The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SUNDAY AUGUST 28 1960 Local Driver Retains Safety Roadeo Crown Says Eaton Kennel and Paddock Chagrin Valley Show Today at ThistleDown Cli the maxes Summer Dog Program for Midwest Show Listed Like Scooter Law be fair visitors avor 18 Limit Marru' Pinetop's group minute a also took reason for this is that YESTERDAY'S RACE RESULTS were 250 said Chinese press Show Buffalo Bill's Kin Dies 1030 and Atlantic Results entry 76 1000 420 1260 Eto 49 503 Esta 56 2 20 220 33 120 3298 973 121 It Keep 324 12 429 8 426 Queen Race 1:05: 121 1 180 975 122 64 I Am KKI IIP 5 50 130 11 3 60 413 356 250 16 61 3 5 73 3 20 286 19 11 48 8 254 5 1:47: 249 330 MAJOR LEAGUE BATTING PITCHING AVERAGES 400 480 880 480 1440 540 4 40 8 00 119 119 40 46 the halter and there will be front of the 489 218 408 212 980 80 80 40 Mr Regni Catarina Has a Trojan chrome battery 300 380 640 660 560 2 in 5 80 A RO 4 60 Solon Band Parents Horse Show Today snap first Band 117 100 90 94 70 7 A Weapons Held Key to Soviet Chinese Rift 4 00 320 360 3 60 4 20 3 00 3 60 A a 5 2n 960 panel from place AB 244 3196 3147 3355 La RUE DANIELS 30 10 9 4 11 80 96 10 0 6 8 R0 80 2 4 6 9 60 420 1040 RotZ 300 360 500 will judge an Louis classes 388 391 393 394 3 lit 5J1 5 43 ill 330 660 Emancipator By Golly 6 no 380 300 That CODY Wyo Mrs Mary Jester Allen founder of 1he Buffalo Bill Museum here and former Republican Party press agent (1920 died riday night She was in her early SOs Mrs Allen was a niece of the fron tier scout and showman William (Buffalo Bill) Cody Zwlnn Harvey 14 30 17 7 20 0 3 4n 4 40 4 60 3 40 360 Knee 252 340 266 292 97 114 123 89 15 0 6 26 14 7 10 460 4 R0 320 280 Lou Cnl Sts Phila Pitt Phila Chi 360 500 3 20 Ethel' 33 36 6 112 10b 93 113 al 5 4n 360 8 80 Cienf Is Weatherproof of 17 judges assem all over the country the dogs in the order ex the op show is owned by Jr and Mrs High Point JR 10 5 7 rench Reds Appear f' to Side With Moscow The Western Reserve Kennel Cluh will meet at the Manger Hotel at 8:30 Tuesday Sept 6 with Harold Stewart president presiding 65 111 6 240 440 240 LI Chicago New York Detroit Raltimoie Boston Cleveland Kansas City Washington I 1 County fair patrons agree with downtown Cleveland in 'general on automobile driving regulations but the urban vot ers are even more strict with youngsters The Cleveland Automobile Club had offered an automatic voting machine in the Arcade as part of the Downtown es tival The machine was used onlj once before at the Cuya hoga County air in Berea Results frotn the two groups show that compulsory piechan ical examinations of vehicles are favored thfit periodic driv ing tests are approved and that city dwellers are even more op posed' to youthful motorists than 'are suburban or country residents 19 6 15 7 12 9 79 147 113 133 130 130 83 143 99 74 145 132 117 90 115 11 281 281 59 2SO Top Awards at Ravenna I ibbk Wash Chiu Pet Bilko Pet DM 'Busybodies' Ban roika 19 15 RBI 59 60 82 86 49 29 50 82 38 33 66 63 68 62 58 11 62 29 43 Schmidt Again Is Grotto Choice or the 35th successive time William Schmidt 10312 Kinsman Road was re turned to the post of secretary treasurer of lhe Ohio State Grottp Association Its 361 annual convention closed yesterday in Erie Pa with election of officers New president is red Heusser of Amherst 0 Toledo was chosen for next convention site and Co lumbus for 1962 More than 500 Clevelanders wre among the 4000 at the convention 64 38 46 KC Bns Bos 103 124 103 37 54V 53 1435 1357 1366 1251 3217 3341 3276 3219 405 326 469 502 467 247 244 233 274 273 73 99 nn 105 109 convinced that does not want mainland to become a nuclear 9s 93 99 lwi 112 116 ERA 230 230 247 251 261 269 270 450 320 World as 121 5S 66 45 81 no 660 380 Moss 276 276 J261260 800 2000 120 70 105 9t) 112 90 429 137 46 87 40 46 43 68 740 380 34819 73SU30 611 28669 Hailed by Experts experts have uni versally acclaimed the three matched white stallions with their superb combination of precision and speed as a unique example of equestrian perfec tion Wherever the troika has appared it has been accorded a standing ovation