The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)


MAIN ST.WKKT KU. gAMUJBtSMILKYr JA8. A. MA.KSHACG, Supcrim-fuilant City THEIR PREFERENCES. Ohio Editors Tell Who They "Want for President.

DEMOCRATIC PBBFEEEffCES, For Hill 7 For .6 For Campbell 1 Non Committal. 2 REPUBLICAN EEPESEKCES. or JViiiinP 11 For MeKinley 1 Xon-Coin .3 For Harrison. For Sherman. TKKMS OF eJjCruSCHI 1 TI ON: week delivered by earner We By Mail in One year 9f Six moaths -I- Throe r'' One month Postage Prepaid by Publishers.

Kates of AdvertisinK known on appiU-itinti. CIXCINMATI, February 1892. Piqua, Saturday, Feb. 6. PEAK will you kindly stnd us your preference lor nominee for the DR STEKRETT Las introduced a President of your party answer by telegraph.

TIIJE EFQUIKER. bill prohibiting the use of arsy measure other than the standard half bushel in determining the grade The above request was sent yesterday to tlie editors of the various Demo- ed against the small testing 1 scales so generally in use. and Republican dailies through- of wheat. This appears to be direct- Out Ohio The responses lmve l)een liberal. They will not only be found interest, but will indicate tbe feeling' in the State among the rank ami file of the two great par- Lies on the Presidental question.

The icises Dr. Sterrett's bill "regulating" personal yiews or these molders of pub. rm lie opinion, which in most cases will the sale of patent medicines. Tne THE Call severely and justly crit- DSMOOSATIC DAILIES. practically prohibit tbe sale of many worthy preparations.

There is just about as much justice in the measure as there would be in one in the interest of merchant tailors forbidding the sale of ready-made clothing. THE Miami Union is fuming and scolding because the Legislature has dropped the Brice business. The Union doesn't seem to under star that the war dropped because there was nothing in the case. A Republican legislative assembly rnav al- ni EAGT.E. I Lancaster.

Feb. and Gray ways be depended on to bounce would lke a whining ticket. Democrat if any hook, crook or pre- THOMAS WETZI.EU. tente can be found for the bouncing. Democeatic titles must be founded on bed rock to withstand Republican assaults.

out, of odip.e. J. II. NKWTON. also establish the stand their respective journals will assume, are as follows: ZANKSV1I.LE SIGNAL.

Z-mesvilJe, (X Feb. preference for President is the hottest Democrat of the greatest ability and integrity, no matter where he is from or what ins name may be, and who can obtain the greatest number of Electoral votes, who, when elected, will bounce the most Republican ofliicals in the shortest time, and who will keep none but simou pure Democratic fighters on guard. l). ti. GATJMER.

THERE is probably nothing more unreasonable in the business history of the Miami Valley than the attitude of the city of payton toward the natural gas company. Business men do not demand the performance of impossibilities, even though "the contract" may call for things which later events have placed beyond control. "We believe the gas NEWAIiK ADVOCATE- Newark. Feb. B.

Hill, who is always gallantly lighting his partvs battle, whether he is in oflice or K12KN VI LIVE Greenville, Feb. 5. The Democracy of Darke thinks Hill is the card. S. I T1FFTX TIMES.

Tillin. O-, Feb. man who lias the courage or bis convictions. Tne ence for President is Grover Cleveland. M.

Ji. KXCICI.L. SPH1NOFIFLD JJE.MOl'UAT. Springfield Ohio, Feb. want a straight tariff reform Deroocrar noini- for President, one who has no favors to extend'or ask ol'liepubliean officeholders selected by the Demo States ol the Nortli.

Hill, Cleveland, Gorman, would answer. Whitney or Morrison S. 8. McMiu.KX. REPUBLICAN DAILIES.

CLEVELAND Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 1 nm in favor of any may whom the Convention in its wisdom may nominate. C- COVEKT. AS11T 15EACO Ashtabula, Ohio, Feb. firsi choice for the Republican Presidential nominee is James G.

Blaine: second, Governor MeKinley. THE DAILY FIXDLAY JEFFEIISONIAX. Findlay, Ohio, Feb. ask for an expression of inv preference for the nominee of my party for President. It is for James G.

Jilaine. Weil or sick, his genius dominates all. The Richelieu of America. A. 11.

BALSLEY. PORTSMOUTH BLADE. Portsmouth. Oaio, Feb. for the nominee ot" Republican Convention at Minneapolis.


ticket foi 1S92 is Harrison and Morton, the present incumbents. D. M. FLEEING. 3IAPPILLON INDEPEXBEXT.

