Diffy: Data-Driven Bug Finding for Configurations (2024)


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Diffy: Data-Driven Bug Finding for Configurations (1)

  • Authors:
  • Siva Kesava Reddy Kakarla Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

    Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

    Diffy: Data-Driven Bug Finding for Configurations (2)0009-0006-2694-4685

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  • Francis Y. Yan Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

    Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

    Diffy: Data-Driven Bug Finding for Configurations (3)0000-0002-2123-4258

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  • Ryan Beckett Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

    Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA

    Diffy: Data-Driven Bug Finding for Configurations (4)0000-0001-7844-2026

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Proceedings of the ACM on Programming LanguagesVolume 8Issue PLDIArticle No.: 155pp 199–222https://doi.org/10.1145/3656385

Published:20 June 2024Publication HistoryDiffy: Data-Driven Bug Finding for Configurations (5)

Related Artifact: Source code for article "Diffy: Data-Driven Bug Finding for Configurations" June 2024softwarehttps://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10740687

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Configuration errors remain a major cause of system failures and service outages. One promising approach to identify configuration errors automatically is to learn common usage patterns (and anti-patterns) using data-driven methods. However, existing data-driven learning approaches analyze only simple configurations (e.g., those with no hierarchical structure), identify only simple types of issues (e.g., type errors), or require extensive domain-specific tuning. In this paper, we present Diffy, the first push-button configuration analyzer that detects likely bugs in structured configurations. From example configurations, Diffy learns a common template, with "holes" that capture their variation. It then applies unsupervised learning to identify anomalous template parameters as likely bugs. We evaluate Diffy on a large cloud provider's wide-area network, an operational 5G network testbed, and MySQL configurations, demonstrating its versatility, performance, and accuracy. During Diffy's development, it caught and prevented a bug in a configuration timer value that had previously caused an outage for the cloud provider.

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          1. Software notations and tools

            1. Software configuration management and version control systems


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          Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages Volume 8, Issue PLDI

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