understand that our good friends of the Ohio State air have been subjected to pressure from a highly vocal hut extremely small group of self styled vigilantes who wish to make a political issue of the troika or this' reason the three stallions will not appear at Columbus during the fair "All true lovers of fine live stock know that politics has no place in the honorable art of animal husbandry They will accordingly regret with us that a dozen noisy and mis guided busybodies have de prived Ohio Stale air audi ences of the opportunity to wit ness the wonderful troika per formance' that has have never failed to thrill millions of Amer icans and 6 no 720 5 40 Real 268 265 Akron Bureau Acting ire Batch said he out warrants 250 320 Hail hail the all here These youngsters buff co*cker span iels seem to be practicing that refrain for the rally of 1164 dogs today in the Chagrin Valley Kennel Club show at ThistleDown Race Track They are from the noted Norbill Kennels of Bill and Norma Warner 7784 Pearl Road Middleburg Heights Norbill has finished 29 co*cker champions 265 265 26 V283263262262259258258258 133 982 140 119 101 115 119 3 40 520 400 Heart Khan 270270 269268267266266266265 328 246 493 422 393 302 387 101 1959 907915 13302907919b69 925 765019 1080 81 747128 545043 7131162 41 3810 4 399 104 39 70 45 32 59 120 3249 119 21 224 24 221 35 210 event is under the ap of the American Horse Association and the an Ohio Quarter Pitcher luh McDaniel htT Brosnan Cin arrell Phila William LA Roebuck LA MrCmick RrojUo StL Law Pill ace Pitt riend Put Podres LA Ohl Buhl Mil Drysdale LA Jay Mil Elston Chi Jones Burdette Mil Sherry LA Purkey Cin Spahn Mil Jackson StL Mizell Pitt Sanford Conley Phila Morehead Chi Green Pitt Sadecki StL Anderson Chi Roberts Haddix Hbbie Knufnx Antonelli Duliha St Cin McLish Cin Short Phils Ptzzaro Mil Hook Cin WHIev Mil Green Phila Cardwell Ch) Owens Phila Miller McMahon Mil Kline StL A Clevelander was the only defending champion who re peated as a winner yesterday it this Ohio truck safety roadeo in Springfield 1 He was Daniel Smith of 3817 36th Street His repeat perofrmance in the tank truck class one of five divisions of roadeo competition I Smith represented Eg ner Son Inc 4891 35th Street for whom he has worked as a truck driver for five years He is 31 and married to the former Dianpha Pearl of Bell ville They have three chil dren ranging in age from 1 to 4 i Comprehensive Tests 1 Contestants underwent driv ing parking and equipment de fects tests written examina tions and personal interviews They to have a full 482 367 364 194 33 31 39 21 60 54 fl 00 500 320 Pong Look Learn 440 540 400 Cole 124 I 111 i 107 Golden MufIc Llltl? SUCK? 320 280 280 279 the officials City Voters Are Tougher Than air ans on Drivers 40 60 00 Doll HR RBI U69 1067 1051 1014 1053 1039 1052 995 13 14 22 21 246 32 245 16 243 9 13 To the question whether any one less than 18 should be per mitted to drive Berea voters gave a 508 yes answer Downtown voters said only128 yes On compulsory mechanical inspection it was 833 yes at 45 7 or added information which ordinarily less than 6 327 7 332 14 7 '344 8 347 8 3 51 355 11 J56 7357 11 359 365 7 69 last day of the Geauga County air The show will start at 10:30 a and run throughout the day Entries will be taken until show time according to Ed Huge who with Carl Shields is arranging the event Entry fee is SI per class Elmer Roper of Chagrin alls will do the judging Ponies must be no larger than 56 inches Riders can be no older than 18 Even in the lead line class the leader can be no older than 18 "so it will be a day for the youngsters In addition to regular classes pony races in grandstand 76 53 46 30 58 30 61 41 By JOHN' HIGHTOWER VASHINGTON (ZD A dis pute over possession of nuclear weapons within the Communist bloc may lie close to the heart of the great and increasingly bitter ideological argument raging between Russia and Red China 'Phis is one of the possibili ties being studied by top offi cials here in lheir search to discover the real issues behind the angry wordy debate of "peaceful coexistence" preached by the Soviets versus