Massillon, Feb. some 50,000,000 of other folks, I am v.aitins to be told whether Mr. Biaine will consent to run, and 1 begin to think it his duty to tell us soon. Unless it Blaine, it must be Harrison. ROBERT P.

SKIXXF.U. PPRTNGFTELD REPt lSLK: Springiield, Feb. 1 assume that Mr. Blaine does not want the nomination. J.

U. FOSTORIA DTSFATCH. Fostoria, Feb. BluiDP. if he wants it.

If not, nominate Harrison. ver Cleveland. D- J. STALTEII. IMQUA LEADER- Piqua.

Feb. think Grover Cleveland should be the Democratic company has been doing all it could, i nominee tor President. JEROME Son LEY. and we also believe that natural gas Las seen its best days. EAST LIVERPOOL GRISTS.

East tLiveritool Feb. cliok-e, David B. Hill, contingent, bow- ever, upon the allaying of dangerous factional feeling in New York. He is streets. The materials proposed Democrat without a suspicion of AT Dayton yesterday bids were opened for paving several of their were various and the prices per square were as follows, the report being taken from this morning's Dayton Times: muirwutuuery.

Second choice, Arthur P. Gorman, of Maryland- Mr. Diedrick not in city. A- R. BELL.

FOSTORIA DEMOCRAT. Fostoria, Feb. first The bids on brick per square yard, choice. A Western man second. and materials, ranged from 81.07 to 81.66 according to the graqe-used.

Granite ran from $2.74 lo S4. First-class Medina stoue. from $2.33 to S3.25. Second class Medina stone, from $2 to $2.20. Asphalt blocks, from $2.40 to $2.80.

Asphalt, from S2.45 to S2.70. Hallwood blocks, from 81.50 to $1.71. Hayden blocks, from $1.60 to $1.95. Parto blocks, S1.C5. CHARLES L.

NOR WALK EXPERIMENT. Feb. sturdy patriotism and commanding states manship of Mr. Cleveland calls for the hiirhest respect. 1 believe 'that the next few weeks will evolve a solution, a demand for one candidate so great that only ratification will be necessary by the convention.

The growth of the Hill boom is marvelous, and my observation leads me to conclude that it is permanent. lie would, in my opinion, jive us a bright, vsafe Ad- JLOCKHAHT. £ON Co. TOLEDO BLADE. Toledo.

FeD. preference for President is the nominee of the Republican Jsational Convention al G. Blaine. KoniNSox LOCKE. PIQUA CALL- Piqua.

O-, Feb. antes G. j-'laine. J. MORRIS.

YOUNGSTOWN TELEGRAM. Younestown, O-, Feb. preference, Biaine first, Harrison second: paper not committed. EDITOR TELEGRAM. MIDDLETOWN JOURNAL.

Middletowu, Feb. Harrison has given the country a wise, patriotic, conservative Administration and he is my choice for President. James G. Blaiiiy. AV.

D. BKICKELL. OHIO, February 5 Bkiiue first and Harrison second. T. iC THE PLAID COAT Contained Littlo l-'nvt aiul 1 ho Cold Snap Ulfssiuj; 1'oor Koltnrt ATCIIISOX.

The recent cold snap hus proved a blossin'r in disguise to Robt'i-t Huwnina 1 a Ktv.rdy Scotehman, who owns a but well cultivr.tril farm live miles west of this AVhcn the blixv.nrd struck this section, wlio is hauling- into town, an old chest witli him from the north of Scothiud. in the soarcli for clothing that would defy tlie bitter blasts. A coat, of antique Scotch plaid. which had been Driven him by a miser uncle years and which had long ag-o rescued from the depths of the inotli-oaten chest. Several dnvs when he took the coat for the eveniviy.

lie noticed a soiled and tinie-u-orn package fall from a cavernous inner poclcci. it up, the was astonisiieci to find it contained a yellow, sonuv.vJmt ragfpfed, hnt o-onuine of note for £1.000. lie en me into town. deposited his treasure, in the hank and told Ii is story, which was corroborated by his wife. lie will receive his S-VOOO, less the commission, in a few days, tells an interesting story of the old coat which contained the hidden treasure.

