Actor Salary Basics: Breaking Down the Numbers (2024)

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Actor Salary Basics: Breaking Down the Numbers (1)

Author: Anna Keizer

Last updated: Aug 16, 2023

Reads: 1,404

Anna Keizer is a Los Angeles-based screenwriter and filmmaker. She has been writing for film and television for 15 years. She holds a B.A. in Film/Video from Columbia College Chicago and an M.A. in Film Studies from Chapman University. She has been an Academy Nicholl Fellowships Quarterfinalist and an Austin Film Festival Script Competition Second Rounder.

  1. Introduction
  2. What is the Actor Salary Range?
    1. Film
    2. Television
    3. Theater
    4. Commercial
    5. Voice
    6. Other
  3. What Factors Can Affect an Actor’s Salary?
    1. Popularity
    2. Representation
    3. Type of Gig
    4. Union Status
    5. Backend Points & Residuals
  4. How Can an Actor Increase Their Salary?
    1. Diversify gigs
    2. Get into the union
    3. Take on non-acting jobs
  5. In Closing
  6. References
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Choreographer (Film)
Best Boy
Key Grip
Foley Artist
Screenwriter/TV Writer
Associate Producer
Production Designer
Line Producer
Producer (Film)
Director of Photography
Entertainment Lawyer

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  2. What is the salary of a famous Actor?
  3. Is acting a good career?
  4. How much do Actors make per movie?
  5. What is a good Actor salary?
  6. Can you make a living off acting?

As much as creative expression is important to a performer, so too is that often mercurial Actor salary.

We see A-listers like Tom Cruise and Margot Robbie get paid millions for their performances, but how should someone who wants to be an Actor or Actress interpret that success? Can they expect the same?

We’re breaking down what an Actor salary looks like across different acting mediums, how it can fluctuate given certain factors, and what you can do to achieve better financial health in this creative and often unpredictable profession.

What is the Actor Salary Range?

The title Actor is a catchall for what can be an incredibly varied career across multiple creative mediums – all of which that can affect their Actor salary.

How much do Actors get paid?

Anna Keizer (CareersInFilm)

According to U.S. News & World Report, the median Actor salary (without specificity regarding medium) is just under $47,000. However, that number can fluctuate wildly according to multiple factors. The number of jobs booked in a year, the budget of those jobs, and an Actor’s union status can all contribute to a higher or lower annual income.

What is a good Actor salary?

Anna Keizer (CareersInFilm)

There are a few ways to answer this question. First, in the most general terms, a good Actor salary is a salary that provides for that Actor’s living needs. In other words, their profession allows them to have a roof over their heads, food in the fridge, and the opportunity to provide for themselves. It’s important to point this out, as many Actors struggle to support themselves solely through their acting work.

Second, and more specifically, a good Actor salary reflects the mandatory minimum should they be a SAG-AFTRA member. If not, a good Actor salary should be in line with the nature of the project. For instance, a student film might mean that a “good” Actor salary is free meals and a reel of their work. But should an Actor be cast in a studio-backed film, a good salary for that particular role may mean a multi-million-dollar paycheck.


Let’s start by saying that even within a particular medium like film, the Actor salary is hardly static. We’ll get into factors that can affect an Actor’s salary regardless of medium, but for now, let’s talk about different kinds of film work.

Some Actors may be Extras or Background Actors for a movie. This generally accounts for the most modest pay rates. On the other end of the spectrum you have the lead Actor or Actress in a film. Such roles typically receive the highest salaries.

A-list Actors are expected to bring in big audience numbers, which is why they get paid the highest salaries in Hollywood.

In between are the supporting Actors and Actresses whose participation in a film will largely determine their salaries. Are they present for one scene? Several? Nearly the entire script?

All to say, the Actor salary for film work is highly variable. To that point, states that the average salary range for an Actor working in Los Angeles is between $55,000 and $82,000.

How much do Actors make per movie?

Anna Keizer (CareersInFilm)

The truth is that there are as many rates are there are projects in production at any given time. That’s because a movie might mean a student film, short film, or independent film, in which case the Producers are not necessarily bound to the SAG-AFTRA minimum rates for their Actors.

If it’s a film budgeted at two million dollars or more with SAG talent, the current minimum date rate is $1,082 or $3,756 per week. However, those numbers can increase per negotiations between the Actors’ Agents and the film’s Producers.