the inevi tability of war argued by the Chinese One aim of lhe United Stales and its western allies in digging out allthe' information possible on the dispute is to discover whether there are was to ploit it to the benefit of West So far no dramatic portunities hae occurred Common Interests Prevail 760 560 19 9 15 Theodore Classen Warrensville 24n 2 60 3 00 i nr i'it ha 93 9s 101 1298 101 1207 99 T2S4 104 1397 130 61 8 at 657 downtown "A dozen noisy and misguided busybodies" are the cause of the ban against Cyrus Eaton's three horse 1 roika at the Ohio State air in Columbus a state ment from his Acadia arms at Northfield said yesterday A picketing threat by Constitutional League of Co lumbus forced cancellation of the scheduled daily performance of the troika which was given to Eaton by the Russian gov ernment The troika' had pre viously appeared at the Cuya hoga County air The statement from Miss Betty Royon vice president ol the farms said: "As a public service we have been happy to exhibit the troika at leading agricultural and horse shows During the past 12 months our horses have been the feature attraction at such major events as the American Royal in Kansas City the Ca nadian National in Toronto the Ottawa Winter air in Can capital the Kentucky Derby estival Parade in Iouis ville the International Race at Laurel Md and at Roosevelt Raceway in New York 93 130 99 98 3193103083053033U2302301300299298 VanMress Contus Toluene 288 293 297 298 9 10 3 (19 7 320 523 563 576 643 665 678 Notes The Buckeve Retriever Club win hold an informal trial to day on the Merrill Weber arm on County Line Road There will be one stake open all age beginning at 10 am Take airmount Boulevard to Coun ty Lin? Road and turn south ield trial markers will be posted in 63 SO K9 36 69 36 41 50 62 19 29 69 73 LI Pittsburgh Ls Angeles Milwaukee Cincinnati Chicago St 1iuis Philadelphia San rancisco Triple play indhiihai Bvm 4 3 4 93 99 30 39 The chief awards at 1he a enn a Kennel Chib Show were: BEST spaniel 2400 OfiO 1500 Washington leaders are per suaded that however violent the words may become the forces that pull Moscow and Peiping together in their com mon interests are much gi eater than lhe forces that push them apart Yet it is the central impor tance of their common interests that gives significance to the dispute which has slowly built up between Moscow and Pei ping over the last year or more It is this element indeed which suggests that behind the denun ci a lions and name calling which both sides now employ are vital interests in solid is sues which tend to split them apart One of these is the problem of nuclear weapons over which Moscow has a complete monop oly in the Communist bloc In their war of words Moscow and Peiping have not touched on this issue' They have in fact avoided any references to the specific problems behind their controversy Top officials here say how ever it must be assumed that Communist China wants or will want nuclear weapons for its arsenals Without such weap ons China must remain a sec ond rate power Chinese science and produc tion capacity eventually would be able to create a nuclear weapons output of its own but help from Moscow could speed lhe process tremendously The same is true of atomic energy for peaceful uses Russia Cooperate Against this obvious Chinese need for nuclear might and for the rocket power necessary to give it real military meaning stands unwillingness to cooperate At least on the basis of all lheir contacts with Soviet leaders at many levels and in many conferences US officials are Russia China power One own military strength ould not be enhanced by such I developments as establishment of missile bases on Chinese territory The Russians have sufficient takeoff points in their own huge lands to aim at the United States or any other country with which they might consider war possible In spite of their constant I talk about Communist solidari ty in peace the Russians well know that they lack any guarantee against grave trou ble with Red China in future years Jealousies between Soviet who unlocked the priest's car with special tools