It belonged originally to an old bachelor uncle, who was finally as the laird of Loch Xevin, though his only to a title lay in ownership of a certain choice of hind in the highlands and the reputed possession of a tidy fortune which he augmented in various ways. When Robert was preparing- to cross the waters and seek his for time in America he sent his boy. a iad of 10 years, to ask the laird of Loch Nevin for the loan of a few pounds to help him tide his way. He returned carrying- a package clumsily tied and a nolc re.iclinjr: "Tis a plaid, Robert, lad, and nilckle g-ude uiay coom of wearing- it i the The package was the plaid coat, whieh Robert, in his anger and disappointment had thrust in the bottom of tlie chest, where it had been forg-otten till the cutting 1 western wind had bee.u the means of bringing it, with its valuable inclosure, to the notice of the wood-chopper. GLITTERS WITH GOLD.

AT THE NEXT MORNING 1 FEEL." BrtlGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. ('ivtiT ii on the stomach, iivcr nu-I s. hix.itivc. TJiU drink iv Mime ii.i iivi us, iiud is ior usouscusilv LAME'S MEDICINE anil SUM per packaire 1 Laic's Family Medicine ciich day. lu Order to bo The is Speaking Up.

Tinier. The iir.ii* for western subserviency to York politicians gone up. i'lif liiu" I'm- the nomination of a caodiduie for the Presidency Mas Mew York may itayi 1 what it his hitherto given the a candidate, riu-re has been. may continue to mighty Democnuic sentiment favorable to liie of Grover Cleveland, but New Vork, through Democratic iwty machinery, is serv- notice it wants not Cleveland but Hill, in which the duty of the convention is to take neither. JJemoc racy wants honorable success.

Tlie is iinie. Thrt pnrty is everything it stuiuLs for funda- inU-s his personal stULVibling-blOck to is not to be. trusted. He must ite set Hside. A iiolilical machine is, iike lire, ti servant, but a de- M'here will be machine nraile Oelegntes in tlie Democratic in convention, but at Ihe will be a free nt- 'J'he of tlie jrieiit body of Dr-iuocrii-ts will I'revaii, and the great bodv lives and moves and has its in the Mississippi Valley.

TIFFIN" TUTKUNK AND I1EKAT.D. Tiflin, O-, Feb. splendid Administration should be continued another four years. O. T.

LOCKB Jo SON. Another Procinus "Fim!" of at Hcnd of SfjiKiw CRIPPLE CKKKK. Feb. The wildest excitement prevails here over a 7 in the Plymouth uock shaft, on Gold hill, at the head of Squaw gulch. At a depth of thirteen feet a chimney of ore has been clis- coved which is a perfect jnnss of shining gold.

The size of the is not definitely known, "out it shows the full size of the shaft, and samples i taken from it. show it tu be of marvelous richness, conservative mining rften estimating the value at from to 515,000 per ton. The matter IB a "bluish gray quartz, impregnated with veins of gold that make it difficult to conjecture -what real vp.luc the ore may reach. Another rich strike has been rnade in tho ATashiiicfton mine, on Wilson creek at a depth of fifty-six feet. The psv streak in'this property hns widened out to twenty inches, and the last three feet of the work has been through some of the richest yet found in this camp.

A SHE-DEVIL JOUUNAL. I Columbus. Feb. or! Harrison, with no doubt about the hit- til the neighbors ter, in case Blame himself is not in nv A nnmocr nf STATE JOUKNAL. TOLEDO COMMERCIAL.

Columbus, O-, Feb. my judg- vhen Mrs- this shf ad- in Tinnier of r.vnrTilnjj—TVrf'blo InjurifS Tlint a Child. Who Will Oio. ROGERS, Feb. time ajro Mrs.

Cora took Km ma Walker, a nine-your-oM child, to raise. She treated in manner un- Tlmrs- nt t.o Mrs. U'iiitnior's arri i'nund irl tied to a with Tliry her and slu- told of hrui.ul mini.stration and perfect to organization of the Democracy, givinp it more eflVcliveriess than any other candidate could. Should New Vork fail to bar my Wer.tmi preference would THE New York World expresses be Campbell or Palmer, but party ad- our views, when it says that vanfc.ce seems to dictate Gray. Hill and Crray would make an absolutely ing its candidate for the Presidency i sale H.

L. STEWAHT. this year the Democratic party will I be governed mainly by its desire to to win in the election. Though the ment President Harrison should be re- nomiuated. He has jjiyen tlie country an able and clean administia tion.

He is a great Jixecutive l.ecauh«-. as Senator Spoorter lias expressed it In could till any Cabinet po.sision wiUi equal ability to the present Mi nibtors. if not with greater diatinctiou. Indeed, he is is many u-spects worthy tin- high praise Secretary lilaine has given him in the declaration that is the. greatest President since Lincoln- should cordially second the general disposition to renoniinale him by accia- tion, but there appears io be very determined opposition to that course in some of the greatest -States in EN I LLK A7.ETTE.

