Interferon-β injection site JAAD 34:365-367, 1996Iododerma – carbuncular lesions Australas J Dermatol28:119-122, 1987Zinc – furuncles at injection site Bolognia p.1477, 2003Zyderm collagen implant (bovine collagen) JAAD 25:319-326,1991

Drug abuse NEJM 277:473-475, 1967Foreign body, including foreign body granulomaHair sinus – of the hand JAAD 47:S281-282, 2002; barber’ssinus and cyst AD 112:523-524, 1976; of the breast Clin ExpDermatol 7:445-447, 1982Milk injections – suppurative panniculitis Rook p.2422, 1998,Sixth EditionParaffin granuloma Bolognia p.1477, 2003Pilonidal sinus Rook p.924, 1998, Sixth Edition; of umbilicusLancet 2:281-282, 1956; of suprapubic regionSilicone granuloma AD 141:13-15, 2005; Derm Surg27:198-200, 2001

Abdominal-cutaneous fistulas J Am Coll Surg 190:588-592,2000Abdominal wall abscesses AD 131:275-277, 1995

Candida kruseiCrohn’s diseaseInfected lipomaPostoperative wound infection

Actinomycosis, multiple species Med J Aust 169:120, 1998; ClinInf Dis 19:143-145,1994; AD 124:121-126, 1988; Ann InternMed 132:328-332, 1981; JAMA 228:1397-1400, 1974;A. meyeri Clin Inf Dis 22:185-186, 1996African histoplasmosis (Histoplasma duboisii ) BJD82:435-444, 1970Alternariosis JAAD 52:653-659, 2005; Int J Derm 39:293-295,2000Amebic abscess Clin Inf Dis 20:1207-1216, 1995; Pediatrics71:595-598, 1983; Acanthamoeba Clin Inf Dis 27:1547-1548,1998; Clin Inf Dis 20:1207-1216, 1995Anal gland infection – perianal abscessApophysomyces elegansAspergillosis – abscess or kerion-like JAAD 29:654-655, 1993;BJD 85 (Suppl):95-97, 1971; A. fumigatus East Afr Med J75:436-438, 1998; ulcers with satellite abscesses Ped Derm19:439-444, 2002Bacillary angiomatosis AD 131:933-936, 1995Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) cold abscesses – single ormultiple Ped Derm 208-212, 2000; Ped Derm 14:365-368,1997Bacteroides – sepsis with abscesses Rook p.1157, 1998, SixthEditionBilophila wadsworthia J Clin Inf Dis 25 (Suppl 2):S88-93, 1997Botryomycosis – granulomatous reaction to bacteriawith granule formation; single or multiple abscesses ofskin and subcutaneous tissue breakdown to yield multiplesinus tracts; small papule; extremities, perianal sinustracts, face Int J Dermatol 22:455-459, 1983; AD115:609-610, 1979

Breast abscessBrucella melitensis J Infect 33:219-220, 1996Escherichia coliMycobacterium cheloneiPeriareolar pilonidal abscessesSquamous metaplasia of lactiferous ductsStaphylococcus aureusWegener’s granulomatosis

Brucellosis (Brucella melitensis) – primary inoculationabscesses Cutis 63:25-27, 1999; AD 117:40-42, 1981; breastabscess J Infect 33:219-220, 1996; testicular abscess withBrucella epididymo-orchitis – scrotal swelling, pain, fever,diaphoresis Clin Inf Dis 33:2017-2027, 2001Campylobacter jejuni – perirectal abscessCandida – Candida albicans Arch Dis Child 59:479-480, 1984;abscess in heroin abusers Dermatologica 177:115-119, 1988;JAAD 16:386-387, 1987; Candida tropicalis – nodularsubcutaneous abscesses JAAD 16:623-624, 1987; abscess orkerion-like carbuncle JAAD 14:511-512,1986; Candida kruseiAD 131:275-277, 1995Carbuncle Rook p.1119, 1998, Sixth EditionCat scratch disease (suppurative adenopathy) Ped Derm5:1-9, 1988ChancroidClostridium botulinum – wound botulism in drug addicts Clin InfDis 31:1018-1024, 2000Clostridium dificile Clin Inf Dis 20:1560-1562, 1995Coccidioidomycosis JAAD 26:79-85, 1992; primary cutaneouscoccidioidomycosis JAAD 49:944-949, 2003Cold abscess/Job’s syndromeCorynebacterium pseudotuberculosis Aust NZ Med 15:85-86,1985; C. xerosis – abscess and sternal wound infection J ClinInf Dis 19:1171-1172, 1994Cryptococcosis Pediatr Infect Dis J 19:85-86, 2000; JAAD37:116-117, 1997Demodex folliculitis – facial abscesses JAAD 49:S272-274,2003Dental sinus J Am Dent Assoc 130:832-836, 1999; Cutis43:22-24, 1989; JAAD 2:521-524, 1980Dermatophilus congolensis – contact with infected animalsBJD 145:170-171, 2001Dermatophyte infections – pustules and abscesses JAAD30:1021-1022, 1994; Trichophyton rubrum, invasive Cutis67:457-462, 2001DracunculosisEdwardsiella tarda – myonecrosis with cutaneous abscessesClin Inf Dis 32:1430-1433, 2001Eikenella corrodens – cheek abscess, forhead wound,scalp wound, neck wound, periorbital abscess Clin InfDis 33:70-75, 2001; submandibular and cervicofacialabscesses Cutis 60:101-102, 1997; thigh abscess DiabetesCare 19:1011-1013, 1996Enterobius vermicularis – perianal abscesses Cutis71:268-270, 2003Escherichia coliEugonic fermenter (EF-4) – dog bites J Clin Microbiol8:667-672, 1978Exophiala speciesExserohilum rostratum JAAD 28:340-344, 1993Fasciola hepatica (fluke parasite) JAAD 42:900-902, 2000Filariasis – abscesses from reactions to adult filariae DermatolClin 7:313-321, 1989

Fournier’s gangrene – may start as perirectal abscess Surgery91:49-51, 1982Frontal sinusitis with abscessFusarium solani Cutis 63:267-270, 1999Fusobacterium – abscesses with necrosis Rook p.1157, 1998,Sixth EditionGemella morbillorum Acta DV 79:398, 1999Glanders (melioidosis) – Burkholderia (Pseudomonas)mallei – cellulitis which ulcerates with purulentfoul-smelling discharge, regional lymphatics becomeabscesses; nasal and palatal necrosis and destruction;metastatic papules, pustules, bullae over joints and face,then ulcerate; deep abscesses with sinus tracts occur;polyarthritis, septic arthritis, meningitis, pneumoniaClin Inf Dis 31:981-986, 2000; single or multipleabscesses AD 135:311-322, 1999; Rook p.1146-1147,1998, Sixth EditionGnathostomiasis JAAD 33:825-828, 1995Gram-negative enteric bacteria – perianal abscessHafnei avlei Clin Inf Dis 20:1426, 1995Hemophilus influenzae – hand abscesses with otopharyngealinfection J Hand Surg 11A:844-846, 1986Histoplasmosis Diagnostic Challenges Vol V; 77-79, 1994;BJD 82:435-447, 1970Stye (hordeolum) – staphylococcal abscess of eyelid marginRook p.2984, 2992-2993, 1998, Sixth EditionIntersphincteric ulcers of hom*osexuals Br J Surg76:1064-1066, 1989Intravenous drug users Clin Inf Dis 33:35-40, 2001

AnaerobesFusobacterium nucleatumPeptostreptococcus microsActinomyces odontolyticusPigmented Prevotella

Non-anaerobesStaphylococcus aureusStreptococcus milleri group, viridans group, group A

Facultative Gram-negative bacteriaAbscesses in non-intravenous drug users

AnaerobesPeptostreptococcus (P. magnus, P. micros,P. saccharolyticus) Pigmented PrevotellaActinomyces speciesFusobacterium nucleatum

Non-anaerobesStaphylococcus aureusStreptococcus – S. milleri group, viridans group, group A

KerionKerion-like lesions JAAD 29:654-655, 1993

Aspergillus and rhizopus infection in AIDS JAAD 26:1017,1991Candidal carbunclesMetastatic adenocarcinoma to scalp JAAD29:654-655, 1993

Lacrimal gland abscess – adjacent to medial canthusLactation mastitis (breast feeding) – cracked nipples; deepabscesses, mastitis JAMA 289:1609-1612, 2003; Rook p.3158,1998, Sixth EditionLagochilascaris minor – subcutaneous abscesses;Surinam and Central America Rook p.1395, 1998,Sixth EditionLegionella micdadei Ann Intern Med 102:630-632, 1985

Leishmaniasis (Leishmania major) – acute cutaneous form(wet, rural, zoonotic form); furuncle-like nodule Rookp.1412-1414, 1998, Sixth EditionListeria monocytogenes J Clin Inf Dis 19:988-989, 1994Lymphogranuloma venereum – inguinal adenitis with abscessformation and draining chronic sinus tracts; rectal syndrome inwomen with pelvic adenopathy, periproctitis with rectal strictureand fistulae; esthiomene – scarring and fistulae of the buttocksand thighs with elephantiasic lymphedema of the vulva;lymphatics may develop abscesses which drain and form ulcersInt J Dermatol 15:26-33, 1976Malacoplakia AD 134:244-245, 1998; Am J Dermatopathol20:185-188, 1998; JAAD 34:325-332, 1996Molluscum contagiosum JAAD 43:409-432, 2000; Ped Derm6:118-121, 1989MucormycosisMycetoma Hautarzt 45:402-405, 1994Mycobacterium abscessus – breast abscesses due toadulterated intramammary silicone injections JAAD50:450-454, 2004; post-injection abscesses Clin Inf Dis24:1147-1153, 1997; Clin Inf Dis 19:263-273, 1994Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare Tyring p.326, 2002; BJD136:121-123, 1997; Clin Inf Dis 19:263-273, 1994; JAAD27:1019, 1992; AD 124:1545-1549, 1988; perianal abscessMycobacterium chelonei-fortuitum JAAD 30:269-270, 1994;Clin Inf Dis 19:263-273, 1994; AD 122:695-697, 1986;Medicine 60:95-109, 1981; facial abscess Ped Inf Dis3:335-340, 1984; cold abscesses; breast abscess Clin Inf Dis26:760-761, 1998Mycobacterium fortuitum – injection abscesses Lancet ii:691,1969; leg abscesses from foot bath in nail salon NEJM346:1366-1371, 2002Mycobacterium haemophilum Ann Intern Med 97:723-724,1982Mycobacterium kansasii JAAD 41:854-856, 1999; JAAD36:497-499, 1997; Clin Inf Dis 19:263-273, 1994Mycobacterium leprae – peripheral nerve abscess Ind J Lepr69:143-147, 1997; Acta Leprol 10:45-50, 1996; suppuration oferythema nodosum leprosum Rook p.1227, 1998, Sixth EditionMycobacterium marinum Clin Inf Dis 19:263-273, 1994Mycobacterium peregrinumMycobacterium scrofulaceum AD 138:689-694, 2002; Clin InfDis 19:263-273, 1994; AD 123:369-370, 1987Mycobacterium smegm*tisMycobacterium szulgai – carbuncle Tubercle 66:65-67, 1985Mycobacterium thermoresistibleMycobacterium tuberculosis – hot abscess; cold abscess(tuberculous gumma); tuberculous gumma (metastatictuberculous ulcer) – firm subcutaneous nodule or fluctuantswelling breaks down to form undermined ulcer; bluishsurrounding skin bound to the inflammatory mass; sporotrichoidlesions along draining lymphatics; extremities more than trunkTyring p.327, 2002; BJD 142:387-388, 2000; Scand J InfectDis 32:37-40, 2000; Scand J Inf Dis 35:149-152, 1993; JAAD19:1067-1072, 1988; JAAD 6:101-106, 1982; Semin HospParis 43:868-888, 1967; of the neck BJD 142:387-388, 2000;paradoxical subcutaneous tuberculous abscess J Clin Inf Dis26:231-232, 1998; J Clin Inf Dis 24:734, 1997; cutaneousmetastatic tuberculous abscess Ped Derm 19:90-91, 2002;Cutis 66:277-279, 2000; lupus vulgaris Rook p.1196, 1998,Sixth EditionMycobacterium ulcerans Derm Clin 17:151-185, 1999Myiasis, furuncular – face, scalp, arms, legs; house fly BJD76:218-222, 1964; New World screw worm (Cochliomyia),

Old World screw worm (Chrysomya), Tumbu fly (Cordylobaanthropophaga) Int J Derm 34:624-626, 1995; BJD85:226-231, 1971; black blowflies (Phormia) J Med Entomol23:578-579, 1986; greenbottle (Lucilia), bluebottle (Calliphora),flesh flies (Sarcophaga, Wohlfartia) Neurosurgery 18:361-362,1986; rodent botflies (Cuterebra) JAAD 21:763-772, 1989;human botflies (Dermatobia hominis) AD 121:1195-1196, 1985;sheep nostril fly (Oestrus ovis) Ann Trop Med Parasitol82:221-223, 1988; warble flies (Hypoderma) – migratorymyiasis AD 90:180-184, 1964; AD 126:199-202, 1990;myiasis – creeping eruption; horse botfly (Gasterophilus);Hypoderma BJD 143:912-914, 2000Myositis – bacterial, filarial, post-traumaticNecrotizing fasciitis JAAD 20:774-781, 1989Neisseria gonorrhoeae – newborn with gonococcalscalp abscess South Med J 73:396-397, 1980; Am J ObstetGynecol 127:437-438, 1977; foot abscess Clin Orthop234:209-210, 1988; Med J Aust 141:902, 1984; gonococcalfurunculoid lesions of penis and scrotum Br J Inf Dis49:364-367, 1973Nocardiosis J Dermatol 26:829-833, 1999; AD 130:243-248,1994; JAAD 21:137-139, 1989; JAAD 13:125-133, 1985;N. brasiliensis J Inf Dis 134:286-289, 1976; N. asteroidesBJD 144:639-641, 2001; JAAD 39:793-794, 1998; J Clin InfDis 24:1154-1160, 1997; N. farcinica Ann Med Interne (Paris)150:582-584, 1999; JAAD 38:874-876, 1998; N. otidiscaviarumClin Inf Dis 20:1266-1270, 1995; J Trop Med Hyg98:395-403, 1995North American blastomycosis (Blastomyces dermatitidis) JAAD21:1285-1293, 1989Orf Ann Chir Main 5:129-132, 1986OsteomyelitisParacoccidioidomycosis – hematogenous or lymphatic spreadRook p.1370, 1998, Sixth EditionParagonimiasis – cold abscesses Rev Ecuator Hig Med Trop36:69-82, 1979Pasteurella multocida – periocular abscess and cellulitis;tenosynovitis, septic arthritis Am J Ophthalmol 128:514-515,1999; JAAD 33:1019-1029, 1995Penicillium marneffei JAAD 37:450-472, 1997Perianal abscesses

Anal gland infectionCampylobacter jejuniEnterobia vermicularisGram-negative enteric bacteriaMycobacterium avium

Perifolliculitis capitisPerirectal abscess NEJM 343:794-800, 2000

ActinomycosisCarcinomaCrohn’s diseaseCryptoglandular infectionForeign bodyLeukemiaLymphomaLymphogranuloma venereumMycobacterium tuberculosisPelvic inflammationRadiationTrauma (operative, enema, impalement)

Phaeohyphomycosis JAAD 19:478-481, 1988; AD123:1346-1350, 1987; subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosisJAAD 36:863-866, 1997Phlegmon – perirectal abscess – Pseudomonas Clin Inf Dis20:302-308, 1995

PhialophoraPorphyromonas asaccharolytica – abscesses below waistlineRook p.1157, 1998, Sixth EditionPrevotella species – abscesses below waistline J Clin Inf Dis 25(Suppl 2):S88-93, 1997Protothecosis AD 112:829-832, 1976Pseudomonas sepsis Am J Med 80:525-529, 1986Pyomyositis JAAD 51:308-314, 2004Rat bite fever (Streptobacillus moniliformis) – acral hemorrhagicpustules and abscesses JAAD 38:330-332, 1998; BJD 129:95-96, 1993Rhizopus in AIDS – kerion-like JAAD 26:1017, 1992Rhodococcus equi Clin Inf Dis 34:1379-1385, 2002; Clin InfDis 20:478-479, 1995Salmonella – S. enteritidis J Infect 27:204-205, 1993; JR SocMed 83:190, 1990; neck abscess Head Neck 13:153-155,1991; S. typhimuriumScalp abscess – subgaleal abscess JAAD 18:239-259, 1988;posterior scalp abscess due to sinusitis-associated epiduralabscess Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 43:147-151, 1998;neonatal abscess – coagulase-negative staphylococcusTextbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.190, 2001Scrotal abscess – bacterial, filariasis, Guinea worm, tumbu flySerratia marcescens – frontal sinusitis with abscess; cutaneousabscess Cutis 66:461-463, 2000; JAAD 41:319-321, 1999SparganosisSporotrichosis – hot and cold abscesses Derm Clin17:151-185, 1999; perirectal abscess Am Rev Respir Dis112:119-123, 1975Staphylococcus aureus – abscess (furuncle) – face, neck, arms,wrists, fingers (including felon), buttocks, anogenital area Rookp.1119, Sixth Edition; carbuncleStaphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative (Staphylococcusepidermidis) – abscesses of scalp and breast in the neonateTextbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.190, 2001Sternoclavicular joint septic arthritis J Clin Inf Dis 19:964-966,1994Streptococcus milleri group (S. intermedius, S. constellatus,S. anginosus) Clin Inf Dis 32:1511-1515, 2001Streptococcus pneumoniae Clin Inf Dis 21:697-698, 1995;neck Clin Inf Dis 19:149-151, 1994Sweat gland periporitis JAAD 38:1-17, 1998Sycosis – deep staphylococcal folliculitis Dermatol Wochenschr152:153-167, 1966Syphilis – syphilitic gummaTinea capitis (T. verrucosum, T. mentagrophtes) – kerion AD114:371-372, 1978Tinea corporis, invasive (T. violaceum) BJD 101:177-183, 1979Tinea faciei Clin Exp Dermatol 25:608-610, 2000Toxocariasis JAAD 33:825-828, 1995Trichom*onas – penile abscesses Bull Soc Gr Dermatol Syphiligr76:345, 1969Trypanosomiasis – trypanosomal chancre – red tender 2-5-cmnodule with blister on surface of forearm or leg Bologniap.1304, 2003; Rook p.1407, 1998, Sixth EditionTsukamurella paurometobolum J Clin Inf Dis 23:839-840, 1996Tularemia – buboTungiasis – abscess-like lesion of sole or between toesAD 141:389-394, 2005; JAAD 20:941-944, 1989; JAAD15:117-119, 1986

Yersinia enterocoliticaYersinia species (plague) – near bubo Clin Inf Dis 19:655-663,1994; J Inf Dis 165:740-743, 1992; Yersinia pestis – carbuncleAD 135:311-322, 1999Xylohypha emmonsiiZygomycosis – primary cutaneous – including Apopysomyceselegans, Saksenaza vasiformis J Clin Inf Dis 24:580-583, 1997

Acute dacryocystitis – lacrimal gland inflammation Eyelid andConjunctival Tumors, Shields JA and Shields CL, LippincottWilliams and Wilkins p.189, 1999Crohn’s disease – metastatic JAAD 36:697-704, 1997; fistulaeand abscesses Int J Colorectal Dis 11:222-226, 1996; JAAD10:33-38, 1984; BJD 80:1-8, 1968; penile abscesses Cutis72:432-437, 2003Dissecting cellulitis of the scalp (perifolliculitis capitis abscedenset suffodiens) – painful, sterile abscesses with interconnectingsinus tracts; scarring; keloids JAAD 23:752-753, 1990;Dermatol Clin 6:387-395, 1988; Ann Plast Surg 18:230-237,1987; Cutis 32:378-380, 1983; Minn Med 34:319-325, 1951;AD 23:503-518, 1931Hidradenitis suppurativa Derm Surg 26:638-643,3207, 2000;BJD 141:231-239, 1999; Rook p.1176-1179, 1998, SixthEditionMamillary fistula (periareolar abscess) Br J Surg 73:367-368,1986PanniculitisPyodermia chronica glutealis – hidradenitis suppurativa-likedraining nodules in genitofemoral region and/or buttocksJ Dermatol 25:242-245, 1998Pyoderma fistulans sinifica (fox den disease) Clin Inf Dis21:162-170, 1995Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newbornCutis 70:169-173, 2002Ulcerative colitis – sterile abscesses JAAD42:363-365, 2000

α1-Antitrypsin deficiency-associated panniculitis JAAD51:645-655, 2004; AD 123:1655-1661, 1987Niemann-Pick disease – suppurative lesions of the face Rookp.2644, 1998, Sixth EditionPancreatic panniculitis – cutaneous pseudoabscess Rookp.2414, 1998, Sixth Edition; JAAD 34:362-364, 1996;Am J Gastroenterol 83:177-179, 1988; Arthritis Rheum22:547-553, 1979

Anorectal carcinoma – ischiorectal abscess Br J Med 285:1393,1982; anal squamous cell carcinoma in situ J Clin Inf Dis21:603-607, 1995Epidermoid cyst, inflamed (ruptured)/infected Rook p.1667,1998, Sixth EditionExtramammary Paget’s disease – may resemble ischiorectalabscess Rook p.3181, 1998, Sixth EditionGiant condylomata of Buschke and Lowenstein AD136:707-710, 2000

Kaposi’s sarcomaLipoma – inflamed/infectedLymphoma – CTCL JAAD 33:850-851, 1995; CD30+ largeT-cell lymphoma of upper lip Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg35:193-195, 1997Metastases to scalp – kerion-like JAAD 29:654-655, 1993Perforated intra-abdominal tumor – abdominal wall abscessAD 131:275-277, 1995Squamous cell carcinoma – finger lesion mimicking abscessScand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 34:91-92, 2000

Acne keloidalis nuchae JAAD 39:661, 1998Cheilitis glandularis (Volkmann’s cheilitis) – enlarged lip withcrusts and scale; deep-seated abscesses and fistulae J DermSurg 1:372-375, 1985Pyoderma faciale (form of acne rosacea) – sudden onset ofnodules, abscesses, sinuses AD 128:1611-1617, 1992

Factitial dermatitis – fluctuant subcutaneous lesions Rookp.2800-2802, 1998, Sixth Edition; JAAD 1:391-407, 1979;factitial injection of hydrocarbons AD 128:997-998, 1992

Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome – sterile abscessesCutis 283-286, 2001Behçet’s syndrome JAAD 40:1-18, 1999Chediak-Higashi syndromeDown’s syndrome – furunculosis Ghatan p.242, 2002,Second EditionGriscelli syndrome Am J Med 65:691-702, 1978Keratosis-ichthyosis-deafness (KID) syndrome – hidradenitissuppurativa-like abscesses; reticulated severe diffusehyperkeratosis of palms and soles, well marginated, serpiginouserythematous verrucous plaques, perioral furrows, leukoplakia,sensory deafness, photophobia with vascularizing keratitis,blindness Ped Derm 13:105-113, 1996; BJD 122:689-697,1990; JAAD 23:385-388, 1990; AD 123:777-782, 1987; AD117:285-289, 1981PAPA syndrome – pyoderma gangrenosum, cystic acne,aseptic arthritis; sterile abscesses at injection sites; mutationin CD2 binding protein-1 Ped Derm 22:262-265, 2005; ProcNatl Acad Sci USA 100:13501-13506, 2003; Mayo Clin Proc72:611-615, 1997Papillon-Lefevre syndrome Ped Derm 18:45-47, 2001; CurrProb Derm VIII:41-96, 1996; Ped Derm 14:354-357, 1994Rosai-Dorfman disease – hidradenitis suppurativa-like lesionsPed Derm 4:247-253, 1987SAPHO syndrome – palmoplantar pustulosis withsternoclavicular hyperostosis; acne fulminans, acne conglobata,hidradenitis suppurativa, psoriasis, multifocal osteitis Cutis71:63-67, 2003; Curr Opinion Rheumatol 15:61-69, 2003; Cutis64:253-258, 1999; Cutis 62:75-76, 1998; Rev Rheum MolOsteoarthritic 54:187-196, 1987; Ann Rev Rheum Dis 40:547-553, 1981Steatocystoma multiplex Rook p.1668-1669, 1998,Sixth Edition

Sweet’s syndrome – abscess-like lesions J Dermatol27:794-797, 2000; JAAD 31:535-556, 1994Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome Rook p.2748, 1998, Sixth Edition; IntJ Dermatol 24:77-81, 1985

Body piercing Ann Plast Surg 45:374-381, 2000Drug addiction – skin popping; abscesses with ulcerationBJD 150:1-10, 2004Injection of chemotherapy into intra-abdominal fatspace – abdominal wall abscessComplication of liposuction

Pseudo-Kaposi’s sarcomaVascular anomaly

Dermatomyositis – longstanding dermatomyositis withlipodystrophy-like appearance (hirsutism, loss of subcutaneoustissue, acanthosis nigricans) J Rheumatol 23:1487-1488, 1996Lupus erythematosus Lupus 6:275-278, 1997Pemphigus foliaceus – acanthosis nigricans-like changesPemphigus vulgaris J Dermatol 8:550-552, 1998; Dermatology185:309-310, 1992; AD 118:115-116, 1982Scleroderma – axillary verrucous pigmentation Br Med Jii:1642-1645, 1966

Birth control pills AD 111:1069, 1975CorticosteroidsDiethylstilbestrolFusidic acid JAAD 28:501-502, 1993Insulin reaction AD 122:1054-1056, 1986Niacinamide Ghatan p.227, 2002, Second EditionNicotinic acid Dermatology 189:203-206, 1994Somatotropin-induced acanthosis nigricans BJD 141:390-391,1999Triazinate AD 121:232-235, 1985

Tinea corporis – acanthosis nigricans-like changes

Acromegaly JAMA 198:619-623, 1966Addison’s diseaseCushing’s syndromeEncephalopathyEndocrine associations of acanthosis nigricans

Acromegaly JAMA 198:619-623, 1966

Acral hypertrophy syndromeInsulin-resistant states

Type A syndromeType B syndromeDiabetes mellitus – sign of insulin resistance Ped Derm19:12-14, 2002; Dermatology 198:164-166, 1999; J BasicClin Physiol Pharmacol 9:419-439, 1998Lipoatrophic diabetes

Familial lipodystrophy of the limbs and lower trunk (facesparing lipodystrophy) (familial partial lipodystrophy)(Kobberling-Dunnigan syndrome, Dunnigan variety) –normal at birth with onset of lipoatrophy at puberty,extreme muscularity and lack of subcutaneous fat in allextremities, excess adipose tissue of face and neck,acanthosis nigricans, mild to moderate fasting orpostprandial hyperinsulinemia, impaired glucosetolerance or diabetes mellitus after age 20 years,hypertriglyceridemia/low HDL-C levels and pancreatitisJ Clin Endocrinol Metab 85:1776-1782, 2000; AustralasJ Dermatol 39:100-105, 1998; QJM 90:27-36, 1997Lawrence-Seip syndrome AD 91:326-334, 1965Lipodystrophy, total AD 91:320-325, 1965Partial lipodystrophy Pediatrics 33:593-612, 1964

Leprechaunism AD 117:531-535, 1981PinealomaPineal hyperplasia syndrome (Rabson-Mendenhallsyndrome) – autosomal recessive, insulin-resistant diabetesmellitus, coarse facies, hirsutismHyperandrogenic states

Types A and B syndromesPolycystic ovarian disease (Stein-Leventhal syndrome)Clin Endocrinol 30:459-464, 1989Ovarian stromal hyperthecosis and the hyperandrogenism,insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans syndromeJ Reprod Med 40:491-494, 1995Stromal luteomaOvarian dermoid cysts

Cushing’s diseaseHormone therapy – corticosteroids, oral contraceptives,estrogens, pituitary extract, insulinPituitary basophilismObesityHypothyroidismAddison’s diseaseHypogonadal syndrome with insulin resistance

Familial insulin resistance with acanthosis nigricans, acralhypertrophy, and muscle crampsHemochromatosisHyperinsulinemia Ped Derm 12:323-326, 1995Hyperphosphatasemia (juvenile Paget’s disease of bone)Clin Exp Dermatol 7:605-609, 1982Hyperthyroidism JAAD 21:461-469, 1989Hypothyroidism JAAD 21:461-469, 1989Insulin resistance, type A – acanthosis nigricans, ovarianhyperandrogenism Ped Derm 19:267-270, 2002Insulin-resistant acanthosis nigricans – Type B (autoantibodies);Type C (postreceptor level); obesityInsulin-resistant diabetes mellitus with acanthosis nigricans andhypertension – autosomal recessive; severe hyperinsulinemia,amenorrhea, hirsutism; mutation in muscle-specific regulatorysubunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PPAR-gamma and PP1R3A)BJD 147:1096-1011, 2002Insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus with acanthosis nigricans –autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive; polycystic ovariandisease in some cases BJD 147:1096-1011, 2002Lipodystrophic diabetes

Lupoid hepatitisLupoid nephritis Ghatan p.121, 2002, Second EditionObesity Ghatan p.121, 2002, Second EditionPellagraPregnancy BJD 146:925-927, 2002Primary biliary cirrhosis J Gastroenterol Hepatol 11:1021-1023,1996Pseudo-acanthosis nigricansVulvar acanthosis nigricans – marker for insulin resistance inhirsute women Fertil Steril 59:583-586, 1993Wilson’s disease

Familial hyperplasia of the pineal bodyLinear epidermal nevus BJD 95:433-436, 1976Lymphoma – lesions of CTCL simulating acanthosis nigricansAm J Dermatopath 7:367-371, 1985Melanocytic nevi – giant melanocytic lesions – acanthosisnigricans-like changesParapsoriasis en plaque Ann Dermatol Venereol 118:23-26,1991

Adenocarcinoma of breast, lung, colon, esophagus,gallbladder, kidney, liver, ovary, pancreas, prostate,rectum, uterus, gastrointestinal tract Ghatan p.121, 2002,Second EditionAPUDomas Ghatan p.121 , 2002, Second EditionLeser-Trelat JAAD 42:357-362, 2000

Acanthosis nigricans, benign – sporadic, familial (autosomaldominant) Int J Dermatol 35:126-127, 1996; J R Soc Med87:169, 1994; benign generalized Ped Derm 21:277-279, 2004;Ped Derm 20:254-256, 2003; malignant – gastrointestinalmalignancies, especially gastric carcinoma; rarely lymphomaJAAD 31:1-19, 1994Atopic dermatitis – acanthosis nigricans-like changesBullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma (epidermolytichyperkeratosis) – acanthosis nigricans-like changesConfluent and reticulated papillomatosis AD 129:961-963, 1993Granular parakeratosis Ped Derm 20:215-220, 2003Ichthyosis hystrix – acanthosis nigricans-like changesUnilateral acanthosis nigricans

