code 9000 configured as Cash, description of trx code is 'Cash'
Trx code 9001 configured as Check, description of trx code is 'Check'
Trx code 9002 configured as Others, description of trx code is 'Voucher'
Trx code 9003 configured as credit card, description of trx code is 'Visa'

When posting negative payment using each of the above trx codes, the log text will be

'Cash refund of ...'
'Check refund of ....'
'Voucher refund of ....'

And in case of a credit card payment type, then

'CC refund of ...' would be displayed, not ' Visa refund of..'
  • Housekeeping - View user activity log data related to Housekeeping. These changes can include but are not limited to:
    • Changes in Housekeeping Status: From Dirty to Clean, from Clean to Inspected, etc.
    • Changes in Front Office status: From Vacant to Occupied, from Occupied to Vacant.
    • Changes in Room Status (e.g., room status changed to/from out of order or out of service; log entry includes reason, return status remarks).

      Note: Upon check out, if the room status stayed the same as it was upon check in (i.e., it was clean upon check in and stayed clean upon check out), the User Activity Log will not register any change in the Housekeeping room status.

  • Commission - View user activity log data related to commissions including commission codes configuration and commissions processing activity.
  • Configuration - View user activity log data related to configuration changes. When this Activity Group is selected, the Activity Type field is not available. These changes can include but are not limited to:
    • Application settings and parameters
    • User and user group configuration
    • User and user group permissions
    • Property access
    • Foreign currency codes
    • Exchange codes
    • Exchange rates
    • Block occupancies synchronizations
    • Business event synchronizations
    • Revenue buckets
    • Additions, deletions, and modifications pertaining to Authorizer configuration are displayed. See Property Access Log Entries, below, for information on user activity log entries that pertain to granting and revoking property access to users and user groups.
    • Updates to Menu URL Links
    • Room Type and Room changes (create, edit, delete)
    • Rate code changes (changes to Header tab, Rate Detail tab, More tab, Negotiated tab)
    • Changes related to Multi Transaction Code Rate Codes feature (available when the RATES > RATE HEADER MULTIPLE ROOM TRN CODE LINKAGE application function is set to Y).
    • Creation, deletion, and update of rate strategies (Configuration > Rate Management > Rate Strategy). Action types NEW_RATE_STRATEGY, UPDATE_RATE_STRATEGY, and DELETE_RATE_STRATEGY.
    • When the IFC > ADVANCED AUTHORIZATION RULES application parameter is set to Y, CREATED, CHANGED, and DELETED action types relative to credit card authorization rules (Configuration > Setup > Property Interfaces > Credit Card Interface > Authorization Rules) are recorded. When the application parameter is not active, all activity relative to credit card authorization rules is recorded as a CHANGED activity type.
    • Changes (Load/Delete/Edit) made to Daily Targets in Configuration > Database > Daily Target Definition are recorded. The changes made appear in the Action Types column as DAILY_TARGET_LOAD, DAILY_TARGET_DELETE, and DAILY_TARGET_EDIT.
    • Item Inventory Item Configuration (New/Updates/Deletions).
    • Screen Painting additions/edits/deletions made in Configuration > Setup > Screen Painter. Changes made appear in the Action Types as CF_SCREEN_PAINTER.
  • Employee - View changes made to the Edit User screen (EMPLOYEE).
  • End of Day - View user activity log data related to End of Day processing. Every successful login to the night audit for any user is logged and a property can see which user attempted to start night audit and at what time. Also, if a user runs the End of Day process in a span less than 15 hours after it was previously ran, then the user and time details of the End of Day re-run is logged for reference.
  • Accounts Receivable - View user activity log data related to AR accounts, including the AR Account Setup. This group will also include Direct Bill Authorizations and Settlements when the CASHIERING > DIRECT BILL AUTHORIZATIONS AND SETTLEMENT application parameter is set to Y. Also recorded in the log are when payments are applied/unapplied/reversed and the details of the following that are logged may contain: Account Name, Account Number, Invoice Number, Payment Type, Original Open Amount, and the transactions applied/unapplied/reversed and amount.

    Depending on if 1 payment is applied to multiple invoices or multiple payments are applied to single invoice, the format of the user log varies.

  • Profiles - View user activity log data related to all profile types (i.e. individual, company, travel agent, source, group, contact, vendor, or AR accounts). Profile promotions (both added or deleted) can also be viewed in the activity log.

