Apple Hospitality REIT Inc (APLE) Dividends (2024)

The table below shows the full dividend history for Apple Hospitality REIT Inc

StatusTypeDecl. dateEx-div datePay dateDecl. CurrencyForecast amountDecl. amountAccuracy
ForecastMonthly12 Jan 202924 Jan 202908 Feb 2029USDSign up
ForecastMonthly12 Dec 202825 Dec 202809 Jan 2029USDSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Nov 202824 Nov 202808 Dec 2028USDSign up
ForecastMonthly12 Oct 202824 Oct 202808 Nov 2028USDSign up
ForecastMonthly12 Sep 202822 Sep 202809 Oct 2028USDSign up
ForecastMonthly11 Aug 202824 Aug 202808 Sep 2028USDSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Jul 202821 Jul 202808 Aug 2028USDSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Jun 202823 Jun 202810 Jul 2028USDSign up
ForecastMonthly11 May 202824 May 202808 Jun 2028USDSign up
ForecastMonthly11 Apr 202821 Apr 202808 May 2028USDSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Mar 202823 Mar 202810 Apr 2028USDSign up
ForecastMonthly11 Feb 202824 Feb 202810 Mar 2028USDSign up
ForecastMonthly14 Jan 202826 Jan 202810 Feb 2028USDSign up
ForecastMonthly14 Dec 202727 Dec 202711 Jan 2028USDSign up
ForecastMonthly15 Nov 202726 Nov 202710 Dec 2027USDSign up
ForecastMonthly14 Oct 202726 Oct 202710 Nov 2027USDSign up
ForecastMonthly14 Sep 202724 Sep 202711 Oct 2027USDSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Aug 202726 Aug 202710 Sep 2027USDSign up
ForecastMonthly15 Jul 202723 Jul 202710 Aug 2027USDSign up
ForecastMonthly15 Jun 202725 Jun 202712 Jul 2027USDSign up
ForecastMonthly13 May 202726 May 202710 Jun 2027USDSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Apr 202723 Apr 202710 May 2027USDSign up
ForecastMonthly15 Mar 202725 Mar 202712 Apr 2027USDSign up
ForecastMonthly12 Feb 202725 Feb 202712 Mar 2027USDSign up
ForecastMonthly15 Jan 202727 Jan 202711 Feb 2027USDSign up
ForecastMonthly15 Dec 202628 Dec 202612 Jan 2027USDSign up
ForecastMonthly16 Nov 202627 Nov 202611 Dec 2026USDSign up
ForecastMonthly15 Oct 202627 Oct 202611 Nov 2026USDSign up
ForecastMonthly15 Sep 202625 Sep 202612 Oct 2026USDSign up
ForecastMonthly14 Aug 202627 Aug 202611 Sep 2026USDSign up
ForecastMonthly16 Jul 202624 Jul 202611 Aug 2026USDSign up
ForecastMonthly16 Jun 202626 Jun 202613 Jul 2026USDSign up
ForecastMonthly14 May 202627 May 202611 Jun 2026USDSign up
ForecastMonthly14 Apr 202624 Apr 202611 May 2026USDSign up
ForecastMonthly16 Mar 202626 Mar 202613 Apr 2026USDSign up
ForecastMonthly13 Feb 202626 Feb 202613 Mar 2026USDSign up
ForecastMonthly16 Jan 202628 Jan 202612 Feb 2026USDSign up
ForecastMonthly16 Dec 202526 Dec 202513 Jan 2026USDSign up
ForecastMonthly17 Nov 202528 Nov 202512 Dec 2025USDSign up
ForecastMonthly16 Oct 202528 Oct 202512 Nov 2025USDSign up
ForecastMonthly16 Sep 202526 Sep 202513 Oct 2025USDSign up
ForecastMonthly15 Aug 202528 Aug 202512 Sep 2025USDSign up
ForecastMonthly17 Jul 202525 Jul 202512 Aug 2025USDSign up
ForecastMonthly17 Jun 202527 Jun 202514 Jul 2025USDSign up
ForecastMonthly15 May 202528 May 202512 Jun 2025USDSign up
ForecastMonthly14 Apr 202525 Apr 202512 May 2025USDSign up
ForecastMonthly17 Mar 202527 Mar 202514 Apr 2025USDSign up
ForecastMonthly14 Feb 202527 Feb 202514 Mar 2025USDSign up
ForecastMonthly17 Jan 202529 Jan 202513 Feb 2025USDSign up
ForecastMonthly17 Dec 202427 Dec 202414 Jan 2025USDSign up
ForecastMonthly18 Nov 202429 Nov 202413 Dec 2024USDSign up
ForecastMonthly17 Oct 202429 Oct 202413 Nov 2024USDSign up
ForecastMonthly17 Sep 202427 Sep 202414 Oct 2024USDSign up
ForecastMonthly16 Aug 202429 Aug 202413 Sep 2024USDSign up
ForecastMonthly18 Jul 202426 Jul 202413 Aug 2024USDSign up
ForecastMonthly18 Jun 202428 Jun 202415 Jul 2024USDSign up
ForecastMonthly16 May 202429 May 202413 Jun 2024USDSign up
ForecastMonthly16 Apr 202425 Apr 202413 May 2024USDSign up
DeclaredMonthly18 Mar 202427 Mar 202415 Apr 2024USD8c8c😄
PaidMonthly16 Feb 202428 Feb 202415 Mar 2024USD10.4c8c😒
PaidMonthly19 Jan 202430 Jan 202415 Feb 2024USD8c8c😄
PaidSpecial19 Dec 202328 Dec 202316 Jan 2024USD5c
PaidMonthly19 Dec 202328 Dec 202316 Jan 2024USD8c8c😄
PaidMonthly20 Nov 202329 Nov 202315 Dec 2023USD8c8c😄
PaidMonthly19 Oct 202330 Oct 202315 Nov 2023USD8c8c😄
PaidMonthly19 Sep 202328 Sep 202316 Oct 2023USD8c8c😄
PaidMonthly18 Aug 202330 Aug 202315 Sep 2023USD8c8c😄
PaidMonthly20 Jul 202328 Jul 202315 Aug 2023USD8c8c😄
PaidMonthly20 Jun 202329 Jun 202317 Jul 2023USD8c8c😄
PaidMonthly18 May 202330 May 202315 Jun 2023USD8c8c😄
PaidMonthly18 Apr 202327 Apr 202315 May 2023USD8c8c😄
PaidMonthly20 Mar 202330 Mar 202317 Apr 2023USD8c8c😄