Acral hypertrophy syndromeAdrenogenital syndromeAlström’s syndrome – retinitis pigmentosa, sensorineuraldeafness, obesity, diabetes mellitus BJD 147:1096-1011, 2002;Acta Paediatr Taiwan 41:270-272, 2000; Hum Mol Genet6:213-219, 1997Ataxia-telangiectasia JAAD 10:431-438, 1984Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba-Zonana syndrome (PTENphosphatase and tensin hom*olog hamartoma) – dolicocephaly,frontal bossing, macrocephaly, ocular hypertelorism, long

philtrum, thin upper lip, broad mouth, relative micrognathia,lipomas, penile or vulvar lentigines, facial verruca-like oracanthosis nigricans-like papules, multiple acrochordons,angiokeratomas, transverse palmar crease, accessory nipple,syndactyly, brachydactyly, vascular malformations,arteriovenous malformations, lymphangiokeratoma, goiter,hamartomatous intestinal polyposis JAAD 53:639-643, 2005;AD 132:1214-1218, 1996Beare-Stevenson syndrome – autosomal dominant; acanthosisnigricans, cutis verticis gyrata (furrowed skin), craniosynostosiswith other craniofacial anomalies; hypertelorism, swollen lips,swollen fingers, prominent eyes, ear anomalies, and anogenitalanomalies, umbilical herniation with prominent umbilical stump;defect in FGFR 3 gene Ped Derm 20:358-360, 2003; BJD147:1096-1011, 2002; Am J Med Genet 44:82-89, 1992; AD128:1379-1386, 1992Becker’s nevus – acanthosis nigricans-like changesBerardinelli’s (Berardinelli-Seip) syndrome – congenitalgeneralized (total) lipodystrophy; extreme muscularity andgeneralized loss of body fat from birth, acanthosis nigricans,acromegalic features, umbilical hernia, hirsutism andcl*toromegaly, severe fasting and postprandial hyperinsulinemia,early onset diabetes mellitus, hypertriglyceridemia J ClinEndocrinol Metab 85:1776-1782, 2000Bloom’s syndromeCapozucca syndromeCardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome (Noonan-like short staturesyndrome) – autosomal dominant, acanthosis nigricans,xerosis/ichthyosis, eczematous dermatitis, growth failure,hyperkeratotic papules, ulerythema ophryogenes, seborrheicdermatitis, CALMs, nevi, keratosis pilaris, patchy or widespreadichthyosiform eruption, sparse curly short scalp hair, eyebrowsand lashes, hemangiomas, congenital lymphedema of thehands, redundant skin of the hands, short stature, abnormalfacies, cardiac defects JAAD 46:161-183, 2002; Ped Derm17:231-234, 2000; JAAD 28:815-819, 1993; AD 129:46-47,1993; JAAD 22:920-922, 1990; port wine stain Clin Genet42:206-209, 1992Costello syndrome – acanthosis nigricans; palmarhyperkeratosis, warty papules around nose and mouth,legs, perianal skin; loose skin of neck, hands and feet,thick, redundant palmoplantar surfaces, hypoplastic nails,short stature, craniofacial abnormalities Eur J Dermatol11:453-457, 2001; Am J Med Genet 82:187-193, 1999;Eur J Dermatol 9:533-536, 1999; J Pediatr 133:441-448,1998; J Med Genet 35:238-240, 1998; JAAD 32:904-907,1995; Am J Med Genet 47:176-183, 1993; Aust Paediatr J13:114-118, 1977Crouzon syndrome (craniofacial dysostosis) – autosomaldominant; craniosynostosis, hypertelorism, exophthalmosand external strabismus, parrot-beaked nose, short upper lip,hypoplastic maxilla, prognathism BJD 147:1096-1011, 2002;Cleft Palate Craniofac J 37:78-82, 2000; J Med Genet33:744-748, 1996; acanthosis nigricans AD 128:1378-1386,1992; Ped Derm 13:18-21, 1996Dowling-Degos syndrome (reticulated pigmented anomaly ofthe flextures AD 114:1150-1157, 1978Down’s syndrome J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol15:325-327, 2001HAIR-AN syndrome – acne, muscular physique, alopecia(hyperandrogenism), hidradenitis suppurativa, insulinresistance, acanthosis nigricans AD 133:431-433, 1997;J Reprod Med 39:327-336, 1994; JAAD 21:461-469, 1989Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome – hypertrichosis of theeyebrows, and trichomegaly of the arms and legs AD135:774-780, 1999

Hirshowitz syndrome – nerve deafness, peripheral sensorydemyelinization, loss of gastric motility, ileal and jejunaldiverticulae with ulcersKeratosis-ichthysosis-deafness syndrome(KID syndrome) – nipple lesions; flexural acanthosisnigricans-like lesions JAAD 51:377-382, 2004Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedel syndrome JAAD21:461-469, 1989Leprechaunism – autosomal recessive; insulin resistancewith extreme hyperinsulinemia, intrauterine growth retardation,elfin facies; abnormal skin with hypertrichosis; decreasedsubcutaneous fat, protuberant ears, distended abdomen, largehands, feet, genitalia, gonadal cystic and pancreatic islet cellhyperplasia BJD 147:1096-1011, 2002Partial congenital lipodystrophy – adipose tissue depots variablyaffected by lipoatrophy or lipohypertrophy, hepatosplenomegaly,cardiomyopathy, features of acromegaly or hypertriglyceridemiaPed Derm 19:267-270, 2002Miescher’s syndrome – generalized lipodystrophy, acanthosisnigricans, hypertrichosis, insulin-resistant diabetesMorfan – mental retardation, peculiar facies Am J Med Genet45:525-528, 1993Olmsted syndrome Int J Derm 36:359-360, 1997; Sem Derm14:145-151, 1995Prader-Willi syndrome JAAD 21:461-469, 1989Pseudoacromegaly syndrome – type A insulin resistancesyndrome with acral enlargement, muscle hypertrophy, widenedteeth spacing, muscle cramps Ped Derm 19:267-270, 2002Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome – autosomal recessive;insulin-resistant diabetes mellitus, growth retardation,fissured tongue, unusual facies (prominent jaw), dentalprecocity, hypertrichosis, acanthosis nigricans, onychauxis(thick fingernails), abdominal protuberance and phallicenlargement, mentally precocious, early dentition, prematuresexual development, pineal hyperplasia, hyperplasia of theadrenal cortex BJD 147:1096-1011, 2002; Ped Derm19:267-270, 2002Rud’s syndrome – ichthyosis, epilepsy, mental retardation,retinitis pigmentosaSADDAN syndrome – autosomal dominant; short stature,severe tibial bowing, severe achondroplasia with profounddevelopmental delay and acanthosis nigricans BJD147:1096-1011, 2002; Am J Med Genet 85:53-65, 1999Sjögren-Larsson syndrome – acanthosis nigricans-like lesionsPed Derm 20:180-182, 2003Stein-Leventhal syndrome (polycystic ovarian syndrome) Thanatophoric dysplasia – autosomal dominant; micromelicdwarfism; defect in FGFR3 BJD 147:1096-1011, 2002Total congenital lipoatrophy – severe insulin resistance withType A features, hepatosplenomegaly, cardiomyopathy,features of acromegaly, hypertriglyceridemia, or genitalhypertrophy Ped Derm 19:267-270, 2002

Chronic granulomatous disease – severe acneform eruptionsJAAD 36:899-907, 1997; X-linked chronic granulomatousdisease – photosensitivity, rosacea-like lesions of the facePed Derm 3:376-379, 1986

Dermatitis herpetiformis – vesiculopustular facial eruptionAD 140:353-358, 2004; Rook p.1952, 1998, Sixth EditionHyper-IgE syndrome – neonatal acne-like eruption; resembleseosinophilic pustular folliculitis of infancy AD 140:1119-1125,2004; Ped Derm 1:202-206, 1984Lupus erythematosus – systemic, discoid lupus erythematosus(DLE) – follicular plugging within the ear resembling comedonesRook p.2444-2449, 1998, Sixth Edition; NEJM 269:1155-1161,1963; DLE resembling acne rosacea Lupus 1:222-237, 1992;umbilicated papular eruption of the back with acneformhypertrophic follicular scars BJD 87:642-649, 1972Pemphigus vulgaris

Cephalic pustulosis (neonatal acne) Eichenfeld p.94, 2001;Int J Derm 38:128-130, 1999; AD 134:995-998, 1998Toxic erythema of the newbornTransient neonatal pustular melanosis

Drug-induced acne Rook p.1974, 1998, Sixth EditionAccutane – flare of pustulesACTH JAAD 21:1179-1181, 1989Actinomycin D – papulopustular sterile folliculitis NEJM281:1094-1096, 1969Amineptiren Eur J Dermatol 9:491-492, 1999; Arch DermResearch 282:103-107, 1990Ampicillin – acneform pustular eruption of cheeks Cutis56:163-164, 1995Anabolic steroids Cutis 50:113-116, 1992; Cutis44:30-35, 1989Androgenic hormonesAntiepidermal growth factor receptor antibody C225 BJD144:1169-1176, 2001; others in this group of drugs J ClinOncol 20:2240-2250, 2002Bromoderma AD 115:1334-1335, 1979Cetuximab AD 141:1173-1174, 2005; J Clin Oncol18:904-914, 2000Chloral hydrateChloridesChlorinated hydrocarbonsCorticosteroids – oral, inhaled, topical; acne rosacea –papules, pustules, atrophy, telangiectasia Clin Exp Dermatol18:148-150, 1993; JAAD 21:1179-1181, 1989; AD Forsch247:29-52, 1973; perianal comedones due to topical steroidsJAAD 7:407, 1982; Dermatologica 119:211-220, 1959Cyclosporine Dermatologica 172:24-31, 1986Danazol Cutis 24:431-432, 1979Dantrolene BJD 104:465-468, 1981Dilantin NEJM 287:148, 1972; fetal hydantoin syndrome(childhood acne) Ped Derm 14:17-21, 1997DisulfiramErbituximabEthambutol Ghatan p.227, 2002, Second EditionEthionamideEtretinateGemzar – rosaceaGold Acta DV 57:165, 1977GonadotropinsGranulocyte colony-stimulating factor JAAD34:855-856, 1996Haloperidol Ghatan p.227, 2002, Second EditionHalothaneINH AD 109:377-381, 1974Iododerma JAAD 36:1014-1016, 1997

IRESSA (inhibitor of epidermal growth factor receptor) –acneform eruption of face and chest BJD 147:598-601, 2002Levofloxacin – localized exanthematous pustulosisof forehead BJD 152:1076-1077, 2005Lithium J Dermatol 18:481-483, 1991; BJD106:107-109, 1982NardilNystatin (oral) Olanzapine Cutis 66:97-100, 2000Oral contraceptives Rook p.3384, 1998, Sixth EditionPhenobarbitalProstacycline – rosaceaPustular drug eruptionPUVA Br Med J ii:866, 1977Quinidine AD 117:603-604, 1981QuinineRifampicinSulfurTacrolimus ointment – rosacea-like dermatosis withovergrowth of Demodex folliculorum AD 140:457-460, 2004ThiouracilThioureaTraxidoneTrimethadioneVitamin B12 Cutis 24:119-120, 1979

Acne cosmetica AD 106:843-850, 1972Acne venenata (contact) – malar regions, angles of jaw, behindears are involved; nose spared

Chloracne – halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons – multiplecomedones with infrequent inflammatory lesions;chloronaphthalenes, chlorobiphenyls, chlorobiphenyl oxidesused as dielectrics in conductors and insulators,chlorophenols in insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, andwood preservatives Int J Derm 35:643-645, 1996Coal tars, pitch and creosote (coal tar distillates), crude coaltar (tar acne) JAAD 39:712-720, 1998; pitch tar – periorbitalcomedones JAAD 42:624-627, 2000; pitch or creosoteRook p.1976, 1998, Sixth EditionDDT Rook p.1976, 1998, Sixth EditionPetroleum products

Asbestos Rook p.1976, 1998, Sixth EditionBubble gum oil – granulomatous facial eruption Acta DV(Stockh) 58:433-436, 1978Mallorca acne (tropical acne) Rook p.1977, 1998, Sixth EditionMedicated oils – grouped comedones of infancy Rook p.866,1998, Sixth EditionNeat (insoluble) cutting oils – impure paraffin-oil mixtures JAAD30:491-492, 1994; Hautarzt 4:371, 1953Pesticides – weed sprayer with sclerodactyly of fingers andtoes with hyperkeratosis of palms and chloracne Clin ExpDermatol 19:264-267, 1994Pomade acne AD 110:465, 1974; AD 101:580-584, 1970Radiotherapy AD 106:73-75, 1972Tar preparations

ActinomycosisAIDS – papular dermatitis of AIDSAscariasisAspergillosis

Bacterial cellulitisCandida – Candida folliculitis; candidal sepsis in drugaddicts – purulent nodules of scalp and follicular pustulesof beard, axilla, and pubis Br Med J 287:861-862, 1983;Candida parapsilosis; congenital candidiasisCoccidioidomycosis – acneform or rosacea-like papulesJAAD 46:743-747, 2002Cryptococcosis – acneform papules and pustules around noseand mouth AD 112:1734-1740, 1976; BJD 74:43-49, 1962Demodicidosis – Demodex folliculitis JAAD 49:S272-274, 2003;Tyring p.332, 2002; JAAD 41:775-777, 1999; JAAD27:799-780, 1992; rosacea-like papules – cheeks, periorally,nose Ped Derm 20:28-30, 2003; BJD 144:139-142, 2001Gram-negative folliculitis – Enterobacter aerogenes,Pseudomonas, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus, Escherichiacoli Cutis 69:261-264, 2002; AD 115:1203-1206, 1979;AD 98:349-353, 1968Herpes simplex, including herpetic folliculitis AD137:97-98, 2001Herpes zoster, including comedones status post-herpeszoster AD 133:1316-1317, 1997Histoplasmosis in AIDS; disseminated histoplasmosisBJD 144:205-207, 2001; AD 123:341-346, 1996; JAAD22:1260-1269, 1990; rosacea-like Int J Derm 29:649-650, 1990HIV disease – acne rosacea with HIV disease JAAD30:139-140, 1994Leishmaniasis – disseminated cutaneous formPed Derm 13:455-463, 1996; post-kala-azar dermalleishmaniasis – papules of cheeks, chin, ears, extensorforearms, buttocks, lower legs; in India, hypopigmentedmacules; nodules develop after years; tongue, palate,genitalia Rook p.1419-1420, 1998, Sixth Edition; E AfrMed J 63:365-371, 1986Malassezia furfura pustulosis (neonatal acne) AD132:190-193, 1996Maxillary sinusitisMucormycosisMycetomaMycobacterium kansasii – rhinophyma-like lesions JAAD41:854-856, 1999Mycobacterium tuberculosis – lupus vulgaris Clin ExpDermatol 2:235-242, 1977; acne scrofulosorum – tuberculidtuberculous abscess, acute miliary tuberculosisNocardiosis JAAD 20:889-892, 1989Paracoccidioidomycosis JAAD 31:S91-S102, 1994Penicillium marneffei Tyring p.345, 2002; JAAD37:450-472, 1997Pityrosporum folliculitis J Dermatol 27:49-51, 2000;Int J Dermatol 38:453-456, 1999; JAAD 234:693-696, 1991;Ann Intern Med 108:560-563, 1988; JAAD 12:56-61, 1985Rickettsial poxRuptured molluscum contagiosumSporotrichosis, fixed cutaneous; rosacea-like Cutis33:549-551, 1984Staphylococcal folliculitis or furunculosisSycosis barbaeSyphilis – secondaryTinea barbae Rook p.1306-1307, 1998, Sixth EditionTinea faciei AD 114:250-252, 1978Trichosporon beigeliiVaricella

Verrucae planae Rook p.1952, 1998, Sixth EditionVirus-associated trichodysplasia JAAD 50:318-322, 2004

Langerhans cell histiocytosis JAAD 16:385-386, 1987Rosai-Dorfman disease (sinus histiocytosis with massivelymphadenopathy – acneform lesions, conglobate acneform,or red plaques with pustules JAAD 50:159-161, 2004; JAAD41:335-337, 1999; J Cutan Pathol 20:368-374, 1993;violaceous, red papules and nodules; cervical lymphadenopathy;also axillary, inguinal and mediastinal adenopathy Am JDermatopathol 17:384-388, 1995; Cancer 30:1174-1188, 1972

Crohn’s disease – rosacea-like eruption JAAD 36:697-704,1997; metastatic Crohn’s disease Ped Derm 13:25-28, 1996Dental sinus – mimics acne cyst Rook p.1953, 1998,Sixth EditionDissecting cellulitis of the scalpEosinophilic folliculitis of AIDS Ann DV 123:456-459, 1996Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis (Ofuji’s disease) – face,trunk, upper arms; palmoplantar pustules, groups ofpapulopustules; annular plaques with central clearingJ Dermatol 25:178-184, 1998; AD 121:917-920, 1985;eosinophilic pustular folliculitis of AIDS AD 141:1227-1231,2005; AD 141:1203-1208, 2005; Tyring p.353, 2002; JAAD14:1020-1022, 1986Hidradenitis suppurativa – comedones, cystic nodules, bridgedscarring Derm Surg 26:638-643, 2000; BJD 141:231-239,1999; Rook p.1176-1179, 1998, Sixth EditionMiliaria rubraNecrotizing infundibular crystalline folliculitis BJD145:165-168, 2001Pyoderma gangrenosum JAAD 32:912-914, 1995Sarcoidosis – rosacea-like lesions JAAD 44:725-743, 2001

Acrodermatitis enteropathicaAcromegaly – increased susceptibility to acne Rook p.2704,1998, Sixth EditionAspartylglucosaminuria – acne vulgaris J Med Genet36:398-404, 1999Carcinoid syndrome – rosacea-like appearance BJD152:71-75, 2005Congenital adrenal hyperplasia – 21-hydroxylase deficiencymost common J Clin Endocrinol Metab 63:418-423, 1986Cushing’s syndrome – acne and hirsutism Semin Dermatol3:287-294, 1984HAIR-AN syndrome – acne, muscular physique, alopecia(hyperandrogenism), hidradenitis suppurativa, insulin resistance,acanthosis nigricans AD 133:431-433, 1997Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, perforating – comedone-likelesions at periphery BJD 96:83-86, 1977Polycystic ovarian disease NEJM 352:1223-1236, 2005;Clin Endocrinol 30:459-464, 1989Pruritic folliculitis of pregnancy – limbs and abdomen;resembles steroid-induced acne JAAD 43:132-134, 2000;Semin Derm 8:23-25, 1989; AD 117:20-22, 1981

Scurvy – exacerbation of acne JAAD 41:895-906, 1999Zinc deficiency – papulopustular acneform eruption Rookp.1953, 1998, Sixth Edition

Acne nevus Clin Exp Dermatol 15:154-155, 1990Androluteoma of pregnancy – childhood acne Ped Derm14:17-21, 1997Angiosarcoma J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 175:574-575,2003Basal cell carcinoma – pore JAAD 47:727-732, 2002Basal cell nevus (linear basal cell nevus) – resemblecomedones; usually linear translucent telangiectaticpapules, may ulcerate; macular hypopigmentation, alopecia,cysts, striae Cutis 46:493-494, 1990; BJD 74:20-23, 1962;follicular basal cell nevus – comedo-like lesions Acta DV63:77-79, 1983Becker’s nevus – acneiform lesions within a Becker’s nevusJAAD 10:234-238, 1984; Cutis 21:617-619, 1978Dermoid cysts – multiple dermoid cysts of face presenting asclosed comedones BJD 152:1387-1389, 2005Dilated pore nevus – clinically resembles nevus comedonicusbut has aggregated dilated follicular cysts Am J Dermatopathol15:169-171, 1993Eccrine nevus – dilated pore discharging mucoid secretionArch Klin Exp Dermatol 214:600-621, 1962Epidermal nevusEpidermoid cyst, ruptured – mimics acne cyst Rook p.1953,1998, Sixth EditionEpstein-Barr virus-associated lymphoproliferative lesionsBJD 151:372-380, 2004Eruptive vellus hair cystsFamilial comedones Rook p.1978, 1998, Sixth EditionFibrofolliculomas resembling comedones JAAD17:493-496, 1987Leukemia – chronic lymphocytic leukemia – transient annularerythema with pustular folliculitis BJD 150:1129-1135, 2004Lymphoma – pilotropic (follicular) CTCL – comedo-likelesions or follicular papules BJD 152:193-194, 2005; JAAD48:448-452, 2003; AD 138:191-198, 2002; AD 137:657-662,2001; Ann DV 126:243-246, 1999; AD 132:683-687, 1996;cutaneous T-cell lymphoma – mimicking perioral dermatitisClin Exp Dermatol 17:132-134, 1992; poorly differentiatedlymphoma – granulomatous rosacea-like facial lesionsAD 122:1303-1305, 1986; lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma(B-cell lymphoma, immunocytoma) JAAD 49:1159-1162, 2003;nasal lymphoma – rosacea-like JAAD 38:310-313, 1998Lymphocytoma cutisLymphomatoid papulosis AD 140:306-312, 2004Melanocytic neviMetastases from gastric carcinoma Cutis 52:173-176, 1993;rhinophyma-like metastatic carcinoma JAAD 34:33-36, 1996Multiple follicular hamartomasNasal septal carcinoma – mimicking rosacea J Derm Surg13:1021-1024, 1987Nevus comedonicus AD 139:93-98, 2003; AD 116:1048-1050,1980; Trans St John’s Hosp Dermatol Soc Lond 59:45-51,1973; with well-differentiated follicular tumors JAAD15:1123-1127, 1986; inflammatory nevus comedonicusJAAD 38:834-836, 1998Nevus corniculatus – filiform keratoses, cutaneous horns, andgiant comedones BJD 122:107-112, 1990

Nevus lipomatosis superficialis – comedo-like plugs BJD93:121-133, 1975Pilar cyst, ruptured – mimics acne cystPilar sheath acanthoma – pore JAAD 47:727-732, 2002Porokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal duct nevus(linear eccrine nevus with comedones) AD 138:1309-1314,2002; JAAD 43:364-367, 2000; Ped Derm 15:140-142, 1998;JAAD 24:300-301, 1991; Cutis 46:495-497, 1990; BJD101:717-722, 1979Sebaceous hyperplasia – pore JAAD 47:727-732, 2002SyringomasTrichilemmal cysts in a nevus comedonicus BJD96:545-548, 1977Trichodiscomas, multiple – flat-topped papules of central faceJAAD 15:603-607, 1986Trichoepitheliomas (Brooke’s tumor) – multiple – cheeks,eyelids, nasolabial folds; yellow to pink, bluish, telangiectasiason surface AD 126:953,956, 1990; J Cutan Pathol13:111-117, 1986

Sterile suppurative folliculitis associated with acutemyelogenous leukemia BJD 146:904-907, 2002

Actinic comedonal plaque – red-blue nodular plaque withcomedones Cutis 60:145-146, 1997Actinic superficial folliculitis BJD 139:359-360, 1998; BJD138:1070-1074, 1998; Clin Exp Dermatol 14:69-71, 1989; BJD113:630-631, 1985Favre-Racouchot syndrome – actinic comedones Rook p.1978,2028, 1998, Sixth Edition; Cutis 31:306-310, 1983; Cutis31:296-303, 1983

Acne aestivalisAcne conglobata Hautarzt 46:417-420, 1995Acne excoriée des jeunes filles Int J Derm 33:846-848,1994; Clin Exp Dermatol 8:65-68, 1983Acne fulminans (acute febrile ulcerative conglobate acne) –with myositis, polyarthralgias, inflammatory bowel diseaseJAAD 28:572-579, 1993; Clin Rheumatol 5:118-123, 1986;AD 104:182-187, 1971Acne keloidalis nuchaeAcne necrotica miliaris AD 132:1365-1370, 1996Acne necrotica varioliformis AD 132:1365-1370, 1996Acne neonatorum (neonatal cephalic pustulosis) Int J Derm38:128-130, 1999; AD 134:995-998, 1998; due to Malasseziasympodialis AD 138:215-218, 2002Acne rosacea Rook p.2104-2110, 1998, Sixth Edition;AD 134:679-683, 1998; acne agminata (granulomatousrosacea) – monomorphic brown papules of chin, cheeks,eyelids BJD 134:1098-1100, 1996; lupoid rosaceaAcne tropicalis – pustules, cysts, and nodules of back andbuttocks; sparing of face Ghatan p.304, 2002, Second EditionAcne vulgaris Rook p.1949-1951, 1998, Sixth EditionAlopecia mucinosa (follicular mucinosis) JAAD 47:856-862,2002; JAAD 38:849-851, 1998; JAAD 20:441-446, 1989Chronic acquired dyskeratotic papulosis of the faceCutis 69:469-471, 2002

Comedo-like acantholytic dyskeratosis of the faceBJD 142:1047-1048, 2000Darier’s disease (keratosis follicularis) – early may be confusedwith acne vulgaris Clin Dermatol 19:193-205, 1994; JAAD27:40-50, 1992; JAAD 27:40-50, 1992Explosive post-adolescent facial acne in womenFacial Afro-Caribbean childhood eruption (FACE) – resemblesperioral dermatitis Clin Exp Dermatol 15:163-166, 1990; BJD91:435-438, 1976Giant pore of Winer (dilated pore of Winer) JAAD 47:727-732,2002; JID 23:181-188, 1954Infantile or juvenile acne (acne infantum) – comedones, papules,pustules, nodules, cysts, scarring Ped Derm 22:357-359, 2005;Rook p.1977, 1998, Sixth Edition; Cutis 52:16, 1993Keratosis lichenoides chronica – rosacea-like JAAD38:306-309, 1998Keratosis pilaris rubra facieiLichen planopilaris with cysts and comedones Clin ExpDermatol 17:346-348, 1992Lupus miliaris disseminata faciei Clin Exp Dermatol16:295-296, 1991Miliaria pustulosaPerioral dermatitis – idiopathic or topical corticosterioid-associatedRook p.2110-2111, 1998, Sixth Edition; granulomatous perioraldermatitis of infancy and childhoodPili multigemini – along jawline; with inflammatory nodules;scars Rook p.2958, 1998, Sixth EditionPityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acutaPost-adolescent acne of the backPremenstrual acnePseudofolliculitis barbae Rook p.925, 1998, Sixth EditionPyoderma faciale (form of acne rosacea) – sudden onsetof nodules, abscesses, sinuses BJD 151:917-919, 2004;AD 128:1611-1617, 1992Rosacea fulminans Dermatology 188:251-254, 1994Transient acantholytic dermatosis (Grover’s disease) JAAD35:653-666, 1996Trichostasis spinulosa BJD 84:311-316, 1971

Anorexia nervosa – refeeding acne in anorexia nervosa Aust JDerm 31:9, 1990

Acne conglobata, hidradenitis suppurativa, pili torti, andcataracts (familial) JAAD 14:207, 1986Acne fulminans with myositis, inflammatory bowel disease,arthritis, or aseptic osteomyelitisApert’s syndrome (acrocephalosyndactyly/ectrodactyly) –craniosynostosis, mid-facial malformations, symmetricalsyndactyly; a hallmark of Apert’s syndrome is an extensive oftensevere acneform eruption that typically appears on the arms,chest, and back, but is relatively absent from the face;hypopigmentation and hyperseborrhea; craniosynostosis,hypoplastic and retruded central face, proptosis, and shortstature; mutation of fibroblast growth factor receptor-2 JAAD53:173-174, 2005; Rook p. 1966, 1998, Sixth Edition; Ped Derm14:31-35, 1997; AD 128:1379-1386, 1992; Proc R Soc Med69:517-518, 1976; AD 102:381-385, 1970; Ann Hum Genet24:151-164, 1960; Bull Soc Med Hop(Paris) 23:1310-1330, 1906Basaloid follicular hamartoma syndrome – autosomal dominant;milia, comedone-like lesions, dermatosis papulosa nigra, skin

tag-like lesions, hypotrichosis, multiple skin-colored, red andhyperpigmented papules of the face, neck, chest, back,proximal extremities and eyelids; syndrome includes milia-likecysts, comedones, sparse scalp hair, palmar pits and parallelbands of papules of the neck (zebra stripes) JAAD 45:644-645,2001; JAAD 43:189-206, 2000Becker’s nevus syndrome Am J Med Genet 68:357-361, 1997Behçet’s disease BJD 147:331-336, 2002; JAAD 41:540-545,1999; JAAD 40:1-18, 1999; NEJM 341:1284-1290, 1999; JAAD36:689-696, 1997; JAAD 19:767-779, 1988; Behçet’s inchildren – erythema nodosum-like lesions, papulopustules,acneform, folliculitis lesions, erythema multiforme-like lesions,thrombophlebitis, ulcers, abscesses, pyoderma, bullousnecrotizing vasculitis, Sweet’s syndrome-like lesions Ped Derm11:95-101, 1994; JAAD 21:327-330, 1989Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome – fibrofolliculomas – comedone-likelesions AD 135:1195-1202, 1999Borrone dermatocardioskeletal syndrome – autosomalrecessive or X-linked; gingival hypertrophy, coarse facies, lateeruption of teeth, loss of teeth, thick skin, acne conglobata,osteolysis, large joint flexion contractuures, short stature,brachydactyly, camptodactyly, mitral valve prolapse, congestiveheart failure Ped Derm 18:534-536, 2001Branchio-skeleto-genital syndrome (Elsahy-Waters syndrome)Plast Reconstr Surg 48:542-550, 1971Carcinoid syndrome – cyanotic nose and face, rosaceaActa DV (Stockh) 41:264-276, 1961Dowling-Degos syndrome mimicking chloracne JAAD37:884-886, 1997; JAAD 27:345-348, 1992; comedone-likelesions on upper eyelids; comedones of neck and axilla BJD147:568-571, 2002; AD 114:1150-1157, 1978Ectrodactyly, ectodermal dysplasia, clefting (EEC) syndrome –nevus comedonicus Dermatologica 169:80-85, 1984Familial comedones Indian J Dermatol 20:6-7, 1974Familial diffuse comedone syndrome Ped Derm 21:84-86,2004; AD 114:1807-1809, 1978Familial dyskeratotic comedone syndrome – face, trunk,arms, legs, penis Ped Derm 21:84-86, 2004; BJD 140:956-959,1999; Eur J Dermatol 9:491-492, 1999; Arch Derm Res282:103-107, 1990; JAAD 17:808-814, 1987; AD 105:249-251,1972Haber’s syndrome – rosacea-like acneform eruption witherythema, telangiectasia, prominent follicles, comedones, smallpapules, atrophic pitted scars; with keratotic plaques of thetrunk and extremities AD 103:452-455, 1971; BJD 77:1-8, 1965Job’s syndromeKeratosis-ichthyosis-deafness (KID) syndrome – acneiformlesions of trunk; follicular occlusion triad with KID syndrome –mutation of connexin 26 (Cx26); reticulated severe diffusehyperkeratosis of palms and soles, well marginated, serpiginouserythematous verrucous plaques, perioral furrows, leukoplakia,sensory deafness, photophobia with vascularizing keratitis,blindness JAAD 51:377-382, 2004; Ped Derm 13:105-113,1996; BJD 122:689-697, 1990; JAAD 23:385-388, 1990; AD123:777-782, 1987; AD 117:285-289, 1981Kikuchi’s disease (histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis) – redpapules of face, back, arms; red plaques; erythema andacneform lesions of face; morbilliform, urticarial, and rubella-likeexanthems; red or ulcerated pharynx; cervical adenopathy;associations with SLE, lymphoma, tuberculous adenitis, virallymphadenitis, infectious mononucleosis, and drug eruptionsAm J Surg Pathol 14:872-876, 1990Masculinizing syndromes