    When the PROFILES > PROFILE NOTIFICATIONS application function is set to Y, when a Profile Notification is added, updated, deleted, resolved, or unresolved, then an entry will be made based on the action that was taken for the profile notification. When a Profile Notification is resolved, the status of the notification description is updated from "UN RESOLVED" to "RESOLVED ON".

    Note: When you select Profiles you are required to choose an action type in the Activity Type field.

  • Blocks - View user activity log data related to business blocks. This information can also be viewed from the Business Blocks Search screen > Options > Changes. See the topic Block Changes User Activity Log.
  • Permissions - View the permissions changed by the users identified in the Activity By field for the users identified in the Activity For field.
  • Ownership - Available when the when the OPO_<version number> OPERA Vacation Ownership (OVOS) license is active, view contract overrides, configuration changes, and posting changes made in OVOS. When the Ownership Activity Group is selected, the following Activity Types are available in the Action Type field:
    • Add Auth User
    • Auto Renew Contract
    • Batch Price Update
    • Comp Nights Adjustment
    • Delete Auth User
    • Delete Custom Stmnt
    • Delete Owner Contract
    • New Custom Stmnt
    • New Owner Contract
    • Rotation Points Edit
    • Update Auth User
    • Update Custom Stmnt
    • Update Owner Contract
  • System - Available when the permission GENERAL > SHOW SYSTEM LOG is granted. View statements that were made by users through the OPERA SQL utility (Utilities > Tools > OPERA SQL).
  • Service Requests - Available when the application function GENERAL > SERVICE REQUEST is active. View and print user activity log data related to Service Requests. In the Reservation and Profile Changes logs, these changes display under Update Reservation and Update Profile.
  • OXI/OXIHUB - View user activity log data related to OXI or OXI_HUB. Following is a list of areas where changes in OXI/OXIHUB will be recorded:
    • Automatic Transmission Schedule
    • Conversion Codes In/Activation
    • Interface Alert Configuration
    • Interface CC Defaults
    • Interface Capability
    • Interface Communication Method
    • Interface Conversion Codes
    • Interface Parameters
    • Interface Resyncs
    • Interface Rules
    • Interface XML Version
    • Internal Parameters
    • Merge Rules
    • Process Admin
    • Purge Setup
    • Redelivered Messages to Ext System
    • Reprocessed Messages from Ext System
    • Reprocessed Messages to Ext System
    • Resort Delivery methods
    • Resort Failover
    • UDF Definition
    • Conversion Code Room Pool (MARSHA Specific Conversion setup)
  • Miscellaneous - Additional Activity Types that do not belong to other classifications.

    Note: When you select Miscellaneous you are required to choose an action type in the Activity Type field.

    Options include the following:

    Credit Cards - View user activity log data related to credit card authorizations, settlements, credit card information entry and deletion, and other transactions. This includes offline settlements taking place for a reservation due to interface time out or when user performs the settlement of temporarily stored offline settlements via Cashiering > Credit Cards > Settlement option, or when End of Day attempts to perform the settlement of temporarily stored offline settlements.

    Note: If the user is granted the RESERVATIONS > CREDIT CARD INFORMATION VIEW permission, the user activity log records each time such user accesses an OPERA screen that displays credit card information (i.e., credit card numbers and expiration dates) — which in these cases will be un-masked — regardless of whether any action was taken on the credit card information itself. These screens include the Reservation screen, the Payment screen, the Profile screen, the Group Rooming List, and others.

For credit card authorizations, the action Description field specifies one of the following authorization initiation points for each authorization attempt:

  • Authorization at Check In - Front Desk > Arrivals > Check In.
  • Additional Authorizations - Reservations > Options > Credit Cards > Authorization > Additional Authorization.
  • Manual Authorization - Reservations > Options > Credit Cards > Authorization > Manual Authorization.
  • Batch Authorizations - Cashiering > Credit Cards > Authorization (Property Interfaces > Credit Card Interface > General Parameters > Active check box un-selected.)
  • Scheduled Authorizations - Background authorization (Property Interfaces > Credit Card Interface > General Parameters > Active check box-selected and interval defined.)
  • Authorization at Check Out - Cashiering > Billing > Checkout (Authorization proceeds if the guest balance exceeds the authorized amount.)
  • End of Day Authorizations - NACC_AUTH procedure requests authorization on checked in guest credit cards.
  • Auto Settlement Authorizations - Cashiering > Cashier Functions > Batch Folios > Auto Folio Settlement.
  • Batch Credit Card Settlements - Cashiering > Credit Cards > Settlements
  • End of Day Batch Settlement - End of Day Procedure AUTOBATCHCCSETTLEMENT.