and shoved it out of the way The fire burned the barn of William Peckoe 730 Haves Road Ravenna Township to the ground destroying 17 pigs and a crop of corn and hay Motorists parked their cars in the road to watch the spec tacular blaze One Brady Lake tanker took 20 minutes to tra verse a short stretch near the scene would take to travel Someone plated fire nozzle and powered emergency light from the Brady Lake equipment 407 409 430 458 4 65 483 494 511 517 346325320317307306 301300 292 292290290289285 2 4 6 3 9 i 6 5 6 11 9 Taking off with all the of a quarter horse the horse show of the Solon Parents will be held today with the accent on western types yet with a nice mixture of EnclLh ring The show will be held in two sessions: 9 a and 12:30 DST The proval Shows American Horse Associations William Sanderson the western events Collister the English 11 Chicago Cleveland New York Boston Baltimore Washinston Kansas City Detroit 40 3 40 5 60 Wanted R40 9 60 2020 Amony Edzewater Quick Income Time Limit ly inc Diver Wings st Dan 5 40 360 1280 1411 1292 1294 1X13 1362 1268 3266 3296 520 340 4 80 Blue Walt'rs Phila Phila Neal LA RelL Cm Bailey cin Schmidt Will Chi Logan MU Mil Santo Chi Gilliam LA Thomas Chi Kirkland Martin Cin Stuart Pitt Dark Mil Kindal) Chi Walls Phila Snider LA Bouuhee Chi lood StL Zimmer Chi McCovey Rodgers S' Amaro Phila McMillan Cm Javier StL Brmoud Phila Smith st I Roseboro LA I'ili lwr hih Stale Chi Slsti Dei Shantz NY Baumann Chi omieles Bns Running Det ord ostein Cle Ditmar NY Pascual Wash Barber Balt Perry Cle Wilhelm Rail Herbert Pierce Chi Mossi Det isher Balt Score Chi Rrnwn Balt 1st iH'la Balt Kralick Wash Rna Turley NY Ramos Wash Shaw Chi ischer Det Lary Det Lee Wash Wynn Chi Chi Burnside Det Wash Sligman Cle A bled will of their quality and pass out the honors The judging rings will be spacious and will he on both levels of the track's grand stand Chagrin Valley is more for tunate than most summer shows in the country because in a sense it is weatherproof While everyone connected with the show from Anderson the president down to the ring run ners prays for sunny skies ex perience has shown that the show itself is impervious to stormy weather It provides too cool shelter if the day should be torrid Unlimited free parking an other of the shows blessings And not to be ignored by those who plan to spend the day there are the dining facilities which are unsurpassed at any show This will be Chagrin third largest show' in its series of 18 events since its inception in 1939 Only in 1955 and 1954 were the totals in entries larger In 1955 there were 1176 dogs and in 1954 the total reached 1231 51 49 35 49 19 300 290 270 2 00 3 20 S7O 51 312 27 record of accident free profes sional driving to be eligible for competition Three other defending class champions made it into yester finals in which 20 drivers competed but the three gave up their crowns according to the Associated Pres Other new champs are: TA NDEM AX LE Dn id Gressloy of Akron ropiescntlng Brothers reight line Akron SINGLE AXLE CLASS Tawr eni Todd of Akron representing Dixie Ohio Express Akron STRAIGHT TRUCK CLASS Eugene Grubb of Columbus rep resenting Roadway pres Akron' IVE AXLE CLASS Eugene Scott of Cuyahoga alls represent ing Motor Cargo Co Akron Seventy truck drivers started competition Thursday in the 13th annual roadeo at the Clark County fairgrounds The event is sponsored by the Ohio Truck ing Association 9 it 5 1697107 lUStiW 1090415 1254679 7JI2955 631949 702337 608609 frtl L'MIMSIJ Berea 829 yes downtown On periodic driving exams it was 725 yes at Berea 738 at the Arcade The question whether all traffic law violators including juveniles should he tried in the same court was answered affirmatively air 961 979 97b 978 978 7 387 389 12 01 7 402 tr 4 04 16 411 in t15 7 415 1 4 17 11 18 io 4r 8 4 IS 6 OS lf433 43 45 11 61 23 53 3s 100 58 61 70 70 35 61 49 61 The third 10 week session of training lessons of the Parma German Shepherd Dog Club wiil start Sept 6 at 7:30 pm call Maryjune Sullivan at VI 3 6524 or Ruth Kane at VI 3 7700 Rockingham Results 6 tur ONE WAY OUT Wajda 900 