I-eb. James h. is my first preference lor of the campaign. Jl. II.

McFAHDKN' partisans of individuals aspirants but will earnestly support any candidate whose nomination would may not be able to understand it. tari1T rei orm ean po lithe party is not concerned to exalt tics as the distinctively Demociatic is- the horn of this man or that. Its purpose is to select the candidate who can surely be elected. It wants a good Democrat in the "White House, and it does not greatly earn which of the many £ood Democrats IIIONTON Feb. is our choice for 1'resident.

II. OKT. ministered a terrible l)patinpr to the child. breaking" on of its nnd injuring its spine. The cries of the child saved its life.

The. town mnrshal arrested the virai o. and when placed on trial Friday she offered to pi en 'I guilty to sissauil nnd ba1.t'-ry, out was hound over to court on a chr.rgre of assault with intent to kill. The peoph; arc terribly excited, and talk of lynch- in jf, whippin freely indnl and tar and in. The jail, wiil be feathers is is 1 lir-ro to Pennsylvania by Senator New Vork by Senator Piatl.aiid in iii by Ex-Senator Fanu-li.

Ii tin's opposition is carried in tlie Minnc Convention, and decisive^ hope of and powerful states shall insist on a new candidate, then I say, let us uomi- nate our own matchless illr-uu Me- i Kiuley, jr. He would lead the rarty as grand a triumph in the Nation Lliat wiiich crowned liis splendid canvass last year for Governor of Ohio. IOSKPII 1'. SMITH. CANTON KF.I'OH.ITOKY.

JiKiiu S. SAX-K-N. hor out. of p-jople's imnds. 'J'bc child will SAN l-'eb.

'V fjcon Obreg-on. i-ditor of Kl Cronista icana, a Spmiisli pnpsr, is a raaniat: as of trikiny iillcyocl pri'soriucd for t-y old Mexican It made from a poisonous IIPI-'D called tolosr-ho, nnd sincft taking it t'ne O'nre- g-on lins distrnficil. 'i'lu; (jualiliss of tlie icnown in for nni'posos. Tiiorn is lit.Llo f.fittrry Prcsidrnt Morris OF.I, Feb. before- the commissioner, nnwr-r to tho -i-n Sifnix Fulls A.

in riiicli nn Kl Catarrh Can't Be Cured local tliey cannot "f'-acli Use sent ol the uiisease. Catarili is tircniistitnlioiial disease, and in order to surf it 'nave to take in- tenia! Ilaii's Catarrh Cure iis taiven jiiui acts directly oji tin-:'soij iniseous surface. Hall's fafarrli is no quack medicine. IUCSLM in- one of the best tieians in I tun county for yours, and is a ivijiilar pei-sci-iplioii. It is compiled jf Ijt-st tonics known, com liiiu'd hlood purifier.

0 McliiiLT directly on the mucous surfaces. TUP ion of the two is what, produces such wvMid! ri'ui results in cuiinuj catarrli. Semi free. y. j.

csi Toledo, O. Sold hy druggisls. price cents. 11 is likely Hint the enemies of the louery scliemers will nor. in Uit-ir vigilance in the li.Ulit tlit-v havo ii against llip ol charter.

The an- tliat cotues Irom Mr. Morris, one! Hiief owners ot; the lot- terv. thai conioanv throws up its liaiids owini: to tht- recent decision of court ap.d ill make no elTorl to secure an extension of ihe lottery charti-r, will jirohably be uikf'n will) a m'ain of salt in jNew Or- at 1'alon RoiiL where the methods' of this company are best known. ilie announcement is a ruse to f-tarvo off further opposition or luii it to sleep it will nrob- prove a failure. The anti-lotteiy will no', be apt to lelax the light until after the April election.

of Pope J.eo Xlll, like tliat Jiiaiiie, is tlie subject daily (lispatcli- so that, tin; world is kept in a state of uncertainty all this talk aijout. a new pope is mere speculation, or not. Tins morning's cable dispatch r'roi'i that ''tise pope has for liis tomb in the cliarch of St. an ominous sound. The movement, of an American pope may have more in it than is Ai'f you sa'isiit-d wil.ii your educa- iioiiV Ifnol.

wliy not. complete it by studying BriTunnica now wiUiin of all. bound fit her in full leather hin-liiiij. lialf or cloth to suit sub- svtrioer. -IT-, north Main street.