E-Certificates. Available when the application parameter Profiles > OCIS E-Certificates, Printing of E-Certificates will generate a record in the User Activity Log.

Track It - Available when the GENERAL > TRACK IT application function is set to Y. View user activity log data related to the Track It feature.

Courtesy Cards. Available when the MEMBERSHIPS > COURTESY CARD HANDLING application function is set to Y. View User Activity Log data related to the Courtesy Cards feature.

Folio Delivery. Records emailed folios for Reservations, Passerby, Post It or AR Account; it records the time they were sent and the email address they were sent to from within OPERA. This includes folios that were setup to be emailed from the Multiple Methods of Payment Per Reservation screen during the Auto Folio Settlement, or via Remote/Video/Kiosk Check Out.

Notes: If a folio is emailed for a reservation, a change record is added to the Reservation Change Log (Reservation screen Options menu> Changes). If a folio is emailed where there is no associated reservation, a change record is added to the Profile Change Log (Profile screen Options menu>Changes) e.g., for Passerby, AR folios and Post It folios.

For Post It folios, which can be emailed only from Folio History, the log is available only under the User Activity Log option (Miscellaneous > User Activity Log) since the Post It profile is hidden in OPERA.

The User Activity Log contains information such as NAME, EMAILED TO, ROOM, CONFIRMATION, WINDOW, FOLIO, INVOICE, AR ACCOUNT, BUSINESS DATE, TYPE, and FOLIO STATUS, as applicable.

If there is an error when emailing the folio, the error description is added to the User Activity Log Description.

  • Potential. View the Potential Changes screen for user activity log data related to potentials. Following is a list of areas where changes in potentials are recorded:
    • Potential Creation
    • Change of Owner
    • Change of Description
    • Change of Profile links
    • Change of Dates
    • Creation / Updates / Deletion of History Records
    • Creation / Updates / Deletion of Forecast Records
    • Creation / Updates / Deletion of Notes

      Note: All changes other than Forecast record changes will be purged 365 days after the end date of the potential. Potential Forecast record changes will be purged 30 days after the end date of the potential.

Activity Type. When certain Activity Groups are selected, you must select the drop down arrow to choose an Activity Type option that relates to that Activity Group. In such cases, if this field is not entered, a message appears stating that this field is mandatory.


  • Authorize Direct Bill
  • Update Reservation
  • Cancel
  • Check In
  • Check Out
  • Delete
  • Delete Routing Instructions
  • Deposit Transfer
  • Facility Tasks
  • Hurdle Override
  • Join Share
  • Keys
  • New
  • Messages
  • Miscellaneous
  • New Routing Instructions
  • No Show
  • Overrides
  • Rate Change
  • Reactivate No Show
  • Reactivate Waitlist
  • Reactivate Override
  • Reset Authorize Direct Bill
  • Reverse Check In
  • Reverse Check Out
  • Rollback Cancel
  • Room Move
  • Room Type
  • Sell Limits
  • Separate Share
  • Update Reservation
  • Update Routing Instructions
  • Virtual Numbers
  • Wake Up Calls



  • Delete History
  • Delete Owner
  • Delete Profile
  • Delete Relationship
  • Employee Inactivated
  • Employee Terminated
  • Merge Profile
  • New History
  • New Note
  • New Owner
  • New Profile
  • New Relationship
  • Purge Profile
  • Subscribed Profile
  • Update History
  • Update Note
  • Update Profile
  • View Unmasked Information. Types of information are Date of Birth (if the property is included in a schema that has properties in Korea [KR] country mode and you have initiated and completed the associated encryption process), Passport Number, and ID Number. This information can be viewed in clear text if the PROFILES > VIEW SENSITIVE INFORMATION ON PROFILES permission is granted. No logging is performed when this information is viewed in masked format. The log text does not identify the specific type of information viewed.
  • Passport Number/ID Number or Date of Birth Changed. When a passport number or ID number is changed, or when a date of birth is changed (if the property is included in a schema that has properties in Korea [KR] country mode and you have initiated and completed the associated encryption process), a user log entry is created showing the old information and the new information. The old and new information is masked. When this record is highlighted and you double-click on the record, the User Activity Log Details screen opens. If you have the PROFILES > VIEW SENSITIVE INFORMATION ON PROFILES permission granted, when you right-click in the text area, the View Unmasked Values prompt appears; click on the prompt to see the old and new information unmasked. If this permission is not granted, the View Unmasked Values prompt is grayed out. Viewing the old and new passport numbers, ID numbers or dates of birth generates a separate View Unmasked Information record in the user activity log.