Adrenal cancerChoriocarcinomaCushing’s syndrome

Ovarian tumorStein-Leventhal syndrome

Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome – comedones JAAD11:98-104, 1984; AD 114:95-97, 1978; Birth Defects8:140-148, 1971; linear nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndromewith overlying comedones Ped Derm 21:84-86, 2004PAPA syndrome – pyoderma gangrenosum, cystic acne, asepticarthritis; sterile abscesses at injection sites; mutation in CD2binding protein-1 Ped Derm 22:262-265, 2005; Proc Natl Acad SciUSA 100:13501-13506, 2003; Mayo Clin Proc 72:611-615, 1997Pili torti, acne conglobata, early onset cataracts BJD 91(Suppl 10):54-57, 1974Pseudohypoaldosteronism type I – pustular miliaria, acneformeruptions, extensive scaling of the scalp Ped Derm 19:317-319,2002Pseudoxanthoma elasticum – extensive comedo formationDermatologica 154:318-319, 1977SAPHO syndrome – palmoplantar pustulosis with sternoclavicularhyperostosis; acne fulminans, acne conglobata, hidradenitissuppurativa, psoriasis, multifocal osteitis Cutis 71:63-67, 2003;Curr Opinion Rheumatol 15:61-69, 2003; Cutis 64:253-258,1999; Cutis 62:75-76, 1998; Rev Rheum Mol Osteoarthritic54:187-196, 1987; Ann Rev Rheum Dis 40:547-553, 1981Steatocystoma multiplexSweet’s syndrome JAAD 31:535-556, 1994Tuberous sclerosis Rook p.2710, 1998, Sixth Edition47,XYY – acne conglobata AD 105:913-919, 1972

Arsenic poisoning – at 3 months BJD 149:757-762, 2003Chloracne – pale yellow keratin cysts and large prominentcomedones on malar cheeks, post-auricular areas, ears, neckand scrotum JAAD 13:539-558, 1985Dioxin – late sequela JAAD 19:812-819, 1988Polychlorinated biphenyl poisoning – chloracne, goiter, arthritisand anemia Environ Health Perspect 107:715-719, 1999

Acne mechanica – fiddler’s neck, headbands, turtle neck sweatersRook p.1976, 1998, Sixth Edition; AD 111:481-483, 1975Detergent acne – excessive washing AD 11:65-68, 1975Radiation Hautarzt 51:187-191, 2000; radiation-inducedFavre-Racouchot disease JAAD 49:117-119, 2003Scar – pore JAAD 47:727-732, 2002; with comedonesSpinal cord injury – acne of back and buttocks BJD112:569-573, 1985Stump acne – a form of acne mechanica BJD 144:647-648, 2001

Angiosarcoma – rosacea-like JAAD 38:837-840, 1998;Dermatologica 181:252-254, 1990Hemangioma – rhinophyma J Derm Surg Oncol 19:206-212, 1993Wegener’s granulomatosis AD 136:171-172, 2000

Dermatomyositis with Raynaud’s phenomenon Rook p.2558,1998, Sixth Edition

Hypersensitivity angiitis AD 138:1296-1298, 2002Lupus erythematosus – systemic lupus erythematosus –Raynaud’s phenomenon BJD 135:355-362, 1996; Raynaud’sphenomenon with C1q deficiency BJD 142:521-524, 2000;lupus chilblains AD 132:459-464, 1996Mixed connective tissue disease – vasculitis; Raynaud’sphenomenon Rook p.2545, 1998, Sixth Edition;Am J Med 52:148-159, 1972Rheumatoid arthritis, including rheumatoid vasculitisAD 135:648-650, 1999Scleroderma, including CREST syndrome – Raynaud’sphenomenon Rook p.2527, 1998, Sixth EditionSjögren’s syndrome – Raynaud’s phenomenon JAAD48:311-340, 2003

Neonatal vasomotor instability Eichenfeld p.97, 2001Spinal dysraphism Rook p.2778, 1998, Sixth EditionUmbilical artery catheterization – acrocyanosis, necrosis, livedoreticularis Eichenfeld p.108, 2001

Syringomyelia – skin of fingers and knuckles becomes cyanotic,thickened, edematous and keratotic Rook p.2777, 1998, SixthEdition

Blasticidin (fungicide) Vet Hum Toxicol 38:107-112, 1996Bleomycin – Raynaud’s phenomenon Clin Rheumatol 18:422-424,1999; JAAD 33:851-852, 1995; AD 107:553-555, 1973Buprenorphine – intra-arterial injection AD 138:1296-1298, 2002Butyl nitrite abuse AD 135:90-91, 1999Cisplatin – Raynaud’s phenomenon Eur Heart J 9:552-561, 1988Coumarin purple toe syndrome Thromb Haemost78:785-790, 1997; Ann Intern Med 113:893-895, 1990Crack inhalation – acrocyanosis, necrotizing livedo reticularis(livedo racemosa), and muscle infarction Ann Intern Med108:843, 1988Epinephrine Am J Emerg Med 8:46-47, 1990Imipramine Arch Dis Child 63:204-205, 1988Quinine sulfate Hautarzt 51:332-335, 2000Oxymetazoline – intra-arterial injection AD 138:1296-1298, 2002Vasculitis, drug-induced AD 138:1296-1298, 2002

Endocarditis – subacute bacterial endocarditisErythema induratumHepatitis C – with cryoglobulins; thrombotic vasculitis AD131:1185-1193, 1995Infectious mononucleosis Tyring p.149, 2002; Am J Med134:159-160, 1980MeningococcemiaPneumocystis carinii septicemia Ann InternMed 111:681-682, 1989PoliomyelitisRubella, congenital JAAD 12:697-706, 1985

SepsisStreptococcus pneumoniae – with disseminated intravascularcoagulation (DIC) after splenectomySyphilis – secondary syphilis

Antithrombin III deficiencyBisalbuminemia – cold, blue hands; inability to extend fingersBJD 95 (Suppl 14):54-55, 1977Cold agglutinin disease – acrocyanosis and Raynaud’sphenomenon Postgrad Med 60:89-94, 1976Cryofibrinogenemia – hands, feet, ears, nose, buttocksAm J Med 116:332-337, 2004Cryoglobulinemia – Raynaud’s phenomenon; acrocyanosisJAAD 48:311-340, 2003; Rook p.2714, 1998, Sixth EditionDisseminated intravascular coagulation – obstetriccomplications, extensive tissue damage, Gram-negativesepticemias, immune reactions, malignancy, snake bites,angiomas, protein S or protein C deficiency Br Med J312:683-687, 1996; BJD 88:221-229, 1973; symmetricalperipheral gangrene (DIC) AD 121:1057-1061, 1985Ethylmalonic aciduria and normal fatty acid oxidation J Pediatr124:79-86, 1994; J Pediatr 125:843-844, 1994Functionally abnormal plasminogenHyperleukocytosis – acral livedo AD 123:921-924, 1987HyperparathyroidismHyperviscosityMitochondrial disorders – acrocyanosis; hypertrichosis ofthe back or diffusely on the back, forearms and forehead;erythematous photodistributed eruptions followed by mottledor reticulated hyperpigmentation; alopecia with or without hairshaft abnormalities including trichothiodystrophy, trichoschisis,tiger tail pattern, pili torti, longitudinal grooving, and trichorhexisnodosa Pediatrics 103:428-433, 1999Oxaluria – primary hyperoxaluria JAAD 49:725-728, 2003;AD 131:821-823, 1995Paraproteinemia Ghatan p.99, 2002, Second EditionParoxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuriaPlatelet aggregationProtein C deficiencyProtein S deficiency

Aortic tumors, primary Oncology 39:167-172, 1982Atrial myxoma Cutis 62:275-280, 1998; JAAD 32:881-883,1995; JAAD 21:1080-1084, 1989Fibroma with pressure and occlusion Ghatan p.99, 2002,Second EditionLymphoma – CTCL with ischemic foot JAAD 47:914-918, 2002;angiocentric lymphoma – Raynaud’s phenomenon BJD142:1013-1016, 2000Myeloma Ghatan p.97, 2002, Second EditionMyeloproliferative diseases – chronic myelogenous leukemiawith leukostasis; acrocyanosis as a sign Bolognia, p.1947,2003; AD 123:921-924, 1987PheochromocytomaPolycythemia vera Rook p.2714, 1998, Sixth EditionThrombocythemia – livedo reticularis, acrocyanosis,erythromelalgia, gangrene, pyoderma gangrenosumBr J Haematol 36:553-564, 1977; AD 87:302-305, 1963

Tumor emboli – melanoma AD 129:1205-1207, 1993; aorticangiosarcoma with cutaneous metastases JAAD 43:930-933,2000Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia – cryoglobulin-associatedacrocyanosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon JAAD 45:S202-206,2001

Digital ischemia Br Med J iii:208-212, 1967Paraneoplastic acral vascular syndrome – acral cyanosis andgangrene JAAD 47:47-52, 2002; AD 138:1296-1298, 2002Robboy’s acral cyanosis – associated with gastricadenocarcinoma Rev Esp Enferm Apar Dig 74:562-564, 1988

Erythromelalgia AD 139:1337-1343, 2003; JAAD 43:841-847,2000; AD 136:330-336, 2000Nodular erythrocyanosis Rook p.2204, 1998, Sixth EditionPalmoplantar keratoderma Acta DV 75:331, 1995Symmetrical lividity of the soles (hyperhidrosis)

Anorexia nervosa Postgrad Med J 67:33-35, 1991

Acrocyanosis – hands, feet, nose, ears, lips, nipples JAADS207-208, 2001; Rook p.962, 1998, Sixth EditionAcrocyanosis of infancy JAAD S207-208, 2001Angiokeratoma corporis diffusum – (Fabry’s disease)(α-galactosidase A deficiency) – X-linked recessive; acralareas cyanotic or blanched due to autonomic dysfunctionNEJM 276:1163-1167, 1967Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome – Raynaud’s phenomenon,acral cyanosis NEJM 346:752-763, 2002; Semin ArthritisRheum 31:127-132, 2001; JAAD 36:149-168, 1997; JAAD36:970-982, 1997; BJD 120:419-429, 1989Bazex syndrome – bulbous/violaceous fingertips; club-likeCarcinoid syndrome – cyanotic nose and face, rosacea Acta DV(Stockh) 41:264-276, 1961Carpal tunnel syndrome AD 120:517-519, 1984co*ckayne’s syndromeCoffin-Lowry syndrome – loose easily stretched skin andacrocyanosisCompartment syndrome – crush injury of thoraxAD 138:1296-1298, 2002DaCosta’s syndrome Acta DV 18:265-283, 1937Down’s syndrome – short stature, cutis marmorata,acrocyanosis, low-set, small ears JAAD 46:161-183, 2002;Rook p.3015-3016, 1998, Sixth EditionDyskeratosis congenitaFibroblastic rheumatism – symmetrical polyarthritis; nodulesover joints and on palms, elbows, knees, ears, neck;Raynaud’s phenomenon; sclerodactyly; skin lesions resolvespontaneously Ped Derm 19:532-535, 2002; AD131:710-712, 1995Hereditary acrolabial telangiectasia – telangiectasias, blue lips,nipples, hands, feet, elbows, knees AD 115:474-478, 1979Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendudisease) – pulmonary arteriovenous fistulae Rook p.2091,1998, Sixth Edition; Am J Med 82:989-997, 1987

Hypereosinophilic syndrome – Raynaud’s phenomenon BJD143:641-644, 2000Kawasaki’s diseaseMitochondrial DNA syndrome Pediatrics 103:428-433, 1999;JAAD 39:819-823, 1998POEMS syndrome – Raynaud’s phenomenon Cutis61:329-334, 1998Reflex sympathetic dystrophy JAAD 35:843-845, 1996; JAAD22:513-520, 1990; Arch Neurol 44:555-561, 1987ROMBO syndrome – peripheral vasodilatation and cyanosisBJD 144:1215-1218, 2001; Acta DV 61:497-503, 1981Rowell’s syndrome – chilblains JAAD 21:374-377, 1989Thoracic outlet obstruction AD 138:1296-1298, 2002XXYY syndrome – features of Klinefelter’s; sparse body hair;also multiple angiomas, acrocyanosis, and premature peripheralvascular disease AD 94:695-698, 1966

Heavy metal intoxicationMethemoglobinemiaPerchlorethylene (dry-cleaning) – Raynaud’s phenomenonPolyvinyl chloride exposure – Raynaud’s phenomenon Ghatanp.202, 2002, Second EditionToxic oil syndrome, acute phase JAAD 18:313-324, 1988

Blunt trauma – repetitive blunt trauma AD 138:1296-1298, 2002Chilblains (chronic pernio) JAAD 23:257-262, 1990; chilblains inpatients with anorexia nervosa or bulimia Ped Derm 11:1-5, 1994Cold weather immersion foot Dermatol Clin 17:1-17, 1999Crush injury AD 138:1296-1298, 2002Electric shock AD 138:1296-1298, 2002Frostbite Rook p.958-959, 1998, Sixth EditionHypothenar hammer syndrome AD 138:1296-1298, 2002Invasive angiographyNeonatal cold injury – facial erythema or cyanosis; firm pittingedema of extremities spreads centrally; cold skin; mortality of25% Rook p.482, 1998, Sixth Edition; Br Med J 1:303-309, 1960Radial or ulnar artery cannulation AD 138:1296-1298, 2002;NY State J Med 90:375-376, 1990; radial or ulnar arterycatherization Hand Surg 4:151-157, 1999Spinal cord injury Phys Ther 70:45-49, 1990Vibration – tools, pneumatic, typing, piano – erythrocyanosis,pain and swelling Occup Med 1:515-550, 1946

Acrocyanosis of newborn – of perioral region and palms andsoles Rook p.451, 1998, Sixth EditionAneurysmal disease – femoropopliteal arteriesArterial fibromuscular dysplasia AD 138:1296-1298, 2002Arteriovenous fistulae – vascular steal syndrome in hemodialysispatients with arteriovenous fistulae AD 138:1296-1298, 2002;Rook p.2731, 1998, Sixth Edition; acrocyanosis and/orRaynaud’s phenomenon Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second EditionAtherosclerosis AD 138:1296-1298, 2002; Caputo p.186, 2000;Rook p.2231, 1998, Sixth Edition

Buerger’s disease (thromboangiitis obliterans) – acrocyanosisand/or Raynaud’s phenomenon Ghatan p.263, 2002, SecondEditionEmbolic arterial occlusion – acrocyanosis and/or Raynaud’sphenomenon Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second Edition

Atrial myxoma – Raynaud’s phenomenon, digital cyanosisBJD 147:379-382, 2002Cholesterol emboli BJD 146:1107-1108, 2002; BJD146:511-517, 2002; Medicine 74:350-358, 1995; Angiology38:769-784, 1987; AD 122:1194-1198, 1986Mural thrombusParadoxic emboliSubacute bacterial endocarditis

Erythrocyanosis – may have ulceration, erythema, keratosispilaris, desquamation, nodular lesions, edema and fibrosis Rookp.962-963, 1998, Sixth EditionErythrocyanosis with nodules (nodular vasculitis) Glomus tumor with pressure and occlusion Ghatan p.99, 2002,Second EditionHenoch-Schönlein purpura – with antiphospholipid antibodiesArch Dis Child 86:132-133, 2002Hypertensive ulcer (Martorell’s ulcer) – starts as area ofcyanosis with progression to ulcer of lower lateral leg with livedoat edges Phlebology 3:139-142, 1988Peripheral digital ischemia – thrombotic microangiopathy(thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, hemolytic uremicsyndrome) J Invest Med 50:201-206, 2002Polyarteritis nodosa – acrocyanosis and/or Raynaud’sphenomenon Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second EditionPseudo-Kaposi’s sarcoma due to arteriovenous fistula AD121:1038-1040, 1985Radial artery removal for coronary bypass grafting AD138:1296-1298, 2002Raynaud’s disease or phenomenon – primary or secondaryNEJM 347:1001-1008, 2002; Rook p.969, 1998,Sixth Edition

Trauma or vibrationArteriovenous fistulaHypothenar hammer syndrome (ulnar artery thrombosis) Intra-arterial drug administrationJackhammering Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second EditionMeat cutting Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second EditionPiano playing Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second EditionPost-surgicalPost-traumatic with or without Sudeck’s atrophy(post-trauma osteoporosis) Ghatan p.263, 2002,Second EditionReflex sympathetic dystrophyTypewriting Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second EditionVibratory tools Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second Edition

Collagen vascular diseasesDermatomyositisHepatitis B antigen vasculitisLupus erythematosus, systemicMixed connective tissue diseasePolyarteritis nodosa Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second EditionRheumatoid arthritis Ghatan p.264, 2002, Second EditionSclerodermaSjögren’s syndromeTemporal arteritisWegener’s granulomatosis Ghatan p.263, 2002, SecondEdition

Obstructive arterial diseaseArterial embolismAtherosclerosisHypothenar hammer syndrome (ulnar artery thrombosis)

Subacute bacterial endocarditis Ghatan p.263, 2002,Second EditionThromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s disease)

Neurological diseaseCarpal tunnel syndrome Ghatan p.264, 2002,Second EditionCervical rib syndrome (thoracic outlet syndrome) Ghatanp.264, 2002, Second EditionHypothenar hammer syndrome (ulnar artery thrombosis) Poliomyelitis Ghatan p.264, 2002, Second EditionReflex sympathetic dystrophySyringomyelia Ghatan p.264, 2002, Second EditionThoracic outlet syndrome JAAD 50:456-460, 2004

Hematologic diseaseCold agglutininsCryofibrinogenemiaCryoglobulinemiaParoxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuriaWaldenström’s macroglobulinemia

Drugs and toxinsAmphetaminesArsenic Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second EditionBeta-blockers JAAD 50:456-460, 2004BleomycinBromocriptineClonidineCyanamide Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second EditionCyclosporineErgot JAAD 50:456-460, 2004Heavy metalsImipramineMethysergideNitroglycerin withdrawalOral contraceptivesPolyvinyl chloride JAAD 50:456-460, 2004Vinblastine Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second Edition

MiscellaneousAlcohol Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second EditionAnorexia nervosaChronic renal failureCirrhosis Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second EditionFrozen foods JAAD 50:456-460, 2004Hemiplegia Ghatan p.264, 2002, Second EditionHypothyroidism JAAD 50:456-460, 2004Kala-azar Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second EditionMalaria Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second EditionMultiple sclerosis Ghatan p.264, 2002, Second EditionParaneoplastic syndrome JAAD 50:456-460, 2004Primary pulmonary hypertensionTobacco Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second EditionVasculitis Ghatan p.264, 2002, Second EditionViral syndrome Ghatan p.263, 2002, Second Edition

Sneddon’s syndromeSubclavian occlusive disease JAAD 10:523-525, 1984Takayasu’s arteritis – Raynaud’s phenomenonThromboembolic phenomena – cardiac source, arterial source,aneurysm (subclavian or axillary arteries), infection,hypercoagulable state AD 138:1296-1298, 2002Thrombotic arterial occlusionThrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) Vascular malformationVasculitis – small, medium and large vessel; leukocytoclastic,thrombotic, granulomatousVasospasm

Carpal tunnel syndromeColdFear

Shoulder girdle compressionSyringomyeliaVasocontrictors – nicotine, ergot, beta-blockers

Venous gangrene AD 139:1126-128, 2003; reported withheparin-induced thrombocytopenia or as paraneoplasticphenomenonVenous thrombosisCongenital Volkmann ischemic contracture (neonatalcompartment syndrome) – upper extremity circumferentialcontracture from wrist to elbow; necrosis, cyanosis, edema,eschar, bullae, purpura; irregular border with central whiteischemic tissue with formation of bullae, edema, or spottedbluish color with necrosis, a reticulated eschar or whorledpattern with contracture of arm; differentiate from necrotizingfasciitis, congenital varicella, neonatal gangrene, aplasia cutiscongenita, amniotic band syndrome, subcutaneous fat necrosis,epidermolysis bullosa BJD 150:357-363, 2004Wegener’s granulomatosis

Allergic contact dermatitis – red handsBullous pemphigoidDermatomyositis – periungual erythema JAAD 46:S159-160, 2002Graft vs. host disease, acute – red palms and soles AD134:602-612, 1998Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (Still’s disease) The ClinicalManagement of Itching; Parthenon Publishing p.x, 2000Lupus erythematosus (LE) – systemic lupus – characteristicerythema of dorsum of hands between knuckles Rook p.2474,1998, Sixth Edition; systemic lupus with erythromelalgia AD112:688-692, 1963; subacute cutaneous LE; tumid lupus (lupuserythematosus telangiectoides) – reticulate telangiectasias offace, neck, ears, hands, breasts, heels, sides of feet; punctateatrophy JAAD 41:250-253, 1999; Rook p.2447, 1998, SixthEdition; periungual erythema JAAD 46:S159-160, 2002; redlunulae Ghatan p.79, 2002, Second EditionMixed connective tissue diseaseMorpheaPemphigus erythematosusRheumatoid arthritis – red lunulae Ghatan p.79, 2002, SecondEdition; palmar erythemaScleroderma – periungual erythema JAAD 46:S159-160, 2002Serum sickness Tyring p.369, 2002Still’s disease (juvenile rheumatoid arthritis) Urticaria

Peripheral neuropathy JAAD 50:456-460, 2004Thermally induced cutaneous vasodilatation in aging J Gerontol48:M53-57, 1993

Acral dysesthesia syndrome (chemotherapy-induced acralerythema) – multiple chemotherapeutic agents AD133:499-504, 1997; JAAD 40:367-398, 1999; Dermatologica148:90-92, 1974; methotrexate Ped Derm 16:398-400, 2000;

polyethylene glycol-coated liposomal doxorubicin AD136:1475-1480, 2000; docetaxel BJD 142:808-811, 2000;cisplatin BJD 139:750-751, 1998; etoposide Cancer ChemotherPharmacol 34:181, 1994; cytarabine JAAD 24:1023-1025,1991; tegafur Acta DV 77:80-81, 1997; AD 131:364-365, 1995;5-fluorouracil; capecytabine (Xeloda) CalcitoninDocataxel extravasation AD 141:1326-1327, 2005Doxycycline phototoxicity; photo-onycholysisDrug-induced erythema of proximal nail fold and onychodermalband due to cyclophosphamide and vincristine Cutis 52:43-44,1993Drug rashEccrine squamous syringometaplasia – secondary tochemotherapy AD 133:873-878, 1997; JAAD 26:284, 1992Erythromelalgia – calcium channel blockers (felodipine,nifedipine, amlodipine, diltiazem) JAAD 45:323-324, 2001; BJD136:974-975, 1997Fixed drug eruptionHydroxyurea AD 135:818-820, 1999; AD 111:183-187, 1975;dermatomyositis-like rash JAAD 49:339-341, 2003Methotrexate photorecallNifedipine – erythromelalgia-like erythema Br Med J298:1252-1253, 1989Piroxicam photodermatitisProstacycline – continuous infusionQuinolones Therapie 51:601-602, 1996Tetracycline-induced porphyria cutanea tarda-like syndrome

Contact dermatitis – capsicum (red peppers); red hands and redlips Cutis 72:21-23, 2003

Cellulitis/erysipelasErysipeloidErythrasmaFelonFusarium solani – digital cellulitis Rook p.1375, 1998, Sixth EditionHepatitis C – periungual erythema JAAD 46:S159-160, 2002Acute HIV infection Cutis 40:171-175, 1987Human herpesvirus 8 – relapsing inflammatory syndrome; fever,lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, edema, arthrosynovitis,exanthem of hands, wrists, and elbows NEJM 353:156-163,2005Infectious eczematoid dermatitisJaneway lesion – faint red macular lesions of thenar andhypothenar eminences NEJM 295:1500-1505, 1976Lepromatous leprosyLymphogranuloma venereum – red nails, red lunulae Ghatanp.79,80, 2002, Second EditionMajocchi’s granulomaMeasles, atypical Tyring p.410, 2002Parvovirus B19 (erythema infectiosum) Hum Pathol31:488-497, 2000; including papular pruritic petechial glovesand socks syndrome – hands, wrists, feet, and ankles; acraledema and erythema as initial signs BJD 151:201-206, 2004;Tyring p.300-301, 2002; Cutis 54:335-340, 1994; oral ulcerationAD 120:891-896, 1984

Scarlet feverSeal finger – painful, swollen red finger; synovitis J Rheumatol13:647-648, 1986Syphilis – primary or secondaryTinea manuumTinea versicolorToxic shock syndrome, either staphylococcal or streptococcal –erythema and edema of the palms and soles JAAD39:383-398, 1998Viral exanthem


Erythema multiforme; Stevens-Johnson syndromePanniculitisToxic epidermal necrolysis

Acrodermatitis enteropathica; acquired zinc deficiencyChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) – red lunulaeGhatan p.80, 2002, Second EditionCongestive heart failure – red nails, lunulae Ghatan p.79, 2002,Second EditionHyperthyroidismMyxedemaLiver disease, chronic – palmar erythemaNeuropathic – alcoholic, diabetic, lepromatous.PellagraPolycythemia vera – red lunulae Ghatan p.79, 2002, SecondEditionPorphyria – congenital erythropoietic porphyria Semin LiverDis 2:154-63, 1982Thrombocythemia – livedo reticularis, acrocyanosis,erythromelalgia, gangrene, pyoderma gangrenosum LeukLymphoma 22 (Suppl 1):47-56, 1996; Br J Haematol36:553-564, 1977; AD 87:302-305, 1963Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) deficiency – acrodynia Rook p.2658,1998, Sixth Edition; J Lab Clin Med 42:335-337, 1953

Atrial myxomaEnchondromas – red nails Ghatan p.79, 2002, Second EditionHodgkin’s disease – periungual erythema JAAD 46:S159-160,2002Kaposi’s sarcoma – classical or HIV-associatedMetastatic gastric carcinoma JAAD 27:117-118, 1992; alsobreast, lung, kidney, colon (mimic felon, whitlow, paronychia)

Bazex syndrome

Creosote phototoxicityDrug-induced phototoxicity

Alopecia areata – red lunulae Ghatan p.80, 2002, Second EditionCirc*mscribed palmar or plantar hypokeratosis – red atrophicpatch JAAD 51:319-321, 2004; JAAD 49:1197-1198, 2003;JAAD 47:21-27, 2002Darier’s disease – red lunulae Ghatan p.80, 2002,Second EditionEpidermolysis bullosa dystrophicaErythema elevatum diutinumErythrokeratolysis hiemalis (Oudtshoorn disease) (keratolyticwinter erythema) – palmoplantar erythema, cyclical andcentrifugal peeling of affected sites, targetoid lesions of thehands and feet – seen in South African whites; precipitated bycold weather or fever BJD 98:491-495, 1978Familial acral erythema AD 95:483-486, 1967Greither’s palmoplantar keratoderma (transgrediens etprogrediens palmoplantar keratoderma) – red hands and feet;hyperkeratoses extending over Achilles tendon, backs of hands,elbows, knees; livid erythema at margins Ped Derm20:272-275, 2003; Cutis 65:141-145, 2000Hand dermatitisJuvenile plantar dermatosisLamellar ichthyosisLichen planusMal de Meleda – autosomal dominant, autosomal recessivetransgrediens with acral erythema in glove-like distributionDermatology 203:7-13, 2001; AD 136:1247-1252, 2000; JDermatol 27:664-668, 2000; Dermatologica 171:30-37, 1985Pityriasis rubra pilarisProgressive symmetric erythrokeratodermaPsoriasis, including pustular psoriasisSymmetrical lividity of the soles (hyperhidrosis) BJD37:123-125, 1925Tennis shoe dermatitisVernix caseosa

Anorexia nervosa Schweiz Med Wochenschr 22:565-575, 2000

co*ckayne syndrome – erythema of handsFabry’s disease JAAD 50:456-460, 2004Familial Mediterranean fever – erythema and edema of the footAD 134:929-931, 1998Hereditary lactate dehydrogenase M-subunit deficiency –annually recurring acroerythema JAAD 27:262-263, 1992Ichthyosis follicularis with atrichia and photophobia (IFAP) –palmoplantar erythema; collodion membrane and erythema atbirth; ichthyosis, spiny (keratotic) follicular papules (generalizedfollicular keratoses), non-scarring alopecia, keratotic papules ofelbows, knees, fingers, extensor surfaces, xerosis; punctatekeratitis, photophobia; nail dystrophy, psychom*otor delay, shortstature; enamel dysplasia, beefy red tongue and gingiva,angular stomatitis, atopy, lamellar scales, psoriasiform plaquesCurr Prob Derm 14:71-116, 2002; JAAD 46:S156-158, 2002;BJD 142:157-162, 2000; AD 125:103-106, 1989; Ped Derm12:195, 1995; Dermatologica 177:341-347, 1988; Am J MedGenet 85:365-368, 1999Kawasaki’s disease JAAD 39:383-398, 1998