PaidMonthly17 Feb 202327 Feb 202315 Mar 2023USD8c8c😄
PaidMonthly20 Jan 202330 Jan 202315 Feb 2023USD7c8c😏
PaidSpecial20 Dec 202229 Dec 202217 Jan 2023USD8c
PaidMonthly20 Dec 202229 Dec 202217 Jan 2023USD7c8c😏
PaidMonthly18 Nov 202201 Dec 202215 Dec 2022USD7c8c😏
PaidMonthly20 Oct 202201 Nov 202215 Nov 2022USD7c8c😏
PaidMonthly20 Sep 202203 Oct 202217 Oct 2022USD7c7c😄
PaidMonthly17 Aug 202201 Sep 202215 Sep 2022USD5c7c😞
PaidMonthly20 Jul 202201 Aug 202215 Aug 2022USD5c5c😄
PaidMonthly21 Jun 202201 Jul 202215 Jul 2022USD5c5c😄
PaidMonthly19 May 202201 Jun 202215 Jun 2022USD5c5c😄
PaidMonthly21 Apr 202202 May 202216 May 2022USD5c5c😄
PaidMonthly18 Mar 202201 Apr 202218 Apr 2022USD5c5c😄
PaidMonthly22 Feb 202203 Mar 202215 Mar 2022USD5c
PaidQuarterly15 Dec 202130 Dec 202118 Jan 2022USD1c1c😄
PaidQuarterly15 Sep 202129 Sep 202118 Oct 2021USD1c1c😄
PaidQuarterly16 Jun 202129 Jun 202115 Jul 2021USD1c1c😄
PaidQuarterly19 Mar 202130 Mar 202115 Apr 2021USD1c
PaidMonthly21 Feb 202003 Mar 202016 Mar 2020USD10c10c😄
PaidMonthly21 Jan 202003 Feb 202018 Feb 2020USD10c10c😄
PaidMonthly19 Dec 201902 Jan 202015 Jan 2020USD10c10c😄
PaidMonthly21 Nov 201902 Dec 201916 Dec 2019USD10c10c😄
PaidMonthly21 Oct 201901 Nov 201918 Nov 2019USD10c10c😄
PaidMonthly19 Sep 201901 Oct 201915 Oct 2019USD10c10c😄
PaidMonthly21 Aug 201930 Aug 201916 Sep 2019USD10c10c😄
PaidMonthly19 Jul 201901 Aug 201915 Aug 2019USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Jun 201901 Jul 201915 Jul 2019USD10c
PaidMonthly21 May 201931 May 201917 Jun 2019USD10c
PaidMonthly18 Apr 201901 May 201915 May 2019USD10c
PaidMonthly22 Mar 201902 Apr 201915 Apr 2019USD10c
PaidMonthly21 Feb 201904 Mar 201918 Mar 2019USD10c
PaidMonthly18 Jan 201901 Feb 201919 Feb 2019USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Dec 201831 Dec 201815 Jan 2019USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Nov 201830 Nov 201817 Dec 2018USD10c
PaidMonthly19 Oct 201801 Nov 201815 Nov 2018USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Sep 201802 Oct 201815 Oct 2018USD10c
PaidMonthly21 Aug 201831 Aug 201817 Sep 2018USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Jul 201801 Aug 201815 Aug 2018USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Jun 201829 Jun 201816 Jul 2018USD10c
PaidMonthly21 May 201801 Jun 201818 Jun 2018USD10c
PaidMonthly19 Apr 201801 May 201815 May 2018USD10c
PaidMonthly19 Mar 201802 Apr 201816 Apr 2018USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Feb 201801 Mar 201815 Mar 2018USD10c
PaidMonthly19 Jan 201801 Feb 201815 Feb 2018USD10c
PaidMonthly21 Dec 201702 Jan 201816 Jan 2018USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Nov 201701 Dec 201718 Dec 2017USD10c
PaidMonthly19 Oct 201702 Nov 201715 Nov 2017USD10c
PaidMonthly22 Sep 201703 Oct 201716 Oct 2017USD10c
PaidMonthly23 Aug 201731 Aug 201718 Sep 2017USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Jul 201701 Aug 201715 Aug 2017USD10c
PaidMonthly21 Jun 201729 Jun 201717 Jul 2017USD10c
PaidMonthly19 May 201731 May 201715 Jun 2017USD10c
PaidMonthly21 Apr 201728 Apr 201715 May 2017USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Mar 201731 Mar 201717 Apr 2017USD10c
PaidMonthly21 Feb 201701 Mar 201715 Mar 2017USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Jan 201701 Feb 201715 Feb 2017USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Dec 201629 Dec 201617 Jan 2017USD10c
PaidMonthly21 Nov 201630 Nov 201615 Dec 2016USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Oct 201631 Oct 201615 Nov 2016USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Sep 201630 Sep 201617 Oct 2016USD10c
PaidMonthly19 Aug 201631 Aug 201615 Sep 2016USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Jul 201629 Jul 201615 Aug 2016USD10c
PaidMonthly21 Jun 201629 Jun 201618 Jul 2016USD10c
PaidMonthly19 May 201631 May 201615 Jun 2016USD10c
PaidMonthly21 Apr 201628 Apr 201616 May 2016USD10c
PaidMonthly21 Mar 201630 Mar 201618 Apr 2016USD10c
PaidMonthly19 Feb 201629 Feb 201615 Mar 2016USD10c
PaidMonthly22 Jan 201629 Jan 201616 Feb 2016USD10c
PaidMonthly21 Dec 201530 Dec 201519 Jan 2016USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Nov 201525 Nov 201515 Dec 2015USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Oct 201528 Oct 201516 Nov 2015USD10c
PaidMonthly18 Sep 201528 Sep 201515 Oct 2015USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Aug 201527 Aug 201515 Sep 2015USD10c
PaidMonthly20 Jul 201529 Jul 201517 Aug 2015USD10c
PaidMonthly12 Jun 201526 Jun 201515 Jul 2015USD10c

















