Diablo 4 Tempering Guide (How it Works, Manuals, Recipes & Affixes) - ProGameTalk (2024)

by Michael James

With the arrival of Season of Loot Reborn, Diablo 4 has gone through certain changes that affect how the game works and one of these is the new Tempering feature.

Before the update, players could upgrade their equipment by adding levels to them, but this has been changed to Tempering, which allows you to alter your equipment.

This allows you to add affixes to your equipment, which provides them with certain bonuses that can make them even better when you are slaying demons.

How Does Tempering Work?

Tempering allows you to take one item and select a certain recipe from a list that you have already collected during the Season of Loot Reborn.

Recipes are obtained by using Temper Manuals, which drop by defeating enemies, opening rewards chests, defeating bosses and other stronger enemies, and much more.

Once you have a Temper Manual, it is still possible to get a better one based on the stats that they provide and there are also different rarities. (Better ones replace old ones)

How To Use Tempering?

Tempering is available from the moment you log in with your character and may be used by visiting any Blacksmith you can find.

Once you select Tempering, place the item you wish to add an affix to, and you can select a recipe that will add an affix from a list of possible options.

You may also select a recipe first, which will show you which equipment may be used to get one of the possible affixes from it.

After choosing the equipment and recipe that you want, you may confirm by selecting “Temper Item” and this will complete the process, giving the equipment a random affix.

Tempering is limited to a certain number of times though, which can be shown once an item has been placed in the slot, which shows the remaining amount of rerolls available.

Where To Get Temper Manuals?

Temper Manuals can be obtained in various ways, which mostly include defeating enemies that you encounter in Sanctuary.

Defeating stronger enemies is a good way to boost your chances while doing activities can get you reward chests to open for a chance to get the manuals as well.

Helltide areas are currently some of the best places to farm Temper Manuals as there are several enemies, multiple activities, Tortured Gift of Mysteries Chests, and even Blood Maidens.

All Temper Recipes and Affixes

All Classes

Temper Manual

ClassPossible Affix Effects


Elemental SurgeAll ClassesLucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal Elemental DamageWeapons
Natural FinesseAll ClassesDamage
Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Damage to Close Enemies
Damage to Distant Enemies




Natural MotionAll ClassesMovement Speed
Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
Mobility Cooldown Reduction
Evade Cooldown Reduction


Natural ResistanceAll ClassesFire Resistance
Lightning Resistance
Cold Resistance
Poison Resistance
Shadow Resistance

Chest Armor




Natural SchemesAll ClassesThorns
Crowd Control Duration
Barrier Generation

Chest Armor






Worldly EnduranceAll ClassesShred Critical Strike Chance
Rabies Duration
Lacerate Duration

Chest Armor




Worldly FortuneAll ClassesLucky Hit: Chance to Slow for 2 Seconds
Lucky Hit: Chance to Immobilize for 2 Seconds
Lucky Hit: Chance to Stun for 2 Seconds
Lucky Hit: Chance to Freeze for 2 Seconds

Chest Armor






Worldly StabilityAll ClassesResource Generation
Resource Cost Reduction
Lucky Hit: Chance to Restore Primary Resource