  • Block Restrictions
  • Cancel Block
  • Cutoff Block
  • Delete Block Header
  • Delete Block Notes
  • Delete Contract Header
  • Delete Deposit
  • Delete Lead Header
  • Move Block
  • New Block Header
  • New Block Notes
  • New Deposit
  • Refresh Rates
  • Tour Series
  • Update Block Grid
  • Update Block Grid Summary
  • Update Block Header
  • Update Block Notes
  • Update Block Pickup
  • Update Block Sell Grid
  • Update Block Sell Pickup
  • Update Block Subscription
  • Update Contract Header
  • Update Deposit
  • Update Lead Grid
  • Update Lead Header
  • Update Lead Notes
  • Update Lead Rates
  • Update Rates
  • Update Sell Rates
  • New Day Delegate (Available when the application function CATERING > ATTENDEE MANAGEMENT is active)
  • Delete Day Delegate (Available when the application function CATERING > ATTENDEE MANAGEMENT is active)


End of Day


  • Credit Cards
  • Courtesy Cards
  • Track It
  • Interface Submenu
  • New Package Element. When a new Package Header is saved, with all the fields that were populated and all the check boxes / option buttons that were selected.
  • Update Package Element. When a change is made to a Package Header and saved, with all the fields / check boxes / option buttons that now have a different value than before the save. Show Before > After.
  • Delete Package Element. When a Package Code is deleted, with the Code and the Property.
  • New Package Detail. When a new Package Detail is saved, with all the fields that were populated and all the check boxes / option buttons that were selected.
  • Update Package Detail. When a change is made to a Package Detail and saved, with all the fields / check boxes / option buttons that now have a different value than before the save. Show Before > After.

Accounts Receivables



When the OPERA S&C license code (OPS_<version number>) is active, an UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT activity is tracked in the User Activity Log for the following configuration items:

Menu Item Maintenance (Menu Item Class & Menu Items)

  • Menu Item
  • Translation

Standard Menu Setup

  • Menu
  • Menu Details
  • Menu Revenue
  • Translation

Item Inventory Setup

  • Item
  • Item Attributes
  • Item Rates
  • Item Group
  • Class
  • Translation

Catering Packages/Templates

  • Package
  • Package Menu
  • Package Item
  • Package Price
  • Event
  • Resources

Event Forecast Maintenance

  • Event Forecast
  • Event Forecast Revenue

Event (Available when one of the application functions of CATERING > CATERING EVENT, BLOCKS > DIARY, or BLOCKS > CENTRAL DIARY is active.)

  • Delete Event
  • New Event
  • Update Event

Activity By. User by whom activity was performed. By default, the User Activity Log shows entries for the logged-in user. To show entries for a specific user or users, or for members of a user group or user groups, select the down arrow and choose the users and/or user groups from the Users list. Leave blank to search for data regardless of user.

Usernames for "internal users" required by certain features may also appear in this list if that functionality, such as OXI or OEDS interfaces, is used by the property. Such functionality can be activated when:

  • The add-on license for the feature is active.
  • The feature's application function is active.
  • The external system has been created for the feature.

Once the functionality requiring an internal user has been activated, the associated username will appear in the Activity By list of values even if the feature is later inactivated.

Activity For. Available when Permissions is selected as the Activity Group field. User (or user group) for whom changes were made by the user identified in the Activity By field (or by any user if the Activity By field is left blank). Leave blank to search for data regardless of user/user group.

User Activity Log Grid

This information is view-only and cannot be modified. To sort screen information based on a particular column, single-click in the column header.

User. User name for the user making the change. For user details, click on the user name. The Opera User Information screen provides the following information:

  • OPERA User. OPERA user name.
  • Employee Name. First and last name of the employee.
  • Default Property. User's default login property.
  • Department. User's department.
  • Job Title. User's job title.
  • Extension. User's phone extension.
  • Email. User's email address.

Time. The time when the action was taken.

Note: The time and date shown reflect the time at the location of the user's login property or CRO, unless a different Time Zone Region has been configured on the Property Details screen. See Database Time Zone Regions for details.

Date. The date when the action was taken.

CRO. (Available in ORS only.) The name of the Central Reservation Office where the change was made.