440 YARDSTICK Dfsptrlto UU PRINCESS MARCY Skuse Phaos Dan Swie Occulted Bets? nietnn nr 2580 2540 560 Tokyn Girl Noble Dream Cl I Pittsburgh Milwaukee is Angeleq St Louis San rancisco Chicago Cincinnati Philadelphia 1140 M0 DOU 440 340 780 520 6 00 Of licved all motorized vehicles including go carts scooters and bicycles should be forbidden to children under 16 The vote downtown was 814 in favor of 'continuing the present law against juvenile operation Voters also were asked whether they themselves drove and whether they were more than 21 The answers in Berea were 851 drivers and 69 over 21 Downtown the answers were 692 and 74 respec tively Results will be used hy the Auto Club in its safety and legislative programs 95 561 274 137 503 263 105 483 259 495 257 473 255 Premier Nikita Khrushchev and Red Chinese leader Map' Tse tung are believed to play an important role in the putc The impression here is Wat Mao an old man who proved his skill and toughness inde I pcndenlly of Moscow regfds Khrushchev as a newcomer 1 whose opinions are' not softn i ponanc as iviaos uwn Peiping Hurt Drive Another element almost cer tainly at lhe center of the dis pute is lhe Chinese behavior toward neighboring areas The Peiping Reds damaged Khru coexistance drive seri ously in recent years by their ruthless takeover in Tibet and their seizure of border terri tories long in dispute with In dia Their unwillingness to com pletely renounce the of force in connection with their claims on Nationalist held or mosa their threats and in trigues against the countries pf Southeast Asia all add up to aggressive expansionist policies One of aims ip carrying on his dispute ap parently is to put a halter on such activities IN SHOW black and ton co*cker Ch ancv Pride Wil liam la Hon Jr and Mrs Rose Robbins of Hish Point HIGHEST SCORE OBEDIENCE DOG German shepherd Elmac's Ballerina Robert Voase 860 230th Street Euclid with a perfect score of 200 SPORTING GRO 1 co*cker spaniel Ch ancy Parade 2 Irish waler spaniel Ch Mnlphy Willow Creek and loyd Crowe Grafton 3 German short haired pointer Cn Pfeffer Owen Wis well Columbus 4 English springer spaniel Ch Salllyn 8 Citation 11 Mrs Gasow Troy Mich HOLM) GROUP 1 Afghan hound Ch Shirkham of Grandeur Sunny Shay and Dorothy Chenade Hicksville Lon? Island 2 Norwegian elkhound Ch Trygvie Vikingsson Glenna Crafts Cuyahoga alls 3 Lng haired dachshund Ch Roder ick von der Nidda Mrs Osborne Howes Chestnut Hill Mass 4 13 Inch beagle Ch Edgewood Mas ter Dr eights Chicago Baltimore New York Detroit Kansas City Cleveland Boston Washinftiin Triple Washington INDHIIHAI BATTING HK NAB Jr Tourney SEMIINALS Detroit 14 Dayton 2 CHAMPIONSHIP Detroit 6 Cincinnati 4 529H 1 61 53 NON SPORTING 1 Standard poodle Ch Donna nf Westfprd Ho Harmo Kennels Amherst New Hampshire 2 rench bulldnc Ch Bemil's Jepprs Jackie Mr and Mrs Ralph West Li vonia Mich' 3 Bulldoc Ch Vardoca rosty Snow man Dr Edward Vardon Detroit 4 Dalmatian Ch Iar Jan Captain Ca tama Carolyn Wenneman Streets boro 420 3 00 2 60 Joy Briner HR RBI 27U 266 261 42 33 19 39 2o5 33 254 55 53 44 r253 PARIS rench Commu nists and their followers second largest Red group out side the Iron Curtain are being kept almost in the dark about party line differences be tween Moscow and Peiping Apart from a few guarded hints from party leadersrthe rench faithful are given a pic ture that all is smooth sailjng Yet clues indicate that party boss Maurice Thorez and theo? retician Jacques Duclos aie I lining up solidly with Moscow they have done unfailingly since the early days of Stalin Peiping Chiefs Warn of Khrushchev Speech PEIPING (Reuters) Com munist leaders have warned Chinese officials to be wary of some reports appearing Jn1 Chinese newspapers and cited a keynote speech by Khru shchev as an example usually reliable sources said here today The sources said committees and government of ficials were also told at recent meetings here that visiting Rus sian experts should be kept outj of workers' rooms where Chi nese ideological slogans and production figures are posted Diplomatic observers said these reports appeared to be linked with the