Temper ManualClassPossible Affix EffectsItem
Arsenal FinesseBarbarian
  • Damage with Two-Handed Bludgeoning
  • Weapons
  • Damage with Dual-Wielded Weapons
  • Damage with Two-Handed Slashing Weapons
  • Damage when Swapping Weapons
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Barbarian ControlBarbarian
  • Steel Grasp Count
  • Upheaval Count
  • Stun Duration
  • Concussion
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Gloves
  • Pants
  • Boots
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Barbarian MotionBarbarian
  • Ground Stomp Cooldown Reduction
  • Iron Skin Cooldown Reduction
  • Challenging Shout Cooldown Reduction
  • Steel Grasp Cooldown Reduction
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Gloves
  • Pants
  • Boots
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Barbarian ProtectionBarbarian
  • Imposing Presence
  • Martial Vigor
  • Guttural Yell
  • Defensive Stance
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Pants
  • Shields/
  • Amulets
Barbarian RecoveryBarbarian
  • Chance for Lunging Strike Projectiles to
  • Cast Twice
  • Raid Leader
  • Invigorating Fury
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Pants
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Barbarian StrategyBarbarian
  • Movement Speed
  • Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After
  • Killing an Elite
  • Lunging Strike Range
  • Charge Cooldown Reduction
  • Leap Cooldown Reduction
  • Boots
  • Amulets
Berserking AugmentsBarbarian
  • Double Swing Size
  • Whirlwind Size
  • Frenzy Duration
  • Berserking Duration
  • Weapons
Berserking FinesseBarbarian
  • Bonus Damage while Berserking is Active
  • Bonus Damage while Wrath of the
  • Berserker is Active
  • Bonus Damage while War Cry is Active
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Bleed AugmentsBarbarian
  • Rend Size
  • Rupture Size
  • Flay Duration
  • Pressure Point
  • Expose Vulnerability
  • Weapons
Brawling EfficiencyBarbarian
  • Brawling Cooldown Reduction
  • Kick Cooldown Reduction
  • War Cry Cooldown Reduction
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Demolition FinesseBarbarian
  • Cutthroat Damage
  • Cutthroat Attack Speed
  • Cutthroat Critical Strike Chance
  • Cutthroat Critical Strike Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Furious AugmentsBarbarian
  • Bash Cleave
  • Hammer of the Ancients Size
  • Upheaval Size
  • Kick Effect
  • Weapons
Sandstorm AugmentsBarbarian
  • Chance for Dust Devil Projectiles to Cast
  • Twice
  • Dust Devil Size
  • Weapons
Thorn BodyBarbarian
  • Thorns while Fortified
  • Outburst
  • Tough as Nails
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Gloves
  • Pants
  • Boots
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Ultimate Efficiency – BarbarianBarbarian
  • Casting Ultimate Skills Restores Primary
  • Resource
  • Call of the Ancients Cooldown Reduction
  • Iron Maelstrom Cooldown Reduction
  • Wrath of the Berserker Cooldown Reduction
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Wasteland AugmentsBarbarian
  • Ground Stomp Size
  • Leap Size
  • Earthquake Size
  • Earthquake Duration
  • Weapons
Weapon Attunement – BarbarianBarbarian
  • Basic Resource Generation
  • Resource Generation with Two-Handed
  • Bludgeoning Weapons
  • Resource Generation with Dual-Wielded
  • Weapons
  • Resource Generation with Two-Handed
  • Slashing Weapons
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Weapon Mastery EfficiencyBarbarian
  • Weapon Mastery Cooldown Reduction
  • Death Blow Cooldown Reduction
  • Rupture Cooldown Reduction
  • Steel Grasp Cooldown Reduction
  • Rings
  • Amulets


Temper Manual

ClassPossible Affix Effects


Companion EfficiencyDruid
  • Companion Cooldown Reduction
  • Wolves Cooldown Reduction
  • Poison Creeper Cooldown Reduction
  • Ravens Cooldown Reduction
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Companion FinesseDruid
  • Companion Damage
  • Wolves Damage
  • Poison Creeper Damage
  • Ravens Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Companion InnovationDruid
  • Wolves Attack Speed
  • Ravens Attack Speed
  • Poison Creeper Duration
  • Ravens Size
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Gloves
  • Pants
  • Boots
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Druid InvigorationDruid
  • Casting Wrath Skills Restores Primary Resource
  • Casting Ultimate Skills Restores Primary
  • Resource
  • Abundance
  • Clarity
  • RingsAmulets
Druid MotionDruid
  • Movement Speed
  • Trample Cooldown Reduction
  • Digitigrade Gait
  • Boots
  • Amulets
Earth AugmentsDruid
  • Chance for Earth Spike Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Chance for Landslide Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Chance for Boulder Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Petrify Duration
  • Weapons
Earth FinesseDruid
  • Earth Damage
  • Earth Lucky Hit Chance
  • Earth Critical Strike Chance
  • Earth Overpower Damage
  • Boulder Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Nature Magic WallDruid
  • Cyclone Armor Cooldown Reduction
  • Earthen Bulwark Cooldown Reduction
  • Cyclone Armor Size
  • Earthen Bulwark Duration
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Pants
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Shapeshifting FinesseDruid
  • Werewolf Attack Speed
  • Rabies Damage
  • Trample Damage
  • Lacerate Damage
  • Werewolf Critical Strike Chance
  • Werebear Overpower Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Storm AugmentsDruid
  • Chance for Wind Shear Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Chance for Tornado Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Hurricane Size
  • Lightning Storm Duration
  • Hurricane Duration
  • Weapons
Storm FinesseDruid
  • Storm Damage
  • Hurricane Damage
  • Cataclysm Damage
  • Lightning Bolt Damage
  • Storm Critical Strike Chance
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Werebear AugmentsDruid
  • Maul Size
  • Pulverize Size
  • Grizzly Rage Duration
  • Weapons
Werewolf AugmentsDruid
  • Shred Critical Strike Chance
  • Rabies Duration
  • Lacerate Duration
  • Weapons
Wrath EfficiencyDruid
  • Hurricane Cooldown Reduction
  • Boulder Cooldown Reduction
  • Rabies Cooldown Reduction
  • Rings
  • Amulets