Action Type. The type of action taken. There are hundreds of possible action types, for example, CHANGE ACCOUNT ADDRESS, NEW RESERVATION, ASSIGN ROOM, CREDIT CARD SCREEN ACCESS, or UPDATE RESERVATION. Action types vary with the OPERA activity group log data you are viewing.

Description. A description of the action that was taken. Scroll to the right to see the full description, or, if the description does not fit in the grid, double-click in this field to display the User Activity Log Details screen which shows the complete description.

Note: If the RATES > MULTI CURRENCY application parameter is set to Y and rate codes are configured in various currencies, the rate amount displayed is based on the currency of the rate code. All revenue and balance amounts will use the currency exchange rate set per configuration and will display in the property's currency format.

Caller Name. (Available in ORS only.) The name of the caller who made the reservation or changes to it.


Report. This button is available when the search results grid is populated. To preview, print a hard copy, or generate a PDF file of the User Activity Log information that is displayed, select the Report button. A dialog will prompt you to select the format you want. (This feature is also available on the Block Changes Screen.)

Details. This button is available when the search results grid is populated. Select this button to display the complete Description for the highlighted activity. (Same as double-clicking on the activity.) See User Activity Log Details, below. (This feature is also available on the Block Changes Screen.)

User Activity Log Details

Highlight a log entry and select the Details button to see more information about the log entry.

Note: When accessing the User Activity Log via the Changes button available on certain screens (e.g., Rate Detail tab, Reservation Options menu, etc.) the Detail button is not shown. In these situations, double click on a grid entry to display the User Activity Log Details.

The User Activity Log Details screen shows the following view only information:

  • User. User name for the user making the change. For user details, click on the user name. The OPERA User Information screen (described above) appears.
  • Time. The time when the action was taken.
  • Date. The date when the action was taken.
  • Station ID. The network ID of the workstation ID at which the action was taken. Within ORS, when a change is made to a profile by a user operating from OXI-V6, OXI-V7, or OXI- OPERA PMS the property from where the change came is recorded in the Station Id field. This helps to further identify the specific property.
  • Action Type. The type of action taken.

The text box displays the complete Description of the actions taken.

Property Access Log Entries

When the OPP_MHOT Multi property PMS add-on license is active, users can be granted access to properties in the cluster either directly or by belonging to a user group which has been granted access to the property. User activity log entries record property access changes for individual users and user groups in the following manner. When a user is granted/revoked access to a property indirectly (i.e., by belonging to a user group) rather than directly, the record displays such indirect activity in parentheses.


Log Entry and Description

Individual user granted access to a property:

PROPERTY <property_name> GRANTED TO <user_name>

Individual user granted access to a property because he or she is added to a user group that was granted access to a property:

PROPERTY <property_name> GRANTED TO <user_name> (user_group_name>)

User group granted access to a property:

PROPERTY <property_name> GRANTED TO <user_group_name>

A user log entry such as the following will be automatically created for each user who gains indirect access to the property because he or she is a member of the user group that was granted access:

PROPERTY <property_name> GRANTED TO <user_name> (user_group_name>)

Individual user revoked access to a property:

PROPERTY <property_name> REVOKED FROM <user_name>

Individual user revoked access to a property because he or she belongs to a user group that was revoked access to the property:

PROPERTY <property_name> REVOKED FROM <user_name> (user_group_name>)

User group revoked access to a property:

PROPERTY <property_name> REVOKED FROM <user_group_name>

A user log entry such as the following will be automatically created for each user who loses indirect access to the property because he or she is a member of the user group that was revoked access:

PROPERTY <property_name> REVOKED FROM <user_name> (user_group_name>)

Individual user who was directly granted access to a property had that direct access revoked (Log entry 1); however, the user still has indirect access to the property by belonging to a user group that has access to the property (access was "re-granted") (Log entry 2):

Log entry 2:
PROPERTY <property_name> RE-GRANTED TO <user_name> (<user_name> -> <user_group_name>)

Log entry 1:
PROPERTY <property_name> REVOKED FROM <user_name>

User Activity Log for Channels

The User Activity Log for channels is very similar to the one used for properties. To access this screen, select the Changes button from the Channel Setup, Channel Conversion or from one of the Channel Conversion Edit screens. From this screen, you can view the user change activity for specific channels and channel code conversions.

See Also

Database Time Zone Regions

User Activity Log Core Items Logged

Viewing Masked Fields in OPERA

User Activity Log (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.