Kindler’s syndromeNecrolytic migratory erythema (glucagonoma syndrome) Netherton’s syndromeReflex sympathetic dystrophy JAAD 50:456-460, 2004; JAAD22:513-520, 1990Reiter’s syndromeRombo syndrome – acral erythema, cyanotic redness, follicularatrophy (atrophoderma vermiculata), milia-like papules,telangiectasias, red ears with telangiectasia, thin eyebrows,sparse beard hair, basal cell carcinomas, short stature BJD144:1215-1218, 2001Schopf-Schulz-Passarge syndrome – psoriasiform plantardermatitis (palmoplantar keratoderma); eyelid cysts (apocrinehidrocystomas), hypotrichosis, decreased number of teeth,brittle and furrowed nails AD 140:231-236, 2004; BJD127:33-35, 1992; JAAD 10:922-925, 1984; Birth DefectsXII:219-221, 1971Scleroatrophic syndrome of Huriez – red hands and feet early indisease Ped Derm 15:207-209, 1998Sweet’s syndromeWells’ syndrome – red plaques of soles Cutis 72:209-212,2003Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome

Acrodynia (pink disease) – mercury poisoning Ped Derm21:254-259, 2004; Ann DV 121:309-314, 1994Carbon monoxide – red lunulae Ghatan p.79,80, 2002,Second Edition

Cold erythema JAMA 180:639-42, 1962Hair/thread tourniquet syndrome Ped Derm 19:555-556, 1988Nerve injury, traumatic – Rook p.2776, 1998, Sixth Edition;nerve compression JAAD 50:456-460, 2004Radiodermatitis – acute or chronic

Acquired progressive lymphangioma – brown, red, violaceous,yellow, or apple-jelly plaque; plantar red plaques JAAD49:S250-251, 2003Angiodyskinesia – dependent erythema after prolongedexercise or idiopathic Surgery 61:880-890, 1967Arteriovenous malformation, subungual – red lunulae Ghatanp.80, 2002, Second EditionAtherosclerosis – dependent erythema of the dorsum of the foot(Buerger’s sign) Caputo p.186, 2000; Rook p.2231, 1998, SixthEdition; peripheral vascular disease JAAD 50:456-460, 2004ChilblainsErythromelalgia – associations include essentialthrombocythemia, polycythermia vera, diabetes mellitus,peripheral neuropathy, systemic lupus erythematosus,rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, frostbite, colon cancer, gout,calcium channel blockers, bromocriptine BJD 153:174-177,2005; JAAD 50:456-460, 2004; all types exacerbated bywarmth; may affect one finger or toe; ischemic necrosis JAAD22:107-111, 1990; primary (idiopathic) – lower legs, no ischemiaJAAD 21:1128-1130, 1989; secondary to peripheral vasculardisease JAAD 43:841-847, 2000; AD 136:330-336, 2000Glomus tumors – red nails, lunulae Ghatan p.79,80, 2002,Second Edition

Hemangioma, proliferating – including red nails Ghatan p.79,2002, Second EditionLipodermatosclerosis (hypodermatitis sclerodermiformis;sclerosing panniculitis) – chronic venous insufficiency withhyperpigmentation, induration, inflammation; champagnebottle legs Rook p.2256, 1998, Sixth Edition; Lancetii:243-245, 1982Pigmented purpuric eruptionsPolyarteritis nodosa – cutaneous or systemicPort wine stainPrimary pulmonary hypertensionThromboangiitis obliterans JAAD 50:456-460, 2004Vascular malformationVasculitis – leukocytoclastic, otherVenous insufficiency – stasis, acute or chronic Rook p.2240,1998, Sixth Edition

Allergic contact dermatitis Caputo p.7, 2000Atopic dermatitisDermatomyositisLupus erythematosus – systemic, discoid lupus erythematosusRook p.2444-2449, 1998, Sixth Edition; NEJM 269:1155-1161,1963

Vernix caseosa; normal infant

Acral dysesthesia syndrome, chemotherapy-inducedDilantinDrug-induced photosensitivity – doxycyclineEtretinateMethotrexate photorecall reaction

Irritant contact dermatitis Rook p.721, 1998, Sixth Edition

Candida albicans – chronic mucocutaneous candidiasisErythrasmaHepatitis C infection – necrolytic acral erythema; red tohyperpigmented psoriasiform plaques of feet and shins withvariable scale or erosions JAAD 53:247-251, 2005; Int J Derm35:252-256, 1996Lymphogranuloma venereumScarlet feverSyphilis – primary or secondaryTinea manuumTinea pedis Caputo p.148, 2000

Erythema multiforme

Acrodermatitis enteropathica Ped Derm 16:95-102, 1999Carcinoid syndrome – pellagrous dermatitis (skin fragility,erythema, and hyperpigmentation over knuckles), flushing,patchy cyanosis, hyperpigmentation, telangiectasia, pellagrousdermatitis, salivation, lacrimation, abdominal cramping,wheezing, diarrhea BJD 152:71-75, 2005; AD 77:86-90, 1958Citrullinemia Ghatan p.107, 2002, Second EditionCystic fibrosis – acrodermatitis enteropathica-like changesJAAD 25:896-897, 1991; AD 119:51-55, 1983Essential fatty acid deficiency Ghatan p.107, 2002, Second EditionHartnup’s disease Cutis 68:31-34, 2001; Ped Derm 16:95-102,1999; presenting in adulthood Clin Exp Dermatol 19:407-408, 1994Maple syrup urine disease Ghatan p.107, 2002, Second EditionMultiple carboxylase deficiency Ghatan p.107, 2002, SecondEditionPellagra AD 121:255-257, 1985PorphyriasPropionic and methylmalonic acidemia Ghatan p.107, 2002,Second Edition

Lymphoma – cutaneous T-cell lymphoma

Bazex syndrome (acrokeratosis paraneoplastica) – paronychia;acral psoriasiform dermatitis with linear cutoff AD 141:389-394,2005; Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphilol 72:182, 1965Glucagonoma syndrome – necrolytic migratory erythema

Hydroa aestivaleLime phototoxicityPhotocontact dermatitisPolymorphic light eruption

Apron dermatitisAtopic dermatitis, including photoaggravated atopic dermatitisChronic acral dermatitisErythema annulare centrifugumFingertip dermatitisHousewives’ dermatitis (hand dermatitis) Hyperkeratotic dermatitis of the palms BJD 109:205-208, 1983;BJD 107:195-202, 1982Juvenile plantar dermatosis Clin Exp Dermatol 11:529-534,1986; Semin Dermatol 1:67-75, 1982; Clin Exp Dermatol1:253-260, 1976Lichen planusNecrolytic acral erythema AD 141:85-87, 2005; hepatitis Cassociated necrolytic acral erythema – hyperkeratotic plaqueswith rim of dusky erythema AD 136:755-757, 2000;Int J Derm 35:252-256, 1996

Necrolytic migratory erythema without glucagonoma JAAD32:604-609, 1995Nummular dermatitis Rook p.815, 1998, Sixth EditionPityriasis rubra pilarisProgressive symmetric erythrokeratodermaPsoriasis Caputo p.11, 2000; pustular psoriasis; acral pustularpsoriasis associated with SLE, Sjögren’s syndrome, andHashimoto’s thyroiditis J Dermatol 22:125-128, 1995Slaughterhouse dermatitis

Bloom’s syndromeKawasaki’s diseaseKindler’s syndromeWiskott-Aldrich syndrome


Pigmented purpuric eruptions

Chronic granulomatous disease – chilblains JAAD 36:899-907,1997; X-linked chronic granulomatous disease –photosensitivity, chilblain lupus of fingertips and toes Ped Derm3:376-379, 1986Common variable immunodeficiency (Gottron-like papules) –granulomas presenting as acral red papules and plaques withcentral scaling, scarring, atrophy, ulceration Cutis 52:221-222,1993Cutaneous extravascular necrotizing granuloma (and elbowpapules) JAAD 34:753-759, 1996Dermatitis herpetiformisDermatomyositis Curr Opin Rheum 11:475-482, 1999Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita – hypertrophic scars ofchildhood EBA JAAD 24:706-714, 1991Graft vs. host disease, chronic JAAD 38:369-392, 1998Lupus erythematosus – acral papulonodular dermal mucinosisJAAD 27:312-315, 1992; chilblain lupus – fingers, toes, elbows,knees, calves, knuckles, nose, ears BJD 143:1050-1054, 2000;Lupus 6:122-131, 1997; BJD 98:497-506, 1978; systemiclupus – recurrent Osler’s nodes Angiology 20:33-37, 1969;antiphospholipid antibodies with thrombotic vasculopathyPemphigoid nodularis BJD 142:143-147, 2000Rheumatoid arthritis – rheumatoid nodule (digital papule) JAAD11:713-723, 1984; rheumatoid papules (rheumatoid neutrophilicdermatitis) JAAD 20:348-352, 1988; rheumatoid neutrophilicdermatitis – nodules over joints AD 133:757-760, 1997; AD125:1105-1108, 1989

Rheumatoid vasculitis – Bywater’s lesions; purpuric papulesCutis 71:462, 464, 2003; Rook p.2184, 1998, Sixth Edition; BJD77:207-210, 1965Scleroderma – CREST syndrome with calcinosis cutis – digitalpapule; knuckle hyperkeratosis in systemic scleroderma

Congenital infantile digital fibromatosis Ped Derm 19:370-371,2002Congenital (infantile) pedal papules JAAD 53:333-334, 2005;Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology p.429, 2001Supernumerary digit – digital papule Ped Derm 20:108-112, 2003

Carpal tunnel syndrome – chilblain-like lesions with necrosisHeberden’s nodes of knuckles – degenerative joint diseaseJAAD 43:892, 2000

Acral dysesthesia syndromeBCG vaccination Ped Derm 13:451-454, 1996Bleomycin JAAD 33:851-852, 1995Dilantin – thickening of the heel pad due to long-term dilantintherapy Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med 124:52-56,1975Imatinib-associated Sweet’s syndrome AD 141:368-370, 2005Lichen planus-like drug reactionsPhenytoin reaction – keratotic finger papules Cutis 61:101-102,1998Ranitidine (Zantac)

Barber’s sinusCatheter-related thrombus (sterile) – Janeway lesions andOsler’s nodes AD 141:1049, 2005Foreign body granuloma – digital papule; cactus spine(Opuntia cactus) granulomas Cutis 65:290-292, 2000; seaurchin granulomasParaffinoma – grease gun injury; nodule, plaque, sinus of handBJD 115:379-381, 1986Sea urchin spine – plantar nodule

AbscessesAIDS – papular mucinosis of AIDSAlternariosis – red nodule of foot Clin Inf Dis30:13,174-175, 2000AspergillosisBartonellosis – 2-3-mm papules of the dorsum of the foot ClinInf Dis 33:772-779, 2001Bovine papular stomatitisCandida – candidal sepsis, congenital candidiasisCat scratch disease, inoculation papule Ped Derm 5:1-9, 1988;multiple leg papules Cutis 49:318-320, 1992Caterpillar dermatitis – puss caterpillar (larval stage of flannelmoth, Megalopyge opercularis) Cutis 71:445-448, 2003; Gypsymoth caterpillar vibrissae of soles

Cellulitis – plantar nodule Ped Derm 15:97-102, 1998Chromomycosis Caputo p.148, 2000Coccidioidomycosis – granuloma of foot Ghatan p.62;2002, Second Edition, primary cutaneous coccidioidomycosisJAAD 49:944-949, 2003CowpoxCoxsackie A16 – Gianotti-Crosti-like rash JAAD 6:862-866, 1982Cryptococcosis (nodule) JAAD 21:167-179, 1989Cytomegalovirus Tyring p.185, 2002Dermatophytosis, generalizedDirofilaria – hand nodule Cutis 72:269-272, 2003Endocarditis – acute bacterial endocarditis; subacute bacterialendocarditis with Janeway lesion – faint red macular lesions ofthenar and hypothenar eminences Clin Inf Dis 32:63,149, 2001;NEJM 295:1500-1505, 1976; hemorrhagic lesions Med News75:257-262, 1899; Osler’s node (subacute bacterialendocarditis) – small, red papules on distal finger and toe padsClin Inf Dis 32:63,149, 2001; NEJM 295:1500-1505, 1976Epidermodysplasia verruciformis BJD 121:463-469, 1989; ArchDermatol Res 278:153-160, 1985FuruncleGianott-Crosti syndrome Ped Derm 21:542-547, 2004;JAAD 18:239-259, 1988; G Ital Dermatol 96:678, 1955; dueto Epstein-Barr virus Tyring p.149, 2002GonococcemiaHepatitis B – papular acrodermatitis Ghatan p.246, 2002,Second EditionInsect bites – fleas Caputo p.163, 2000; plantar nodule PedDerm 15:97-102, 1998Leishmaniasis – acute L. major; crusted papules JAAD51:S125-128, 2004; Rook p.1413, 1998, Sixth Edition; AD125:1540-1542, 1989; post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis –digital papuleLeprosy, lepromatous – digital papule JAAD 11:713-723, 1984Madura foot (mycetoma) Ghatan p.62, 2002, Second EditionMilker’s nodules JAAD 49:910-911, 2003; Tyring p.57, 2002;digital papule Rook p.998, 1998, Sixth EditionMolluscum contagiosum Tyring p.63, 2002Mycetoma – eumycetoma AD 141:793-794, 2005; Caputop.153, 2000Mycobacterium chelonae and fortuitum BJD 147:781-784, 2002Mycobacterium marinum – digital papule Clin Inf Dis31:439-443, 2000Mycobacterium scrofulaceum – palmar nodule AD138:689-694, 2002Mycobacterium tuberculosis – papulonecrotic tuberculid –dusky red crusted or ulcerated papules occur in crops onelbows, hands, feet, knees, legs; also ears, face, buttock, andpenis Cutis 75:341-346, 2005; Ped Derm 15:450-455, 1998; IntJ Dermatol 30:487-490, 1991; Ped Derm 7:191-195, 1990;tuberculosis verrucosa cutis Caputo p.143, 2000Mycobacterium xenopi Cutis 67:81-82, 2001Orf – Parapoxvirus (genus); Family Poxviridae Cutis71:288-290, 2003; AD 126:235-240, 1990Papular urticariaParapoxvirus from deer AD 127:79-82, 1991Parvovirus B19 – dermatomyositis-like Gottron’s papulesHum Pathol 31:488-497, 2000Penicillium marneffei – brown papules of fingers JAAD49:344-346, 2003

Phaeohyphomycosis (phaeohyphomycotic cyst) – subcutaneousphaeomycotic cyst – Exophiala jeanselmei Cutis 56:41-43, 1995ProtothecosisRat bite feverRickettsial poxRocky Mountain spotted feverScabies Rook p.1460, 1998, Sixth Edition; crusted (Norwegian)scabies presenting with hyperkeratotic nodules of the solesAD 134:1019-1024, 1998Sealpox (parapoxvirus) – gray concentric nodules withsuperimposed bullae BJD 152:791-793, 2005Septic emboli JAAD 47:S263-265, 2002Sporotrichosis Caputo p.150, 2000Staphylococcal sepsis JAAD 47:S263-265, 2002Syphilis – primary chancre; secondary Caputo p.146, 2000;condyloma lata of toe webs Cutis 57:38-40, 1996Tinea pedis, manuum – Trichophyton rubrum, invasive; tineaincognito; Majocchi’s granulomaTularemia – digital papuleTungiasis (Tunga penetrans) (toe-tip or subungual nodule) –crusted or ulcerated Caputo p.164, 2000; Acta Dermatovenerol(Stockh) 76:495, 1996; JAAD 20:941-944, 1989; AD124:429-434, 1988Verruca vulgaris – digital papule, knuckle pads Derm Surg27:591-593, 2001; flat warts; plantar warts; myrmecia (deepperiungual or plantar warts) BMJ 1:912-915, 1951; subungualpapule JAAD 50:S45-52, 2004Viral exanthem

Acral persistent papular mucinosis JAAD 51:982-988, 2004;AD 122:1237-1239, 1986; mimicking knuckle pads AD140:121-126, 2004; JAAD 27:1026-1029, 1992Amyloidosis – plantar papules or plaque (nodular amyloid)Cutis 59:142-144, 1997; nodular amyloidoisis of the toeAD 139:1157-1159, 2003; primary systemic amyloidosisassociated with myeloma BJD 147:602, 2002Colloid milium Clin Exp Dermatol 18:347-350, 1993; BJD125:80-81, 1991Cutaneous mucinosis of infancy – grouped skin-coloredpapules – resembles connective tissue nevus BJD 144:590-593,2001; Ped Derm 18:159-161, 2001; AD 116:198-200, 1980Diffuse cutaneous histiocytosisFibroxanthomaJuvenile xanthogranuloma of palm Ped Derm 13:146-147,1996; of sole Ped Derm 15:203-206, 1998Langerhans cell histiocytosis Caputo p.98, 2000Lichen myxedematosis – resembling acral persistent papularmucinosis BJD 144:594-596, 2001; Dermatology 185:81, 1992;mimicking knuckle pads; scleromyxedema JAAD 33:37-43,1995Mastocytoma Caputo p.100, 2000; Ped Derm 15:386-387,1998; knuckle padsMyxedema – palmar myxedema AD 140:121-126, 2004Myxoma JAAD 22:343-345, 1990Myxoid cyst JAAD 50:134-136, 2004Recurrent self-healing cutaneous mucinosis – red papules ofpalms and fingertips with pustules and vesicles BJD143:650-652, 2000

Self-healing juvenile cutaneous mucinosis – knuckle nodulesJAAD 11:327-332, 1984; JAAD 31:815-816, 1994;Dermatology 189:93-94, 1994Verruciform xanthoma of toes in patient with Milroy’s diseasedue to persistent leg edema Ped Derm 20:44-47, 2003; JAAD20:313-317, 1989XanthogranulomasXanthoma disseminatum JAAD 20:313-317, 1989

Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis of infancy – plantar papules PedDerm 21:615-616, 2004Erythema elevatum diutinum – erythema elevatum diutinum inAIDS JAAD 28:919-922, 1993, JAAD 26:38-44, 1992Erythema multiforme Medicine 68:133-140, 1989; JAAD8:763-765, 1983; plantar nodules Ped Derm 15:97-102, 1998Erythema nodosum – nodules of ankles Rook p.2200, 1998,Sixth Edition; plantar erythema nodosum JAAD 26:259-260,1992; JAAD 20:701-702, 1989Nodular fasciitisPalmoplantar eccrine neutrophilic hidradenitis (idiopathicrecurrent palmoplantar hidradenitis) (idiopathic plantarhidradenitis) Ped Derm 21:30-32, 2004; JAAD 47:S263-265,2002; J Pediatr 160:189-191, 2001; J Pediatr 160:189-191,2001; AD 134:76-79, 1998; Ped Derm 15:97-102, 1998; J EurAcad Dermatovenereol 10:257-261, 1998; AD 131:817-820,1995Pancreatitis with subcutaneous fat necrosis JAAD 17:359-366,1987Panniculitis – plantar nodule Ped Derm 15:97-102, 1998Pyoderma gangrenosumSarcoid – fingertip nodules JAAD 44:725-743, 2001; JAAD11:713-723, 1984; on palmar aspects of fingers AD132:459-464, 1996; lupus pernio JAAD 16:534-540, 1987; BJD112:315-322, 1985

Calcinosis cutis – digital papules Cutis 66:465-467, 2000;milia-like calcinosis cutis on dorsum of hands in Down’ssyndrome Ped Derm 19:271-273, 2002; tumoral calcinosis –acral papules and nodulesCalcium oxalate Am J Kid Dis 25:492-497, 1995; secondaryoxalosis – papules on palmar skin of fingers JAAD 31:368-372,1994; cutaneous oxalate granuloma JAAD 22:316-318, 1990Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosisCholesterol crystals (subcutaneous) J Rheumatol 18:743-745,1991Erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) in the adult – plaques ondorsum of hand AD 121:1309-1312, 1985Gout – tophus – digital papule (s) Cutis 64:233-236, 1999; AD134:499-504, 1998Pretibial myxedema (thyroid acropachy) Pseudohypoparathyroidism – periarticular calcified nodulesJAAD 15:353-356, 1986Sitosterolemia and xanthomatosisVerruciform xanthoma, disseminated BJD 151:717-719, 2004Xanthomas – xanthomas with lymphedema – acral plaquesJAAD 36:631-633, 1997; tendinous xanthomas JAAD 13:1-30,1985; tuberous xanthomas JAAD 11:713-723, 1984

Acquired digital fibrokeratoma – digital papule AD124:1559-1564, 1988; JAAD 12:816-821, 1985; of the nail bedDermatology 190:169-171, 1995Acral mucinous fibrokeratoma JAAD 50:134-136, 2004Actinic keratoses Rook p.1671, 1998, Sixth Edition; in transplantpatients JAAD 47:1-17, 2002Aggressive digital papillary adenocarcinoma – occurs on fingersand toes Cutis 72:145-147, 2003; Dermatol Surg 26:580-583,2000; JAAD 23:331-334, 1990Aggressive digital papillary adenoma Cutis 69:179-182, 2002;AD 120:1612, 1984Aggressive infantile fibromatosis AD 107:574-579, 1973Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma Ped Derm 12:343-347, 1995Angiolipoleiomyoma JAAD 23:1093-1098, 1990; ears, fingers,and toes JAAD 38:147-175, 1998Apocrine hidrocystoma of fingertip BJD 152:379-380, 2005Aponeurotic fibroma AD 107:574-579, 1973Atrial myxoma – acral red papules with claudication JAAD32:881-883, 1995; tender red fingertip papule JAAD21:1080-1084, 1989Atypical fibroxanthoma Cancer 31:1541-1552, 1973Basal cell carcinoma – including palmar basal cell carcinomaJAAD 33:823-824, 1995; periungual – basal cell carcinoma oftoenail unit JAAD 48:277-278, 2003Blue nevus Rook p.1731, 1998, Sixth Edition; hypopigmentedblue nevus of dorsum of foot; pink papule AD 138:1091-1096,2002; J Cutan Pathol 24:494-498, 1997; of nail fold Ghatanp.115, 2002, Second EditionBowen’s disease AD 129:1045-1048, 1995; brownhyperkeratotic papule of sole BJD 152:120-123, 2005Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma Cancer 26:857, 1970Chondroblastoma, subungual – toe tip Ped Derm 21:452-453,2004Clear cell syringofibroadenoma of Mascaro – subungual papuleBJD 144:625-627, 2001Collagenoma; acquired collagenomaCongenital self-healing reticulohistiocytosisDermatofibroma – digital papule; papule of foot Caputop.57, 2000Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans – of the sole Dermatology192:280-282, 1996Digital fibrous tumor of childhood – toe nodule AD131:1195-1198, 1995Digital myxoid cyst Derm Surg 27:591-593, 2001; JAAD43:892, 2000; Rook p.2849, 1998, Sixth EditionDigital neurofibrosarcoma J Pediatr 51:566-70, 1957Dupuytren’s contracture (palmar fibromatosis) – starts aspalmar nodule Am J Surg Pathol 1:255-270, 1977Eccrine angiomatous hamartoma – toes, fingers, palms andsoles – skin-colored to blue Cutis 71:449-455, 2003; JAAD47:429-435, 2002; Ped Derm 13:139-142, 1996; JAAD37:523-549, 1997; Ped Derm 14:401-402, 1997; Ped Derm18:117-119, 2001; Ped Derm 14:401-402, 1997; skin-colorednodule with blue papules JAAD 41:109-111, 1999Eccrine poroma – plantar red nodule Caputo p.72-73, 2000;Rook p.1706-1707, 1998, Sixth Edition; AD 74:511-521, 1956;digital papule AD 74:511-512, 1956Eccrine spiradenoma – papule of proximal nail fold AD140:1003-1008, 2004

Eccrine syringofibroadenomatosis JAAD 39:356-358, 1998Elastofibromas JAAD 50:126-129, 2004; South Med J77:1194-1196, 1984; J Bone Joint Surg Br 69:468-469, 1987Enchondroma Derm Surg 27:591-593, 2001; may be subungualEpidermal nevus – digital papuleEpidermoid cyst – digital papule JAAD 43:892, 2000;palmar nodule Rook p.1668, 1998, Sixth Edition;subungual tumorEpithelioid sarcoma – nodule of flexor finger or palm JAAD14:893-898, 1986; AD 121:389-393, 1985; of sole Caputop.103, 2000Exostosis, subungual (variant of osteochondroma) JAAD45:S200-201, 2001; Derm Surg 27:591-593, 2001; Cutis68:57-58, 2001; Rook p.2846, 1998, Sixth Edition; AD128:847-852, 1992; JAAD 26:295-298, 1992; differentiate fromcarcinoma of the nailbed, Koenen’s tumor, pyogenic granuloma,verruca, glomus tumor, melanomaFibroma – digital papule or subungual fibroma Derm Surg27:591-593, 2001Fibroma of the tendon sheath JAAD 11:625-628, 1984Fibrosarcoma; congenital fibrosarcoma JAAD 50:S23-25, 2004;Ped Derm 14:241-243, 1997Fibrous dermatofibroma – periungual fibroma Rook p.2846,1998, Sixth EditionFibrous hamartoma of infancy – congenital plantar nodulePed Derm 21:506-507, 2004Fibrous histiocytoma JAAD 50:134-136, 2004Fibrous papule of the fingerGanglion cyst of ankle (retinacular ganglion) JAAD13:873-837, 1985Garlic clove tumor (fibroma) (acquired periungualfibrokeratoma) Rook p.2846, 1998, Sixth Edition; AD97:120-129, 1968Generalized eruptive histiocytomaGiant cell tumor of the tendon sheath – single or multipleBJD 147:403-405, 2002; JAAD 43:892, 2000; nodules of thefingers J Dermatol 23:290-292, 1996; overlying dorsal digitalinterphalangeal crease J Hand Surg 5:39-50, 1980; subungualgiant cell tumor of the tendon sheath Cutis 58:273-275, 1996(nail dystrophy and swelling) Granular cell tumor – digital papule, paronychial nodule Cutis35:355-356, 1985; Cutis 62:147-148, 1998Infantile digital fibromatosis – multiple soft fibromas on dorsaldigits AD 138:1245-1251, 2002; BJD 143:1107-1108, 2000;Ped Derm 8:137-139, 1991; J Cut Pathol 5:339-346, 1978; onlateral fifth finger AD 141:549-550, 2005Infantile myofibromatosis – skin-colored to purple-red multiplenodules or papules Cutis 73:229-231, 2004; Cancer7:953-978, 1954Infundibular follicular cyst – digital papuleIntraosseous epidermoid cysts JAAD 27:454-455, 1992Juvenile elastomaJuvenile digital fibromatosis (inclusion body fibromatosis) Kaposi’s sarcoma Caputo p.67, 2000; digital papules JAAD47:641-655, 2002Keloid Caputo p.51, 2000Keratoacanthoma – backs of hands; digital papule AD120:736-740, 1984; subungual AD 124:1074-1076, 1990;Cutis 46:26-28, 1990; of ankle Caputo p.75, 2000Leiomyosarcoma Ped Derm 14:241-243, 1997Leukemia cutis – digital papule; preleukemic state ofmonocytosis and neutropenia – perniotic lesions BJD

81:327-332, 1969; chronic myelomonocytic leukemia –chilblain-like lesions BJD 115:607-609, 1986; AD121:1048-1052, 1985; JAAD 50:S42-44, 2004Lipoma – periungual lipoma JAAD 51:S91-93, 2004;subungual lipoma BJD 149:418, 2003; adipose plantar nodules(congenital) BJD 142:1262-1264, 2000; palmar subcutaneouslipoma Cutis 40:29-32, 1987Liposarcoma, myxoid variant JAAD 43:892, 2000Lymphoma, including cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL);Woringer-Kolopp disease Rook p.2376-2378, 1998, SixthEdition; B-cell lymphoma overlying acrodermatitis chronicaatrophicans associated with Borrelia burgdorferi infectionJAAD 24:584-590, 1991; histiocytic lymphoma (true histiocyticlymphoma) JAAD 50:S9-10, 2004Lymphocytoma cutisLymphomatoid papulosis Ped Derm 15:146-147, 1998Malignant fibrous histiocytoma, myxoid variant – papule ornodule of ankle JAAD 48:S39-40, 2003; JAAD 43:892, 2000;Caputo p.103, 2000Malignant proliferating onycholemmal cyst J Cut Pathol 21:183,1994Melanocytic nevus Caputo p.79-84, 2000; Rook p.1722-1723,1998, Sixth EditionMelanoma Derm Surg 27:591-593, 2001; acral lentiginousmelanoma Caputo p.91, 2000; subungual melanoma Bologniap.1797, 2003Melanoma of the soft parts (clear cell sarcoma) – foot, ankle,hand, wrist JAAD 38:815-819, 1998; plantar nodule Cutis68:219-222, 2001; nodule of tendons of foot Cancer65:367-374, 1990; subungual red papule AD 141:398-399,2005Merkel cell tumor Bolognia p.1855, 2003Metastatic tumors – plantar nodule of toe; pancreatic carcinomaAD 139:1497-1502, 2003; bronchogenic carcinoma –subungual papule Cutis 35:121-124, 1985; squamouscell carcinoma – palmar noduleMilia including multiple eruptive milia Rook p.1669, 1998, SixthEditionMucinous carcinoma of skin JAAD 36:323-326, 1997Multinucleate cell angiohistiocytoma – hands and wristswith grouped dome shaped 2-15 mm red to purple papulesJAAD 38:143-175, 1998; AD 132:703-708, 1996; BJD121:113-121, 1989Myofibroma – skin-colored to hyperpigmented nodules of hand,mouth, genitals, shoulders JAAD 46:953-956, 2002; JAAD46:477-490, 2002Myxoid neurofibroma, periungual Cutis 69:54-56, 2002Neural fibrolipoma (neurolipomatosis, lipofibromatoushamartoma of nerves, macrodystrophia lipomatosa) AD135:707-712, 1999; palmar nodule JAAD 53:528-529, 2005Neurofibroma – digital papule AD 124:1185-1186, 1988; of nailfold Ghatan p.115, 2002, Second EditionNeuroma, traumatic – digital papule; palisaded encapsulatedneuroma AD 140:1003-1008, 2004; interdigital neuroma JAAD38:815-819, 1998Neurothekoma, subungual JAAD 52:159-162, 2005Nevus sebaceusNodular fibromatosisOsteochondroma, subungual Derm Surg 27:591-593, 2001Osteoma cutis JAAD 39:527-544, 1998; JAAD 20:973-978, 1989Osteosarcoma Derm Surg 27:591-593, 2001