Temper Manual

ClassPossible Affix Effects


Blood AugmentsNecromancer
  • Hemorrhage Size
  • Blood Surge Size
  • Blood Lance Duration
  • Weapons
Blood EnduranceNecromancer
  • Chance for Hemorrhage to Form
  • Blood Orbs
  • Blood Orb Healing
  • Blood Mist Duration
  • Blood Mist Cooldown Reduction
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Pants
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Blood FinesseNecromancer
  • Blood Attack Speed
  • Blood Damage
  • Blood Overpower Damage
  • Damage while Fortified
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Bone AugmentsNecromancer
  • Chance for Bone Splinters Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Chance for Bone Spear Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Bone Spirit Size
  • Bone Storm Duration
  • Weapons
Bone FinesseNecromancer
  • Bone Damage
  • Bone Critical Strike Chance
  • Bone Critical Strike Damage
  • Bone Spirit Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Necromancer EfficiencyNecromancer
  • Ultimate Cooldown Reduction
  • Golem Cooldown Reduction
  • Bone Spirit Cooldown Reduction
  • Rapid Ossification
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Necromancer InvigorationNecromancer
  • Chance for Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Casting Macabre Skills Restores Primary Resource
  • Casting Ultimate Skills Restores
  • Primary Resource
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Necromancer MotionNecromancer
  • Movement Speed
  • Chance for Blood Mist Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Death’s Approach
  • Boots
  • Amulets
Profane CageNecromancer
  • Blight Effect
  • Corpse Tendrils Duration
  • Corpse Tendrils Size
  • Crippling Darkness
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Pants
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Profane FinesseNecromancer
  • Damage to Enemies Affected by
  • Curse Skills
  • Macabre Damage
  • Iron Maiden Damage
  • Corpse Tendrils Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Profane InnovationNecromancer
  • Corpse Explosion Size
  • Corpse Tendrils Size
  • Iron Maiden Size
  • Decrepify Size
  • Curse Duration
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Gloves
  • Pants
  • Boots
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Shadow Augments – DecayNecromancer
  • Chance for Blight Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Decompose Size
  • Blight Size
  • Weapons
Shadow Augments – ExecutionNecromancer
  • Chance for Sever Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Reap Duration
  • Weapons
Shadow FinesseNecromancer
  • Shadow Damage Over Time
  • Darkness Damage
  • Desecrated Ground Damage
  • Corpse Explosion Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Summoning AugmentsNecromancer
  • Minion Attack Speed
  • Chance for Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Skeleton Priest Effect Duration
  • Weapons
Summoning FinesseNecromancer
  • Summoning Damage
  • Skeletal Mages Damage
  • Golems Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Thorn ArmyNecromancer
  • Thorns while Fortified
  • Minions Inherit Thorns
  • Skeletal Warriors Inherit Thorns
  • Skeletal Mages Inherit Thorns
  • Golems Inherit Thorns
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Gloves
  • Pants
  • Boots
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Weapon Attunement – NecromancerNecromancer
  • Basic Resource Generation
  • Resource Generation with Scythes
  • Resource Generation with Shields
  • Rings
  • Amulets