Many of the same variables that determine Actor salary for film work apply as well to acting in television.1

The salaries of lead Actors from high-profile, long-running, and network TV shows like Friends and The Office are also in the many millions of dollars, but they are not representative of what most television performers make.

Just like in film, television shows need all kinds of Actors: Extras, day players, recurring characters, and leads. Each of these roles will determine a particular rate for the Actor, which can be regulated to some degree by their union status. (We’ll get into that in just a moment.)

Comparably notes that the average salary for a television Actor is just over $97,000. However, we can’t overstate that this number depends on many factors. It is not a figure that someone going into television work should expect.


Some Actors live to perform on stage. After all, it’s the original acting medium, right?

Unfortunately, in a profession that already comes with significant income instability, working in theater often amplifies that financial shakiness.

Sure, some Actors such as Patti LuPone and Lin-Manuel Miranda have largely found their fame and financial success on the stage, but they are outliers in many regards. If you intend to focus primarily on theater as your acting medium,2 it will likely come with more significant Actor salary drawbacks.

According to ZipRecruiter, the average Actor salary for a performer in theater is just at $50,000. As with any other acting medium, though, that number can go higher or lower depending on the nature of the work, budget of the project, and frequency with which an Actor is hired for an on-stage production.


Some Actors may hesitate to take on commercial work on account that it may not be as creatively fulfilling to them. However, if looking at it from a strictly financial point of view, it can be one of the more stable outlets.3

According to, the average Actor salary for someone working in commercials is between $61,000 and $90,000 per year.


Voicework has become a hugely popular outlet for Actors over the last several years.4 Especially with the rise of audiobooks, podcasts, video games, and other mediums in need of Voice Actors, voicework can be one of the more stable ways for an Actor to earn consistent income.

Think voicework won’t be as fulfilling as on-screen or stage acting? This video demonstrates that Voice Actors can get paid well and enjoy highly creative careers.

Again, though, there is great variation within this medium. According to Voice123, beginning Voice Actors may make little more than $13,000 in a year. In contrast, a more experienced Voice Actor can make upwards of $200,000 annually.


Actors can find work in other mediums, including web series, festivals, amusem*nt parks, and other forms of entertainment. However, often these other mediums are even less regulated from an Actor salary standpoint than feature film, television, or commercial work.

For that reason, Actors should consider carefully taking on jobs that may require more time, talent, and energy than they will get in return as a fee or salary.

Can you make a living off acting?

Anna Keizer (CareersInFilm)

In theory, yes. You can make a living off acting. But the reality of the acting world is that most Actors hustle throughout the majority of their careers to support themselves. In many cases, Actors must supplement their income through other jobs, such as teaching, retail, restaurant work, or other gigs that offer enough flexibility to both earn money and still audition and take acting jobs.

That is why anyone aspiring to be an Actor must be fully aware of what the trajectory of their career may look like in terms of financial stability and prepare themselves to live with the expected monetary highs and lows that come with this profession.

What Factors Can Affect an Actor’s Salary?

Okay, we’ve touched upon some of the factors that can impact an Actor’s salary, and now it’s time to explore those factors more thoroughly.

What is the salary of a famous Actor?

Anna Keizer (CareersInFilm)

The average salary of an A-list Film Actor is often many millions of dollars on account of the draw they have for audiences. However, many top celebrities also negotiate backend points on projects they think will be highly successful, which only bumps up their overall Actor salary. For instance, Tom Cruise was paid an upfront salary of $12,500,000 on Top Gun: Maverick, but his total income from that film currently stands at $100,000,000 (and growing).


Tom Cruise, Jennifer Lawrence, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts… All familiar names, right? And for that very reason, they often can negotiate an Actor salary many millions higher than other working in the same industry.

It all comes down to popularity. But why would studios and production companies be willing to pay so much for a particular Actor to be in their project? Because they’re expecting audiences to show up for them.

Sure, a $20 million price tag for an Actor is no small expense, but if the studio hiring them believes that they can make 10 times that amount through theater ticket sales, streaming fees, and video on demand, it’s worth it to them.


Even if you’re not Tom Cruise, you can still negotiate a fair rate for your work… But often it happens through your Agent.5That’s what this person is for in many regards. They not only put you up for parts in film, television shows, and other mediums, but also negotiate your fee for it.

How exactly does an Actor get an Agent? This video explains.