continuing de parture of Russian experts from China and indications of an ideological rift between Pei ping and Moscow Lack "Correct Sources said officials were told the Chinese press had pub lished reports of some speeches which did not reflect the cor rect thinking of the Chinese Communist party Therefore it is necessary to exercise care in studying such reports warned Sources reports of speech in Bucharest to the Romanian Communist Party Congress on June 21 were cited as an ex ample The Soviet prime minister defended the theory of peace ful coexistence and criticized those who quoted Lenin with out taking into account changes in the present world situation Richton NY Romano He KC Yot Dpi Kaline Det nandez Det Keoush Cle Cerv NY Maxwell DcL Steph' ns Balt Th'n'b'y KC Hamhn KC Carey div'o Wash Wilson Cle 410 4 00 cro County Littlf Laddie Mr Sweep (b)Wlll To Live Level Ticl*t Lieut Han ntuan lb Jacobs Bieber entry DAILY DOUBLE: HUwan and Scottsville Rd 12 ana About 3:06 jt LORD MIKE Walsh 1340 520 NAVY IGHTER Schulhofer 400 a I aK It" Estero 2nd Trouble Maker 2nd Walrus 6 fur 113: 6 10 400 320 "BALLYBUNTL Ruane 1000 620 DOC WAL Anderson 4 (a Storm Peak Chartlepno Craftv Bunnv Estacada Northern Ruler Avalanche Atoka Tybalt "Dyad rankie Laine lalWicks and Whitewood Stud entry "ield 6 fur 1 (aiNO DANCE Moreno 25 90 ANNIHILATION BOUlmetlS MEISON Guerin mont Multnoman Batdpve entry fur 1:16: ail to reason Ussery 460 BRONZERULLAH York Corrnnfinn Rusher's Beauty Jet Tides Ga wnl Yankee Sallnr Amblpoise HHtinc Safe Swap Royal Draznon i 7 fur 1:23: I LONG GONE JOHN Andersen 330 230 CALL THE WITNESS terrier Ch wpnaei way vn White Ch Wigtown rame New WORKING GROl Bernard Ch Ban? Mrs George Itib Williams Bo smith Chi Sievers Chi Skowmn NY Kunnn Cle Ros Berra NY moso Chi Cle Geiger Bos RobinCn Balt Power Cle Piersall Cle Gentile Bait Marts NY I Yaneona Cle Wertz Bos Malzone Bos ash Det Lemonj Wash Kubek NY W'dlinz Balt Iznez Siebern KC Nixon Bo reese Chi Williams KC Mantle NY wash Ralt ox Chi Anaricio Chi Bertoia Wash 342 dner Temple Cle Tas by Ros Bauer Green Wash 'lann Rilt Balt Herzoff KC IxiIIhf Chi Battev Wah McD dhriiey Uimpe Colavtio Brandt Howard Recq'r Snyder Roll tn Ruddin Royer 1 Landis Held Cl Allison Majors Attendance Ull AV LEAtl Park Home Attendance apaelty hates 1960 46550 49 1309363 67000 50 Lir 958435 892660 831465 62O26 597096 720 540 640 120 5 80 Whirlbeater American League CLI BATTING AR It 4102 597 1107 91 4086 517 1097 90 605 1084 153 4019 532 1050 102 563 1074 102 4174 555 1029 117 520 4093 493 997 92 148 4031 490 938 116 462 (LIB UlLhLXG Pony Roundup Set for Burton What will amount to a round up of the little fellows is the All 'Pony Show set for Labor Day Monday Sept 5 at the fairground in Burton It is the BoulmetiJ Dalton Hay Harbor Addie Bell Wolfram 1 BUOYANT Ycaza 4 90 260 GOODSPEED Leonard 340 HALLURSAN Rniilmrti Hoe Down Sea Rover Willie In augural Day Honey lower rench Diable 6 fur 1:1 12s: CAPE CANAVERAL Guerin 780 410 ALWAYS DANGER Anderson ROYAL WAY Dalton On The Lawn Dreamflower Ruler Mysteie 550 3 70 a on ML1SUN uutnn Count Rose Resistless tatt latCrown mont Multnoman Baldpve 'Dixon Jr 4 40 3 40 4 00 3 40 720 Locoweed Breeze Hill Sister BithnytA Heiiobubble I 1:4451 DEADLY ACTOR Gilbert 39 R0 BAKER STREET Kort SUNSET RABY Hartack Ronnie Canard Imagine Bull Hero Noble Drake Hazel Results IRST 1A tn AMBER BAY leselmin 1320 A R0 SISTER LAKE Campbell 10 60TCC VMTOlTn Cknmnclfl West Liberty Gusty Path Whichway hewent Duke Woodford Narcola Ro man Lee fur THREE GRAND Barrett1 15 20 fl 40 KING CHL Cnitr 420 rftAND IEV1 Walt Boart Noble Imp Yucca lat Luctete Harmonize irst Refusal Chief Pontiac DAILY Amoer Three Grand 4 and 4 paid THIRI fur CURANEYE Skoronski 16 40 OCEAN SANDAL Barnett BUSY LYNN Burton social History Walter San Ray 1 A HOMELAND Baldwin 1040 fl 00 BETTER GOODS Barnett 900 METODICA Weiler Ckrtrark Rebel Ruler Jessie And Connie Cat Money Mark Hermanita 6 fur 1:12: CABLE KING Bametl 1660 EL HUMOR Baldwin OMNI LYER ieelman Royal Music Marty Dee rench Accent 1A BELLA MARIA Burton 1 560 MURDER leselman STEEL ICK Lynch Lis wtirv Radiate