Perineurioma – soft tissue perineurioma; finger papule Cutis75:233-237, 2005Peripheral nerve sheath tumor Ped Derm 14:241-243, 1997Plantar fibromatosis (Ledderhose’s disease) – red plantarnodule; painful; may ulcerate Cutis 68:219-222, 2001; CurrProb Derm 8:137-188, 1996Porokeratosis – punctate and palmoplantar porokeratosisPorokeratotic eccrine ostial and dermal duct nevusPrecalcaneal congenital fibrolipomatous hamartoma (bilateralpedal papules of the newborn) – plantar nodules over medialplantar heel AD 141:1161-1166, 2005; Ped Derm 22:355-356,2005; Ped Derm 21:655-656, 2004; Med Cut Ibero Lat Am18:9-12, 1990Progressive nodular fibrosis of the skin – nodules on fingers JID87:210-216, 1986Reactive fibrous papule of the fingers (giant-cell fibroma) –fingers and palms Dermatologica 143:368-375, 1971Rhabdomyosarcoma Curr Prob Derm 14:41-70, 2002; PedDerm 14:241-243, 1997Sclerosing perineuroma – palmar nodule, digital nodule PedDerm 21:606-607, 2004; BJD 146:129-133, 2002Seborrheic keratosisSinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy(Rosai-Dorfman disease) – granuloma annulare-like lesionsJAAD 37:643-646, 1997Spiradenocarcinoma – nodule of hand Cutis 69:455-458, 2002;J Surg Oncol 43:131-133, 1990Spitz nevus Caputo p.86, 2000Squamous cell carcinoma Caputo p.77, 2000; Derm Surg27:591-593, 2001; subungual squamous cell carcinomaJAAD 11:291-298, 1984Storiform collagenoma (sclerotic fibroma) Cutis64:203-204, 1999Stucco keratosis – especially around ankles and dorsal aspectsof feet AD 105:859-861, 1972Syringomas AD 140:1161-1166, 2004; Cutis 59:213-216,1997; AD 113:1435-1436, 1977; with calcinosis cutisresembling milia JAAD 23:372-375, 1990Syringomatous carcinoma – multilobulated digital nodule BJD144:438-439, 2001Trigger finger Ghatan p.96, 2002, Second EditionVascular and myxoid fibromas of the fingers – multiple wartylesions of palms and fingers JAAD 2:425-431, 1980Verrucous acanthoma – digital papuleVerrucous carcinoma – epithelioma cuniculatum of soleWaldenström’s macroglobulinemia with cutaneous granulomas

Erythema elevatum diutinum – associated with hairy cellleukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia Bolognia p.1947, 2003Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma with paraproteinemia AD133:97-102, 1997

Actinic granulomaDegenerative collagenous plaques of the hands Dermatologica107:164-168, 1953; BJD 106:337-344, 1982Digital papular calcific elastosis AD 137:379-381, 2001Polymorphic light eruption

Acanthosis nigricansAcral psoriasiform hemispherical papulosis Dermatology189:159-161, 1994Acrokeratoelastoidosis of Costa J Cut Pathol 25:580-582, 1998;J Cutan Pathol 17:358-370, 1990; Dermatologica 171:8-11,1985; AD 82:362-366, 1960Acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf AD 141:515-520, 2005;AD 130:508-512, 1994; Ann DV 115:1229-1232, 1988;Dermatol Zeitschr 60:227-250, 1931Acute parapsoriasis (pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta)(Mucha-Habermann disease) – rare lesions of palms and solesAD 123:1335-1339, 1987; AD 118:478, 1982Congenital hypertrophy of the lateral nail folds of the halluxPed Derm 5:243-245, 1989Darier’s disease – acrally distributed JAAD 30:860-862,1994; hemorrhagic acral Darier’s disease Hautarzt51:857-861, 2000Digital papular calcific elastosis J Cutan Pathol17:358-370, 1990Ectopic plantar nail BJD 149:1071-1074, 2003Eosinophilic pustular folliculitisEpidermolysis bullosa – dystrophicEpidermolysis bullosa simplex with mottled pigmentation ofneck, upper trunk, arms and legs with or without keratoderma(punctate palmoplantar keratoses); cutaneous atrophy, naildystrophy; wart-like hyperkeratotic papules of axillae, wrists,dorsa of hands, palms and soles; P25L mutation of keratin 5JAAD 52:172-173, 2005; BJD 150:609-611, 2004; Clin Genet15:228-238, 1979; dominant dystrophicEpidermolytic hyperkeratosisErythema elevatum diutinum (EED) – knuckle pads (juxtaarticular nodules), papules JAAD 49:764-767, 2003; Cutis67:381-384, 2001; Ped Derm 15:411-412, 1998; includingEED associated with HIV disease – digital papule; of feetCaputo p.29, 2000; papules of proximal nail fold Tyringp.358, 2002Flegel’s disease (hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans) Focal acral hyperkeratosis Ped Derm 21:128-130, 2004;AD 132:1365-1370, 1996; Dermatology 188:28-31, 1994;BJD 109:97-103, 1983Granuloma annulare JAAD 3:217-230, 1980; subcutaneousgranuloma annulare mimicking knuckle padsGreither’s palmoplantar keratoderma (transgradiens etprogradiens palmoplantar keratoderma) Cutis 65:141-145,2000Infantile acropustulosis AD 115:831-833, 1979;AD 115:834-836, 1979Keratoelastoidosis marginalis of the hands – hyperkeratoticpapules of the hands in the elderly Dermatologica131:169-175, 1954Keratosis lichenoides chronica – vesicular and papularlesions of palms and soles BJD 144:422-424, 2001;JAAD 38:306-309, 1998; Rook p.1924, 1998, Sixth Edition;JAAD 37:263-264, 1997; AD 131:609-614, 1995; AD105:739-743, 1972Knuckle pads (heloderma) Caputo p.47, 2000;AD 129:1043-1048, 1993Lenticular acral keratosis in washerwomen Int J Dermatol37:532-537, 1998Lichen nitidus – digital papule, knuckle padsAD 134:1302-1303, 1998

Lichen planus Rook p.1904-1912, 1998, Sixth EditionLichen simplex chronicus – knuckle padsLichen striatusLichen sclerosus et atrophicus – wrists, palms, solesAD 115:884, 1979Migratory angioedema – plantar nodule Ped Derm15:97-102, 1998Mosaic acral keratosis Clin Exp Dermatol 15:361-362, 1990Necrolytic acral erythema – serpiginous, verrucousplaques of dorsal aspects of hands, legs; associated withhepatitis C infection JAAD 50:S121-124, 2004Painful piezogenic pedal papules Caputo p.177, 2000; JAAD36:780-781, 1997Palmoplantar keratoderma, epidermolytic (Vorner’s) – papuleson knuckles BJD 125:496, 1991Pityriasis lichenoides chronica (guttate parapsoriasis) Pityriasis roseaPityriasis rubra pilarisPsoriasisReactive perforating collagenosis of childhood – digital papule

Bulimia nervosa – Russell’s sign (crusted knuckle nodules)Clin Orthop 343:107-109, 1997; JAAD 12:725-726, 1985;perniosis Clin Sci 61:559-567, 1981; pseudo knuckle pads(calluses on 2nd and 5th MCP joints) Psychol Med 9;429-48,1979

Acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma inchildren (APACHE) – unilateral multiple persistentvascular papules on hands and feet (cutaneouspseudolymphoma) JAAD 48:S15-17, 2003; BJD145:512-514, 2001; JAAD 38:143-175, 1998; BJD124:387-388, 1991; red papules JAAD S209-211, 2001;acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma Am JDermatopathol 16:130-133, 1994Bart-Pumphrey syndrome – knuckle pads, leukonychia,deafness and palmoplantar hyperkeratosisCHILD syndrome – fingertip nodules (verruciform xanthomas)JAAD 50:S31-33, 2004Cowden’s syndrome – acrokeratosis verruciformis-like lesionsAD 106:682-690, 1972; Ann Intern Med 48:136-142, 1963;translucent papules on palms and soles JAAD 11:1127-1141,1984; AD 114:743-746, 1978Dermo-chondro-corneal dystrophyEhlers-Danlos syndrome (molluscum pseudotumor) – knuckle padsEllis van Creveld syndrome – polydactyly JAAD 46:161-183,2002; Ped Derm 18:68-70, 2001Epidermodysplasia verruciformisFamilial multiple acral mucinous fibrokeratomas – verrucouspapules of the fingers JAAD 38:999-1001, 1998Familial histiocytic dermatoarthritis – knuckle padsFarber’s disease (disseminated lipogranulomatosis) –red papules and nodules of joints and tendons of handsand feet; deforming arthritis; papules, plaques, andnodules of ears, back of scalp and trunk Rook p.2642,1998, Sixth Edition; Am J Dis Child 84:449-500,1952

Fibroblastic rheumatism – symmetrical polyarthritis,nodules over joints and on palms, elbows, knees, ears,neck, Raynaud’s phenomenon, sclerodactyly; skin lesionsresolve spontaneously AD 139:657-662, 2003; Ped Derm19:532-535, 2002; AD 131:710-712, 1995; Clin Exp Dermatol19:268-270, 1994; JAAD 14:1086-1088, 1986; Rev RheumEd Fr 47:345-351, 1980; periungual papules Ped Derm19:532-535, 2002François syndrome (dermochondrocorneal dystrophy) – knucklepads; nodules on hands, nose, and ears Ann DV 104:475-478,1977; AD 124:424-428, 1988Goltz’s syndrome (focal dermal hypoplasia) – asymmetriclinear and reticulated streaks of atrophy and telangiectasia;yellow-red nodules; raspberry-like papillomas of lips,perineum, acrally at perineum, buccal mucosa; xerosis;scalp and pubic hair sparse and brittle; short stature;asymmetric face; syndactyly, polydactyly; ocular, dental andskeletal abnormalities with osteopathia striata of long bonesJAAD 25:879-881, 1991Hereditary acrokeratotic poikiloderma of Weary –vesiculopustules of hands and feet at age 1-3 months whichresolve; widespread dermatitis similar to atopic dermatitis;diffuse poikiloderma with striate and reticulate atrophy; keratoticpapules of hands and feet, elbows and knees; autosomaldominant AD 103:409-422, 1971Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendudisease) Rook p.2091, 1998, Sixth Edition; Am J Med82:989-997, 1987Hereditary progressive mucinous histiocytosis – autosomaldominant; skin-colored or red-brown papules; nose, hands,forearms, thighs JAAD 35:298-303, 1996; AD 130:1300-1304,1994Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (Clouston’s syndrome) –syringofibroadenomas – flat-topped coalescing papules(acral) JAAD 40:259-262, 1999Hunter’s syndrome – MPS II – knuckle pads Ped Derm12:370-372, 1995Incontinentia pigmenti (IP) JAAD 52:727-729, 2005; – painfulsubungual keratotic tumor of IP JAAD 50:S45-52, 2004; JAAD47:169-187, 2002; J Hand Surg 18B:667-669, 1993; AD124:29-30, 1988; JAAD 13:913-918, 1985; AD 94:632-635,1966Infantile digital fibromatosis JAAD 49:974-975, 2003Infantile systemic hyalinosis – knuckle pads Ped Derm11:52-60, 1994Juvenile hyaline fibromatosis – pearly white papules of face andneck; larger papules and nodules around nose, behind ears, onfingertips, knuckle pads; multiple subcutaneous nodules ofscalp, trunk, and extremities, papillomatous perianal papules;joint contractures, skeletal lesions, gingival hyperplasia, stuntedgrowth Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.444-445, 2001;Caputo p.54, 2000; AD 121:1062-1063, 1985;AD 107:574-579, 1973Kindler’s syndrome – acral keratosesKnuckle pads, leukonychia, and deafness syndrome Ghatanp.159, 2002, Second EditionKnuckle pads with palmoplantar keratoderma andacrokeratoelastoidosisLedderhose’s nodules (plantar fibromatosis) JAAD 41:106-108,1999; Dupuytren’s contracture (palmar fibromatosis) and/orPeyronie’s disease – knuckle padsLipoid proteinosis – acral papules BJD 151:413-423, 2004; JID120:345-350, 2003; BJD 148:180-182, 2003; Hum Molec Genet11:833-840, 2002; digital papule AD 132:1239-1244, 1996

Lipomatosis of the hands – Madelung-Launois-BensalidesyndromeMaffucci’s syndrome – enchondromas, angiomas, cartilaginousnodules Rook p.2847, 1998, Sixth Edition; Dermatol Clin13:73-78, 1995; JAAD 29:894-899, 1993Mal de Meleda – knuckle pads Ped Derm 14:186-191, 1997Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis – digital papule; knuckle padsyellow papules and plaques AD 140:919-921, 2004; JAAD49:1125-1127, 2003; Rook p.2325-2326, 1998, Sixth Edition;AD 126:251-252, 1990; Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol65:721-725, 1988; Pathology 17:601-608, 1985; JAAD11:713-723, 1984; AD 97:543-547, 1968Multiple exostoses syndrome JAAD 25:333-335, 1991Multiple symmetric lipomatosis of the soles JAAD 26:860-862,1992; of the hands Clin Exp Dermatol 14:58-59, 1989Neurofibromatosis type 1 – digital papule, knuckle padsNeutrophilic dermatosis (pustular vasculitis) of the dorsalhands – variant of Sweet’s syndrome – acral papules AD138:361-365, 2002Ollier’s syndrome – multiple enchondromas Rook p.2847, 1998,Sixth EditionOlmsted’s syndrome – plantar squamous cell carcinoma BJD145:685-686, 2001Pachydermodactyly – benign fibromatosis of fingers of youngmen AD 129:247-248, 1993; JAAD 27:303-305, 1992; AD111:524, 1975Pachyonychia congenita – papules on the fingersPalmar fibromatosisPatau’s syndrome (trisomy 13) – polydactyly, simian creaseof hand, loose skin of posterior neck, parieto-occipital scalpdefects, abnormal helices, low-set ears, hyperconvex narrownails Ped Derm 22:270-275, 2005; Rook p.3016, 1998, SixthEditionProteus syndrome Ped Derm 5:14-21, 1988Reflex sympathetic dystrophy with chilblain-like lesions – digitalpapuleReiter’s syndrome – keratoderma blenorrhagicum Rookp.2765-2766, 1998; Semin Arthritis Rheum 3:253-286, 1974Relapsing eosinophilic perimyositis – fever, fatigue and episodicmuscle swelling; erythema over swollen muscles; red palmarpapules BJD 133:109-114, 1995Reticular erythematous mucinosis syndrome(REM syndrome) Rowell’s syndrome – lupus erythematosus and erythemamultiforme-like syndrome – papules, annular targetoid lesions,vesicles, bullae, necrosis, ulceration, oral ulcers; pernioticlesions JAAD 21:374-377, 1989Scleroatrophic syndrome of Huriez – palmar nodule,scleroatrophy of the hands BJD 137:114-118, 1997Stiff skin syndrome – knuckle pads Ped Derm 3:48-53, 1985Sweet’s syndrome JAAD 40:838-841, 1999; drug-inducedSweet’s syndrome – red plaques, nasal ulcers, perianal ulcers –celecoxib, G-CSF, all-trans-retinoic acid JAAD 45:300-302, 2001Trichorhinophalangeal dysplasia syndrome (Laugier-Gideonsyndrome) Ped Derm 13:212-218, 1996Tuberous sclerosis – periungual angiofibromas (Koenen’stumors) JAAD 18:369-372, 1988; digital papules J Clin Neurol7:221-224, 1992Winchester’s syndrome AD 111:230-236, 1975Xeroderma pigmentosum

Arsenical keratoses – palms and soles; resemble corns; fingers,backs of hands Rook p.1672, 1998, Sixth Edition; JID4:365-383, 1941Mercury poisoning – skin-colored to slightly red papules orpapulovesicles of palms or soles JAAD 49:1109-1111, 2003

Callosities – occupational (carpenters, live chicken hangers,frictional) Contact Derm 17:13-16, 1987Chilblains (perniosis) – tender, pruritic red or purple digitalpapules JAAD 47:S263-265, 2002; JAAD 45:924-929, 2001;Rook p.960-961, 1998, Sixth Edition; plantar nodule Ped Derm15:97-102, 1998ClavusDelayed pressure urticaria – nodules of soles Rook p.2130,1998, Sixth Edition; JAAD 29:954-958, 1993Dermatophagia (‘wolf-biter’) Cutis 59:19-20, 1997Ectopic nail – post-traumatic JAAD 50:323-324, 2004Frictional lichenoid dermatitisGarrod’s pads – violinist’s knuckles – thickened skin over theinterphalangeal joints from intense flexion of the tendons of thefingersHypertrophic scar – plantar giant nodule BJD 145:1005-1007,2001Painful piezogenic pedal papules (fat herniation) Plantar trauma – plantar nodule Ped Derm 15:97-102, 1998Skier’s thumb Acta Orthop Belg 65:440-446, 1999; Sports Med19:73-79, 1995Surfer’s nodules of foot Ghatan p.62, 2002, Second EditionTraumatic neuroma due to treatment of supernumerary digitPed Derm 20:108-112, 2003Writer’s callus – digital papule

Acroangiodermatitis of Mali – pseudo-Kaposi’s sarcoma;chronic venous insufficiency, arteriovenous malformations,paralysis – tops of first and second toes Acta DV (Stockh)75:475-478, 1995; Int J Dermatol 33:179-183, 1994Angiofibroma – digital papuleAngiokeratoma circ*mscriptum – foot Caputo p.62, 2000;angiokeratoma of Mibelli – acral vascular papules Caputo p.61,2000; JAAD 45:764-766, 2001Angiokeratoma – plantar; of nail foldAngiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia Cutis58:345-348, 1996Arteriovenous aneurysmsArteriovenous malformation, digital – red papule,subungual blue papule BJD 147:1007-1011, 2002;BJD 136:472-473, 1997Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome – blue palmar and plantarnodules Caputo p.65, 2000; nail fold lesions Ghatan p.115,2002, Second EditionBluefarb-Stewart syndrome Caputo p.69-70, 2000Cholesterol emboli AD 122:1194-1198, 1986Chylous lymphedema – xanthomas of toes and feetBJD 146:134-137, 2002Cutaneous keratotic hemangioma AD 132:705, 1996

Digital verrucous fibroangioma Acta DV 72:303-304, 1992Emboli – plantar nodule Ped Derm 15:97-102, 1998; atrialmyxoma – acral papule BJD 147:379-382, 2002Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma JAAD 36:1026-1028, 1997Epithelioid hemangioma JAAD 35:851-853, 1996Glomus tumors – digital papule, subungual Derm Surg27:591-593, 2001Hemangioma – of foot or toes Caputo p.58, 2000; subungualGhatan p.115, 2002, Second EditionHistiocytoid hemangioma JAAD 21:404-409, 1989Infantile hemangiopericytoma Ped Derm 14:241-243, 1997Lymphangioma circ*mscriptum Caputo p.71, 2000Masson’s intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia(pseudoangiosarcoma) Cutis 59:148-150, 1997Neonatal hemangiomatosis – digital papulePalmar varices – of palmar creases of elderly BJD91:305-314, 1974Polyarteritis nodosa – palmar and plantar nodules AD130:884-889, 1994; Ped Derm 15:103-107, 1998; nodulesalong the course of superficial arteries around knee, anteriorlower leg and dorsum of foot Ann Intern Med 89:666-676, 1978;cutaneous infarcts presenting as tender nodules Rook p.2212,1998, Sixth EditionPseudopyogenic granuloma Ann DV 110:251-257, 1983Pyogenic granuloma – digital papule Derm Surg 27:591-593,2001; Rook p.2354-2355, 1998, Sixth EditionRetiform hemangioendothelioma JAAD 38:143-175, 1998Spindle cell hemangioendothelioma – hyperkeratotic nodulesof soles BJD 142:1238-1239, 2000Takayasu’s arteritis – red or flesh-colored noduleAD 123:796-800, 1987, AD 122:201-204, 1986Thrombosis of deep palmar vein JAMA 111:2007-2008, 1938;plantar nodule Ped Derm 15:97-102, 1998; thrombosed vein –plantar surface Clin Podiatr Med Surg 13:85-89, 1996Tufted angioma of the palm Ped Derm 18:456-457, 2001Vasculitis – plantar nodule JAAD 47:S263-265, 2002; PedDerm 15:97-102, 1998Venous aneurysm – painful blue nodule of handAD 140:1393-1398, 2004Venous lakeVerrucous hemangioma JAAD 42:516-518, 2000

ACROMEGALIC FEATURESAcquired generalized lipodystrophy – acromegalic featuresRook p.2429, 1998, Sixth EditionAcromegaloid phenotype with cutis verticis gyrata of scalp andcorneal leukoma (opaque cornea) (Rosenthal-Kloepfersyndrome) – autosomal dominant; hyperplasia and folding offacial skin Arch Ophthalmol 68:722-726, 1962Acromegaly – prognathism, frontal bossing, widely spacedteeth, protruding thick lower lip, edematous thick eyelids, largetriangular ears, large pores, oily hyperhidrotic skin, elongatedblunt thickened fingers, large, furrowed tongue,hyperpigmentation Rook p.2704, 1998, Sixth EditionBronchial carcinoid Neurosurg 50:1356-1359, 2002; AsianCardiovasc Thorac Ann 10:273-274, 2002Congenital total lipodystrophy (Berardinelli syndrome,Seip syndrome) – extreme muscularity and generalized loss

of body fat from birth, acanthosis nigricans,acromegalic features, umbilical hernia, hyperinsulinemia(fasting and postprandial), early onset diabetes mellitus orglucose intolerance, hypertriglyceridemia/low HDL-C level,hirsutism, cl*toromegaly J Clin Endocrinol Metab85:1776-1782, 2000Congenital macrogingivae – profuse hypertrichosis of lowerface, trunk, and extremities with acromegalic features PlastReconstr Surg 27:608-612, 1962Hughes’ syndrome – acromegaloid features and thickened oralmucosa J Med Genet 22:119-125, 1985Lichen myxedematosusMinoxidil – pseudoacromegaly JAAD 48:962-965, 2003Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromePachydermoperiostosis – no macroglossia or prognathism;fingers clubbed


Phenytoin – fetal phenytoin syndrome; coarse facial features,enlarged lips and nose JAAD 18:721-741, 1988Pseudoacromegaly – autosomal recessive; skin ulcers,arthro-osteolysis, keratitis, oligodontia Am J Med Genet15:205-210, 1983Pyoderma chronica glutealis complicated by acromegalicgigantism J Dermatol 25:242-245, 1998Sanfilippo’s syndromeShort stature with pleonosteosis and periarticular fibrosis (Leri’ssyndrome) – autosomal dominant; short stature and Mongoloidfacies, thick palms and soles with accentuated creases, flexioncontractures of digits, broad thumbs, genu recurvatum J BoneJoint Surg Am 41:397-408, 1959Soto’s syndrome(cerebral gigantism) – acromegalic features,increased height and weight, large hands and feet, mentalretardation Dev Med Child Neurol 11:796-797, 1969Tumors – pancreatic cell, small-cell lung cancer, adrenal adenomas,pheochromocytomas producing ectopic growth hormone releasinghormone Ann Oncol 12 Suppl 2: 589-594, 2001

ACRO-OSTEOLYSISJAMA 255:2058, 1986; Am J Med 65:632, 1978Biliary cirrhosis with arthritisBurnsDiabetes mellitusElectrical injuriesEpidermolysis bullosaErgot toxicityFrostbiteGoutHyperparathyroidismJuvenile rheumatoid arthritisLeprosyLipodermatoarthritisLipogranulomatosis, disseminatedLupus erythematosus, systemicMixed connective tissue diseaseMucopolysaccharidosesNeurogenic ulcerative acropathyNeuropathic arthritisOcclusive vascular disease

OsteoarthritisOsteomalaciaPolymyositisPorphyria cutanea tardaProgeriaPsoriasisPycnodysostosisRaynaud’s diseaseReiter’s diseaseRheumatoid arthritisSarcoidosisSclerodermaSézary syndromeSjögren’s syndromeSyphilisVinyl chloride toxicityWerner’s syndrome

Dactylosis spontanea – ainhum NY State Med J 81:1779-1781,1981; J Am Podiatr Assoc 61:44-54, 1971; Ann Trop MedParasitol 55:314-320, 1961; Ann Surg 132:312-314, 1950Familial ainhum JAMA 76:560, 1921

JAAD 44:381-384, 2001Acral keratoderma JAAD 44:381-384, 2001Alcoholic toxic polyneuropathy Z Hautkr 55:349-354, 1980AmniocentesisAmnion rupture malformation sequence (congenital ringconstrictions and intrauterine amputations; amnioticband syndrome); after amniocentesis Int J Dermatol27:312-314, 1988Arteriovenous malformation Bolognia p.1624, 2003Autosomal recessive ectodermal dysplasia withcataracts, alopecia and sclerodactyly Am J Hum Genet32:500-503, 1989Burns JAAD 44:381-384, 2001Buschke-Fischer-Brauer keratoderma (punctate palmoplantarkeratoderma) (keratodermia palmo-plantaris papulosa)(keratodermia palmoplantare papuloverrucoides progressiva)(keratosis hereditarium dissipatum palmare et plantare) – clinicalsubtypes include pinhead papules, spiky filiform lesions, denseround 1-2-mm papules, clavus-like lesions, hard warty masses,cupuliform lesions, and focal translucent lesions BJD 128:104-105,1993; JAAD 8:700-702, 1983; Hum Genet 60:14-19, 1982; withainhum Actas Dermosifiliogr 73:105-110, 1982Carpal tunnel syndrome BJD 150:166-167, 2004Clouston’s disease Int J Dermatol 29:225-226, 1990Cold injury – frostbite JAAD 44:381-384, 2001; Rook p.2071,1998, Sixth EditionCongenital ichthyosiform dermatosis with linear keratoticflexural papules and sclerosing palmoplantar keratodermaAD 125:103-106, 1989Congenital pseudoainhum AD 105:434-438, 1972; UlsterMed J 34:99-102, 1965; to be differentiated from aplasia of the

limbs with rudimentary digits, acromelia (part of limb does notdevelop), hypoplasia (poorly developed limb parts) Rookp.2071, 1998, Sixth EditionCongenital sensory neuropathy with anhidrosis Ped Derm11:231-236, 1994; JAAD 21:736-739, 1989Dermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis hyperkeratosiset mutilans – infantile bullae, reticular hyperpigmentation offlexures, punctate palmoplantar keratoderma, ainhum-likecontraction, periodontopathyDiabetes mellitus Ghatan p.149, 2002, Second EditionEhlers-Danlos syndromeEpidermal nevus syndrome Ped Derm 349-352, 2002Ergot poisoning JAAD 44:381-384, 2001Erythropoietic porphyriaErythropoietic protoporphyria BJD 118:113-116, 1988Factitial dermatitis Rook p.2071, 1998, Sixth EditionFocal acral hyperkeratosis and angiodysplasia withpseudoainhum J R Soc Med 78 (Suppl 11) 13-15, 1985Hair/thread tourniquet syndrome Ped Derm 19:555-556, 1988Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy type II JAAD21:736-739, 1989Keratosis linearis with ichthyosis and sclerosing keratoderma(KLICK syndrome) – autosomal recessive; erythroderma,palmoplantar keratoderma, ainhum, red elbows and knees BJD153:461, 2005; Acta DV 77:225-227, 1997; Am J Hum Genet61:581-589, 1997Keratosis palmoplantaris (Unna-Thost type?) with polydactylyand eosinophilia Dermatologica 138:39-44, 1969Kindler’s syndrome (hereditary bullous acrokeratotic poikilodermaof Weary-Kindler) Int J Dermatol 36:529-533, 1997Lamellar ichthyosis Ped Derm 21:181, 2004; Ann DV128:1037-1039, 2001Leprosy JAAD 44:381-384, 2001Loricrin keratoderma – ichthyosis, palmoplantar keratoderma,pseudoainhum Ped Derm 19:285-292, 2002Lupus erythematosus, discoid J Dermatol 25:275-276, 1998Mal de Meleda (keratosis palmoplantaris transgredienset progressiens Curr Prob Derm 14:71-116, 2002; Ped Derm14:186-191, 1997; BJD 128:207-212, 1993; Dermatology184:78-82, 1992Morphea Acta DV (Stockh) 76:162, 1996Neuropathy – alcohol-toxic polyneuropathy Z Hautkr55:349-354, 1980Olmsted syndrome Ped Derm 21:603-605, 2004; Ped Derm20:323-326, 2003; BJD 136:935-938, 1997; AD 132:797-800,1996; AD 131:738-739, 1995; JAAD 10:600-610, 1984Pachyonychia congenita JAAD 44:381-384, 2001Palmoplantar keratoderma of Gamborg Nielsen JAAD44:381-384, 2001Palmoplantar keratoderma of Sybert – autosomal dominant;palmoplantar erythema and keratoderma with transgrediensdistribution, intertriginous hyperkeratosis, pseudo-ainhum withspontaneous amputations Curr Prob Derm 14:71-116, 2002;JAAD 44:381-384, 2001; JAAD 18:75-86, 1988Papillon-Lefevre syndrome JAAD 51:S134-136, 2004Pityriasis rubra pilaris Actas Dermosifiliogr 64:245-248, 1974Plica neuropathica, hair matting, schizophrenia Cutis28:629-630, 1981Porokeratosis of Mibelli Cutis 49:129-130, 1992Post-traumatic scars Ped Derm 19:555-556, 2002Progressive symmetric erythrokeratoderma Am J Hum Genet61:581-589, 1997


Psoriasis BJD 149:1064-1066, 2003; JAAD 7:130-132, 1982Raynaud’s phenomenon JAAD 44:381-384, 2001Reynold’s syndrome – CREST syndrome and primary biliarycirrhosis JAAD 44:381-384, 2001Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatologie 22:1-6, 1970Sarcoidosis – mutilating form AD 133:882-888, 1997Scleroderma (progressive systemic sclerosis) JAAD44:381-384, 2001; linear scleroderma AD132:1520-1521, 1996Simonart syndrome Hautarzt 54:163-166, 2003Syphilis, tertiary JAAD 44:381-384, 2001Syringomyelia JAAD 44:381-384, 2001Trauma JAAD 44:381-384, 2001Vohwinkel’s syndrome (keratosis hereditarium mutilans) –knuckle papules, palmoplantar keratoderma, ichthyosis,pseudoainhum Clin Exp Dermatol 27:243-246, 2002; JAAD44:376-378, 2001; Hautarzt 44:738-741, 1993Warts – bone destruction of distal phalanx AD 107:275-276, 1973

