How Americans define a middle-class lifestyle — and why they can’t reach it (2024)

A poll from The Washington Post finds widespread agreement among Americans on what it means to be middle class. But just over a third of U.S. adults have the financial security to meet that definition, according to a Post analysis of data from the Federal Reserve.

Americans also underestimate the income required for that lifestyle, suggesting that the popular image of middle-class security is more of an aspiration than a reality for most Americans.

About 9 in 10 U.S. adults said that six individual indicators of financial security and stability were necessary parts of being middle class in the Post poll. Smaller majorities thought other milestones, such as homeownership and a job with paid sick leave, were necessary.

“Middle class-ness and predictability are very tied in the American imagination,” said Caitlin Zaloom, an anthropology professor at New York University. “Sometimes that is about security in the present, but it also means feeling secure about where life is going.”

Are you in the American middle class? Use our income calculator.


Just over a third of Americans met all six markers of a middle-class lifestyle. While about 9 in 10 Americans had health insurance, only three-quarters had health insurance and a steady job. With each added measure of financial security, more Americans slipped away from the middle-class ideal.

How Americans define a middle-class lifestyle — and why they can’t reach it (1)

About a third of Americans meet middle class criteria

About 90 percent of Americans agreed that these six individual conditions were necessary to belong to the middle class, according to a Washington Post poll

American adults ...

... with health insurance ...

... and steady employment ...

... who can save for

the future...

... pay their bills ...

... afford


expenses ...

... and retire


35% meet all 6

65% do not meet all

middle class criteria

Source: 2022 Survey of Household Economics

and Decisionmaking

How Americans define a middle-class lifestyle — and why they can’t reach it (2)

About a third of Americans meet middle class criteria

About 9 in 10 Americans agreed that these six conditions were necessary to belong to the middle class, according to a Washington Post poll

American adults ...


91% of



... with health insurance ...

... and steady employment ...


... who can save for the future...


... pay their bills ...


... afford emergency

expenses ...


... and retire



65% do not meet all

middle class criteria

35% meet all 6

Source: 2022 Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking

How Americans define a middle-class lifestyle — and why they can’t reach it (3)

About a third of Americans meet middle class criteria

About 90 in 10 Americans agreed that these six individual conditions were necessary to belong to the middle class, according to a Washington Post poll


American adults ...

91% of American


... with health insurance ...


... and steady employment ...


... who can save for the future...


... pay their bills without worry ...

... afford emergency

expenses ...


... and retire



35% meet all 6 criteria

65% do not meet all 6 middle class criteria

Source: 2022 Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking

How Americans define a middle-class lifestyle — and why they can’t reach it (4)

About a third of Americans match popular image of the middle class

About 9 in 10 Americans agreed that these six individual conditions were necessary to belong to the middle class, according to a Washington Post poll

... and retire


... afford emergency

expenses ...

... pay bills

without worry ...


... who can save

for the future...


... and steady

employment ...


... with health

insurance ...

35% meet

all 6 criteria



adults ...




65% do not

Source: 2022 Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking

Researchers often define the middle class based on income, in part because income data is frequently collected and easy to access. But that income doesn’t guarantee a middle-class lifestyle.

One commonly used definition from the Pew Research Center sets a middle-class income between two-thirds and twice the national median income, or $67,819 to $203,458 for a family of four in 2022. Most Americans consider the lower end of that range, $75,000 and $100,000, to be middle class, according to the Post poll.

Even when looking at middle-income Americans using Pew’s more expansive range, the majority did not have the security associated with the middle class.

Those that did tended to be older, had higher incomes and were more likely to have a college education and own their homes. While the Post poll found 60 percent of Americans considered homeownership essential to being middle class, homeowners over age 30 were more likely to be financially secure even when comparing people with similar ages and incomes, according to a Federal Reserve survey.


The most common barrier was a comfortable retirement, something that about half of middle-income Americans over 35 felt they were on track to achieve.

How Americans define a middle-class lifestyle — and why they can’t reach it (5)

Most middle-income people lack

middle-class financial security

Percent of Americans that meet criteria

in each income group

Meets all criteria


U.S. adults

Lower income


Middle income


Upper income


Health insurance

Able to save













Steady job

Pay all bills













Emergency $1K expense

Retirement (35+)













Lower income for a family of 4 is defined as a household income of $68K or below, middle income is between $68K and $203K, and upper income is above $203K. Percent meeting

retirement criteria reflects only people 35 and older; younger people did not have to meet the retirement criteria to meet the full definition.

2022 Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking

How Americans define a middle-class lifestyle — and why they can’t reach it (6)

Most middle-income people lack

middle-class financial security

Percent of Americans that meet criteria in each

income group

Meets all criteria


U.S. adults

Lower income (under $68K)


Middle income ($68K-$203K)


Upper income (above $203K)


Health insurance

Able to save













Steady job

Pay all bills













Emergency $1K expense

Retirement (35+)













All incomes adjusted for a household size of 4. Percent meeting retirement criteria reflects only people 35 and older; younger people did not have to meet the retirement criteria to meet the full definition.