Darb SEVENTH taiREDBJRD WISH Baldwin SUNMAH Walt rwmrR tpsrlman Shan Par Wish I May Nt trophy Sarno Walls nt rrny (a van were EIGHTH 1 SINK NOT SUNK Walt 22 SO GEM Baldwin frair Dress Blue American Comet Miss Gem Hymient Dorai a wuecn NINTH ml 2:24 RATELLO Ahshire 2060 12 40 BIG CIRCLE Bev a rCit CknrbncVI De jonMishty Bout Mia Mine cent Red Rock Happy Lad Arlington Results By IKUE DANIELS Today brings the climax of the sum mer season in dogdom in the Midwest with the staging of the Chagrin Valley Kennel Club all breed show and obedience trial at ThistleDown Race Track in North Randall With an entry of 1164 dogs in more than 80 breeds and varieties Chagrin Val ley takes the spotlight as the largest sum mer dog event between the East and West Coasts Show hours are from 9 am to 6 pm with 4 pm the latest practical time see most of the dogs Chagrin companion show the Ravenna Kennel Club event yesterday at Kent State University Stadium had an en try of 930 dogs to take third rank in Ohio in size It is doubt ful that it is surpassed in the slightest in quality of the dogs shown Repeating his last vic tory the black and tan co*cker spaniel champion ancy Parade was again best in show at Ravenna He won in a strong set of finalists in Ravenna's largest ancy Parade William Laffon Rose Robbins of and was handled by Norman Austin The Chagrin Valley show this year is a benefit for the Lions Club of Cleveland in its pro gram to combat blindness Members of the club have been diligent in selling advance tick ets for the show for which the fund gets an extra fee The fund also gets a share of the price of admission at the gate today Tickets are $150 for adults and 75 cents for children Baril CrMt Danp Gh Brutus Kenneth and Thomas DrP'Ciel Solon 3 Pembroke Welsh Com Ch Cnrmandy Pert Princess Cnrmandy Kennejs Meta mora Mich 4 Rottweiler Diana vom Remittal Mr and Mrs Hermann Held Canton TERRIER GROIT 1 Kerry Rlue Ch Cappy Barbara Worcester Constan tne Mich 2i Skye terrier Ch Evrninr Star "Luchrr Glamnor Kennels Ovster Ray 3 Redllnsion terrier Ch Blue Tama Delores lace 4 West Highland Talent Scout Mrs Aucusta Ind Tnr 1 Pu: Ch Mar Ma Dukc Gordon Winders Skokie III 2 Maltes? Ch Tails of Villa Malta Dr and Mrs Vincenzo Calvaresl Red ford Mass 3 Smooth coated Chihuahua Deroven We? Wtnkee Evelyn Morris St Louis Mo 4 Tov Poodle Ch? Val entine Audrey Watts Kelch Peekskill 2 70 330 600 Ann Daublen Mario's Duke Inshaaiah Joe Vault SECOND fl fur 1:12: SCOTTSVILLE RD Nelson 90 60 (biKNOW THE ACTS Anderson 610 JAREZ ABEL 1 ed 340 260 3 20 Marble Cab 4 SO 360 1400 780 560 7 fur SKI JUMP Harmau 2560 11 20 MALCHA LAST Passmore 1240 ntll ANEV Gnrlr i Vk mn Onia Capt Coot Play Room Swift Duff I1 mi 205S: ETO GENERAL Corle 180 760 BLACK EMPEROR Gonzalez Cfrt IY ThArnhilrr Zarzahto ondness Weslev Smiley The Posse Marjato David Norte inale ruer neo irouoie DAILY Skt Jump and General (4 3) paid S17520 THIRD 6 fur 1:11: SHORT NIP GtHIcan 960 GOLD BOMB Stevenson JUNIORETTE Blum air orgot Patti Glenn Sir Donald Desert Goddess Waltzing Harp Meum 6 fur 111: GORDIAN KNOT Blum 800 MY ROUND Harmatz CTVI? mil TV hnk riendlv Date Route Slxty Slx Candy wine countess ccieste Adorctte Joy Twig 6 fur 1:10 EASY DEGAGE Hartack 620 AUGMENT Gonzalez pa MANW Plum Colonel Our Rocky Handsome Clay Restricted Outline Nalk Roman Revel fl fur EXALTADO Beneito 2440 CAPTAIN KIDD 2ND Blum WISE GUY Gilligan Sand Boy Mlchore ezon 1 A 1:43: SOLDADESCA Chambers 2Ono LOYAL LADY 2d Hartack GEECHE LOU Corl? na ran jamps Orestes Little Mo 1 COUNTESS QIL Blor PONT LEVIS Corl? WINSLOW Gilbert Arbor Beautiful A 6 fur PENSIVE GIGI Nichols 740 GREY RIP Stone mt A Kt 17 1 rtc a Celtic Kia Oech Hy Gosh Queen Of Sheeba Gold Key Jet Sub Lucky Me Bellamy Color Added Tahitian Belle mi KEEP OUT Robichaux 15500 6080 BEAU TRACER Chambers 5300 prince view Broussaro Adams Apple Little Dtp Manuscript Mister Storm PatRadp RttshiP Yanai DAILY Gid and Out (7 and R' paid $83040 6 fur 1:10: YAR GIRL Broussaid HELEN THE GREAT SPAWS Church Willow Dai? 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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