ALOPECIAN = non-scarringS = scarring

Alopecia areata – associations with adrenal disease, atopy,cytomegalovirus, Down’s syndrome, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis,pernicious anemia, vitiligo Ghatan p.122, 2002, Second EditionRook p.2923-2925, 1998, Sixth EditionAPECED (polyendocrinopathy, candidiasis, ectodermaldystrophy) syndrome Rook p.2743, 1998, Sixth EditionAtrichia with severe T-cell immunodeficiency and nail dystrophyNature 398:473-474, 1999Brunsting-Perry pemphigoidChronic mucocutaneous candidiasis NEJM 300:164-168,1979; with dermatophytosis without endocrinopathy Rookp.2744-2745, 1998, Sixth EditionCicatricial pemphigoid (S) Rook p.1874-1875, 1998, SixthEdition; AD 131:580-581, 1995; BJD 118:209-217, 1988; OralSurg 54:656-662, 1982Dermatomyositis (NS or S) Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita AD 131:618-95, 1995Fogo selvagemGraft vs. host disease, chronic (S) JAAD 38:369-392, 1998Immunodeficiency diseases (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome,immunoglobulin deficiency diseases, severe combinedimmunodeficiency) – alopecia and dermatitis Ped Derm16:95-102, 1999; combined immunodeficiency – desquamativeerythematous, morbilliform or vesiculopapular eruption ofnewborn (3 weeks) with progressive alopecia Rook p.498-499,1998, Sixth Edition; common variable immunodeficiency –scarring alopecia with sarcoidal granulomas BJD 144:597-600,2001; alopecia and infantile erythroderma – highly suggestiveof an immunodeficiency syndrome including Omenn syndromeAD 136:875-880, 2000IPEX syndrome – X-linked; immune dysregulation,polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy; mutation of FOXP3;nummular dermatitis, urticaria, scaly psoriasiform plaques of

trunk and extremities, penile rash, alopecia universalis, bullaeAD 140:466-472, 2004Lupus erythematosus (LE) – systemic LE (NS or S) – diffuse,patchy, or anterior with broken hairs (‘lupus hair’) Rook p.2475,1998, Sixth Edition; subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus –non-scarring alopecia Med Clin North Am 73:1073-1090, 1989;JAAD 19:1957-1062, 1988; bullous LE, discoid LE (S),neonatal LE JAAD 50:25-32, 2004; Ped Derm 15:38-42, 1998Morphea – including linear morphea (en coup de sabre)Rook p.2504-2508,2936, 1998, Sixth Edition; panscleroticmorphea JAAD 53:S115-119, 2005; – hypotrichosis Ped Derm19:151-154, 2002Pemphigus vulgarisScleroderma (S) Sjögren’s syndrome – patchy alopecia Ghatan p.174, 2002,Second Edition, diffuse alopecia Rook p.2571, 1998, Sixth Edition

Aplasia cutis congenita Rook p.2912, 1998, Sixth EditionAtrichia congenita (total alopecia) Textbook of NeonatalDermatology, p.491, 2001; Rook p.2910, 1998, Sixth EditionCongenital atrichia, nail dystrophy, abnormal facies, retardedpsychom*otor development Ped Derm 5:236-242, 1988Congenital atrichia, palmoplantar keratoderma, mentalretardation, early loss of teeth JAAD 30:893-898, 1994Congenital erosive dermatosis with reticulated supple scarring –most infants premature; extensive symmetrical erosions withscattered vesicles; scarring with hypohidrosis, patchy alopecia,hypoplastic nails JAAD 45:946-948, 2001; AD 126:544-546,1990; decrease in eyelashes Ped Derm 15:214-218, 1998;JAAD 32:873-877, 1995,Congenital hypotrichosis Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology,p.491, 2001; Rook p.2911-2912, 1998, Sixth EditionCongenital hypotrichosis with milia Textbook of NeonatalDermatology, p.492, 2001Congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma Textbook of NeonatalDermatology, p.493, 2001Congenital ichthyosis, alopecia, eclabion, ectropion,mental retardation – autosomal recessive Clin Genet31:102-108, 1987Congenital ichthyosis, follicular atrophoderma, hypotrichosisand hypohidrosis Am J Med Genet 13:186-189, 1998Congenital triangular alopecia (temporal triangular alopecia)(may or may not be congenital) Ped Derm 19:127-128, 2002;Cutis 69:255-256, 2002; JAAD 40:842-844, 1999; Ped Derm12:301-303, 1995; JAAD 31:205-209, 1994; overlyingfrontotemporal suture or nape of neck JAAD 16:991-993, 1987;Cutis 28:196-197, 1981ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) – erythema,edema, crusted ulcerations, scarring alopecia Eichenfeld, 2001,p.106Encephalocele Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology,p.495, 2001Halo scalp ring – prolonged pressure on vertex by cervixEichenfeld, 2001, p.106; Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med156:188-190, 2002; AD 123:992-994, 1987Heterotopic brain tissue – blue-red cystic mass with overlyingalopecia JAAD 46:934-941, 2002Sequestrated meningocoele (rudimentary meningocoele) AD137:45-50, 2001Unilateral localized failure of hair growth

Follicular degeneration syndrome in black patients (S) AD130:763-769, 1994; AD 128:68-74, 1992Senescent balding Clin Dermatol 6:108-118, 1988

Albendazole Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionAllopurinol Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionAmitryptiline Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionAmphetamine Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionAnabolic steroids Ghatan p.68, 2002, Second EditionBeta blockers Ghatan p.227, 2002, Second EditionBleomycin JAAD 40:367-398, 1999Bromocriptine Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionBusulfan – permanent alopecia BJD 152:1056-1058, 2005Captopril Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionCarbamazepine Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionChemotherapeutic agents – anagen and/or telogen effluviumJAAD 40:367-398, 1999Cholestyramine Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionCimetidine Int J Derm 22:202-203, 1983Clofibrate Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionColchicine – anagen effluvium BJD 150:581-588, 2004;Hautarzt 31:161-163, 1980Coumarin Rook p.2915, 1998, Sixth EditionDanazol – generalized alopecia Am J Obstet Gynecol141:349-350, 1981Dextran Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionDilantin Ghatan p.68, 2002, Second EditionDixyrazine Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth Edition; Acta DV (Stockh)61:85-88, 1981Doxepin Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionGentamicin Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionGold Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionHaloperidol Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionHeparin Rook p.2915,3395, 1998, Sixth EditionHeparinoids Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionHypocholesterolemic drugs Ghatan p.227, 2002,Second EditionHydroxyurea JAAD 49:339-341, 2003Ibuprofen Rook p.2916, 1998, Sixth EditionIndinavir JAAD 46:284-293, 2002Indomethacin Ghatan p.68, 2002, Second EditionIodine-induced hypothyroidism BJD 79:103-105, 1967Levodopa Br Med J ii:47, 1971Lithium Rook p.2916,3395, 1998, Sixth EditionMethotrexate/antimetabolitesMetoprolol Rook p.2916, 1998, Sixth EditionNicotinic acid Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth EditionNitrofurantoin Ghatan p.68, 2002, Second EditionNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Ghatan p.227, 2002,Second EditionOctreotid BJD 149:655-656, 2003Oral contraceptives Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth Edition

Potassium thiocyanate Rook p.2916, 1998, Sixth EditionProbenecid Ghatan p.68, 2002, Second EditionPropranolol Cutis 24:63-65, 1979Pyridostigmine Rook p.2916, 1998, Sixth EditionQuinacrine Ghatan p.227, 2002, Second EditionRetinoids – acetretin, isotretinoin BJD 122:751-756, 1990Selenocystathionine (leucena glauca) Nature205:1185-1186, 1965Sulfasalazine Ghatan p.67, 2002, Second EditionTestosterone Ghatan p.227, 2002, Second EditionThallium (in the manufacture of optical lenses) – anageneffluvium South Med J 59:436, 1966; JAMA183:516-522, 1963Thioureas Ghatan p.67, 2002, Second EditionThyroid antagonists – thiouracil, carbimazole Acta Med Scand124:266-281, 1946Timolol Ghatan p.68, 2002, Second EditionTrimethadione Rook p.2916, 1998, Sixth EditionTriparanol AD 87:372-377, 1963Valproic acid Rook p.3395, 1998, Sixth Edition

Bismuth – anagen effluvium Ghatan p.67, 2002,Second EditionDrug overdoseHair cosmeticsIrritant contact dermatitisLead – anagen effluvium Ghatan p.67, 2002, Second EditionMimosine – amino acid of legumes Rook p.2916, 1998,Sixth EditionThallium – anagen effluvium JAAD 50:258-261, 2004; Ghatanp.67, 2002, Second EditionVitamin A intoxication Rook p.2656, 1998, Sixth Edition; ArchIntern Med 112:462-466, 1963

AIDS Tyring p.366, 2002; JAAD 34:63-68, 1996Bacterial infections, sycosisCandida infectionCarbuncle (S) Favus (S) Folliculitis (NS) Furuncles (NS and S) Herpes zoster (S) Kerion (NS and S) Clin Dermatol 18:735-743, 2000Leishmaniasis (S) Leprosy – borderline tuberculoid, tuberculoid – well-definededge, red, copper or purple plaque with hypopigmented center;hairless hypopigmented macule with dry, hairless anestheticsurface with fine wrinkling Int J Lepr Other Mycobact Dis67:388-391, 1999; Rook p.1222, 1998, Sixth Edition;lepromatous with leonine facies Rook p.1225, 1998, SixthEdition; Lucio’s phenomenon – gradual loss of eyebrow, eyelash,and body hair with generalized sclerodermoid thickening of skinLyme disease JAAD 49:363-392, 2003Mycobacterium tuberculosis (S) – lupus vulgaris Rook p.2930,1998, Sixth Edition

MyiasisScabies – crusted Cutis 61:87-88, 1998Syphilitic alopecia – patchy (symptomatic alopecia) or diffuse(essential syphilitic alopecia) JAAD 32:840-844, 1995; tertiarysyphilis (S) Tick bite – alopecia at site of tick attachment to scalp JAAD49:363-392, 2003; Clin Exp Dermatol 7:537-542, 1982; pigeontick (Argus reflexus) Dermatologica 135:60-65, 1967; motheaten alopecia JAAD 49:363-392, 2003Tinea barbae Rook p.1306-1307, 1998, Sixth EditionTinea capitis (S or NS) – in infants BJD 151:886-890, 2004;Rook p.1304-1305, 1998, Sixth Edition; favus (S) – yellowishcup-shaped crusts (scutula) Dermatologica 125:369-381, 1962;in elderly BJD 144:898-900, 2001; tinea incognitoTrichodysplasia spinulosa – papovaviral infection ofimmunocomprised host; progressive alopecia of eyebrowsinitially, then scalp and body hair and red follicular papulesof nose, ears, forehead; leonine facies JID SymposiumProceedings 4:268-271, 1999Tufted folliculitis (S) JAAD 21:1096-1099, 1989

Amyloidosis – patchy or diffuse alopecia JAAD 46:434-436,2002; AD 127:1067-1068, 1991; Medicine 54:271-299, 1975;alopecia universalis AD 117:818-826, 1981; secondarysystemic (AA amyloidosis) – occasional purpura, easybruisability, alopecia BJD 152:250-257, 2005Langerhans cell histiocytosisLichen myxedematosis (scleromyxedema, papular mucinosis) Mastocytosis (S) (urticaria pigmentosa) Cutis 58:329-336, 1996

Acne keloidalis nuchae (S) Clin Dermatol 19:211-225, 2001;Dermatol Clin 6:387-395, 1988Blepharitis – loss of eyelashes Rook p.2994, 1998, Sixth EditionChronic illness Rook p.2918, 1998, Sixth EditionDissecting cellulitis of the scalp (perifolliculitis capitis abscedenset suffodiens) (S) – painful, sterile abscesses withinterconnecting sinus tracts; scarring; keloids BJD 152:777-779,2005; AD 136:235-242, 2000; Dermatol Clin 6:387-395, 1988;Cutis 32:378-380, 1983; Minn Med 34:319-325, 1951;AD 23:503-518, 1931Folliculitis decalvans (S) Clin Dermatol 18:735-743, 2000;AD 136:235-242, 2000; Rook p.2933, 1998, Sixth EditionPyoderma gangrenosum (S) Sarcoidosis (S) AD 138:259-264, 2002; JAAD 44:725-743,2001; AD 133:882-888, 1997; alopecia of shin BJD 109(Suppl 24):66-67, 1983

Acrodermatitis enteropathica (NS) Acta DV (Stockh)59:177-178, 1979; with anorexia nervosa JAMA288:2655-2656, 2002Acromegaly Rook p.2704, 1998, Sixth EditionAddison’s disease – axillary and pubic hair in females Rookp.1779,2706, 1998, Sixth EditionAndrogenetic alopeciaArgininosuccinic aminoaciduria – trichorrhexis nodosa andother hair shaft abnormalities Rook p.2812,2912, 1998,Sixth Edition; JID 48:260, 1967

Biotin deficiency NEJM 304:820-823, 1981Biotin-responsive multiple carboxylase deficiency – alopecia,developmental delay, hypotonia, seizures, biotinidase deficiencyAm J Med Genet 66:378-398, 1996; diffuse alopecia AdvPediatr 38:1-21, 1991; AD 123:1696-1698, 1987Citrullinemia – trichorrhexis nodosa and other hair shaftabnormalities JAAD 12:203-206, 1986; Arch Dis Child49:579-581, 1974Cretinism – coarse facial features, lethargy, macroglossia, colddry skin, livedo, umbilical hernia, poor muscle tone, coarsescalp hair, synophrys, no pubic or axillary hair at puberty Rookp.2708, 1998, Sixth EditionCushing’s syndrome – acne and hirsutism; male patternalopecia; Semin Dermatol 3:287-294, 1984Defect in incorporation of histidine, tyrosine and arginine intohair keratin Pediatrics 37:498-502, 1966Essential fatty acid deficiency – telogen effluvium; severe xerosiswith underlying erythema, hair loss with hypopigmentation andweeping intertrigenous rash Ped Derm 16:95-102, 1999Estrogen excess Ghatan p.165, 2002, Second EditionHartnup diseaseHemochromatosis – especially axillary and pubic hairAD 113:161-165, 1977; Medicine 34:381-430, 1955Holocarboxylase deficiency AD 123:1696-1698, 1987;Pediatrics 68:113-118, 1981hom*ocystinuria – cystathionine-beta synthase deficiency; finesparse, brittle hair, marfanoid habitus, malar rash, larger facialpores, livedo reticularis, tissue paper scars, superficialthrombophlebitis JAAD 46:161-183, 2002; JAAD 40:279-281,1999; JAAD 40:279-281, 1999Hyperlysinemia – fine sparse hypopigmented hair Rook p.2912,1998, Sixth EditionHyperthyroidism JAAD 26:885-902, 1992Hypocalcemia AD 121:646-647, 1985Hypoparathyroidism, idiopathic – non-scarring JAAD15:353-356, 1986Hypopituitarism – loss of axillary and pubic hair Rookp.2704-2705, 1998, Sixth Edition; Sheehan’s syndrome – skinis yellow, dry Rook p.2914, 1998, Sixth EditionHypothyroidism (myxedema) – coarse, sparse scalp hair,loss of pubic, axillary, facial hair JAAD 26:885-902, 1992;AD 106:349-352, 1972Iron deficiency BJD 84:83-85, 1971; Acta DV (Stockh)43:652-659, 1963Isovaleric acidemiaKwashiorkor – protein and caloric deprivation – dry, brittle,lusterless prematurely gray hair which becomes sparseJAAD 21:1-30, 1989; telogen effluvium AD 137:630-636,2001; Cutis 67:321-327, 2001Liver disease, chronic – body and pubic hair thinned Rook p.2725,1998, Sixth Edition; cirrhosis – zinc deficiency; generalizeddermatitis of erythema craquele (crackled and reticulated dermatitis)with perianal and perigenital erosions and crusts; cheilitis, hair lossRook p.2726, 1998, Sixth Edition; Ann DV 114:39-53, 1987Malabsorption Rook p.2653-2654, 1998, Sixth EditionMalnutrition Semin Dermatol 4:53-64, 1985Marasmus (NS) JAAD 21:1-30, 1990Meralgia parestheticaMitochondrial disorders – alopecia with or without hair shaftabnormalities including trichothiodystrophy, trichoschisis, tigertail pattern, pili torti, longitudinal grooving, and trichorhexisnodosa Pediatrics 103:428-433, 1999Myotonic dystrophy – frontal balding JAAD 50:S1-3, 2004

Multiple carboxylase deficiency – total scalp and universal alopeciaPed Derm 21:231-235, 2004; Ped Derm 16:95-102, 1999Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (S) Dermatologica135:11-26, 1967Orotic aciduria Br Med J i:546-552, 1965Osteoma cutis – scarring alopecia BJD 146:1075-1080, 2002Panhypopituitarism – loss of body hair Ghatan p.165, 2002,Second EditionPhenylketonuria – fine sparse hypopigmented hair Rookp.2912, 1998, Sixth EditionPhrynoderma (hypovitaminosis A) Polycystic ovarian disease Clin Endocrinol 30:459-464, 1989Porphyria – congenital erythropoietic porphyria (S) Rookp.2595, 1998, Sixth Edition; porphyria cutanea tarda, variegateporphyria, hepatoerythropoietic porphyriaPseudoglucagonoma syndrome due to malnutritionAD 141:914-916, 2005Renal disease, chronic – uremia; sparse body hair Ghatanp.177, 2002, Second EditionScurvy JAAD 41:895-906, 1999Selenium – deficiency or excess Ghatan p.294, 2002, SecondEditionTelogen effuvium AD 83:175-198, 1961Vitamin D-dependent resistant rickets type IIA – autosomalrecessive; hair present at birth then lost in first 12 months AD141:343-351, 2005; Am J Med 77:805-811, 1984; congenitalrickets Clin Dermatol 18:735-743, 2000; clinically andhistologically similar to atrichia with papular lesions

Angiosarcoma JAAD 38:837-840, 1998; (S) AD 116:683-686, 1980Aplastic nevus – complete absence of skin appendages Cutis12:386-389, 1973Basal cell carcinoma (S) Basal cell nevus (linear basal cell nevus) – resemblecomedones; usually linear translucent telangiectatic papules,may ulcerate; macular hypopigmentation, alopecia, cysts, striaeCutis 46:493-494, 1990; BJD 74:20-23, 1962Basaloid follicular hamartoma – solitary plaque of alopecia BJD146:1068-1070, 2002Benign cephalic histiocytosisBlue nevus – giant alopecic nodule (cellular blue nevus) BJD126:375-377, 1992Cellular blue nevi Ped Derm 14:199-203, 1997CylindromaEccrine sweat gland hamartoma AD 99:478-493, 1969Epidermal nevus (NS and S) Rook p.2912, 1998, Sixth EditionEpidermoid cystGeneralized follicular harmatoma (S) AD 131:454-8, 1995; AD107:435-440, 1973; AD 99:478-493, 1969Hair follicle hamartoma BJD 143:1103-1105, 2000; follicularhamartoma of the face with myasthenia gravis Clin Exp Derm6:283-289, 1981; JAAD 39:853-857, 1998Lymphomas, including CTCL (S) JAAD 47:914-918, 2002;Hodgkin’s disease – due to rubbing, ichthyosiform changes,endocrine dysfunction, cellular infiltration Rook p.2393, 1998,Sixth Edition; pilotropic CTCL JAAD 48:448-452, 2003;subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma mimickingalopecia areata BJD 147:785-788, 2002Melanocytic nevus Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.495, 2001

Meningioma, congenital – nodule with overlying alopecia orhypertrichosis JAAD 46:934-941, 2002; Eur J Pediatr Surg10:387-389, 2000; primary cutaneous meningioma – overlyingalopecia Cancer 34:728-744, 1974Metastatic tumors (S) (alopecia neoplastica) – breast, lung,kidney the most common Rook p.2371,2709, 1998, SixthEdition; Cancer 19:162-168, 1966Multicentric reticulohistiocytosis JAAD 10:296-297, 1984Myeloma Ghatan p.170, 2002, Second EditionNerve sheath myxoma JAAD 16:209-211, 1987Nevus psiloliparus – mesodermal nevus with paucity of hair andexcess fat tissue; appears in encephalocranial lipomatosis PedDerm 22:206-209, 2005Nevus sebaceus with or without malignancy (S) BJD82:99-117, 1970Papular xanthomaPorokeratosis of Mibelli (S) Proliferating trichilemmal cysts and cicatricial alopeciaAD 107:435-438, 1973Seborrheic keratosisSquamous cell carcinoma (S) Syringocystadenoma papilliferum AD 71:361-372, 1955Syringomas(S) AD 116:843-844, 1980; JAAD 13:528-529, 1985

Brain tumors of mid-brain and brainstem Arch Dermatol Syphilol176:196-199, 1937Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma with paraproteinemia

Chronic actinic dermatitis – acute, subacute, or chronicdermatitis with lichenification, papules, plaques, erythroderma,stubby scalp and eyebrow hair AD 136:1215-1220, 2000;AD 130:1284-1289, 1994; JAAD 28:240-249, 1993;AD 126:317-323, 1990; sensitization by sesquiterpene lactonemix BJD 132:543-547, 1995; associated with musk ambretteCutis 54:167-170, 1994; JAAD 3:384-393, 1980Polymorphic light eruption – suboccipital actinic alopecia andactinic madurosis Int J Dermatol 30:375-376, 1991

Acne necrotica(S)Adolescent onset ichthyosiform erythroderma BJD144:1063-1066, 2001Alopecia and follicular papules Int J Derm 38 (Suppl 1):31, 1999

Alopecia, keratosis pilaris, cataracts and psoriasisAlopecia mucinosa (follicular mucinosis) Dermatology197:178-180, 1998; AD 125:287-292, 1989; JAAD10:760-768, 1984; AD 76:419-426, 1957Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome – sporadic, congenitalatrichia, follicular keratotic papules, dermatitis, chylosis,keratosis pilaris atrophicans, seborrheic dermatitis, café aulait macules, nevi, hemangiomas, hyperpigmentation PedDerm 20:48-51, 2003Down’s syndromeHayden’s diseaseHereditary mucoepithelial dyskeratosis – autosomaldominant; keratitis, non-scarring alopecia, keratosis pilaris,erythema of oral and nasal mucous membranes, cervix,vagin* and urethra; increased risk of infections, fibrocysticlung disease JAAD 21:351-357, 1989

Ichthyosis follicularis with atrichia and photophobia (IFAP) –collodion membrane and erythema at birth; generalizedfollicular keratoses, non-scarring alopecia, keratotic papulesof elbows, knees, fingers, extensor surfaces, xerosis;punctate keratitis JAAD 46:S156-158, 2002; Am J MedGenet 85:365-368, 1999 AD 125:103-106, 1989;Dermatologica 177:341-347, 1988MonilethrixNoonan’s syndromePachyonychia congenitaSchopf-Schulz-Passarge syndrome

Alopecia and neuropsychiatric manifestations Ped Derm20:48-51, 2003

Dubowitz syndromeHereditary ectodermal dysplasiaMenkes’ kinky hair syndromeMoynihan syndromeNicolaides-Baraitser syndromePeriniolas syndromeShapiro syndromeShokeir syndromeSteijlen syndromeTrichothiodystrophy

Alopecia mucinosa (follicular mucinosis) (S) – including scalpalopecia AD 136:235-242, 2000; JAAD 38:622-624, 1998;Dermatology 197:178-180, 1998; JAAD 10:760-768, 1984;AD 76:419-426, 1957Alopecia parvimacularis (S) – irregular angular areas ofscarring and non-scarring alopecia Dermatol Wochenschr149:381-388, 1964Anagen effluvium Clin Dermatol 18:735-743, 2000Androgenetic alopecia JAAD 18:1073-1078, 1988Anterolateral leg alopecia Cutis 70:215-216, 2000Atrichia with papular lesions AD 141:343-351, 2005Atrophoderma vermiculata – honeycomb atrophy of cheekswith scarring alopecia of scalp AD 75:283-289, 1957Central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia (folliculardegeneration syndrome) JAAD 53:1-37, 2005; AD136:235-242, 2000Cutis laxa – generalized cutis laxa – autosomal dominant –lesions often preceded in infancy by episodes of edema;infantile genitalia; scant body hair Rook p.2019-2020, 1998,Sixth EditionDarier’s disease (S) Eosinophilic cellulitis (S) Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis of Ofuji – scarring alopeciaDermatologica 157:193-205, 1974Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) – non-Herlitz junctionalEB JAAD 46:510-516, 2002; generalized atrophic benign EB(GABEB) (mitis) – non-lethal junctional – generalized blisteringbeginning in infancy; atrophic scarring; alopecia of scalp, partialalopecia of eyebrows, eyelashes JAAD 46:510-516, 2002;AD 145:150, 1996; Dermatologica 152:72-86, 1976; cicatricialjunctional EB – scarring, alopecia, syndactyly, contracturesJAAD 12:836-844, 1985; dominant or recessivedystrophic (S) BJD 146:267-274, 2002; EpidermolysisBullosa. Basic and Clinical Aspects. New York: Springerp.135-151, 1992; epidermolysis bullosa simplex withanodontia/hypodontia (Kallin syndrome) – thickened or curvednails, alopecia with brittle hair, bullae of hands and feet,nail dystrophy, anodontia, alopecia, deafness Acta DV65:526-531, 1985Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis – patchy scarring alopecia Rookp.1506, 1998, Sixth Edition

Erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp (S) JAAD48:103-110, 2003; JAAD 28:96-98, 1993; BJD118:441-444, 1988 (S) Exfoliative dermatitis (NS) Ghatan p.67, 2002, Second EditionFacial hemiatrophy (Romberg’s syndrome) (S) Familial focal alopecia (pseudopelade-like) AD123:234-237, 1987Folliculitis necrotica Bolognia p.1041, 2003Folliculitis spinulosa decalvans – pustular variantFrontal fibrosing alopecia (postmenopausal frontal fibrosingalopecia) (S) JAAD 52:55-60, 2005; AD 139:1363-1368,2003; AD 137:365-370, 2001; JAAD 36:59-66, 1997; AD130:770-774, 1994Hereditary hypotrichosis simplex of the scalp Ped Derm19:250-255, 2002; Dermatology 191:139-141, 1995Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (loose anagen syndrome)Ped Derm 13:29-32, 1996Ichthyosis follicularis JAAD 21:351-357, 1989Intermittent hair follicle dystrophy JAAD 15:54-60, 1986Keratosis pilaris atrophicans including ulerythema ophyrogenesRook p.2936, 1998, Sixth EditionKeratosis pilaris decalvans Rook p.2936, 1998, Sixth EditionLamellar ichthyosis (S) – autosomal recessive, autosomaldominant Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.493, 2001;Rook p.1500, 1998, Sixth EditionLeiner’s disease Ghatan p.109, 2002, Second EditionLichen planus – lichen planopilaris (S) (Graham-Littlesyndrome) JAAD 50:25-32, 2004; Rook p.1904-1912, 1998,Sixth Edition; Dermatol Clin 14:773-782, 1996; JAAD22:594-598, 1990; AD Syphilol 5:102-113, 1922Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus (S) BJD 103:197-200, 1980Lichen simplex chronicus Clin Dermatol 18:735-743, 2000Lipedematous alopecia (S) – boggy scalp with diffusealopecia JAAD 52:152-156, 2005; AD 138:1517-1518, 2002;J Cutan Pathol 27:49-53, 2000; Dermatology 201:168-170,2000; Cutis 65:199-202, 2000; AD 130:802-803, 1994;AD 84:619-622, 1961; Arch Dermatol Syphilol32:688, 1935Male pattern alopeciaMonilethrix – increased hair fragility AD 132:577-582, 1996;Scot Med J 3:356-360, 1958; hair that won’t grow long JAAD53:S130-134, 2005Non-bullous CIE (congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma)(erythrodermic lamellar ichthyosis) – autosomal recessive –patchy scarring alopecia AD 121:477-488, 1985Pili annulatiPili torti – isolated defect hair that won’t grow longJAAD 53:S130-134, 2005; Rook p.2947-2948, 1998,Sixth Edition; Acta DV 53:385-392, 1973; associated withMenkes’ kinky hair syndrome Ann DV 102:269-271, 1980;Bjornstad’s syndrome, Bazex syndrome, Crandall’s syndrome,hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, pseudomonilethrix, retinoidsCutis 35:466-470, 1985; anorexia nervosa Cutis 57:151-152,1996; with cleft lip and palate, malformed ears, syndactyly, andmental retardation J Med Genet 25:37-40, 1988; inRapp-Hodgkin syndrome Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol67:50-62, 1989Pili torti and onychodysplasiaPohl-Pinkus constriction – increased hair fragility Ghatanp.70, 2002, Second Edition

Porokeratosis of Mibelli of the scalp Dermatologica134:269-272, 1967PseudomonilethrixPseudopelade of Brocq (S) JAAD 50:25-32, 2004; Curr ProbDerm VIII:97-136, 1996Psoriasis – tinea amientacea Clin Exp Dermatol 2:137-143,1977; pustular psoriasis, erythrodermic psoriasis Rook p.1601,1998, Sixth EditionSelf-healing collodion baby (lamellar ichthyosis of the newborn)Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology p.493, 2001Syringolymphoid hyperplasia JAAD 49:1177-1180, 2003Telogen effluvium Rook p.2913-2914, 1998, Sixth Edition;Cutis 21:543-544, 1978; of the newborn AD 83:175-198,1961Triangular alopecia Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.494,2001Trichomalacia – increased hair fragility Ghatan p.70, 2002,Second EditionTrichoptilosis – increased hair fragility Ghatan p.70, 2002,Second EditionTrichorrhexis invagin*ta (bamboo hair) Trichorrhexis nodosa – increased hair fragility JAAD16:1-24, 1987Trichothiodystrophy – BIDS, IBIDS, PIBIDS, Pollitt syndrome,Sabinas syndrome, trichothiodystrophy with immune defects;increased hair fragility JAAD 53:S130-134, 2005; JAAD20:195-202, 1989Vertical alopecia (circ*mscribed non-scarring alopecia ofvertex) Rook p.2912, 1998, Sixth EditionX-linked dominant ichthyosis (Happle’s syndrome)(Conradi-Hünermann syndrome) – chondrodysplasia punctata,ichthyosis, cataract syndrome; collodion baby or ichthyosiformerythroderma; Blaschko pattern of erythroderma and scaling;plantar hyperkeratosis; resolves with time to reveal swirls of finescale, linear hyperpigmentation, follicular atrophoderma of armsand legs, cicatricial alopecia; skeletal defects with short stature,severe autosomal rhizomelic type; X-linked recessive variantRook p.1520, 1998, Sixth Edition