2024Sign Up Required
2025Sign Up Required
2026Sign Up Required
2027Sign Up Required
2028Sign Up Required

Apple Hospitality REIT Inc Optimized Dividend Chart

The chart below shows the optimized dividends for this security over a rolling 12-month period.

Dividend Yield Today
Optimized Yield
Sign Up Required
52 Week High
10.6%on28 January 2024
52 Week Low
5.7%on27 March 2024
Next Ex-Div-Date Countdown
Sign Up Required

About Apple Hospitality REIT Inc

Apple Hospitality REIT, Inc. (NYSE: APLE) is a publicly traded real estate investment trust (REIT) that owns one of the largest and most diverse portfolios of upscale, rooms-focused hotels in the United States. Apple Hospitality's portfolio consists of 234 hotels with more than 30,000 guest rooms located in 87 markets throughout 34 states. Franchised with industry-leading brands, the Company's portfolio comprises 108 Marriott-branded hotels, 125 Hilton-branded hotels and one Hyatt-branded hotel.

Real Estate Investment Trusts
United States
Share Price
$16.16(yesterday's closing price)
Shares in Issue
242 million
Market Cap

The Consecutive Annual Dividend Increases - the number of years this company has been increasing its dividends

Market Indices

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Apple Hospitality REIT Inc (APLE) Dividends (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.