A iifen introduced MI ure io amend the Ohio so as the yoter to an before the. name of each 'Mmii'lale I'm he wishes to vote. vorsfivrowx VINDICATOR. niingstown. Feb.

Our Presi shall be. It wants Democratic i dential preference here is ('levehind. laws enacted and Democratic policies carried out. It desires to tal-ro the! shortest road to that end. It will select its candidate with ronc-c lo his election.

Personal eonsidera- i i tion and personal "booms will have i second place in tbe Convention's i consi UTiP.ANA CITIXF.X. OMIO, February -lilainr- and Porter is my ticket. H. R. SNVI.I.K.

lutt-M-v funusl: tu nnvMNir al. tin: term of llic in of tho Tor Sale. A ji.nd an acre and a u'i'o-iad. Mlujited on the west irner and KtrecLs. Kuire at lie residence.

RAILROAD- MASSILLON'IAX.^iilnn.O., Feb. o-JJHitvft Flill AKKON i A i-- tin; winner, and prefer success to AKRON, February ihi-ory. C. Sherman me for Measured by ability, jn availability.

Blaine leads as thy An ever-ready ticket between Cincinnati Dayton no per sonal I am a Democrat. popular man in America. Harris, has clone splendidly, but if the CVmypTiiioi) and i hli have many friends! terms- haye good reasons iliM-r. ClevHand, probably, in the i them. Mt-Kinley ffrows in truly reflects the attitude and i unk General Palmer a favor.

T.O. KAVNOF.I nindidau; if fitfht in New York con- K. SiTEfrwooD. oT the party. A JOtrilN A Sanduskv, Ohio, Feb.

prefer- A nill has been introduced in the Obio vSenate. to take away from Justices ot Peace the to select ence is 1). J3. II ill, of New York. juries and vest the anihorifv lo make C.

C. selections in the migrants, each to chose three, and the Justice their qualifications. I T.IMA fiAXKTTJR. LTMA, OHIO, February r. Blaine.

Ann Arbor Toledo Buffalo 1'eoria GROCBRXE5. HvraJi fir the Fan Bottom Knocked out on Prices. 50 lb. Sack White Foam Flour $1.10 Rose LJO Gilt Edge 0 22 Granulated Sugar i.oo Soft A gugar i.oo Extra Sugar LOO Nava Beans. 25 5 Lima Beans 25 6 Pure Buckwheat Flour 25 3 Can Pie Peaches i White Clover Honey per pound 18 New York Cream Cheese 1 6 I mported Swiss Cheese 2 8 Limberger Cheese ETC.

CINCINNATI FURNITURE OUSE. DIALERS IN FURNITURE. We are selling goods at 15 per cent, cheaper than any other Our low prices, upright and honest dealings arc fast gaining ground with customers. Every day brings a new patron, recommended to us by a former well pleased customer who speaks with praise of our goods. Facts tell the tale, and people will go where they can rely upon the honesty and truth of the dealer.

We have anything you want in the furniture line. Call on us. C. H. BRENDLE, Jr.

532 to 538 Month Plqua. O. BOOTS A1CD SHOES GRAND Unloading Sale! OF BOOTS AND SHOES Positively the Greatest Reduction Sale Ever Made on Best Quality of Shoes. H. D.

CAMPW.I.I.. A T.LT A T.KA DER. Alliance. Ohio. Feb.S.—My COLTMBUS Kt.

Louis Salamanca Ft. Wane Our Shelves are Bargains For the people of Piqua and the Poblic in General. We start the New Year with the Best Goods, Lowest Prices aod Latest Styles. These goods must move out in order to make room for Spring Goods, That wiil soon commence comming in. Tens of liis Kloch If von your to tbe usual of hr-nt, Uieili fitted with tho Kloei) rnc burner in t'ic Fe.l>ruavy kot.

)--tf. Niagara Fall9 and a Thousand conn cot in 2 ill; 3 416 NORTH MAIN STREET. MEDICAL RESTORED MANHOOD- Dft. KOTT'3 NERVEBINE sold tooiiro all ervons 'f tho of tfj I lljnt.lttl' till. .111.

IM Imp i' nry. Niyhtly Youinfnl ttoriy. or Opinm. whi sm) Jn tho it tho nnnp TiftffTOf ymtth, full to who HTC Sold 1 for Molts U. SOLD c.

o. pitmoT, Dmuooirr, PIQUA, o. jAn.2s.-wiy..

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.