2022 Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking

How Americans define a middle-class lifestyle — and why they can’t reach it (7)

Most middle-income people lack middle-class financial security

Percent of Americans that meet criteria in each income group

Meets all criteria


Americans overall


Lower income (under $68K)


Middle income ($68K to $203K)


Upper income (over $203K)

Health insurance

Able to save













Steady job

Pay all bills













Pay emergency $1K expense

Comfortable retirement (35 or older)













All incomes adjusted for a household size of 4. Percent meeting retirement criteria reflects only people 35

and older; younger people did not have to meet the retirement criteria to meet the full definition.



2022 Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking

Gallup polling last spring found that retirement was Americans’ top financial worry. Even for those who can save, retirement planning requires complicated judgments about how long someone expects to live and the future of government support through programs such as Social Security and Medicare.

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“The de facto landscape now for retirement is to save like hell and hope you don’t live too long,” said Ben Harris, vice president and director of economic studies at Brookings. “And that’s a terrible paradigm.”

The shift from defined benefit plans to individual retirement accounts has increased the importance of saving for retirement, at the same time as rising housing and student loan payments are taking up a growing share of income, according to Annamaria Lusardi, senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research.

“There was a time in which family income was a lot more defining about your life and your financial security,” Lusardi said. “But now you are in charge of much more of your future, particularly in terms of the financial decisions that people have been asked to make.”


While the path to middle-class financial security has become more complicated, the share of people with it hasn’t markedly declined over time.

Since 2017, the earliest year of comparable data, between 32 and 40 percent of Americans met all six measures, with a low in 2017 and a high in 2021.

Are you rich? How your net worth compares to the rest of America.

Another survey, the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances, provides a broader view of American financial stability back to the 1980s. More Americans today have $1,000 in liquid savings than they did 40 years ago, after adjusting for inflation. And the share of Americans with money in a retirement or pension account has held steady over the past 40 years.

“The idea that you can have a secure job with predictable wages, with health care and retirement, and being able to pay for your housing — those things are all part of a mid-century vision of the middle-class life trajectory,” said Zaloom, the anthropologist.

“Even in the 1960s, the idea that this was a very widespread phenomenon was always kind of a fiction,” she added.

The draw of the middle class is rooted in far more than the desire for financial security.

Not rich? Take this quiz to see how to build your wealth.

“It’s the perfect model of American identity,” said cultural historian Larry Samuel, author of “The American Middle Class: A Cultural History.” “It fits so well with our ethos of egalitarianism and being a meritocracy. These are all myths, of course, but they’re embedded in how we see ourselves.”

“It’s a club that everyone kind of wants to be a part of,” Samuel said, “regardless of your economic circ*mstances.”

About this story

Sonia Vargas and Dylan Moriarty contributed to this report.

This Washington Post poll was conducted Nov. 3-6, 2023, among a national sample of 1,280 U.S. adults with an error margin of plus or minus 3.7 percentage points. The sample was drawn through SSRS’s Opinion Panel, an ongoing survey panel recruited through random sampling of U.S. households. To enable subgroup comparisons, the survey included oversamples of households with lower incomes. This and other groups were weighted back to their share of the adult population according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

The definitions of low, middle and upper household incomes are based on values from the 2023 Annual Social and Economic Supplement to the Current Population Survey. All household incomes are adjusted for size via an equivalence adjustment scale, following the Pew Research Center’s methodology.

Analysis of the financial security of American households uses data from the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Household Economics and Decisionmaking (SHED) and the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF).

The middle class criteria were defined as follows for each survey:

  • Steady job: had a non-temporary job or were already retired (SHED 2017-2022); working, retired, disabled, student or homemaker (SCF).
  • Cover emergency expenses: could pay a $1,000 emergency expense using only their savings (SHED 2022 for point in time analysis); would pay a $400/500 emergency expense using their savings or a credit card they would pay off in full at the end of the month (SHED 2017-2022 for historical analysis); had at least $1,000 in liquid assets (SCF).
  • Pay bills: were able to pay all their bills in full during the month of the survey and would be able to pay those bills even if they had had to pay an emergency expense of $400 or $500 (SHED 2017-2022); no late debt payments in the last year (SCF).
  • Health insurance: had health insurance (SHED 2017-2022); not applicable for SCF.
  • Comfortable retirement: feel that their retirement savings are on track, or are already retired and feel they are doing at least okay financially; individuals under 35 did not have to meet this criteria to be considered middle class (SHED 2017-2022); any amount in retirement savings or pension accounts (SCF).
  • Save for the future: spent no more than their household income in the last month or has a rainy-day fund that can cover three months of expenses (SHED 2017-2022); saved over the last 12 months (SCF)
How Americans define a middle-class lifestyle — and why they can’t reach it (2024)


How Americans define a middle-class lifestyle — and why they can’t reach it? ›

Defining 'middle class'

How do Americans define the middle class lifestyle? ›

Based on the poll, the top 6 things that Americans think they need to be considered as part of the middle class are: Secure job. Ability to save money for the future. Ability to afford a $1000 emergency without debt. Ability to pay bills on time without worry.