Anorexia nervosa – diffuse non-scarring alopecia Rook p.2795,1998, Sixth EditionDelusions of parasitosisFactitial alopecia Ped Derm 21:205-211, 2004; Rookp.2800-2802, 1998, Sixth EditionTrichoteiromania – obsessive rubbing of hair Dtsch DermatolGes 1:22-28, 2003; Eur J Dermatol 11:369-371, 2001Trichotemnomania – obsessive cutting of hair JAAD52:157-159, 2005; Hautarzt 22:335-337, 1971; Hautarzt19:551-553, 1968Trichotillomania JAAD 46:807-821, 2002; CurrProb Derm VIII:97-136, 1996; J Clin Psychol Psychiatry32:401-409, 1991; follicular hyperkeratosis BJD145:1034-1035, 2001

ACD mental retardation syndrome Am J Med Genet13:383-387, 1982Acrocephalopolysyndactyly

Adams-Oliver syndromeAlopecia-anosmia-deafness-hypogonadism syndrome Am JMed Genet 26:925-927, 1987Alopecia, epilepsy, oligophrenia syndrome of Moynahan Proc RSoc Med 55:411-412, 1962Alopecia, contractures, mental retardation, dwarfism syndromeAlopecia, keratosis pilaris, cataracts, and psoriasis JAAD21:351-357, 1989Alopecia-mental retardation syndrome J Med Genet 20:64-65,1983Alopecia, psychom*otor epilepsy, pyorrhea, mental retardationClin Genet 11:13-17, 1977

Alopecia and structural abnormalities of the nose and handsAlopecia-onychodysplasia-hypohidrosis-deafnesssyndrome – small teeth, thick dystrophic toenails,hypohidrosis, hyperkeratosis of palms and soles, elbows andknees, sensorineural deafness Hum Hered 27:127-337, 1977Chondroectodermal dysplasia (Ellis van Creveld syndrome)Ped 26:301-309, 1960Coffin-Siris syndrome Am J Dis Child 119:433-439, 1970Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (Clouston’s syndrome) J CanMed Ass 21:18-31, 1929Langer-Gideon syndrome Orthop Rev 21:31-35, 1992Larsen’s syndrome J Ped 37:574-581, 1950Neu-Laxova syndrome – resembles harlequin fetus;resembles restrictive dermopathyOral facial digital syndrome Arch Dis Child 44:729-731, 1969Tricho-onychodental dysplasia Oral Surg 46:376-385, 1978Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome JAAD 31:331-336, 1994

Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (Christ-Siemens-Tourainesyndrome) J Dermatol 26:44-47, 1999; X-linked recessive –premature aged appearance with soft, dry, finely wrinkledskin, especially around eyes; absent or reduced sweating,sparse fine scalp hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, and total or partialanodontia with conical pointed teeth Ped Derm 19:226, 2002;J Med Genet 28:181-185, 1991; autosomal recessivePed Derm 7:242, 1990; carrier state of X-linked anhidroticectodermal dysplasiaAnkyloblepharon, ectodermal dysplasia, and cleft lip andpalate syndrome (AEC syndrome) (Hay-Wells syndrome) –hair sparse, coarse, wiry or absent, dystrophic nails,dystrophic widely spaced pointed teeth are shed early,chronic scalp erosions in early childhood Ped Derm19:226, 2002; Ped Derm 14:149-150, 1997; BJD94:287-289, 1976Anonychia with bizarre flexural pigmentation – autosomaldominant, absent nails, dry peeling palmoplantar skin, coarseand sparse frontal hair; mottled hyper-and hypopigmentation ofthe axillae, groin, and natal cleft BJD 92:469-474, 1975ANOTHER syndrome – alopecia, nail dystrophy, ophthalmiccomplications, thyroid dysfunction, hypohidrosis, ephelides andenteropathy, respiratory tract infections Clin Genet 35:237-242,1989; J Pediatr 108:109-111, 1986Atrichia congenita with papular lesions – autosomalrecessive; infantile hair loss, follicular papules; follicularcysts and milia-like lesions AD 139:1591-1596, 2003; JAAD47:519-523, 2002; Ped Derm 19:155-158, 2002; Eur JDermatol 11:375-377, 2001; Dermatology 185:284-288,1992; Dermatologica 108:114-121, 1954; atrichia with keratincysts – face, neck, scalp then trunk and extremities Ann DV121:802-804, 1994Baraitser syndrome (premature aging with short stature andpigmented nevi) – lack of facial subcutaneous fat, fine hair,hypospadias, dental abnormalities, hepatomegaly J Med Genet25:53-56, 1988; J Med Genet 20:64-75, 1983

Basaloid follicular hamartoma syndrome (generalized basaloidfollicular hamartoma syndrome) – autosomal dominant;hypotrichosis, multiple skin-colored, red and hyperpigmentedpapules of the face, neck, chest, back, proximal extremities andeyelids; syndrome includes milia-like cysts, comedone-likelesions, dermatosis papulosa nigra, skin tag-like lesions, sparsescalp hair, palmar pits, and parallel bands of papules of the neck(zebra stripes) JAAD 49:698-705, 2003; BJD 146:1068-1070,2002; JAAD 45:644-645, 2001; JAAD 43:189-206, 2000Basan syndrome (ectodermal dysplasia) – sparse coarse scalphair, hypohidrosis, nail dystrophy, abnormal dermatoglyphics,dental abnormalities Arch Klin Exp Dermatol 222:546-557,1965Bazex-Dupre-Christol syndrome (X-linked dominant) –milia and comedo-like papules, hypotrichosis, follicularatrophoderma, anhidrosis, X-linked dominant AD 130:337-342,1994; Ped Derm 16:108-110, 1999; Ann Dermatol Syphilgr(Paris) 93:241-254, 1966Bazex-Dupre-Christol-like syndrome – basal cell carcinomas,hypohidrosis, hypotrichosis, milia Derm Surg 26:152-154, 2000Berlin syndrome – no vellus hairs; mottled pigmentation andleukoderma, flat saddle nose, thick lips, fine wrinkling aroundthe eyes and mouth (similar to Christ-Siemens ectodermaldysplasia); stunted growth, bird-like legs, mental retardationDermatologica 123:227-243, 1961Bjornstad syndrome (Crandall syndrome) – pili torti,sensorineural deafness JAAD 46:301-303, 2002; Ped Derm16:220-221, 1999; chromosome 2q34-36 Am J Hum Genet62:1107-1112, 1998; Crandall’s syndrome – pili torti,sensorineural deafness, hypogonadism JAAD 46:301-303,2002; J Pediatr 82:461-465, 1973Brachymetapody syndrome (Tuomaala-Haapanen syndrome)(brachymetapody, anodontia, hypotrichosis, albinoid trait) – albinoidskin – short stature, shortening of all digits but thumbs, hypoplasticmaxilla, anodontia, hypotrichosis, hypoplastic breasts and genitalia,strabismus, distichiasis Acta Ophthalmol 46:365-371, 1968Brown-Crounse syndrome – 1-2-mm papules, plaquesand nodules, diffuse hypotrichosis resembling alopecia areata,basaloid follicular hamartomas, trichoepitheliomas, myastheniagravis AD 99:478-493, 1969Buschke-Ollendorf syndrome – annular plaque with brokenhairs JAAD 24:822-824, 1991Calcitriol-resistant rickets with alopeciaCardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome (Noonan-like short staturesyndrome) (NS) – xerosis/ichthyosis, eczematous dermatitis,growth failure, hyperkeratotic papules, ulerythema ophyrogenes,seborrheic dermatitis, CALMs, nevi, keratosis pilaris, autosomaldominant, patchy or widespread ichthyosiform eruption, sparsecurly short scalp hair and eyebrows and lashes, hemangiomas,acanthosis nigricans, congenital lymphedema of the hands,redundant skin of the hands, short stature, abnormal facies,cardiac defects JAAD 46:161-183, 2002; Ped Derm 17:231-234,2000; JAAD 22:920-922, 1990; JAAD 28:815-819, 1993; AD129:46-47, 1993; port wine stain Clin Genet 42:206-209, 1992Cartilage-hair hypoplasia (metaphyseal chondrodysplasia ofMcKusick) – dwarfism; short, sparse, lightly colored hair; somewith total baldness; immune defects Eur J Pediatr 155:286-290,1996; Eur J Pediatr 142:211-217, 1993; Am J Med Genet41:371-380, 1991; Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp 116:285-326, 1965Cataracts, alopecia, and sclerodactyly – ectodermaldysplasia syndrome on the island of Rodrigues Am J MedGenet 32:500-532, 1989CHILD syndrome (hemidysplasia, ichthyosiform erythroderma,unilateral limb defects (hypoplasia)) – X-linked dominant;unilateral alopecia; unilateral inflammatory epidermal nevus orunilateral ichthyosiform erythroderma with skeletalabnormalities AD 123:503-509, 1987

Chondroectodermal dysplasia (Ellis van Creveld syndrome) –autosomal recessive; chondrodysplasia, polydactyly, short armsand legs, teeth small and defective, nails dystrophic, hair normalor sparse and brittle; scant or fine hair JAAD 46:161-183, 2002;Ped Derm 18:68-70, 2001; J Med Genet 17:349-356, 1980Ciliary and superciliary hypotrichosisCleft lip-palate with ectoderma dysplasia with syndactylyco*ckayne syndrome – sparse dry hair in infancy and earlychildhood Ped Derm 20:538-540, 2003; Textbook of NeonatalDermatology, p.493, 2001Coffin-Siris syndrome – autosomal dominant; coarse facialfeatures, sparse scalp hair, bushy eyebrows, absent fifth fingernailsand toenails, short distal phalanges, lax joints, delayed eruption ofsmall teeth; microcephaly, retarded growth, skeletal abnormalitiesClin Genet 26:374-378, 1984; Am J Dis Child 119:433-439, 1970Complete testicular feminization syndrome – hairless womenNEJM 302:198-209, 1980Conradi-Hünermann syndrome (S) (chondrodysplasiapunctata) – sparse coarse lusterless hair or circ*mscribedcicatricial scalp alopecia, linear hyperkeratotic bands withdiffuse erythema and scale, systematized follicularatrophoderma, hypochromic areas Ped Derm 19:226, 2002;Ped Derm 15:299-303, 1998; AD 127:539-542, 1991;congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma Hum Genet 53:65-73,1979; X-linked dominant Conradi-Hünermann syndromeJAAD 21:248-256, 1989Costello syndrome – warty papules around nose and mouth,legs, perianal skin; loose skin of neck, hands and feet; acanthosisnigricans; low-set protuberant ears, thick palmoplantar surfaceswith single palmar crease, gingival hyperplasia, hypoplastic nails,moderately short stature, craniofacial abnormalities,hyperextensible fingers, sparse curly hair, perianal and vulvarpapules, diffuse hyperpigmentation, generalized hypertrichosis,multiple nevi, short limbs, failure to thrive Ped Derm 20:447-450,2003; Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.460, 2001; JAAD32:904-907, 1995; Aust Paediatr J 13:114-118, 1977Cranio-ectodermal dysplasia – short, fine hair, craniofacialabnormalities Birth Defects XI:372-379, 1975Craniofaciocutaneous syndrome – ulerythema ophryogenesCronkhite-Canada syndrome – lentigo-like macules of face andextremities, and diffuse pigmentation of palms; gastrointestinalpolyposis, malabsorption, alopecia, dystrophic nails AD135:212, 1999; Cutis 61:229-232, 1998De Barsy syndrome – sparse hair, thin skin, cutis laxa-likechanges, pinched noseDermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis – autosomal dominant;reticulate pigmentation, alopecia, nail changes, palmoplantarhyperkeratosis, loss of dermatoglyphics JAAD 26:298-301, 1992;AD 126:935-939, 1990Dermo-odonto-dysplasia – autosomal dominant; dry skin,small teeth, dysplastic brittle nails, slow growing hair; hair thinwith alopecia of vertex Ped Derm 19:226, 2002; Clin Genet24:58-68, 1983Dermotrichic syndrome – X-linked recessive, congenital atrichia,ichthyosis, hypohidrosis Am J Med Genet 44:233-236, 1992Dorfman-Chanarin syndrome (neutral lipid storage disease) –cicatricial alopecia AD 110:261-266, 1974; total alopeciaBJD 144:430-432, 2001Down’s syndrome – high incidence of alopecia areataBr Med J 1:191-194, 1975; fine sparse hair Ghatan p.242,2002, Second EditionDubowitz syndrome – autosomal recessive, erythema andscaling of face and extremities in infancy, sparse blond scalpand eyebrow hair, high-pitched hoarse voice, delayed eruptionof teeth, growth retardation, craniofacial abnormalities Am J MedGenet 63:277-289, 1996; Am J Med Genet 47:959-964, 1993

Dwarfism-alopecia-pseudoanodontia-cutis laxa – autosomalrecessive; generalized atrichia, unerupted teeth, hyperconvexnails, cutis laxa with fragile skin, dwarfism, deafness, eyeanomalies Cien Cult 34 (Suppl):705, 1982Dyskeratosis congenita (Zinsser-Engman-Cole syndrome) –Xq28; hair sparse and dry Rook p.415, 1998, Sixth Edition;J Med Genet 33:993-995, 1996; Dermatol Clin 13:33-39, 1995;BJD 105:321-325, 1981Ectodermal dysplasia with corkscrew hair – light lusterless,corkscrew hair with alopecia Ped Derm 19:226, 2002Ectodermal dysplasia with pili torti and syndactyly – sparse hair,eyebrows and lashes, severe dental dysplasia, yellow thickenednails, lordosis, high arched palate and syndactyly Ped Derm16:220-221, 1999Ectodermal dysplasia with sparse hair, short stature,hypoplastic thumbs, single upper incisor and abnormalskin pigmentation Am J Clin Genet 29:209-216, 1988Ectrodactyly, ectoderma dysplasia, cleft lip and palatesyndrome (EEC syndrome) – fine, dry, wiry hypopigmentedsparse hair, scarring alopecia, peg-shaped teeth, mentalretardation Ped Derm 20:113-118, 2003; Clin Dysmorphol5:115-127, 1996; Clin Genet 9:35-40, 1976Ehlers-Danlos syndromeEncephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis – alopecia, scalpnodules, skin-colored nodules, facial and eyelid papules –lipomas and lipofibromas; unilateral or bilateral skin-colored oryellow domed papules or nodules of scalp (hairless plaque),head and neck; ipsilateral cranial and facial asymmetry, cranialand ocular abnormalities, spasticity, mental retardation JAAD37:102-104, 1998; JAAD 32:387-389, 1995; Ped Derm10:164-168, 1993; Arch Neurol 22:144-155, 1970Eosinophilic cellulitis (Wells’ syndrome) Exudative retinopathy with bone marrow failure (Reveszsyndrome) – intrauterine growth retardation, reticulatehyperpigmentation of trunk, palms, and soles; fine sparsehair, ataxia with cerebellar hypoplasia, hypertonia, progressivepsychom*otor retardation J Med Genet 29:673-675, 1992Eyelid cysts, hypodontia and hypotrichosis JAAD 10:922-925, 1984Facial hemiatrophyFamilial acne conglobata, hidradenitis suppurativa, pili torti andcataractsFamilial focal alopeciaFamilial mandibuloacral dysplasia (craniomandibulardermatodysostosis) – onset at age 3-5 years; atrophy of skinover hands and feet with club shaped terminal phalanges andacro-osteolysis, mandibular dysplasia, delayed cranial sutureclosure, short stature, dysplastic clavicles, prominent eyes andsharp nose, alopecia, sharp nose, loss of lower teeth, multipleWormian bones, acro-osteolysis Ped Derm 22:75-78, 2005;BJD 105:719-723, 1981; Birth Defects 10:99-105, 1974Familial partial lipodystrophy, mandibuloacral dysplasiavariety – autosomal recessive; short stature, high-pitchedvoice, mandibular and clavicular hypoplasia, dental anomalies,acro-osteolysis, stiff doints, cutaneous atrophy, alopecia, naildysplasia Am J Med 108:143-152, 2000Fatal infantile diarrhea with abnormal hairFibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva – diffuse thinning of hairFlynn-Aird syndrome – skin atrophy, ulceration, alopecia anddental caries J Neurol Sci 2:161-182, 1965Follicular atrophodermaFried’s tooth and nail syndrome – fine, short hair, few peg-shapedteeth, nails dystrophic J Med Genet 14:137-139, 1977GAPO syndrome – growth retardation, alopecia,pseudoanodontia and optic atrophy Ped Derm 19:226, 2002;Am J Med Genet 19:209-216, 1984; Syndr Ident 8:14-16, 1982

Genee-Wiedemann syndrome – acrofacial dysostosis of thepredominantly post-axial type – sparse eyelashesHereditary gelsolin amyloidosis(AGel amyloidosis) – cutis laxa,thin scalp hair with frontotemporal baldness, corneal latticedystrophy, cranial and peripheral polyneuropathy BJD152:250-257, 2005Giant axonal neuropathy with kinky light hairGlucagonoma syndrome (NS) Goltz’s syndrome (focal dermal hypoplasia) (S) – linear alopeciaCutis 53:309-312, 1994; J Dermatol 21:122-124, 1994;asymmetric linear and reticulated streaks of atrophy andtelangiectasia; yellow-red nodules; raspberry-like papillomas oflips, perineum, acrally at perineum, buccal mucosa; xerosis; scalpand pubic hair sparse and brittle; short stature; asymmetric face;syndactyly, polydactyly; ocular, dental and skeletal abnormalitieswith osteopathia striata of long bones JAAD 25:879-881, 1991Gomez-Lopez-Hernandez (cerebello-trigeminal-dermaldysplasia) syndrome – parietal alopecia Am J Med Genet72:34-39, 1997; Brain Dev 1:253-256, 1979Greither-type ectodermal dysplasia – almost total alopecia,loss of teeth, corneal and lens opacities, dystrophic nails,transgradiens palmoplantar keratoderma Arch Klin ExpDermatol 216:50-62, 1963HAIR-AN syndrome – acne, muscular physique, alopecia(hyperandrogenism), hidradenitis suppurativa, insulinresistance, acanthosis nigricans AD 133:431-433, 1997Hallermann-Streiff-François syndrome (mandibulo-oculofacialsyndrome) – scalp margin or sutural alopecia; beak-like nose;atrophy over nose and cranial sutures; central facial atrophy andtelangiectasia JAAD 50:644, 2004; Ped Derm 13:255-257,1996; atrophic alopecia Clin Exp Dermatol 14:250-252, 1989Happle’s syndrome – cicatricial alopecia – X-linked dominanterythrodermic ichthyosis at birth, cataracts, generalizedfollicular atrophoderma, asymmetric shortening of limbs withchondrodysplasia punctata Ped Derm 18:442-444, 2001;Ped Derm 13:1-4, 1996Hartnup’s diseaseHereditary hypotrichosis simplex – hair that won’t grow longJAAD 53:S130-134, 2005Hereditary mucoepithelial dysplasia(dyskeratosis)(Gap junctiondisease, Witkop disease) – dry rough skin; red eyes, non-scarringalopecia, keratosis pilaris, erythema of oral(hard palate, gingival,tongue) and nasal mucous membranes, cervix, vagin*, andurethra; perineal and perigenital psoriasiform dermatitis; increasedrisk of infections, fibrocystic lung disease BJD 153:310-318, 2005;Ped Derm 11:133-138, 1994; Am J Med Genet 39:338-341,1991; JAAD 21:351-357, 1989; Am J Hum Genet 31:414-427,1979; Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 46:645-657, 1978Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (Clouston syndrome) – scalp hairsparse, fine, pale and brittle or absent; outer two-thirds ofeyebrows; thin eyelashes Ped Derm 19:226, 2002; Rook p.394,1998, Sixth Edition; Can Med Assoc J 21:18-31, 1929Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome (progeria) – sparse downy scalphair with eventual generalized alopecia; scleroderma-like skinchanges, wrinkled atrophic skin, hyperpigmentation, abnormalfacies Ped Derm 19:226, 2002; Am J Med Genet 82:242-248,1999; AD 125:540-544, 1989; J Pediatr 80:697-724, 1972Hypodontia and nail dysgenesis – autosomal dominant; finebrittle hair, few conical and widely spaced teeth, smalldystrophic nails, lips everted Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol39:409-423, 1975Hypodontia, taurodontism, sparse hair Oral Surg 33:841-845, 1972Hypogonadism, diabetes mellitus, alopecia, mental retardationand ECG abnormalitiesHypohidrosis and diabetes insipidus (Fleck syndrome) –hypohidrosis, hypotrichosis, diabetes insipidus, syndactyly,

coloboma, disturbed hematopoiesis Dermatol Wochenschr132:994-1007, 1955Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia Textbook of NeonatalDermatology, p.492, 2001Hypomelia, hypotrichosis, facial hemangioma syndrome(pseudothalidomide syndrome) – sparse silvery blond hairAm J Dis Child 123:602-606, 1972Hypothyroidism (athyroidal) with spiky hair and cleft palateHOPP syndrome – hypotrichosis, striate, reticulated pittedpalmoplantar keratoderma, acro-osteolysis, psoriasiform plaques,lingua plicata, onychogryphosis, ventricular arrhythmias,periodontitis BJD 150:1032-1033, 2004; BJD 147:575-581, 2002Hypotrichosis with keratosis pilaris Arch Klin Exp Dermatol210:123-127, 1960Hypotrichosis with keratosis pilaris and lentiginosis Arch KlinExp Dermatol 210:123-127, 1960Hypotrichosis with light-colored hair and facial miliaHypotrichosis with juvenile retinal macular dystrophy – autosomalrecessive; mutation in CDH3 encoding P-cadherin; short sparsescalp hair BJD 153:635-638, 2005; BJD 143:902-904, 2000HID syndrome (hystrix-like ichthyosis with deafness) –autosomal dominant; shark-skin appearance, sensorineuraldeafness, spiky and cobblestoned hyperkeratosis, neonatalerythroderma, scarring alopecia, occasional punctate keratitis;probably variant of KID syndrome with mutation of connexin 26(gap junction protein) BJD 146:938-942, 2002Ichthyosis-cheek-eyebrow syndrome – ICE syndrome – ichthyosisvulgaris, fullness of cheeks, thinning of eyebrows; dysmorphicfeatures, skeletal anomalies Clin Genet 31:137-142, 1987Ichthyosis follicularis with atrichia and photophobia(IFAP syndrome) – psoriasiform plaques; collodion membrane anderythema at birth; ichthyosis; palmoplantar erythema; generalizedfollicular keratoses, non-scarring alopecia of scalp, eyebrows, andeyelashes, keratotic spiny follicular papules of elbows, knees,fingers, extensor surfaces, xerosis; gingival hyperplasia, angularcheilitis, recurrent cutaneous infections; punctate keratitis; ocularrevascularizations; growth retardation; atopic dermatitis, urticaria;X-linked recessive Ped Derm 20:48-51, 2003; JAAD 46:S156-158,2002; BJD 142:157-162, 2000; Am J Med Genet 85:365-368,1999; AD 125:103-106, 1989; Dermatologica 177:341-347, 1988Incontinentia pigmenti (S) – vertex alopecia AD 112:535-542,1976; pale atrophic hairless patches in stage 4 AD139:1163-1170, 2003; JAAD 47:169-187, 2002; JAAD31:853-857, 1994; whorled alopecia JAAD 49:929-931, 2003Jackli syndrome – generalized reticulated hyperpigmentationwith alopecia, microdontia and childhood cataractsJohanson-Blizzard syndrome – aplasia cutis congenita ofthe scalp, sparse hair, deafness, absence of permanent toothbuds, hypoplastic ala nasi, dwarfism, microcephaly, mentalretardation, hypotonia, pancreatic insufficiency withmalabsorption, hypothyroidism, genital and rectal anomaliesClin Genet 14:247-250, 1978; J Pediatr 79:982-987, 1971Juvenile macular dystrophy and congenital hypokeratosis – hairthat won’t grow long JAAD 53:S130-134, 2005Keratoderma, hypotrichosis, and leukonychia totalis – dry,brittle, sparse hair Ped Derm 19:226, 2002Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans (Siemenssyndrome)(S) – X-linked dominant and autosomal dominant;scarring alopecia of scalp and eyebrows, and eyelashes; xerosis,thickened nails, photophobia, spiny follicular papules (keratosispilaris), scalp pustules, palmoplantar keratoderma Ped Derm22:170-174, 2005; JAAD 47:S275-278, 2002; AD 136:235-242,2000; AD 128:397-402, 1992; JAAD 16:89-95, 1987

Keratosis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome (KID syndrome) –autosomal recessive; hypotrichosis of scalp, eyebrows, andeyelashes Ped Derm 15:219-221, 1998Kirman syndrome – anhidrosis, total alopecia, and severemental retardation BJD 67:303-307, 1953Klinefelter’s syndrome – scant hair on beard, trunk andextremities Klinefelter’s syndrome. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1984Koraxitrachitic syndrome – self-healing collodion baby; healswith mottled reticulated atrophy; alopecia, absent eyelashes andeyebrows, conjunctival pannus, hypertelorism, prominent nasalroot, large mouth, micrognathia, brachydactyly, syndactyly ofinterdigital spaces Am J Med Genet 86:454-458, 1999Lipoid proteinosis – patchy alopecia BJD 151:413-423, 2004;JID 120:345-350, 2003; Hum Molec Genet 11:833-840, 2002;JAAD 39:149-171, 1998; eyelash alopecia due to beadedpapules along lash margin Rook p.2641, 1998, Sixth EditionLoose anagen syndrome – hair that won’t grow long JAAD53:S130-134, 2005; JAAD 20:249-256, 1989; may be seenwith Noonan’s syndrome, nail-patella syndrome,tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome, woolly hair nevus,other ectodermal dysplasias AAD National Meeting, 1998,Vera Price Hair SeminarLumpy scalp syndrome – autosomal dominant; irregular scalpnodules, deformed pinnae, rudimentary nipples Clin ExpDermatol 15:240, 1989Marie Unna’s hypotrichosis (hereditary hypotrichosis simplex) –thin, sparse hair BJD 150:837-842, 2004; Ped Derm 19:250-255,2002; Ped Derm 19:148-150, 2002; BJD 143:811-814, 2000;Dermatology 196:339-342, 1998; Dermatology 191:139-141,1995; Clin Genet 32:120-124, 1987; JID 57:389-400, 1971Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome – sparse, fine, short, fair, brittlehair, short stature, congenital cataracts, cerebellar ataxiaJ Ped 65:431-437, 1964MAUIE syndrome – micropinnae, alopecia, ichthyosis andectropion JAAD 37:1000-1002, 1997MC/MR syndrome with multiple circumferential skin creases –multiple congenital anomalies including high forehead,elongated face, bitemporal sparseness of hair, broad eyebrows,blepharophimosis, bilateral microphthalmia and microcornea,epicanthic folds, telecanthus, broad nasal bridge, puffy cheeks,microstomia, cleft palate, enamel hypoplasia, micrognathia,microtia with stenotic ear canals, posteriorly angulatedears, short stature, hypotonia, pectus excavatum, inguinaland umbilical hernias, scoliosis, hypoplastic scrotum, longfingers, overlapping toes, severe psychom*otor retardation;resembles Michelin tire baby syndrome Am J Med Genet62:23-25, 1996Mendes de Costa syndrome – generalized reticulatehyperpigmentation on face and limbs, intraepidermal blisters,microcephaly, mental retardation, atrichia, short conical fingersJAAD 50:S65-69, 2004Menkes’ kinky hair syndrome – alopecia with increased hairfragility, silvery hair, generalized hypopigmentation, lax skin ofbrows, neck and thighs Ped Derm 15:137-139, 1998; pili tortiPed Derm 16:220-221, 1999; Pediatrics 50:181-183, 1972Mitochondrial disease – alopecia and hair shaft abnormalitiesPediatrics 103:428-433, 1999Monilethrix with scalp pruritus, posterior subcapsular cataracts,abnormal facies, severe growth retardation Ped Derm21:486-490, 2004Moynahan’s syndrome – autosomal recessive; congenitalalopecia, mental retardation, seizures Proc R Soc Med55:411-412, 1962Mucoepithelial dysplasia (gap junction disease) – thin scalp hair

Multiple follicular hamartomas with sweat gland and sebaceousdifferentiation, vermiculate atrophoderma, milia, hypotrichosisand late development of basal cell carcinomas JAAD39:853-857, 1998Myotonic dystrophy – frontal balding – muscle wasting,weakness, cataracts, expressionless face, testicular atrophyJAAD 37:268-269, 1997Netherton’s syndrome – trichorrhexis invagin*ta (bamboo hair) –increased hair fragility with crewcut appearance AD 135:823-832,1999; BJD 141:1097-1100, 1999; Ped Derm 14:473-476, 1997;Ped Derm 13:183-199, 1996; BJD 131:615-619, 1994; Ped Derm9:158-160, 1992; AD 78:483-487, 1958Neutral lipid storage disease (Chanarin-Dorfman disease) –autosomal recessive; focal or diffuse alopecia; congenital nonbullous ichthyosiform erythroderma, collodion baby; seborrheicdermatitis-like rash of face and scalp; leukonychia;erythrokeratoderma variabilis-like presentation; mutation inABHD5 which encodes protein of esterase/lipase/thioesterasesubfamily BJD 153:838-841, 2005Noonan’s syndrome – webbed neck, short stature, malformedears, nevi, keloids, transient lymphedema, ulerythemaophyrogenes, keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvansJAAD 46:161-183, 2002; Rook p.3016, 1998, Sixth Edition;Ped Derm 15:18-22, 1998; J Med Genet 24:9-13, 1987Oculo-auricular vertebral syndrome – epibulbar dermoid tumors,abnormal hair, short neck Ped Derm 20:182-184, 2003Oculo-dento-osseous (oculo-dento-digital) dysplasia – sparsescalp hair, eyebrows and eyelashes sparse or absent, smallclosely set sunken eyes, small mouth, enamel hypoplasiaproducing yellow teeth, syndactyly, camptodactyly, irisanomalies, hypertelorism J Pediatr 63:69-75, 1963Oculo-osteocutaneous syndrome – sparse, fair hair, limb anddigit abnormalities, hypoplastic nipples, abnormal genitalia PedDerm 19:226, 2002Odonto-onycho-dermal dysplasia – telangiectatic atrophic patchesof face, sparse hair, conical teeth, hyperkeratosis of palms andsoles, dystrophic nails Am J Med Genet 14:335-346, 1983Odonto-onychodysplasia with alopecia – small widely spacedteeth, brittle fingernails, supernumerary nipples, palmoplantarhyperkeratosis Cien Cult 33 (Suppl):696, 1981Odonto-trichomelic syndrome – autosomal recessive; severehypotrichosis, few small conical teeth, hypoplastic or absentareolae, cleft lip, tetramelic dysplasia, short stature HumHered 22:91-95, 1972Olmsted syndrome – diffuse alopecia or sparse hair anteriorlyJAAD 5F3:s266-272, 2005; Ped Derm 21:603-605, 2004; PedDerm 20:323-326, 2003; BJD 136:935-938, 1997; AD132:797-800, 1996; AD 131:738-739, 1995; Semin Dermatol14:145-151, 1995; JAAD 10:600-610, 1984; Am J Dis Child33:757-764, 1927Omenn syndrome – alopecia of scalp and eyebrows; erythrodermaPed Derm 17:91-96, 2000; Ped Derm 14:49-52, 1997Onycho-trichodysplasia with chronic neutropenia Birth Defects11:63-66, 1975Oral-facial-digital syndrome type I (Papillon-Leage syndrome) –short upper lip, hypoplastic alanasi, hooked pug nose,hypertrophied labial frenulae, bifid or multilobed tongue with smalltumors within clefts, clefting of hard and soft palate, teeth widelyspaced, trident hand or brachydactyly, syndactyly, or polydactyly;hair dry and brittle, diffuse alopecia, numerous milia of face, ears,backs of hands, mental retardation Ped Derm 9:52-56, 1992Oral-facial-digital syndrome – X-linked dominantoral-facial-digital syndrome – hairless streaks along Blaschko’slines Am J Med Genet 85:324-329, 1999