How to read The Plain Dealer online? ›

How do I access the e-edition without it? A: You do not need the email notification to access the e-edition. You can log in with your username and password by going directly to The e-edition email is sent out by 5am every morning, but the time you receive it depends on your email provider.

Who owns The Plain Dealer today? ›

The Plain Dealer
Front page for April 13, 2023
Owner(s)Advance Publications (Newhouse Newspapers)
HeadquartersPlain Dealer Publishing Co 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 U.S. 41°30′25.5″N 81°40′47.2″W
Circulation94,838 Daily 171,404 Sunday
5 more rows

Where is The Plain Dealer in Cleveland? ›

The Plain Dealer Production and Distribution Center 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 (216) 999-5000 or (800) 362-0727 Hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Is the Cleveland Plain Dealer still in print? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co. provides content and publishes in print seven days a week.

What does The Plain Dealer mean? ›

Someone who interacts or does business straightforwardly and honestly. [from 16th c.] Wiktionary.

How much does an obituary cost in The Plain Dealer? ›

Placing an obituary in The Plain Dealer – Home Delivery starts at $269.95.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

What is the cost of the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

How old is the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The PLAIN DEALER was founded as a weekly newspaper on 7 Jan. 1842 by JOSEPH WM. GRAY (1813-62) and became an evening daily on 7 Apr. 1845.

What is Cleveland best known for? ›

Cleveland's quirky, unparalleled culture

One of the most iconic landmarks in Cleveland is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This legendary museum pays homage to the legends of rock and roll with its extensive collection of artifacts, interactive exhibits and live performances.

Does Cleveland still have the flats? ›

The Flats have come back to life thanks to a multi-million-dollar makeover to both its east and west banks. This waterfront neighborhood now features restaurants, bars, shops and a boardwalk with complementary green space.

Who bought The Plain Dealer building? ›

The former Plain Dealer building is owned by Industrial Commercial Properties (ICP) LLC of Solon.

Is The Plain Dealer building empty? ›

The building has largely sat vacant since the Plain Dealer sold it for $12.4 million in 2022. Brad Harmon, president and publisher for The Plain Dealer and called the planned use of the building “a perfect fit.”

How do I stop plain dealer? ›

You can cancel your subscription to The Plain Dealer at any time. Please email or call 216-999-6000. You may also cancel online.

How often does The Plain Dealer come out? ›

Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays. These times apply to most counties. In outlying areas, times may vary. 3.

How much is The Plain Dealer newspaper? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

How do I cancel my Plain Dealer subscription online? ›

To cancel, you can manage subscription online at Your payment is non-refundable, and your access will continue until the end of your current subscription. To cancel your subscription to The Plain Dealer, please visit You may also call 216-999-6000.

How to print plain dealer crossword puzzle? ›

Printing the crossword puzzle from the e-edition

Login to In articles mode select the article or puzzle to print, it will be highlighted in pink. Then click the share icon.

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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.