Why do Americans consider themselves middle class? ›

The idea that you can have a secure job with predictable wages, with health care and retirement, and being able to pay for your housing — those things are all part of a mid-century vision of the middle-class life trajectory,” said Zaloom, the anthropologist.

What does a middle class lifestyle look like? ›

“The middle class can be defined as anyone who can afford a reasonable standard of living, including owning a home, going on yearly or bi-yearly vacations, and being able to support future investments like part of a college education for their children.

What is considered middle class in the US? ›

As of 2022 (the most recent Census data), the average median household income in the U.S. was $73,914, meaning the national range for the middle class is roughly $49,271 to $147,828. Across the nation's largest cities, the range is between $51,558 and $154,590, according to SmartAsset.

What are the defining characteristics of the middle class? ›

The Bottom Line

There is no official financial standard for what constitutes middle class. For most it's more about a standard of living—including owning a home, being able to afford to pay for a college education for your kids, and having enough disposable income to take a family vacation.

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a social group that consists of well-educated people, such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers, who have good jobs and are not poor, but are not very rich: The upper middle class tend to go into business or the professions, becoming, for example, lawyers, doctors, or accountants. Compare. lower class old-fashioned.

What salary is middle class? ›

As of 2022 (the most recent Census data), the average median household income in the U.S. was $73,914, meaning the national range for the middle class is roughly $49,271 to $147,828. Across the nation's largest cities, the range is between $51,558 and $154,590, according to SmartAsset.

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These cost increases mean that even families classified as middle class are struggling to keep up with expenses, especially as the costs of basic necessities are rising faster than the overall rate of inflation, says Stephanie Hoopes, national director of United For ALICE, the research arm of United Way of Northern New ...

Why does everyone call themselves middle class? ›

For many Americans, the term evokes specific attributes, such as thriftiness and dedication to work. Others define it in relation to income; in the minds of many, those in the middle class are likely to have some retirement savings, own a house, and send their children to college.

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Income Guidelines

Lower class: The bottom 20% of earners with household incomes not exceeding $28,007. Lower middle class: Those in the 20th to 40th percentile of household income, between $28,008 and $55,000. Middle class: Those in the 40th to 60th percentile of household income, ranging from $55,001 to $89,744.

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In the United States, the upper middle class is defined as consisting of white-collar professionals who have above-average personal incomes, advanced educational degrees and a high degree of autonomy in their work, leading to higher job satisfaction.

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In developed nations across the world, the lower-middle class is a sub-division of the middle class that refers to households and individuals who are somewhat educated and usually stably employed, but who have not attained the education, occupational prestige, or income of the upper-middle class.

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Three out of the top five cities with the highest income thresholds for the middle class are located in the Bay Area. These middle income residents need to make at least $81,623 in San Francisco, $84,673 in San Jose and $104,499 in Fremont.

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The upper middle class is often defined as the top 15% to 20% of earners. According to the Social Security Administration's 2022 wage data, the average upper-middle-class income was roughly between $80,000 and $100,000.

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Upper middle class: Anyone with earnings in the 60th to 80th percentile would be considered upper middle class. Those in the upper middle class have incomes between $89,745 and $149,131. Upper class: Finally, the upper class is the top 20% of earners and they have incomes of $149,132 or higher.

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One common way to classify the upper middle class is based on income. The upper middle class is often defined as the top 15% to 20% of earners. According to the Social Security Administration's 2022 wage data, the average upper-middle-class income was roughly between $80,000 and $100,000.

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Where you rank by income. According to the Census Bureau's Income in the United States: 2022 report, the median household income is $74,580 (a 2.3% decline from 2021), while household income levels for each class level are as follows: Lower class: less than or equal to $30,000. Lower-middle class: $30,001 – $58,020.

What is a lower-middle class lifestyle? ›

In developed nations across the world, the lower-middle class is a sub-division of the middle class that refers to households and individuals who are somewhat educated and usually stably employed, but who have not attained the education, occupational prestige, or income of the upper-middle class.

What is happening to the middle class in the United States? ›

The middle class is being affected by a variety of factors including inflation, the aging population and remote work, report shows. The middle class is shrinking as a result of several factors including surging inflation, an aging population, and the rise of remote work, according to a new report from ConsumerAffairs.

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