Pachyonychia congenita – occasional sparse scalp hair Ped Derm19:226, 2002; Am J Dermatopathol 19:180-184, 1997Pallister-Killian syndrome – i (12p) (tetrasomy 12p); tissuemosaicism; pigmentary mosaicism and localized alopeciaPed Derm 22:270-275, 2005Palmoplantar keratoderma (PPK) with atrichia/hypotrichosis

Atrichia, PPK (Bazex-like), mental retardation, and early lossof teeth Ped Derm 19:226, 2002; JAAD 30:89-898, 1994Alopecia congenita with keratosis palmoplantaris Act GenetStatis Med 9:127-132, 1959Clouston syndrome Can Med Assoc J 40:1-7, 1939Fitzsimmons syndrome Clin Genet 23:329-335, 1983Schopf syndrome Birth Defects 7:219-221 1971Richner Hanhart syndromeOlmsted syndromeAlopecia, onychodysplasia, hypohidrosis, deafnessHum Hered 27:127-133, 1977Hereditary PPK, congenital alopecia, onychodystrophy,enamel dysplasia Hautarzt 25:8-16, 1970Hereditary focal transgressive palmoplantar keratoderma –autosomal recessive; hyperkeratotic lichenoid papules ofelbows and knees, psoriasiform lesions of scalp and groin,spotty and reticulate hyperpigmentation of face, trunk, andextremities, alopecia of eyebrows and eyelashes BJD146:490-494, 2002PPK, hypotrichosis, leukonychia totalis BJD 133:636-638, 1995Punctate palmoplantar keratoderma – fine scalp hair Ped Derm19:226, 2002Keratoderma, hypotrichosis, and leukonychia totalis – dry,brittle, sparse hair Ped Derm 19:226, 2002

Palmoplantar keratoderma, large ears, sparse hypopigmentedscalp hair, frontal bossing Ped Derm 19:224-228, 2002Papillon-Lefevre syndromePili torti, acne conglobata, early-onset cataracts BJD 91(Suppl 10):54-57, 1974Pili torti, defective teeth, webbed fingers JAAD 46:301-303, 2002POEMS syndrome (Takatsuki syndrome, Crowe-f*ckasesyndrome) – osteosclerotic bone lesions, peripheralpolyneuropathy, hypothyroidism and hypogonadism JAAD21:1061-1068, 1989; Cutis 61:329-334, 1998; cicatricialalopecia with underlying plasmacytoma JAAD 40:808-812, 1999Poland’s chest wall deformity – breast and pectoralismuscle hypoplasia; absence of axillary hair, ipsilateralsyndactyly, dermatoglyphic abnormalities Plast ReconstrSurg 99:429-436, 1997Polycystic brain associated with ectodermal dysplasia –thin hair, brain cysts, irregular retinal pigment epithelium,dystrophic nails, dental abnormalities Pediatr Radiol24:116-118, 1994Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia – scarring alopecia AD112:715-719, 1976Popliteal pterygium syndromePrimary hypogonadism and partial alopeciaProteus syndrome AD 140:947-953, 2004Rapp-Hodgkin hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia –autosomal dominant; alopecia of wide area of scalpin frontal to crown area, short eyebrows and eyelashes,coarse wiry sparse hypopigmented scalp hair, sparsebody hair, scalp dermatitis, ankyloblepharon, syndactyly, nippleanomalies, cleft lip and/or palate; nails narrow and dystrophic,small stature, hypospadius, conical teeth and anodontiaor hypodontia; distinctive facies, short stature JAAD53:729-735, 2005; Ped Derm 7:126-131, 1990;J Med Genet 15:269-272, 1968

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy JAAD 35:843-845, 1996; JAAD22:513-520, 1990; Arch Neurol 44:555-561, 1987Reiter’s syndromeRobert’s syndrome (pseudothalidomide syndrome) –hypotrichosis, growth retardation, cleft lip, mild facial portwine stain JAAD 37:523-549, 1997Romberg syndrome (facial hemiatrophy) – frontoparietalalopecia Rook p.2016-2017, 1998, Sixth Edition; Arch Neurol39:44-46, 1982Rombo syndrome – papules and cysts of the face and trunk,basal cell carcinomas, vermiculate atrophoderma, milia, sparsebeard hair and thin eyebrows, trichoepitheliomas, peripheralvasodilatation with cyanosis BJD 144:1215-1218, 2001; JAAD39:853-857, 1998; JAAD 28:1011-1014, 1993; Acta DV61:497-503, 1981Rosselli-Gulinetti syndrome (ectodermal dysplasia) –autosomal recessive, hypohidrosis, fine, dry, sparse scalp hair,dystrophic nails and teeth, cleft lip and palate, syndactyly,defects of external genitalia Ped Derm 19:226, 2002; J PlastSurg 14:190-204, 1961Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (poikiloderma congenitale) –autosomal recessive; scalp hair sparse and fine Rook p.417,1998, Sixth Edition; Ped Derm 18:210-212, 2001; Am J MedGenet 22:102:11-17, 2001; Ped Derm 18:210-212, 2001; PedDerm 16:59-61, 1999; Dermatol Clin 13:143-150, 1995; JAAD27:75-762, 1992; JAAD 17:332-338, 1987; Arch Ophthalmol(German) 4:159, 1887Sakati syndrome – patchy alopecia with atrophic skin aboveears, submental linear scars, acrocephalopolysyndactyly, shortlimbs, congenital heart disease, abnormally shaped low-set ears,ear tag, short neck with low hairline J Pediatr 79:104-109, 1971Salamon’s syndrome – woolly hair, hypotrichosis, dystrophicnails, ophthalmologic abnormalities, everted lower lip,outstanding ears Arch Klin Exp Dermatol 220:564-575, 1964Satoyoshi syndrome – alopecia areata (universalis) withprogressive painful intermittent muscle spasms, diarrhea orunusual malabsorption, endocrinopathy with amenorrhea(hypothalamic dysfunction), very short stature, flexioncontractures, skeletal abnormalities Ped Derm 18:406-410,2001; AD 135:91-92, 1999Schopf-Schulz-Passarge syndrome – eyelid cysts (apocrinehidrocystomas), palmoplantar keratoderma, hypotrichosis,decreased number of teeth, brittle and furrowed nails AD140:231-236, 2004; BJD 127:33-35, 1992; JAAD 10:922-925,1984; Birth Defects XII:219-221, 1971Seckel’s syndrome – autosomal recessive; hair sparse andprematurely gray, growth retardation, beak-like nose, large eyes,skeletal defects Am J Med Genet 12:7-21, 1982Short anagen syndrome – hypotrichosis; hair that won’t grow longJAAD 53:S130-134, 2005; BJD 143:612-617, 2000Sparse brittle hair and spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasiaSternal cleft with hemagiomas of the face and anterior trunkSwirled alopecia (Blaschko-esque) in:

Aplasia cutis congenitaConradi’s syndrome Hum Genet 70:200-206, 1985Oral-facial-digital syndrome JAAD 31:157-190, 1994

Syringomyelia, syringobulbia Dermatol Wochenschr143:543-545, 1961Taurodontism, oligodontia, sparse hair Birth Defects 11:39-50, 1975Tay syndrome – brittle and sparse hair, progeric appearance,low birthweight Ped Derm 19:226, 2002Thumb deformity and alopecia

Treacher Collins syndrome (mandibulofacial dysostosis) –partial or total alopecia of lower eyelashes, scarring alopecia,characteristic facies, malformed pinnae, extension of scalp haironto cheeks; blind fistulae between ear and angle of mouth AmJ Dis Child 113:405-410, 1967Tricho-dental dysplasia JAAD 53:S130-134, 2005Trichodysplasia with xerodermaTricho-oculo-dermo-vertebral syndrome (Alves syndrome) –dry, sparse, brittle hair, dystrophic nails, plantar keratoderma,short stature, cataracts Am J Med Genet 46:313-315, 1993Tricho-odonto-onychodysplasia syndrome – autosomalrecessive; alopecia of vertex; hair dry, brittle and sparse, curly,easily plucked, enamel hypoplasia of teeth, nail dystrophy,supernumery nipples, palmoplantar hyperkeratosis, melanocyticnevi Ped Derm 19:226, 2002; Am J Med Genet 15:67-70, 1983Tricho-odonto onycho-ectodermal dysplasia (linear dermalhypoplasia) – hypotrichosis, hypodontia, focal linear dermalhypoplasia of the tip of the nose, irregular hyperpigmentationof the back, bilateral amastia and athelia, nerve hearing lossAD 122:1047-1053, 1986Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type I – autosomal dominant;pear-shaped nose, long philtrum, thin upper lip, receding chin,tubercle of normal skin below the lower lip, distension anddeviation with fusiform swelling of the PIP joints; hip malformation,brachydactyly, fine brittle slow-growing sparse hair, eyebrowssparse laterally, dense medially, short stature AD 137:1429-1434,2001; JAAD 31:331-336, 1994; Hum Genet 74:188-189, 1986Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type II (Langer-Giedionsyndrome) – facies, bulbous nose, and sparse hair as inTRPS-I – microcephaly, loose, redundant skin, exostosesBirth Defects 10:147-164, 1974Trichothiodystrophy syndromes – BIDS, IBIDS, PIBIDS –brittle hair, premature aging, sexual immaturity with sparseor absent axillary, pubic and body hair, few vibrissae and otichair, sparse or absent eyelashes and eyebrows, ichthyosis,dysmyelination, bird-like facies, dental caries;trichothiodystrophy with ichthyosis, urologic malformations,hypercalciuria and mental and physical retardation JAAD52:224-232, 2005; JAAD 44:891-920, 2001; Ped Derm14:441-445, 1997; JAAD 22:705-717, 1990; Sabina’ssyndrome – brittle hair, impaired intelligence, decreasedfertility/BIDS (short stature)/IBIDS (ichthyosis)/PIBIDS(photosensitivity)/Marinesco-Sjögren syndrome – cerebellarataxia, physical and mental retardation, dysarthria, cataracts,fine brittle hair; PIBIDS and chronic neutropenia, recurrentinfections, folliculitis, conjunctivitisVohwinkel’s syndrome – occasional diffuse or scarring alopeciaPed Derm 19:226, 2002Wallenburg syndromeWerner’s syndrome (pangeria) – graying of temples in teenageyears with progressive alopecia; sparse or absent pubic andaxillary hair Medicine 45:177-221, 1966Wiedemann-Rautenstrauch (neonatal progeroid)syndrome – autosomal recessive, sparse hair, generalizedlipoatrophy, macrocephaly, premature aging, wideopen sutures, aged and triangular face with hypoplasiaof facial bones, persistent fontanelles, prominent scalp veins,growth retardation, low-set ears, beak-shaped nose, neonatalteeth, slender limbs, large hands and feet with long fingers,large penis, pseudohydrocephalus, psychom*otor retardationPed Derm 22:75-78, 2005; J Med Genet 34:433-437, 1997;Eur J Pediatr 130:65-70, 1979; Eur J Pediatr124:101-111, 1977Woolly hair, alopecia, premature loss of teeth, nail dystrophy,reticulate acral hyperkeratosis, facial abnormalities BJD145:157-161, 2001

XXYY syndrome – features of Klinefelter’s; sparse body hair;also multiple angiomas, acrocyanosis, and premature peripheralvascular disease AD 94:695-698, 1966Yunis-Varon syndrome (dysplastic clavicles, sparse hair, digitalanomalies) – anonychia Am J Dis Child 134:649-653, 1980Zunich neuroectodermal syndrome Ped Derm 13:363-371, 1996

Arsenic poisoning – acute BJD 149:757-762, 2003; anageneffluvium Ghatan p.67, 2002, Second EditionBismuth Rook p.2916, 1998, Sixth EditionBoric acid (pesticides) – anagen effluvium JAAD 44:599-602, 2001Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (L-tryptophan related) –morphea, urticaria, papular lesions; arthralgia BJD127:138-146, 1992; Int J Dermatol 31:223-228, 1992; MayoClin Proc 66:457-463, 1991; Ann Intern Med 112:758-762,1990; JAAD 23:1063-1069, 1990Mercury and other heavy metals – anagen effluviumPhenyl glycidyl ether inhalation J Toxicol Environ Health3:859-869, 1977

Accidental trauma Rook p.2927, 1998, Sixth EditionBalance beam alopecia AD 114:968, 1978Burns (S and NS) – thermal, electrical, radiation, chemicalClin Dermatol 18:735-743, 2000Cephalohematoma Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.494,2001Cosmetic alopecia mechanica (hairdressing procedures) – hairstraightening, brush roller alopecia, hot comb alopecia Rookp.2927, 1998, Sixth Edition; Dermatol Clin 6:387-395, 1988Fetal intravenous needle (S) Clin Exp Dermatol 4:197-199, 1979Fetal scalp electrode (S) Am J Obstet Gynecol 129:351-360,1977; perinatal fetal scalp monitor – scarring alopecia AD135:697-703, 1999Fluoroscopically guided vascular surgery – non-scarringalopecia AD 135:1555-1556, 1999Forceps delivery Textbook of Neonatal Dermatology, p.494, 2001Frictional alopeciaHead injuries Rook p.2919, 1998, Sixth EditionMechanical trauma (S and NS) – brush alopecia, hair weaving,massage, water slides, gymnasts, breakdancing, headphonesCutis 67:399-400, 2001Neonatal occipital alopecia – rubbing Textbook of NeonatalDermatology, p.494, 2001Postoperative alopecia (pressure-induced alopecia) Cutis54:21-22, 1994 (S and NS); Ped Derm 10:32-33, 1993; surgeryin Trendelenburg position; cardiac surgery J Thorac CardiovascSurg 71:342-345, 1976; Anesthesiology 25:869-871, 1964Radiodermatitis (S and NS) – acute radiation gives anageneffluvium; chronic radiation dermatitis Rook p.2940, 1998,Sixth EditionScalp vein infusion – extensive cicatricial alopecia Clin ExpDermatol 4:197-199, 1979Surgical embolization – occipital scalp necrosis and scarringSurg Neurol 25:357-366, 1988Traction alopecia (NS and S) Curr Prob Derm VIII:97-136,1996; Dermatol Clin 6:387-395, 1988

Atherosclerosis – loss of hair of lower legs Rook p.2231, 1998,Sixth EditionSinus pericranii – alopecic red or blue nodule of scalp JAAD46:934-941, 2002Temporal arteritis (S) – alopecia of affected area of scalp Rookp.2224, 1998, Sixth Edition

Alopecia areata Int J Derm 37:617-621, 1998Lupus erythematosus – discoid lupus erythematosus Rookp.2444-2449, 1998, Sixth Edition; NEJM 269:1155-1161, 1963Morphea – including linear morphea(en coup de sabre) Rook p.2504-2508, 1998, Sixth Edition

Cyclosporine-induced folliculodystrophy – partial alopecia ofeyebrows and eyelashes JAAD 50:310-315, 2004

Leprosy – lepromatous with leonine facies, tuberculoidRook p.1225,2979, 1998, Sixth EditionSyphilis – secondary Sex Trans Dis 9:43-44, 1982Tinea facieiTuberculosis – lupus vulgaris Rook p.2980, 1998, Sixth Edition

Folliculitis decalvans Rook p.2980, 1998, Sixth Edition

Hypoparathyroidism, idiopathicHypothyroidism – loss of lateral eyebrows JAAD 26:885-902,1992Myxedema

Keratoacanthomas – Grzybowski eruptive keratoacanthomasBJD 147:793-796, 2002Lymphoma – cutaneous T-cell lymphoma

Actinic prurigo – eyebrow alopecia JAAD 44:952-956, 2001;Ped Derm 17:432-435, 2000; JAAD 26:683-692, 1992; PedDerm 3:384-389, 1986; JAAD 5:183-190, 1981Chronic actinic dermatitis – acute, subacute, or chronicdermatitis with lichenification, papules, plaques, erythroderma,stubby scalp and eyebrow hair AD 136:1215-1220, 2000; AD130:1284-1289, 1994; JAAD 28:240-249, 1993; AD126:317-323, 1990; sensitization by sesquiterpene lactone mixBJD 132:543-547, 1995; associated with musk ambrette Cutis54:167-170, 1994; JAAD 3:384-393, 1980Polymorphic light eruption – suboccipital actinic alopecia andactinic madurosis Int J Dermatol 30:375-376, 1991

Alopecia mucinosa(follicular mucinosis) Dermatology197:178-180, 1998; AD 125:287-292, 1989; JAAD 10:760-768,1984; AD 76:419-426, 1957Atopic dermatitis – Hertoghe’s signEpidermolysis bullosa – GABEB(generalized atrophic benignepidermolysis bullosa) BJD 138:859-866, 1998; polydysplasticRook p. 2979, 1998, Sixth EditionErythroderma Rook p.2979, 1998, Sixth EditionFrontal fibrosing alopecia JAAD 52:55-60, 2005; AD130:770-774, 1994Lamellar ichthyosisLichen simplex chronicusMonilethrix AD 132:577-578, 1996Pili torti – isolated defect Rook p. 2947-2948, 1998, SixthEdition; Acta DV 53:385-392, 1973; associated with Menkes’kinky hair syndrome Ann DV 102:269-271, 1980; Bjornstad’ssyndrome, Bazex syndrome, Crandall’s syndrome, hidroticectodermal dysplasia, pseudomonilethrix, retinoids Cutis35:466-470, 1985; anorexia nervosa Cutis 57:151-152, 1996Pseudomonilethrix – trauma with artefactual microscopicappearance AD 122:688-692, 1986PsoriasisUlerythema oophyrogenes(keratosis pilaris atrophicans) Rookp.2936, 1998, Sixth Edition

Factitial dermatitis

Ablepharon-macrostomia syndrome – absent eyelids, eyebrowsand eyelashes at birth Br J Ophthalmol 25:317-319, 1991Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (Christ-Siemens-Tourainesyndrome) J Dermatol 26:44-47, 1999; X-linked recessive –premature aged appearance with soft, dry, finely wrinkledskin, especially around eyes; absent or reduced sweating,hypotrichosis, and total or partial anodontia J Med Genet28:181-185, 1991; autosomal recessive Ped Derm 7:242, 1990Apert’s syndrome – interrupted eyebrows Cutis 52:205-208, 1993Atrichia congenita Rook p.2910,2979, 1998, Sixth EditionAtrichia with papular lesions JAAD 47:519-523, 2002Multiple basaloid follicular hamartoma syndrome J Dermatol23:821-824, 1996Basan syndrome – sparse coarse scalp hair, hypohidrosis, naildystrophy, abnormal dermatoglyphics, dental abnormalitiesArch Klin Exp Dermatol 222:546-557, 1965Cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome(NS) – autosomaldominant, xerosis/ichthyosis, eczematous dermatitis,alopecia, growth failure, hyperkeratotic papules,ulerythema ophryogenes(decreased or absent eyebrows),seborrheic dermatitis, CALMs, nevi, keratosis pilaris,patchy or widespread ichthyosiform eruption, sparsescalp hair and eyebrows and lashes, congenitallymphedema of the hands, redundant skin ofthe hands, short stature, abnormal facies, cardiac defectsPed Derm 17:231-234, 2000; JAAD 28:815-819, 1993;AD 129:46-47, 1993; JAAD 22:920-922, 1990Cartilage hair hypoplasia syndromeChromosome 4 deletion syndrome

Congenital hypotrichosis Rook p.2911-2912, 1998, Sixth EditionDown’s syndromeDubowitz syndrome – autosomal recessive, erythema andscaling of face and extremities in infancy, sparse blond scalp andeyebrow hair, high pitched hoarse voice, delayed eruption ofteeth, growth retardation, craniofacial abnormalities Am J MedGenet 63:277-289, 1996; Am J Med Genet 47:959-964, 1993Ectodermal dysplasia – ankyloblepharon, absent lowereyelashes, hypoplasia of upper lids, coloboma,seborrheic dermatitis, cribriform scrotal atrophy, ectropion,lacrimal duct hypoplasia, malaligned great toenails,gastroesophageal reflux, ear infections, laryngeal cleft, dentalanomalies, scalp hair coarse and curly, sparse eyebrows,xerosis, hypohidrosis, short nose absent philtrum, flatupper lip BJD 152:365-367, 2005Ectodermal dysplasia with pili torti and syndactyly – sparse hair,eyebrows and lashes, severe dental dysplasia, yellow thickenednails, lordosis, high arched palate, and syndactyly Ped Derm16:220-221, 1999Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis JAAD 38:102-104, 1998Familial hypoplasia of the eyebrows Rook p.2979, 1998, SixthEditionFocal facial dermal dysplasia with other facial anomalies(Setleis syndrome) – leonine aged facies with absenteyelashes, eyebrows, puckered periorbital skin, scar-like defectsof temples AD 110:615-618, 1974Hereditary gelsolin amyloidosis(AGel amyloidosis) – cutis laxa,thin eyebrows, corneal lattice dystrophy, cranial and peripheralpolyneuropathy BJD 152:250-257, 2005Hallerman-Streiff syndrome – microphthalmos, cataracts,sparse eyebrows and eyelashes Rook p.3010, 1998, SixthEditionHapple’s syndrome – cicatricial alopecia – X-linked dominanterythrodermic ichthyosis at birth, cataracts, generalizedfollicular atrophoderma, asymmetric shortening of limbs withchondrodysplasia punctata Ped Derm 18:442-444, 2001; PedDerm 13:1-4, 1996Hereditary focal transgressive palmoplantar keratoderma –autosomal recessive; hyperkeratotic lichenoid papulesof elbows and knees, psoriasiform lesions of scalp and groin,spotty and reticulate hyperpigmentation of face, trunk andextremities, alopecia of eyebrows and eyelashesBJD 146:490-494, 2002Hidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (Clouston syndrome) – alopeciaof outer two-thirds of eyebrows; thin eyelashes Rook p.394,1998, Sixth Edition; Can Med Assoc J 21:18-31, 1929Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome (progeria) – sparse or absenteyelashes and eyebrows Am J Med Genet 82:242-248, 1999;J Pediatr 80:697-724, 1972Ichthyosis-cheek-eyebrow syndrome – ICE syndrome –ichthyosis vulgaris, fullness of cheeks, thinning of eyebrows;dysmorphic features, skeletal anomalies Clin Genet31:137-142, 1987Ichthyosis follicularis with atrichia and photophobia (IFAP) –collodion membrane and erythema at birth; generalizedfollicular keratoses, non-scarring alopecia, keratotic papules ofelbows, knees, fingers, extensor surfaces, xerosis; punctatekeratitis JAAD 46:S156-158, 2002; Am J Med Genet85:365-368, 1999 AD 125:103-106, 1989; Dermatologica177:341-347, 1988Ichthyosis, follicular atrophoderma, eyebrow hypotrichosis,woolly hair BJD 147:604-606, 2002; Am J Med Genet75:186-189, 1998Incontinentia pigmenti JAAD 47:169-187, 2002; AD116:701-703, 1980

Kabuki makeup syndrome – short stature, distinct face (longpalpebral fissures, eversion of the lower eyelids, sparse archedlateral eyebrows, prominent malformed ears), cutis laxa,hyperextensible joints, syndactyly, fetal finger pads withabnormal dermatoglyphics, mental retardation JAAD S247-251,2005; Am J Med Genet 94:170-173, 2000; Am J Med Genet31:565-589, 1988; J Pediatr 105:849-850, 1984; J Pediatr99:565-569, 1981Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans (Siemens syndrome) –scarring alopecia of scalp and eyebrows AD 119:22-26, 1983Keratosis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome (KID syndrome) –autosomal recessive; hypotrichosis of scalp, eyebrows andeyelashes Ped Derm 15:219-221, 1998Koraxitrachitic syndrome – self-healing collodion baby;heals with mottled reticulated atrophy; alopecia, absenteyelashes and eyebrows, conjunctival pannus,hypertelorism, prominent nasal root, large mouth,micrognathia, brachydactyly, syndactyly of interdigital spacesAm J Med Genet 86:454-458, 1999Leprechaunism (Donohue’s syndrome) –decreased subcutaneous tissue and muscle mass,characteristic facies, severe intrauterine growth retardation,broad nose, low-set ears, hypertrichosis of forehead andcheeks, loose folded skin at flexures, gyrate folds of skin ofhands and feet; breasts, penis, and cl*tor*s hypertrophicEndocrinologie 26:205-209, 1988Lipoid proteinosisMarie Unna’s hypotrichosis (hereditary hypotrichosis) BJD150:837-842, 2004; JID 57:389-400, 1971Meige syndrome – conjunctival edema and alopecia of thelateral third of the eyebrow Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol238:98-100, 2000Netherton’s syndrome Ped Derm 13:183-199, 1996Noonan’s syndrome Sem Derm 14:140-144, 1995Oculo-dento-osseous dysplasia – sparse scalp hair, eyebrowsand eyelashes sparse or absent, small closely set sunkeneyes, small mouth, enamel hypoplasia producing yellow teeth,syndactyly, camptodactyly, iris anomalies, hypertelorismJ Pediatr 63:69-75, 1963Oculomandibular dysostosis Rook p.2979, 1998, Sixth EditionOculovertebral dysplasia Rook p.2979, 1998, Sixth EditionOmenn’s syndrome – autosomal recessive; immunodeficiency;erythroderma with occasional alopecia of scalp and eyebrowsPed Derm 14:49-52, 1997; JAAD 25:442-446, 1991Popliteal pterygium syndrome Rook p.2979, 1998, Sixth EditionProgeria Rook p.2979-2980, 1998, Sixth EditionRapp-Hodgkin hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia –autosomal dominant; alopecia of wide area of scalpin frontal to crown area, short eyebrows and, eyelashes,coarse wiry sparse hypopigmented scalp hair, sparse body hair,scalp dermatitis, ankyloblepharon, syndactyly, nipple anomalies,cleft lip and/or palate; nails narrow and dystrophic, smallstature, hypospadias, conical teeth and anodontia orhypodontia; distinctive facies, short stature JAAD 53:729-735,2005; Ped Derm 7:126-131, 1990; J Med Genet 15:269-272,1968ROMBO syndrome – hypotrichosis of eyebrows BJD144:1215-1218, 2001Rothmund-Thomson syndrome Arch Ophthalmol (German)4:159, 1887Tietz’s syndrome – autosomal dominant; absence of pigment,deaf-mutism, hypoplastic eyebrows Rook p.2964, 1998, SixthEdition; Am J Hum Genet 15:259-264, 1963Trichodental syndrome – fine short hair, madurosis BJD116:259-263, 1987

Trichodysplasia spinulosa – papovaviral infection ofimmunocomprised host; progressive alopecia of eyebrowsinitially, then scalp and body hair and red follicular papules ofnose, ears, forehead; leonine facies JID SymposiumProceedings 4:268-271, 1999Trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type I – autosomaldominant; pear-shaped nose, long philtrum, thinupper lip, receding chin, tubercle of normal skinbelow the lower lip, distension and deviation withfusiform swelling of the PIP joints; hip malformation,brachydactyly, fine brittle sparse hair, eyebrowssparse laterally, dense medially, short statureAD 137:1429-1434, 2001; JAAD 31:331-336, 1994Trichothiodystrophy syndromes – BIDS, IBIDS, PIBIDS –sparse or absent eyelashes and eyebrows, brittle hair,premature aging, sexual immaturity, ichthyosis, dysmyelination,bird-like facies, dental caries; trichothiodystrophy withichthyosis, urologic malformations, hypercalciuria and mentaland physical retardation JAAD 44:891-920, 2001;Ped Derm 14:441-445, 1997Trichotillomania Curr Prob Derm VIII:97-136, 1996; AustrNZ J Ophthalmol 23:59-61, 1995; J Clin Psychol Psychiatry32:401-409, 1991Trisomy 18 (Edward’s syndrome)

Burns – chemical, thermal Rook p. 2980, 1998, Sixth EditionRadiation Rook p. 2980, 1998, Sixth EditionSmoking free-base cocaine NEJM 314:1324, 1986

ALOPECIA IN NEONATES, INFANTSOR TODDLERSAtrichia with papular lesions JAAD 47:519-523, 2002Bazex-Dupre-Christol syndrome – congenitalhypotrichosis, follicular atrophoderma, basalcell nevi and basal cell carcinomas, facial milia,hypohidrosis, pinched nose with hypoplastic alae,atopy with comedones, keratosis pilaris, joint hypermobility,scrotal tongue, hyperpigmentation of the foreheadBJD 153:682-684, 2005; Dermatol Surg 26:152-154, 2000;Hautarzt 44:385-391, 1993Congenital alopecia areata JAAD 52:S8-11, 2005Hereditary hypotrichosis of scalp Ped Derm 19:148-150, 2002;Clin Genet 32:120-124, 1987Loose anagen syndrome AD 133:1089-1093, 1997; AD128:1349-1353, 1992Marie-Unna hypotrichosis Ped Derm 19:250-255, 2002Netherton’s syndromeNeutral lipid storage disease (Chanarin-Dorfman disease) –autosomal recessive; focal or diffuse alopecia; congenital nonbullous ichthyosiform erythroderma, collodion baby; seborrheicdermatitis-like rash of face and scalp; leukonychia;erythrokeratoderma variabilis-like presentation; mutation inABHD5 which encodes protein of esterase/lipase/thioesterasesubfamily BJD 153:838-841, 2005Tinea capitis J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 17:239-240, 2003;JAAD 42:1-20, 2000Triangular alopecia Ped Derm 19:127-128, 2002; JAAD31:205-209, 1994Vitamin D-resistant rickets Am J Med 77:805-811, 1984

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