That’s not to say an Actor can negotiate on their own behalf. Bill Murray famously has no Agent, and he’s doing just fine. But in many cases, it’s an Actor’s Agent who can communicate effectively and fight for their client to get a favorable rate for a role.

Type of Gig

Not all acting gigs are the same. A lead role on a network television show will nearly always pay more than the same role on streaming or cable.

It’s not only about the type of role as it regards lead, supporting, or Extra. It’s also about the project itself. If it’s an indie film, proof of concept pilot, or other gig that has a limited budget, it will also limit the Actor salary you get for it.

Union Status

The reason why so many Actors diligently work towards becoming a union performer via SAG-AFTRA or Actors’ Equity Association is because of the protections they provide. If in a union, an Actor benefits by having a standard set of pay minimums for the work they provide.

The process of becoming SAG-eligible can be a confusing process. This video breaks down how to move towards becoming a SAG member.

In addition, union status often affords Actors other benefits such as health insurance and future pension funds.

Backend Points & Residuals

We mentioned earlier that some Actors – often those with earning power or strong representation – can negotiate payment outside of their initial compensation fee for their performance.6Backend points and residuals are common types of additional payment.

With these types of negotiations in place, Actors can continue to make money from past roles in shows that are in television syndication, screening or airing outside of the original release schedule, or sales. Pending the success of a film, they can also earn from the profits of it.

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How Can an Actor Increase Their Salary?

We’ve been candid that the financial life of an Actor can be unpredictable. However, you can be proactive in taking certain actions to increase your earning power and set yourself up for greater financial health.

Is acting a good career?

Anna Keizer (CareersInFilm)

Acting can be a hugely fulfilling career for individuals who feel called to express themselves and tell stories through this artform. That being said, no Actor should go into this profession assuming that it will be a lucrative one. Many Actors experience significant financial challenges and often must supplement their income with outside jobs. So yes, acting can be a great career – just not necessarily one that pays well.

Diversify gigs

Yes, you may love the theater, but if you only audition for theater gigs, you may miss out on other opportunities. The same goes for any acting medium.

While it’s completely your right to pass on web series work or anything else that you don’t find creatively fulfilling, keep in mind that more diversity in your work can mean more auditions to have and gigs to book.

Get into the union

As mentioned, union status can be a game-changer for Actors.7 Even if you aren’t booking lead roles every time you go out for auditions, you can still significantly increase your Actor salary with a union behind you that demands a minimum pay rate for your work.

Take on non-acting jobs

Here’s the cold, hard truth. Many Actors work outside the industry to make ends meet.

The stereotype of an Actor working as a Server in a restaurant is not really a stereotype at all. It’s a job that often affords Actors the flexibility to audition when needed and have days open to work on projects.

What are some of the more popular jobs or side gigs that Actors do while pursuing their performance goals? This video breaks them down.

That doesn’t mean it’s the only other job for Actors. Really any gig can provide additional financial security for an Actor so long as it gives them the time to still audition and perform when a job is booked.

In Closing

We’ll say it again… Acting can be a hugely rewarding career from a creative standpoint. It allows individuals to express themselves in unique and often fulfilling ways and connect with audiences either in person or through a screen.

But if you choose to pursue acting as your profession, it’s important to prepare yourself as much as possible for the common financial challenges that can – not always, but can – be part of this life. With this knowledge in mind, you can make more informed choices that strike a more successful balance between creative reward and a robust Actor salary.


  1. 1Meghan Dubitsky. "The Different Types of TV Acting Roles". Central Casting. published: April 30, 2020. retrieved on: March 2023
  2. 2Tom Baker. "Should You Work in a Theatre as an Actor?". Spotlight. published: . retrieved on: March 2023
  3. 3Briana Rodriguez . "How to Become a Commercial Actor". Backstage. published: July 21, 2022. retrieved on: March 2023
  4. 4Martin Bentsen. "How to Get Into Voice Acting". City Headshots. published: Jan 4, 2023. retrieved on: March 2023
  5. 5. "Acting Agent Overview: How to Get an Acting Agent". MasterClass. published: May 25, 2022. retrieved on: March 2023
  6. 6Jim Webb. "What are Residuals? ". Acting Magazine. published: April 2022. retrieved on: March 2023
  7. 7. "Steps to Join". SAG-AFTRA. published: . retrieved on: March 2023

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Actor Salary Basics: Breaking Down the Numbers (2024)
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