Temper Manual

ClassPossible Affix Effects


Agility EfficiencyRogue
  • Agility Cooldown Reduction
  • Shadow Step Cooldown Reduction
  • Caltrops Cooldown Reduction
  • Dash Cooldown Reduction
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Alchemist ControlRogue
  • Trick Attacks
  • Chilling Weight
  • Shadow Crash
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Gloves
  • Pants
  • Boots
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Basic Augments – RogueRogue
  • Chance for Puncture Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Chance for Heartseeker Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Chance for Forceful Arrow Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Invigorating Strike Duration
  • Heartseeker Duration
  • Weapons
Core Augments – RogueRogue
  • Twisting Blades Effect
  • Chance for Barrage Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Chance for Rapid Fire Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Chance for Penetrating Shot Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Flurry Size
  • Weapons
Cutthroat FinesseRogue
  • Cutthroat Damage
  • Cutthroat Attack Speed
  • Cutthroat Critical Strike Chance
  • Cutthroat Critical Strike Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Daze ControlRogue
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Daze for 2 Seconds
  • Smoke Grenade Cooldown Reduction
  • Smoke Grenade Duration
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Gloves
  • Pants
  • Boots
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Imbuement AbundanceRogue
  • Shadow Imbuement Count
  • Poison Imbuement Count
  • Cold Imbuement Count
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Marksman FinesseRogue
  • Marksman Damage
  • Marksman Critical Strike Chance
  • Marksman Critical Strike Damage
  • Rain of Arrows Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Rogue CloakingRogue
  • Concealment Cooldown Reduction
  • Concealment Duration
  • Agile
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Pants
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Rogue InvigorationRogue
  • Puncture Resource Generation
  • Invigorating Strike Effect
  • Innervation
  • Adrenaline Rush
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Rogue MotionRogue
  • Movement Speed
  • Movement Speed from Blade Shift
  • Chance for Dark Shroud Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Shadow Step Duration
  • Stutter Step
  • Boots
  • Amulets
Rogue RecoveryRogue
  • Chance for Flurry Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Siphoning Strikes
  • Mending Obscurity
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Pants
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Scoundrel FinesseRogue
  • Damage to Poisoned Enemies
  • Damage to Enemies Affected by Trap Skills
  • Imbued Damage
  • Trap Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Specialist EvolutionRogue
  • Marksman Damage
  • Marksman Critical Strike Chance
  • Marksman Critical Strike Damage
  • Rain of Arrows Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Subterfuge EfficiencyRogue
  • Shadow Imbuement Count
  • Poison Imbuement Count
  • Cold Imbuement Count
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Trap AugmentsRogue
  • Traps Arm Faster
  • Caltrops Size
  • Caltrops Duration
  • Poison Trap Duration
  • Weapons
Trickster FinesseRogue
  • Shadow Step Damage
  • Dash Damage
  • Shadow Clone Damage
  • Stun Grenade Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets


Temper Manual

ClassPossible Affix Effects


Conjuration EfficiencySorcerer
  • Hydra Resource Cost Reduction
  • Ice Blades Cooldown Reduction
  • Lightning Spear Cooldown
  • Reduction
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Pants
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Conjuration FinesseSorcerer
  • Conjuration Damage
  • Hydra Damage
  • Ice Blades Damage
  • Lightning Spear Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Frost AugmentsSorcerer
  • Chance for Frost Bolt Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Chance for Frozen Orb Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Chance for Ice Shards Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Blizzard Size
  • Weapons
Frost CageSorcerer
  • Frost Nova Cooldown Reduction
  • Chill Slow Potency
  • Cold Front
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Pants
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Frost FinesseSorcerer
  • Cold Damage
  • Vulnerable Damage
  • Damage to Frozen Enemies
  • Blizzard Damage
  • Ice Spike Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Pyromancy AugmentsSorcerer
  • Chance for Fire Bolt Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Chance for Fireball Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Incinerate Size
  • Meteor Size
  • Firewall Size
  • Weapons
Pyromancy EnduranceSorcerer
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Heal Life
  • Flame Shield Duration
  • Warmth
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Pants
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Pyromancy FinesseSorcerer
  • Fire Damage
  • Fire Damage Over Time
  • Pyromancy Attack Speed
  • Pyromancy Critical Strike Damage
  • Mastery Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Shock AugmentsSorcerer
  • Chance for Spark Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Chance for Chain Lightning Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Chance for Charged Bolts Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Chance for Ball Lightning Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • Teleport Size
  • Weapons
Shock FinesseSorcerer
  • Lightning Damage
  • Shock Critical Strike Chance
  • Shock Critical Strike Damage
  • Teleport Damage
  • Crackling Energy Damage
  • Weapons
  • Gloves
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Sorcerer ControlSorcerer
  • Immobilize Duration
  • Stun Duration
  • Freeze Duration
  • Frost Nova Size
  • Helms
  • Chest Armor
  • Gloves
  • Pants
  • Boots
  • Shields
  • Amulets
Sorcerer MotionSorcerer
  • Movement Speed
  • Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Killing an Elite
  • Teleport Cooldown Reduction
  • Boots
  • Amulets
Sorcerer StabilitySorcerer
  • Invigorating Conduit
  • Frigid Breeze
  • Fiery Surge
  • Rings
  • Amulets
Ultimate Efficiency – SorcererSorcerer
  • Casting Ultimate Skills
  • Restores Primary Resource
  • Deep Freeze Cooldown Reduction
  • Inferno Cooldown Reduction
  • Unstable Currents Cooldown Reduction
  • Rings
  • Amulets


Tempering may be one of the best features added to Diablo 4, especially since there are so many creative builds that players come up with.

These upgrades are a great way to perfect your builds and may make your characters even stronger to face the tougher challenges ahead.

Farming the Temper Manuals, you need can be done as you progress, and it is now possible to make your builds even better once you get the ones you need.

Diablo 4 Tempering Guide (How it Works, Manuals, Recipes & Affixes) - ProGameTalk (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.